The End Of The World’s Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby

Chapter 34: New base


"It's her own person." Shao Qing touched Er Dui's head. Er Dui stared at Yan Hanqing fiercely. After being touched by Shao Qing, the eyes of the whole zombie softened.

It just looks a little frustrated.

Yan Hanqing took a second look, and suppressed the doubts in his heart. His intuition was very accurate. Intuition had saved him many times, and his intuition had just told him that the boy in front of him who looked pale and ill in women's clothing looked pale and ill. ,very dangerous.

Yan Hanqing believed in his instincts, but still couldn't help but glanced at the young man in the cloak, thin, like a girl.

After coming back, before dawn, a group of people rested for a while before they started to heat the dry food. When the dry food was heated at the beginning, Shao Qing’s heart jumped suddenly. By the way, she forgot that Erdai was also a zombie and didn’t need to eat. The digestive system of zombies is probably completely different from that of humans. People will feel nauseated and uncomfortable when eating raw meat, while zombies will also feel sick and uncomfortable when eating cooked food.

If Erdai does not eat, it is estimated that someone will find something wrong. If Erdai eats, he has to overcome his nature. Shao Qing is in a mess. The dry food has already heated up. Gu Panpan enthusiastically handed it to Erdai and took care of Shao Qing. 'Cousin'.

Then Erdai started to eat dry food very well, and Shao Qing immediately became distressed because of her motherhood. How well her Erdai was!

Erdai quickly ate a piece of dry food, and then when Gu Panpan gave it to him again, he waved his hand and didn't need it.

Gu Panpan couldn't help but said: "Why do you eat so much? It's less than a girl's, so it's better to eat more."

Second, I looked at her blankly. Because of the stiffness of the muscles, her white face didn’t have any expressions and looked very daunting. But this is a world that looks at the face. Second, the facial features are good, so the stupid expression looks just like It's pretty dull.

Shao Qing didn't want to suffer too much from the second stay, and quickly pulled Gu Panpan: "He has a bad stomach and vomits when he eats too much. That's why he has been so thin."

"It's so pitiful..." Gu Panpan looked at Er Dai with a loving look, and she couldn't help shrinking.

He has been living in a group of zombies, and it was the first time he came into contact with a living person other than Shao Qing. Although it was only a few minutes, he still gave Er Dai the urge to leave.

Enthusiastic human beings are terrible, hum.

Had Shao Qing not been here, it is estimated that Er Da had already got into the group of corpses. After breakfast, the group of people packed up and prepared to leave. During the period, Shao Qing took the free time to drag Er Da to the house, and the two of them wowed. Threw up for a long time.

How to eat it and vomit it out.

This is one of the sorrows of zombies. They can't digest normal food at all. Unlike small buns, they can also take in a small amount of high-nutrient food with no chemical additives.

Even when they eat, they just chew mechanically, and can't feel any taste at all, which can be called a tragedy.

After leaving the house, they found that most of the zombies had dispersed, and only a few zombies were wandering near the cross-country vehicle.

These zombies still couldn't trouble a few of them. Since Er Dai came, Shao Qing asked Er Dao to make a clean wall flower in the car with the little bun, and they swept outside.

After simply cleaning up the wandering zombies, Shao Qing and the others started on their way again, because they only had time to drive during the day, so they had to rush to the destination at full speed.

After the apocalyptic eruption, the global population has plummeted by two-thirds, which does not include those who later died in the mouths of zombies while fleeing.

And now, a large number of people die every day, from hunger, from zombies, and even from human hands.

Especially on the side of the Celestial Dynasty, because of the dense population, the death rate is even higher than that of a sparsely populated country like Australia.

So in such a remote place, you can hardly see a few people, and most of them are wandering zombies.

Shao Qing sat in the co-pilot position and observed carefully. After the end of the world, many plants have mutated. Some have evolved their offensive abilities, while some are beneficial to humans. For example, they exist like bread trees, and the fruits they bear look like. When the coconut shell is opened, the juice inside will condense into a solid like a rice cake when it is opened. It tastes sweet and does not stick to the teeth.

There are also some plants that were originally used for medicinal purposes. The effects have become particularly good, and they can quickly stop bleeding. In short, it is convenient for many people.

When Shao Qing observes useful plants, she will get out of the car to collect them. She also wants to accept the second plant for her use.

After all, these plants are really useful, like her piranha, which has a particularly strong offensive power and can increase her strength a lot.

Shao Qing is now at the second level and can conquer two plants. Her choice of the second plant prefers treatment or augmentation. Although this plant is not effective against zombies, it can increase her importance in a team. sex.

Ordinary zombies would not attack Shao Qing, which gave Shao Qing a lot of convenience and made her not to regard zombies as her first enemy.

Soon, Shao Qing and the others arrived in another town. This was a county town. It was originally a very prosperous city, with a population larger than that of a small city, but after the end of the world, people flee to death and become desolate. Come down.

It is said that some survivors built a small survivor base not far from the county seat. Shao Qing and the others came for this base.

"It's not far ahead. We can fix it here and exchange some things we need. It will be of great benefit to the next journey. Let's go." Gu Panpan said excitedly.

Many supernaturalists or ordinary people who are far away from their survivor base will choose to trade some things they need after arriving at a certain survivor base, and take a short rest in the place provided by the survivor base.

The survivor base can also recruit them, which is a kind of unspoken rule.

Shao Qing and the others are going to the base to take a break and then continue on the road. After all, at the survivor base, they can rest for some time without worrying about the stability of foreign objects.

Soon Shao Qing and the others saw this small survivor base. The low wall was made of blue bricks. Not only was it smaller than Shao Qing's and their base, it looked much broken.

There are special gatekeepers at the door, who receive people coming in and out on weekdays. When it is critical, zombies besie the city and rely on them to sound the alarm.

"It's great. There is a hot bath and food with soup to eat." Gu Panpan said very excitedly. Shao Qing was rather calm, raising his chin: "Go ahead."

It was easy to communicate about the lodging. Shao Qing and the others showed the logo of their base, and then quickly obtained the qualification to enter the base.

As soon as he entered this base, Gu Panpan's face became ugly: "I don't like it here."