The End Of The World’s Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby

Chapter 70: Its obsession (2)


The female zombie was really mad, and yelled and followed. At this time, Gu Chuan had already left the battlefield with Shao Tong and the little bun, and Erdu, it was mixed in a group of zombies, and quietly approached the one. Female zombie.

Just as Yan Hanqing approached the door infinitely, and the female zombie approached Yan Hanqing infinitely, suddenly a huge flower head came out of the ground. The position of the flower was very clever. The place it came out was just at the foot of the female zombie. Nothing. She opened her petals and swallowed the female zombie.

The violent corrosive venom in the petals of the piranha flower was immediately poured on the female zombie like money, and the corrosive it has been wailing.

Yan Hanqing turned his head and gave it a thunder, paralyzing the struggling female zombie, and Shao Qing did not idle. After she finished the female zombie, she controlled the piranha's continuous secretion of digestive juice. She also knew. Piranha would certainly not be able to digest this female zombie, but before it struggles out, it can still be done by letting half of its body disappear.

Feeling that the female zombie inside had begun to struggle violently, and when the piranha couldn't hold it, Shao Qing took control of the piranha and spat out the female zombie.

The female zombie looked even more terrifying now, her body was covered with a strong corrosive liquid, and a scorched smell was constantly rising with the blue smoke.

Moreover, the clothes on the surface of its body were almost corroded, revealing the slightly rotted body underneath. At this moment, the corroded body was surrounded by white bones, and pieces of meat would fall off when it walked around.

At this time, the female zombie was already in a crazy state. As soon as it was free, it screamed and rushed towards Shao Qing. The vine in Shao Qing's hand swung like a steel whip, and all the barbs on the vine stood up. , Shining with cold light.

The whip she aimed at was not the female zombies, but the zombies around her who were attracted by the sound. She knew very well that if the whip hits the female zombies, at most she would lose a few pieces of meat and break a bone. And left no fatal injuries.

But falling on those ordinary zombies is definitely the result of several whips.

As expected by Shao Qing, the female zombie really abandoned her, turned her head and rushed to the vine whip, seeming to try to destroy the vine whip of the students who wanted to hurt it.

The female zombie is very fast. It successfully grabbed the vine whip one second before it fell on the zombies. Before it had time to destroy it, Erdai suddenly jumped out of the group of zombies and didn’t care about it. The body was full of corrosive venom, and he hugged the female zombie.

The female zombie is obviously still a little confused. Its limited IQ makes it unclear. What it is a student is going to do, but the body's reaction has to break free.

But it couldn't do it because the vine whip that was in its hand suddenly softened and quickly wrapped around it like a rope.

At the same time, Erdai's sharp nails penetrated the female zombie's eyes and plunged directly into the brain. When it was hissing in pain, Erdai had already scratched its head like half a broken watermelon. Up.

High-level zombies have a strong recovery ability. As long as their heads are still there, they will not die. Although low-level zombies have no recovery ability, they can still bite people even when their bodies are broken into many pieces.

But whether it is a high-level or a low-level zombie, if its head is broken, it is really dead.

Shao Qing couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but her heart was unspeakably complicated. A zombie was full of obsessions to protect his students, but what about humans