The End Of The World’s Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby

Chapter 113: A good person card was issued (3)


Her movements are very gentle and cautious, as if a little heavier will hurt the little bun.

Another sane woman couldn't help but said, "Is this your child? Very cute."

"You don't need to call you, just call my name, I'm Shao Qing." Shao Qing whispered: "This is my son."

"What's his name?" The woman said with some embarrassment: "Really cute. I like him very much. My name is Xiang Ru. She is Zhang Xiaofen and this is Tao Jingjing."

Shao Qing was taken aback, and she realized that she had been calling baby, baby, and she hadn't named Little Bun yet...

Naming is a big event, it needs careful consideration and repeated pondering... Of course, especially for a naming waste, naming is simply a painful thing comparable to single-handedly singled out four-level zombies.

Actually... I haven't named him yet... Shao Qing couldn't say this sentence, and finally vaguely said: "His nickname is Bao Bao, you can just call him Bao Bao."

"Baby?" Xiang Ru asked cautiously: "Can I kiss him..."

Shao Qing hadn't spoken yet, Xiao Baozi had already taken the initiative to move forward, and he kissed Xiang Ru, Xiang Ru holding his face, happy.

Shao Qing couldn't help but hooked up the corner of her mouth, picked up the little bun, and gave the little bun a profile. The little bun leaned in and tweeted and kissed him several times.

Xiang Ru sat aside, very envious. After a while, he chuckled and said, "I am very happy to have such a little baby by my side."

"Hmm..." Shao Qing's eyes were gentle, and Xiao Baozi was the biggest motivation for her to live.

On weekdays, it is difficult for clever women to cook without rice. The ingredients are limited, and Yan Hanqing is also limited in what Yan Hanqing can make. Now that the ingredients are abundant, he cooks six dishes and one soup in one go. Although they are all vegetarian dishes, they are delicious in color and flavor.

A group of people gathered around to eat, and they salivated with Yan Pingsheng on the side. After all, there is a gap between chefs and chefs. The gap between their chefs and Yan Hanqing is like a beginner cooking and a systemic learned chef. The gap between people.

Where there is contrast, there is harm.

Several women were afraid to serve rice. Shao Qing filled them with bowls, then handed them to them, and put the vegetables in their bowls: "I have made a lot of vegetables. I will pick them up by myself. Only when I am full, I will have the strength to clean up the bowls. chopsticks."

She had eaten very few things, so she ate it in and vomited it out for a while. If it weren't for the deception, she didn't want to eat a bite.

After lunch, they didn't move on, but stayed in the town for a temporary rest. At least the town was cleaned up. There were few zombies. They could find a three-story building along the street and they could take a good rest for a day.

Running around these days, it is false to say that it is not tired. After all, it is not only the body that is tired, but also the spirit of high vigilance. Taking a break is also good for the next journey.

Shao Qing went back to the room after eating, and then Shao Qing, Erdai vomited around the trash can for a while, and when he finished vomiting, he took the little buns, and started to absorb one by one pile of spars. The little buns could absorb some high calories. High-nutrient things, and they don't eat raw food, let alone eat flesh and blood, so they can only use spar to maintain their physical strength.

They absorbed the spar in their rooms all day and all night, only showing their faces when eating in the afternoon.

Early the next morning, Shao Qing got up early because she didn't need much sleep, but when she got up, the three women were already packing things up.

Shao Qing couldn't help frowning and went downstairs: "It's just five o'clock now."

"I'm sorry, did you wake you up?" Xiang Ru said in a panic. Shao Qing shook her head and said to them: "What you have to do is rest well, and then you will have energy when you are on the road. I don't need you too much. Be diligent, as long as you don’t hold back."

She didn't speak nicely, and her voice was cold, but Xiang Ru said softly: "You... are a good person..."

Shao Qing was stunned for a moment. No one had ever sent her a good person card. Teammates said she was a trustworthy and dependent person, and would make people involuntarily take her as the backbone. The enemy said she was cruel and cruel, and she was a lone wolf. People who don’t know say that she is indifferent and inaccessible, and that she is a good person, Xiang Ru is still the first.

She couldn't help turning her head, there was still no expression on her face, but her earlobes were slightly red: "Where am I a good person, don't you see how I kill people?"

"You... are really a good person." Xiang Ru couldn't help raising his voice, and said anxiously: "Although you are cold on the surface, you are more considerate than those who comfort us softly. , And you are very passionate and righteous, you are a very good person..."

Shao Qing couldn't help but sneered: "I'm tired of hallucinations, go to bed, and be on the road after squinting for a while."

Xiang Ru looked at the back of Shao Qing's departure, pulled two sisters who were not in a normal spirit, and whispered: "Really... Thank you so much..."

Shao Qing couldn't help but laugh, how could she behave like a good person? After she tortured and killed the gangsters, both the Blazing Power Squad and the people in Yan Ping's life would be afraid of her, right

She is really naive, and she actually thinks that she is a good person. She is obviously a cold-blooded, ruthless, and always thinking of her own person. How can she give others the illusion that she is a good person

As soon as Shao Qing left the door, he saw Meng Shen sitting at the door, wiping a dagger. His eyes were serious, as if he was actually in a laboratory doing experiments that could not make any mistakes. .

This attitude towards weapons once again pleased Shao Qing, and made Shao Qing's senses of Meng Shen so much better.