The End Of The World’s Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby

Chapter 18: survivor


"Why do you sweat so much? Frightened this?" Gu Panpan did a simple examination on the woman, and found no wounds. The woman was pale and wiped her sweat. Jumping over, it almost became food in its stomach."

"It's better to not hurt." Gu Panpan patted the woman on the shoulder. The woman just laughed, but her face became paler.

"Go, what are you doing standing there?" Her husband came over and patted the woman. The woman was taken aback and said quickly: "Go and go..."

"I was scared of my soul?" The man smiled, and dragged the woman to follow him. This time it was Atu who opened the way. He has the earth element ability and has high defense power, so he is the best way to clear the way.

This time everyone walked in cautiously, but no more zombies were found, but there was a pile of bones on the ground, and it looked like it had been dead for a while.

"A lot of food..." Gu Panpan stared at the granary blankly. She didn't expect that there was still a lot of food left in the granary. It was probably because the mutant zombie was guarding it that the granary was not emptied. .

Several other people also went to the surrounding granary to take a look. As expected, there was not even a single grain of rice left. The pile of bones on the ground was left by the previous search team members.

"They must have searched the surrounding granaries, and then the ones sent here were killed by mutant zombies. They harvested so much and didn’t care about such a small amount of food. They were worried that there were a lot of mutant zombies in this granary, so they left. , Now it's cheaper for us." Gu Panpan said excitedly.

Even Ah Tu echoed: "I think the same is true! We are so lucky, even if half of the food is handed in, we can still divide a lot!"

"Go and drive the car, otherwise how do we transport the food?" Shao Qing is relatively calm, after all, their wives don't have much demand for food.

"I'm going to drive." Gu Chuan volunteered, and Yan Hanqing quickly followed.

Others guarded the door and took a break in the granary. The young couple took things out to cook dried meat.

The jerky was boiled into a pot of soup, accompanied by dry food, to replenish physical strength. After Gu Chuan and Yan Hanqing drove the two cars over, a group of people began to eat.

In fact, Shao Qing didn't need to eat, but she couldn't behave like an improbable person, so she ate a piece of dry food together, fed the little bun with some broth, and found a place to vomit clean in the name of convenience.

After solving the problem of food and clothing, the group put all the food on the cart. Everyone was happily. According to the distribution method stated at the beginning, each of the three supernatural powers was 20%, and the young couple took one person for one. become.

The two newly joined Yan Hanqing and Shao Qing together get 20%, this is because they are newly joined, and they are ordinary people, a female wood-type supernatural person with only one level.

To put it bluntly, Gu Chuan and the others didn't understand Shao Qing's combat effectiveness, so they allocated it like this.

Gu Chuan and Gu Panpan glanced at each other, and Gu Panpan stood up and said, "Although Sister Love is a newcomer, everyone sees her performance along the way. I think Sister Love and they take 20% too little. After discussing with my brother, I decided to divide another 10% to my sister and them..."

Before Gu Panpan finished speaking, the man in the young couple couldn't help saying loudly: "Wait, I don't mind if you want to give them more, but... where do you give them more? Come out!"

Gu Panpan couldn't help frowning. The nominal captain of this team is Gu Chuan. Ignoring this point, she and Gu Chuan are also the highest in terms of combat effectiveness or contribution. What the man said is simply Too bad for them.

"The 10% allocated to my sister and them is drawn from the 40% of my brother and me. We are 30%, and my sister is 30%. Don't worry, you won't touch your 20%." Gu Panpan said blankly.

She said so, and the young couple also stopped, but Atu was embarrassed, and he quickly said: "Well, I will pay half of it, you will pay half of it, and you can give Shao Qing and the others."

"No, we are a newcomer, and 20% is already a lot." Shao Qing didn't care much about the food, she cared about spar.

"Okay, go back and divide again." Gu Chuan said concisely: "Go back first."

The few talents stopped arguing, and packed up their things and walked back.

Ordinary search teams generally do not spend the night outside, because the night is a world of zombies, there are too many unpredictable dangers, and Shao Qing and the others have gained a good result this time, and there is no need to search again, so a group of people simply searched the surrounding area. , And embarked on the way back.

The car filled with food got up a little slower, and from time to time a few people had to come down to clean up the zombies on the road, but they didn't even get back to the base before dark.

"There is a private house ahead. Let's clean up one house. Let's stay for one night. Shall we leave tomorrow morning?" Atu suggested. It would be too dangerous to drive at night.

"At night, when the zombies are most active, I also think we should stay for one night." Gu Panpan also said, everyone has no objections, and Atu immediately found a house that was still intact.

Most of the gates in the countryside are made of wood and iron. Atu saw a closed iron gate, which looked safer, and stepped forward to open the door.

He hadn't opened the door yet, the door opened by itself, and a thin, skinny man showed his head from the crack in the door, probably hungry, with green eyes.

"Who are you?"