The End Of The World’s Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby

Chapter 124: Cute things picked up (3)


Now, she thinks more during the long night and when she doesn't want to sleep, but it is a warm day when everyone is together on weekdays.

Shao Qing changed Yan Hanqing and others, and Yan Hanqing and others also changed Shao Qing.

Er Dai stretched out his hands and feet and held Shao Qing tightly in his arms. Shao Qing sighed and indulged Er Dai.

... ...

Since Shao Qing executed that person in front of everyone that day, many people looked at her with fear, but no one dared to bully those women anymore.

Shao Qing didn't care about their gaze, how to live or how to live, and the way was relatively stable, although after more than ten days of walking, he was finally approaching the Jiangbei Survivor Base.

"There are still at most two days away, and we will arrive at the Jiangbei Survivor Base." Yan Pingsheng's words are filled with suppressed excitement. When they arrive at the Jiangbei Survivor Base, it means that they are safe, and the things transported back are also safe. .

"Nor can we relax our vigilance. There is still a fierce battle ahead." Shao Qing was not so optimistic. She sat by the fire, looked at the map carefully, and pointed to them: "The front is all plains, because the terrain is flat. Many towns have been built. Needless to say, small towns. On the way we go, there is a city and it cannot be bypassed. If we choose to bypass it, we may have to turn to the northwest and then pass through two mountains. Then turn back and cross Yanjiang to bypass the city and reach the Jiangbei Survivor Base."

Meng Shen nodded: "We passed through the city when we came. Almost all the injured people were injured at that time. The city has not been cleaned up. There are a lot of zombies, and most of the zombies have passed through. Evolution is very difficult to deal with."

"So it's not time to relax, everyone rests a little bit, and then cheers up." Yan Ruru also agreed very much. Many people died when they lost their vigilance. She didn't want her teammates to commit crimes. Such an error.

After all, this is a fatal error.

"If there is a way to avoid places with dense zombies, it would be much easier." Yan Ping muttered.

Shao Qing didn't speak, nor did he be the bird in the early stages, but just opened the map and watched carefully. The places where the zombies are most dense are nothing more than schools, large shopping malls, large factories and the like.

As long as you avoid these places, you shouldn't encounter too many problems. After all, there are a lot of people this time, and even if they encounter some small problems, they are easy to deal with.

If you encounter any major problems, it won't be very dangerous in front of so many abilities.

They walked for another long time before they passed through a small town and arrived at the city. This city was supposed to be a very prosperous city at first. Because it was on the main road of transportation, it was the Yanjiang River in the future. Water transportation is particularly convenient, so the business here It should be well developed.

The prosperous cities are generally densely populated. Think about S city, and then think about Kyoto. Before the end of the world, there were heavy traffic jams every day.

After the end of the world, these cities are also the places where zombies are densest.

"Although the Jiangbei Survivor Base has been established in Jiangbei, we have never sent a supernatural player to clean up the city. However, we had arranged for a search and rescue team to come and rescue the survivors. We searched and rescued for half a month and received all the people who were still alive. Jiangbei Survivor Base. At that time, our people discovered that the zombies in this city are evolving very fast. When we rushed to the Survivor Base in S City, many Level 3 zombies appeared, so Only so many people have been injured, and now I don’t know what’s going on inside.” Yan Ping explained carefully, not intending to conceal it. There is no benefit to concealing, but it will harm everyone.