The End Of The World’s Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby

Chapter 17: Mutant zombies


There are a lot of zombies around the granary, and it is estimated that there will be food left. After a few people discussed it, they went to the position of the granary.

Shao Qing also successfully saw the abilities of Gu Panpan and Gu Chuan. Gu Panpan, a girl whose abilities were actually enhanced, became King Kong Barbie, who was able to tear zombies at the beginning of the battle.

Gu Chuan’s ability is ice. His current ability is not strong. He is mainly assisted. Every time Gu Chuan casts his ability to freeze the zombie’s feet, making the zombie temporarily immobile, and then Gu Panpan Hercules twisted the zombies' necks or smashed their heads.

A Tu's ability is mainly for protection, so he took the young couple with a machete to hack to death the zombies that were frozen by Gu Chuan and Shao Qing's ability.

Yan Hanqing silently followed Shao Qing with a knife in his hand. Any zombies that tried to get close to Shao Qing would be killed by him.

A group of people quickly approached the granary. The granary looked very calm, with only a few scattered zombies wandering outside.

"Quick battle, the longer we stay outside, the more zombies we will attract." Gu Panpan with a chattering voice still looked pretty reliable during the battle.

Several people nodded and continued to cooperate in killing the zombies. In fact, these zombies are not very powerful individually, because they are slow in action. Apart from their ugliness and tenaciousness, they will not die unless they attack their heads. There is nothing more powerful. If it is not gathered in a pile, even ordinary people can kill a few zombies.

Of course, this is on the surface. In addition to being no longer a human being, Shao Qing also knows the strange zombie in Erdai, who moves quickly, has a certain IQ, has a very fast learning ability, and even has emotions. Isn't such a zombie a second fool? One

And zombies are likely to evolve, just like human abilities evolve, zombies are likely to evolve in a certain direction, such as speed, body tenacity, strength, wisdom, and so on.

So Shao Qing didn't relax at all, but the young couple, as soon as they saw the zombies being swept all the way like melons and vegetables, they already relaxed a lot.

"There must be a lot of supplies inside!" At the door, the young couple couldn't wait to push the door. A Tu said anxiously, "Be careful! In case there are zombies..."

The woman rolled her eyes and mumbled: "Where are the zombies with the door closed? Even if there are, I can deal with one or two. Isn't it because we are afraid that we will steal the supplies..."

A Tu was a little helpless, but he still put mud armor on the young couple. It was formed by his ability. Because it was only the first level, his ability only formed a thin layer in a few key points of the two. The soil armor, but if there is any accident, you can also stop it.

Whatever you said, I was worried about the accident. The moment the woman pushed the door, a black shadow fell from the sky. The woman screamed with fright, her face turned pale, and she was about to run away, but was thrown on by the black shadow. On the ground, the man went to pull it when he saw it, and when he stretched out his hand, he saw that the dark figure was actually a zombie.

His face turned blue at the time, and he ran away, regardless of his wife’s still on the ground. Fortunately, Shao Qing reacted quickly. As soon as he stretched out his hand, the green vines quickly bound the hands and feet of the zombies, and Ah Tu also performed supernatural powers. A section of the ground rose, pushing away the zombies.

The woman stumbled and got up, and ran to a few people, and the zombie had already broken free.

The speed of this zombie is very fast, not to mention ordinary zombies, it is a first-level speed type ability, maybe it is not as good as it.

Shao Qing frowned slightly, those vines were part of her abilities. She could feel that when the vines bound the zombie, the sharp thorns pierced in, indicating that the zombie's defensive ability was average, only the speed was outstanding.

"Gu Chuan, limit its actions." Shao Qing said quickly. Although Gu Chuan didn't know what Shao Qing was going to do, he still released his abilities quickly. This zombie was so fast that he couldn't do the same as before. Freezing its feet, it can only do its best to turn the moisture in the air into ice.

The temperature of this piece soon dropped, ice scum was hung on the zombies quickly, and the speed slowly dropped. There is also a soil pit where the zombies are constantly being built, although it is not very effective, But still slowed down the zombie a bit.

Shao Qing checked the time and released the vines to restrain the zombies. Originally, she wanted to go forward and fight the zombies, but Gu Panpan and Yan Hanqing ran over.

Shao Qing’s vines were originally the lowest-level mutant plants, and their anesthesia had no effect on the zombies, so the zombies soon broke free from the upper body. As soon as they were about to escape, they were hit by a fist like King Kong Barbie. His face sank in.

That's it. The zombie wasn't dead yet, and he rolled on the spot, watching to run. Yan Hanqing who followed him plunged with a knife, and directly pierced the zombie's head.

The body of the zombie jumped on the ground and stopped moving.

Shao Qing breathed a sigh of relief, squinted slightly, and had already begun to hit the spar in the zombie. The spar of this mutated zombie must have more energy than ordinary zombies.

"This zombie is so strange, I'll take a look first." Shao Qing walked over and pretended to turn over the corpse. The young couple couldn't help turning their heads away, unwilling to see the terrible look of the zombie, Gu Pan Pan and Atu checked the couple. After all, both of them are ordinary people. If they are caught and bitten, they will be infected.

Shao Qing tilted her gaze slightly, and found that the remaining Gu Chuan and Yan Hanqing hadn’t noticed her. She quickly inserted her nails from the back of the zombie’s head, and skillfully found the spar without seeing the size. Just put it into the space.