The End Of The World’s Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby

Chapter 6: Predator


Shao Qing's face changed, she became pale and bloodless in an instant. She didn't want her child to be a cannibalistic monster. At that moment, she wanted to cry. She used to look forward to the arrival of the child. However, the arrival of the baby was peaceful. She was completely different in her resemblance. Without the company of her family, she dug out her own child in the hospital morgue.

But even if her baby is different from others, Shao Qing hopes that the baby can grow up happily instead of becoming a monster.

Just as Shao Qing's thoughts were flying, Xiao Baozi was already staring at the head of the corpse on the ground with wet eyes. He still couldn't express what he wanted. He just kept pointing: "Inside... ... ... "

Shao Qing didn’t know what to do, but she was also a decisive lord, so she quickly calmed down. This cruel life was that God pityed her and made her crawl out of hell to get revenge. Now the only people she cares about One baby, why should she mind if the baby becomes a cannibal monster

Are they still normal people now

Shao Qing looked at the slender black nails on her hands. The light in her eyes became colder and colder. Her voice was deep but gentle: "Baby, what do you want to eat?"

The little bun was a little anxious, and kept making gestures: "inside...inside..."

Shao Qing looked at the place where the little bun was pointing, and stretched out her slender nails, inserting them from the softer part of the corpse’s skull. As soon as the nails were inserted in, they encountered a hard object. Shao Qing’s spiritual light flashed, she took that The stuff was taken out.

There was a red spar lying between the bloody fingers, which looked only the size of a fingernail, and it was very shiny and very beautiful.

Xiao Baozi's eyes lit up: "Mama, eat... I want to eat!"

After confirming that what her son wants to eat is not human flesh, but this spar, Shao Qing breathed a sigh of relief. Even if her son wants to eat human beings, she can harden her heart to hunt humans for her son, but she always feels like this. There was a knot, but now she found that her son's food was not what she thought, and she felt relieved.

Worried that the son of Spar, who was stained with flesh and blood, would have stomach trouble after eating, Shao Qing washed it with water repeatedly before handing it to Xiao Baozi.

After Xiao Baozi took the spar in his hand, Shao Qing looked for spars from the heads of other corpses. She found that not everyone had spars in their heads, and the spars were also of different colors.

She estimated that people with abilities will have spars in their heads, and those with strong abilities will have larger spars, while spars with weak abilities will be smaller, and the colors of spars with different abilities will be different, for example, just now. The red spar, its owner is the one who used the small fireball.

The little bun was full after eating two spars, and she was coquettish in Shao Qing's arms, and there was a spar left by Shao Qing to put it in the space as food for the little bun.

Xiao Baozi urged Shao Qing: "Eat Ma Ma, too!"

Shao Qing was taken aback, can she eat this too? Just now Xiao Baozi'eating' the spar was actually absorbed in the palm of her hand. Shao Qing didn't want to touch Xiao Baozi's food, but she had a hunch that if she could absorb the spar, it would be good for her to improve her strength. With the improvement of her strength, she will be able to hunt more abilities for Xiao Baozi.

Shao Qing held the cyan spar and closed her eyes to feel it. She soon discovered that there was a faint cyan light beating in the spar, and it quickly entered her body along the palm of her hand.

Shao Qing didn't notice that the dark red in her eyes slowly faded, but she felt that the irritability in her heart was reducing. Soon, the spar turned into a pile of gray powder, and it drifted away as soon as the wind blew.

Shao Qing clenched her fists, and she felt that her body was stronger.

Without caring about the corpses on the ground, Shao Qing held the little bun and went downstairs. The off-road vehicles that those people drove were still downstairs, which provided Shao Qing and the little bun with a means of transportation.

After all, if you want to leave the city and go to other places by walking, Shao Qing got into the car and looked at the fuel gauge. There was not much fuel in the car, and there were a few empty barrels in the back seat. , Probably those few people went to the gas station to get some gas when they were preparing to return.

For ordinary people, going deep into the city where zombies wander is a life of nine deaths. For Shao Qing, it is not too easy. She went straight to the gas station with her little bun. After filling the car with gas, she added a few empty barrels. It was full of oil before leaving.

But as soon as she was about to get in the car, she heard a ripping sound in the corner. Shao Qing looked up and saw that several zombies had been beaten into a ball.

She has never seen zombies fighting in battle. Could zombies also prey on zombies

Shao Qing, who sensed something wrong, didn't get into the car, but stood on the side to observe. Shao Qing found that the zombies that seemed to be grouped together were actually one of the zombies constantly killing other zombies.

There were already several zombies with broken heads lying on the ground. In the end, those zombies were all killed by this zombie, and that zombie began to dig out the heads of the zombie continuously.

Is there a spar in the head of a zombie? Shao Qing quickly raised her interest, she tried to get closer, and then she saw the strange zombie quickly turned her head, and her dark eyes looked at Shao Qing with a vigilant look.

Only then did Shao Qing realize that this zombie is different from other zombies. His face is different from other zombies. There is no carrion and no damage. Although it is dirty, but a closer look reveals that he has no zombies except for his ugly face. The most notable features.

Moreover, he is much more sensitive than other zombies, and he is probably also smarter, otherwise he won't find anything in the zombies' heads, and he will take the initiative to hunt other zombies.

Seeing that Shao Qing did not approach, he did not relax. Instead, he quickly searched the heads of all the zombies. After collecting several gray spars, he watched Shao Qing slowly back down.

How could Shao Qing let him go? Just now when this zombie was fighting with other zombies, she also saw it. After assessing the strength of the two parties, she quickly shot, because she felt that according to her thoughts, the more advanced zombie's heads must have larger spar stones. , The spar in this zombie's head is definitely enough for her son to eat. How can such a good prey be let go

So Shao Qing made a quick move. She took advantage of the zombie's turn and ran away, and quickly stepped forward, but this zombie was more flexible than ordinary zombies. After hearing the sound, she didn't even look at Shao Qing and started running. , Probably he wanted to find a place to eat and digest the spar first.

Shao Qing didn't expect that he would run away directly, was stunned, looked at the baby in the car behind him, and gave up chasing.

Returning to the car with some regrets, Shao Qing took the baby out and walked for about ten minutes. Shao Qing always felt that something was staring at her in the dark. When she looked at the mirror, the strange zombie actually followed her. Behind the car!