The End Of The World’s Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby

Chapter 21: People cannibals


When Shao Qing got up and stretched her waist, the woman had sunk deeply into the ground, her whole body twitching slightly.

"Next time I need to check it in detail." Shao Qing got up and took a look at the man who died tragically on the ground. Many people seem to have such inferiority. I am dead, so why are they still alive

I was bitten, what if I didn't become a zombie

For example, this woman, she was holding such a fluke, and in the end she died, and her man also died.

Another example is the people who nearly killed half of the base.

Gu Panpan and Atu were a little embarrassed. After all, they were both inspected at the time, especially Gu Panpan, and their shameful faces blushed.

"I'm sorry, I made you laugh." Shao Qing smiled at the boss, and the dim light flashed past her eyes. Old Dalian hurriedly said: "It's nothing, it's okay, everyone is fine, let's get away tomorrow. Get up early and hurry up."

"Yeah..." Shao Qing smiled, but when she was passing by the boss, she suddenly made a move. She moved quickly, and the boss was unprepared, so she was nailed to the wall with a machete by Shao Qing.

The knife passed through his right chest and hung him directly on the wall. The two people who followed him were taken aback for a moment, and they were ready to do it. Yan Hanqing had already threw down one hand and plunged in mercilessly. The eye sockets of the man.

The three of Gu Chuan and others were confused by Shao Qing's sudden action, especially Atu, Gu Chuan reacted a little faster, the ice ability shot, turned into an ice blade, and penetrated the third person's throat.

The only three supernatural beings among these people immediately died two and one injured. Although the boss was nailed to the wall, he was still alive. He glared at Shao Qing and said viciously: "What are you doing? I kindly took in. You guys, hospitality, you guys actually..."

"What did you say I did?" Shao Qing picked up a dagger and pointed at the boss: "When those people were eaten by you, you should have asked why?"

As soon as Shao Qing said this, everyone present was stunned, whether it was Gu Chuan or the survivors who surrounded them.

"You...what did you say?" The boss was a little panicked, but still gritted his teeth and said: "Why are you spitting blood? I really don't understand, what can we people do for you to plot!"

"Then I'll ask you, what do you guys do to live today by eating?" Shao Qing asked coldly. The boss is not guilty at all: "Naturally it is food! We are leaning on the granary, and we are afraid that we haven't eaten it. ?"

"It's all a lie! There is a speed-type mutant zombie there, and you dare not go there! When I came here, I felt wrong. In ancient times, there were wars and corpses everywhere. Wild dogs eat more human corpses, and they are like wild boars. , The eyes of people are cold and cold. As soon as I came here, I felt that their eyes were like wild dogs that cannibalize human flesh." Shao Qing said faintly: "Of course I can't be sure based on this alone. I just felt a little weird at the time. Until the night, the woman I met when I walked in disappeared, but there was an extra plate of meat on the table. The meat was fresh and tender, completely different from pork... "

Before Shao Qing's words were finished, Ah Tu was already holding his belly and vomiting, because he ate the most meat.

"Doubt becomes certain. After dinner, I went to the yard and the smell of blood hasn't dissipated. Isn't it the first time you cannibalized? It's very good at dealing with the wreckage." Shao Qing sneered and said.

"So what?" Seeing that they were exposed, the boss began to act unscrupulously: "I saved them, and it is reasonable for them to die for me, not to mention that those are just two-legged sheep I raised in captivity. Isn't it too much to be eaten? just... ... "

Before he finished speaking, Yan Hanqing, who could not bear it, had already given him a knife, which penetrated his head from the position of the cheek, begging for mercy or clamoring unscrupulously, he could only stay in the next life.

Shao Qing frowned and scanned for a week: "Anyone wanting to avenge them?"

The onlookers shook their heads quickly, and then Shao Qing picked up the little bun, and walked into her house without caring about the one lying on the wall on the ground.

"Sister Qing, why are you going back?" Gu Panpan kicked the corpse on the ground in disgust. She didn't expect the people here to live by cannibalism until now. How many people would they have to eat

"Sleep and leave tomorrow." Shao Qing said without looking back. After all, it is night and it is not suitable to hurry.

Gu Panpan really didn't want to stay in this place for a second. When she thought that she was accustomed to eating human flesh around, and then imagined that during dinner, she almost ate human flesh, and her nausea grew.

"Let's go." Gu Chuan glanced at A Tu who was vomiting, and then left, Gu Panpan immediately followed.

Shao Qing and Yan Hanqing walked to the door, Shao Qing paused and said with a smile: "Why, are you going to come to my room to sleep?"

Yan Hanqing blushed immediately and hesitated: "No... No, I've been following you all the time... I forgot..."

Shao Qing opened the door and looked at Yan Hanqing with a faint smile: "Come in, I can't sleep anymore..."