The End Of The World’s Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby

Chapter 132: Make a plan (1)


The body fell from a height, and Yan Ping couldn't help but choke out blood. If Meng Shen hadn't been protecting him, he might have been torn apart by now.

All he has to do now is to seek help.

But where are the rescuers going to find? The Jiangbei survivor base is still some distance away. When he finds the rescuer, maybe Meng Shen and the others have already...

Yan Pingsheng didn't want to go to find Shao Qing, but what about when he finds it? Let Shao Qing accompany him to death

There was a roar behind him, and Yan Pingsheng tried his best to prop up his body and staggered forward. He regretted it. At that time, he should convince everyone, no! At that time, he should be tougher, listening to Shao Qing, even if someone opposed it, he would withdraw forcibly, then nothing will happen now.

Yan Ping had worked very hard in his life, but he limped forward, but the zombie was like a flexible ape, and soon caught up.

Yan Ping was very desperate, he would probably be eaten by the zombies one bite at a time, and the people trapped there would also be eaten up by the zombies because they could not support it.

Regret is completely useless. A zombie threw on Yan Pingsheng’s body and bit on Yan Pingsheng’s neck. The moment the pain came, Yan Pingsheng’s eyes became fierce, and he grabbed the dagger on his waist. He followed the zombie's eyeballs and poke into its head, that's it, the zombie didn't let go.

Yan Pingsheng pushed away the corpse of the zombie, the bit of flesh and blood was immediately torn off, and the blood poured out like spring water. He snorted and rolled forward, avoiding the other zombie in his eyes. It is ferocious after despair.

Even if he died, he had to pull a few zombies as a backstop.

Several other zombies also rushed over, saying that when humans are in danger, they will burst out abilities that surpass themselves. Yan Ping personally proved this. His powers are of no use. They rely solely on weak physical strength. Two zombies were worn to death, but at this time he was exhausted, and his body was full of wounds left by the zombies. He was lying on the ground panting, and the strength to move his fingers was gone, and the remaining zombies all rushed. Coming over, biting his flesh piece by piece.

In addition to pain, there is more despair.

But at this moment, Yan Pingsheng vaguely heard a scream, followed by a few emerald vines, swept over like a whip, and swept away all the zombies lying on him.

Then a flexible figure fell from the sky, and easily tore a zombie chasing him with a sharp claw.

This figure was very fast, running like a phantom, and quickly cleared away several zombies who were chasing him.

"Are you okay?" Shao Qing parked the car next to Yan Pingsheng and walked out of the car to check Yan Pingsheng's injuries. Although there were many scratches and bites on his body, they were not fatal, but they were bleeding and troublesome.

If the bleeding is not stopped in time and the wound is bandaged, too much bleeding can cause death.

In addition, the wounds bitten by the zombies will be covered with corpse poison. Although the ability person will not be infected by the corpse poison, this also makes the wound difficult to stop bleeding.

"Just bear it." Shao Qing took the dagger out, and then stripped Yan Pingsheng. Yan Pingsheng was a little bit ashamed, but more anxious. He grabbed Shao Qing's hand and said hurriedly: "Quickly leave, leave. In this city, a zombie who doesn't know the specific level has evolved here. It can command the zombies in the entire city, and then set up a trap to make everyone... Go away, before he finds it. Hurry and leave."