The End Of The World’s Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby

Chapter 7: Raise a zombie


Shao Qing has an intuition that she wants to use this zombie as food, and this zombie also wants to use her as food.

After squinting her eyes, Shao Qing secretly figured out how to catch this clever zombie. She is always a human being. If she loses her brain to a zombie, it would be really shameful.

Shao Qing walked unhurriedly for more than two hours. Seeing that it was afternoon, she had to find a place to rest. After all, she would be tired too.

Even if the body is not very tired, but the spirit is already exhausted, Shao Qing found a small shop, there were not many zombies in it, and they were quickly cleaned up. After cleaning up, Shao Qing went in with the little bun, and at night, In light sleep, Shao Qing keenly perceives a noise by the door.

During the day, she used a wooden stick to top the door, so the sound remained for a while, and then disappeared. After a while, a figure crawled in from the window.

The window was left by Shao Qing deliberately. When the figure gradually approached, Shao Qing, who was already sober, quickly got up and threw him to the ground. Shao Qing didn’t know that her body would become bitten by a zombie. What kind, so she didn't dare to take the risk, quickly grabbed the two arms of the zombie in front of her, snapped them off with a click, and then when the zombie tried to raise her head and bit her, Shao Qing stuffed a brand new sock in.

Two minutes later, the zombies tied into twists squirmed desperately on the ground like silkworms, but no matter what, they couldn't break free.

Shao Qing took a closer look. The zombie's stature looked like an eighteen or nine-year-old boy, with a pretty appearance, but it was a pity that he was no longer human.

She hugged the sleeping little bun and went to the corner, and continued to sleep, ready to wait for the next day to dawn, and then consider how to deal with this weird zombie.

Early the next morning, as soon as Shao Qing got up, he saw the zombie curled up in the corner, shrank into a small ball, very pitiful.

Shao Qing first absorbed a piece of gray spar taken out of the dead body, and was sure that it would not have a bad effect on the body, before giving a few buns.

After she discovered that there were spars in the zombies, she hunted down some zombies. Shao Qing discovered that most of the zombies did not have spars in them, and only a small part of them had spars.

In this way, she must stay in the city for a few more days, collect some spar, and then leave with the little bun.

After all, it is easier to hunt zombies than to have supernatural powers.

Thinking about this, Shao Qing was ready to kill the zombie, and then went out to find food for Xiao Baozi. As soon as he got close to the zombie, he woke up and kept making whining sounds, as if threatening Shao Qing.

Shao Qing squatted down and stretched a hand to the head of the zombie. He is indeed smarter than the other zombies. Knowing that Shao Qing was going to kill him, her original ferocious appearance suddenly changed. Please sound.

Although his eyes were already black and gray, they felt that there was light shining in them. Shao Qing's raised hand paused, and she hesitated. The reason why she didn't kill the zombie immediately before was because of this one. The strange zombies give her a feeling of the same kind, she is an alien among humans, and he is an alien among zombies.

But if you bring a zombie, it will be inconvenient no matter where she goes, so Shao Qing is ready to kill him.

But looking at the zombie struggling to live, Shao Qing couldn't help but remember that she was so eager to live when she was lying in a pool of blood.

"Do you understand human speech?" Shao Qing moved softly and touched the zombie's soft long hair. The zombie probably didn't understand Shao Qing's words, but could feel Shao Qing's killing intent slowly dissipating. , He quickly rubbed Shao Qing's palm with his head, indicating that he was very obedient.

Shao Qing sighed and sat next to the zombies: "Before leaving this city, follow me, I will divide your hunted spar into a quarter."

Seeing the zombies' well-behaved appearance, Shao Qing's gloomy mood improved a little. She untied her restraints with alert, but the zombie did not attack her, but squatted honestly in the corner.

Shao Qing discovered that the hands he had broken by her last night had also recovered. This strange zombie, as a reward for his good behavior, Shao Qing handed him a spar.

The zombie looked at Shao Qing with big black eyes. After a long while, he quietly reached out and took away the spar from Shao Qing's hand and quickly ate it.

He seems to be able to digest these spars directly.

After eating the spar given by Shao Qing, the zombies became more intimate with Shao Qing.

"Stupid dumb, let's call you Er Dui." With that said, Shao Qing laughed first. The zombie who was named Er Dui keenly realized that this might be a very bad name, but he did not protest. I didn't dared to protest. Looking at Shao Qing especially honestly, it really makes people feel a little cute.

Looking at Erdai's gray cheeks and dirty clothes, Shao Qing felt that she had to clean up Erdai.

After finding a big tank from the store and filling it with water, Shao Qing stripped Erdai completely, and stood there honestly, let Shao Qing strip him naked.

Shao Qing's gaze shifted down, and he swept over Erdai's blue and white body, staying in a certain position: "Hey, it didn't rot."

Er Dai, who doesn't feel ashamed, has a weird urge to retreat. However, he who tries to retreat is directly stuffed into the water tank by Shao Qing.

Before stuffing it in, Shao Qing flicked a certain part of his collapse, and chuckles: "All the hair is lost..." Shao Qing was a little embarrassed looking at Erdai who was ignorant. Immediately squirt the water and prepare to give Erdai a bath.

The zombies don't like water very much. He kept throwing in the water, but was washed by Shao Qingzhen.

After taking a shower, he changed into clean clothes again. If he didn't look carefully, he really couldn't find that Erdai was a zombie.

Shao Qing was very satisfied when she touched Erdai's head upturned. She was indeed out of dispensable sympathy at the beginning, but now she feels that it would be nice to have a zombie as a companion. .

At least the zombies wouldn't stabb her in the back. In this respect, those humans were not as good as zombies.

Seeing both the young and the young sitting on the ground, looking at her with the same ignorant eyes, the softness of Shao Qing's heart was instantly touched. Probably women who have become mothers will have such a kind of maternal love.

These slowly overflowing softness temporarily covered the haze in Shao Qing's heart, and made her clearly feel that besides revenge, she has other meanings of being alive.