The End Of The World’s Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby

Chapter 58: Shao Qing's guess


In fact, Shao Qingshou stretched out her hands, but she saw Er's ignorant eyes, and instantly she felt an insignificant underage Xiao Zhengtai. She coughed and withdrew her hand.

But Erdai was reluctant. He seemed to think that Shao Qing disliked him and put Shao Qing's hand on his lap.

Shao Qing feels that she seems to have badly taught Erdai.

Seeing that Shao Qing withdrew her hand again, Erdai bowed her head slightly, lowered her eyelids, her long eyelashes flickered flickering and looked very pitiful.

Shao Qing immediately relented and hugged Er Dai, indicating that she still liked him very much, and that Er Dai was a little happier.

Nothing happened all night. When Shao Qing took Er stay back, she just watched the couple at the door and was stopped by the piranha she had placed at the door.

As soon as the couple saw Shao Qing, they were pleasantly surprised: "Niece-in-law, you quickly get this weird flower..."

However, Shao Qing and Er Dui didn't even look at them. They went straight into the house, and the two angrily stomped their feet.

Several people stayed for three days, and no beasts came to dig their graves. It was the couple who came here almost every day, clamoring to see Yan Hanqing, but no one paid any attention to them.

On the fourth day, Shao Qing said: "Let’s go, I need to verify some things." Shao Qing said, naturally no one opposed, they packed up, and they were ready to leave. When they left, the couple really did. coming.

"If you want to go, take me away! Even if you don't take me away, you still leave some food, Yan Hanqing, you can't have a conscience!" the woman jumped.

Shao Qing put down the glass and poked her head out: "You just...what were you talking about?" Her eyes suddenly turned into a coquettish dark red, and the angle of her smile was bizarre, especially on the pale ones. The face is even more scary.

Xiao Baozi poked his head from the position of Shao Qing's shoulder, an impermanent person's eyes, black and hollow, grinned, and the sharp little tiger teeth appeared.

The combined bizarre index of the mother and son rose rapidly, and the couple shuddered involuntarily, and when they went to see Shao Qing, their eyes were full of fear.

Only then did Shao Qing retract into the car with satisfaction, stepped on the accelerator and ran out. It was not until after leaving the village a long time that Shao Qing parked the car in the woods: "Wait until night, I and... Han Qing went back and took a look, Panpan, you guys watch the children."

Gu Panpan said worriedly: "Do you want to take my brother?"

"No, there is no danger in this trip. It may take longer. I guess I will stay there for about three days, but it is more troublesome for you to take care of the children." Shao Qing shook his head and closed his eyes to rest in the car. When the sun went down, he took Yan Hanqing out of the car, and Erdai insisted to follow. There was no way, the two-person line became a three-person line.

They quietly returned to the cemetery. There are woods near the cemetery, but it is easy to hide. Shao Qing sat on the branch and said to Yan Hanqing: "Wait, at most three days, the result I want may come out."

Yan Hanqing did not speak. He felt that his life was already Shao Qing's. No matter what Shao Qing said or did, he would not raise any objections.

Even if Shao Qing wanted to kill him one day, he would probably just stick out his neck.

As Yan Hanqing was thinking, he was suddenly squeezed, and then he saw Er Dai grinning viciously at him, and then squeezed between him and Shao Qing.

The branches of the tree were thicker, and it was easy to sit with two people, and it was crowded with three people. Yan Hanqing was about to be squeezed to a thinner place on the side.

Shao Qing had no choice but to hold Er Dao in his arms. Er Da was slender, but relatively thin. It was just right to be held by Shao Qing in his arms. It was the long legs that were drooping, but fortunately it was hanging in the air.

Erdai was still looking fierce. Once Shao Qing took him into his arms, the whole zombie became soft and well-behaved. If it weren't for the zombie, he might have been red to the earlobe.

"Don't move, or it's the two of us who fell and fell." Shao Qing couldn't help but tightly clasped Erdai's waist. Erdai's small waist felt very good to the touch, but it was a pity that there was little meat.

Shao Qing couldn't help sighing, if Er Dao were a normal teenager, she might already be overwhelmed by being a beast, and she would definitely put Er Dao's chubby and chubby ones on the bed every day and eat them over and over again.

After all, this is a well-behaved, obedient, long and handsome boy who is still desperate for her. The key word is juvenile, yes, as a regular control is so unprincipled.

Erdai didn't know Shao Qing's thoughts at all. It is estimated that when he knew it, he would only wash himself for nothing and crawl on Shao Qing's bed.

Shao Qing, who felt that she still had some morals, remembered that there was Yan Hanqing next to her. She coughed and pretended to be serious: "We must always pay attention to whether there is any movement."

Yan Hanqing nodded and looked at the sky. The sun was setting very fast. At this moment, there was no trace of sunlight. The dark clouds were like a black curtain, completely covering the moon.

"I'll watch the night, you... take a good rest."

"It's better for me to come, I have no sleepiness, you raise your spirits, nothing should happen tonight." Thanks to the weirdness of the body, Shao Qing's night vision ability has become particularly strong, she sits on a tree branch, You can even see clearly what is written on the tombstone on the edge of the cemetery.

She couldn't see clearly when she was a little further away.

Yan Hanqing is very resolute: "Let me come. I have slept a lot in the past two days, so I don't want to sleep much at night."

Shao Qing made a calculation and said, "Well, then, I will be in charge of the first half of the night, but look at the second half of the night."

Er Dai pulled Shao Qing's sleeves dissatisfied, and Shao Qing immediately changed his words: "I and Er Da watch the first half of the night, you watch the latter half of the night." Er Da was satisfied.

Yan Hanqing also knew that with Shao Qing's temperament, it was absolutely impossible for him to watch the night alone, so he nodded, leaning on the tree trunk and began to rest. When it was midnight, he could take Shao Qing's class.

Sure enough, nothing happened in the first two days, and until the night of the third day, two dark shadows suddenly appeared in the cemetery.