The End Of The World’s Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby

Chapter 57: Weird curiosity


"Nothing." Shao Qing hooked her lips, and when she looked towards the back room, a cold light flashed across her eyes. She narrowed her beautiful eyes slightly, and asked with a nonchalant smile: "You want... Go and see?"

The woman swallowed. The sixth sense of the woman told her that if she nodded, she would face great danger.

When the man wanted to respond, she was held back by the woman. She smiled reluctantly, "It's quite late, then we won't bother you!"

The man was a little inexplicable, and then the woman glared sideways. The two of them laughed and left, holding their pockets when they left, as if they were afraid that Shao Qing would come over and take away the food in her pocket.

"Bah, what the hell!" Gu Panpan couldn't help but said, she was taken aback, and looked at Yan Hanqing with some embarrassment: "I... I didn't... No, I meant it. Yes... ... "

Yan Hanqing shook his head: "I know what kind of people they are."

"At the time my father died, he said he was worried that my mother would remarry with the compensation money and asked my mother to give him the money. Fortunately, the village chief understood the truth and didn't let him succeed. Then they quarreled many times just for compensation. Money, I tried to occupy the land of our house." Yan Hanqing whispered: "They did help my house, a bowl of moldy rice. I didn't want to take care of them, but they are the last survivors in the village... ..."

Yan Hanqing rarely said such a long passage. He probably returned to his hometown and buried his parents together. Even a man of iron and steel, there is a tenderness that ordinary people would never see.

Shao Qing patted Yan Hanqing on the shoulder: "You have a good rest these few days. Let Erda watch your parents' tomb at night. We will take turns during the day, and you don't need to pay attention to them anymore."

"Yeah..." Yan Hanqing probably felt that he was a little weak just now, and adjusted his mood. He is not a person who likes to say the things buried in his heart everywhere, but the person in front of him, except for the ones he likes. He had lived and died with him. It is not so much talking, but Yan Hanqing is telling the facts.

He was worried that Shao Qing, they really thought how much affection the two had with him, and they were being used or something, so they told the facts.

After making dinner again, Erdai was sent to guard the cemetery. After Shao Qing put the little bun to sleep, he also went to the cemetery.

The night is much more dangerous than the day, not only because of the active zombies, but also the mutant animals and plants lurking in the dark.

Before Shao Qing arrived at the cemetery, she went to the cemetery next door. She looked at the tomb that had been dug up. She walked in a hurry during the day. She didn't take a closer look. Now she found a lot of things wrong.

First of all, the excavated tomb does not look like it was pulled out by a beast, but it looks like it was dug with some kind of tool, and the scattered bones, several of which are in the same position of the human body, show that there is more than one corpse. .

There are signs of being bitten on these bones, but because of various reasons, they can't see clearly, but it is absolutely certain that they were not bitten by large beasts.

Can't it be that a zombie took a shovel to pick up the grave and dig the corpse, right

Shao Qing inspected several more places and found that there were some graves, which showed signs of digging and burying them back. In short, they were weird, but what Shao Qing was certain was that wild beasts would never dig up the graves and eat the corpses inside. , And then bury the bones back.

After the inspection, Shao Qing left the cemetery and went to the cemetery next door. When she reached the place, she saw Erdai lying aggrieved under the tree, wearing camouflage clothes, nesting in the yellowing grass. Staring at the cemetery without blinking, he looked serious and cute.

When Shao Qing came over, Er Dai's eyes lit up, and he seemed to want to jump on it, but after thinking about it for a second, Er Dai silently turned his head to express his dissatisfaction.

Why is everyone sleeping and he wants to watch the night! The key is not to sleep with Shao Qing! Not happy at all!

Shao Qing looked at Erdai's awkward appearance, and squatted next to Erdai without any image: "Turn your face around, who would you be angry with?"

Er Dai did not speak or turn his head, and resolutely expressed his inner sadness, and then heard Shao Qingyou say: "Turn around, I will kiss you."

Erdai immediately turned her face at the speed of light, and pointed her cheek that was not covered with grass blades at Shao Qing. Shao Qing couldn't help but smiled. She gave Erdai a bite and said with a smile. : "Don't have trouble with me?"

Erdai put herself into Shao Qing's arms, looking embarrassed.

I really want to talk about IQ, except for attachments, maybe Erdai is not as good as a few-year-old child. Shao Qing often has the illusion that she has raised three children, one small bun, one Erdai, and Shao Tong.

Fortunately, Shao Tong is very well-behaved, and Xiao Baozi is also very well-behaved at ordinary times.

But Tsundere's Erdai is still cute.

"It still feels a little longer. Go back and make some tailor-made clothes for you." Shao Qing disgusted and pulled at Er Da's clothes. The clothes were kindly provided by Yan Hanqing. Yan Hanqing is more than a head taller than Er Dao. Needless to say, the clothes he wears on Er Dai have a feeling of children wearing adult clothes, so Shao Qing specially changed it, and then let Er Dao wear it. It was still a little fat.

However, Erdai doesn’t have much clothes to wear now, so he wears Gu Chuan’s and Hanqing’s clothes upside down. If this body is dirty, wash it, then change to the other body. When that body is dirty, dry this body, you can put that body on. Take it and wash it.

All in all very pitiful.

"Actually... it's just right to wear my clothes." Shao Qing suddenly touched Erdai's waist, and exclaimed. Erdai had no idea that she was licked, especially always. Ren Shaoqing felt squeezed.

After Shao Qing measured Er Dai's figure with her hands, she seriously said: "It's actually a little fatter than me... So did the polycrystalline stone eat the cat's belly?"

Er Dai opened a pair of nice big eyes and looked at Shao Qing in confusion. Every time the brush-like eyelashes flickered, they looked like a butterfly with spreading wings.

After Shao Qing touched Er Dao many times, she suddenly thought: "Er Dae, let me ask you something, your little you still feel it?"

Er Dui was very confused, he still couldn't understand what kind of jerking, feeling, this kind of relatively dirty thing.

Shao Qing is very curious, after all, zombies are already dead, so zombies... can... heh heh, what's going on

Shao Qing glanced at the position between Erdai's legs and hesitated, should he take a shot or a shot

It's very difficult to choose.