The End Of The World’s Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby

Chapter 72: Confluence three shifts


The violent wind squad was really embarrassed. Even Lin Xiaofeng was tied with gauze on his arm. Gu Panpan emerged from the car window and blew a whistle: “I’ve been waiting for all night, but I’ve waited for you. Come on, we are ready to go in and have a look."

Everyone in the violent wind squad looked a little bad. They looked down on Shao Qing’s players. However, Shao Qing not only did not destroy the army as they thought, but even the entire army was wiped out. Instead, he went to the city government building first. One person was injured!

Seeing Gu Panpan sighing loudly there, their faces were blue with black, and black with purple.

Shao Qing got out of the car with some smiles: "You must be tired after walking all the way. Would you like to go in without taking a rest?"

Just as Lin Xiaofeng was about to speak, a member of the violent wind power team said: "No need to rest! To break into such a small place, still need to rest?"

Lin Xiaofeng's face turned black and shiny, and the blue veins on his forehead jumped and said angrily: "You are the captain and I am the captain. Is this team the leader or me?"

The team member was silent, and dropped his head. Lin Xiaofeng took a deep breath, and then said embarrassedly: "Let's take a break, but when we were on the road, the food we brought was lost... .. . "

Shao Qing smiled faintly: "We bring more food. If you don't dislike it, come and eat together."

When the violent wind squad ran away, the food was lost, and the team members were injured again. They did not dare to go deep into the large commercial buildings to find food. The small supermarket on the roadside was already at the time of the end of the world. They were searched clean, so they have been hungry for a day.

Even those who can't get used to Shao Qing them, now they can only shut their mouths, because they can't live with food.

Shao Qing turned around and said to Yan Hanqing that when he asked him to cook some more food and vegetables, Gu Panpan couldn't help holding Shao Qing and whispered: "They treated us like that, and you gave them food? Sister Qing, this Good people can't do it! They will never appreciate us!"

Shao Qing smiled slightly: "Am I the kind of person who likes to be a good person?"

"Then why..." Gu Panpan asked suspiciously.

"Death row prisoners can still eat a decapitated meal before death, not to mention that we have to use them to make cannon fodder. If we don't have enough food and have no energy, how can we make a qualified cannon fodder?" Bu Qianlan laughed: "Okay. Don’t think too much, go and cook for Han Qing."

Suddenly, Gu Panpan went to help Yan Hanqing. Yan Hanqing had a little bit of rice cooked before, but there were only two bowls left, which was definitely not enough. He heated up some steamed buns and jerky and fried them. Two simple dishes.

As soon as the food was served, the group of the violent wind power squad began to eat, and Lin Xiaofeng and Cheng Jiao were the only ones who had better demeanor.

Lin Xiaofeng’s eating movements looked elegant, but the speed was also very fast. He was full soon. He sat next to Shao Qing and curiously said: “When you go out, you also bring kitchen utensils and oil, salt, sauce and vinegar. ?"

"The few in my team are all foodies, and my son is growing his age, so when he is on the mission, he must bring oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, kitchen utensils, and ingredients." Shao Qing is very calm. The way.

Lin Xiaofeng is a little confused and doesn't know what to say, but he is quite clear about one thing. Shao Qing is absolutely hidden.

Teams like those with supernatural powers, including them, have their heads hanging around their necks every time they come out for a mission. It is not easy to go back alive. Who cares what to eat and drink

Only those who are more leisurely and more confident dare to bring out the pots and pans of oil, salt, sauce and vinegar.

Moreover, being able to reach the gate of the municipal government building earlier than them has proved their strength

I'm afraid that what they think in their players' heads is Shao Qing and the others relying on luck, and they refuse to believe that they are capable.

Lin Xiaofeng really didn't want to be enemies with Shao Qing and the others.

"Sneez... How embarrassed to say it..." Cheng Jiao blocked his mouth with a steamed bun before one of the members of the violent wind squad had finished speaking. "The meal is blocked. Do you want to use a knife if it doesn't touch your mouth?"

The other team members were also silent. They were embarrassed to talk and ate other people's food. Why were they so embarrassed to say this

Lin Xiaofeng said with some embarrassment: "In fact, none of them have any malicious intent, just that they don't speak through their brains."

Shao Qing smiled: "It's nothing, this kind of person is more refreshing." Who would care about cannon fodder? If you care about this with cannon fodder, doesn't that mean you care about the dead

She felt that she was very generous, so she was ready to forgive them generously.

When the members of the violent wind squad were full, Shao Qing thoughtfully took some bandages and the like: "Change the bandages or something. After entering the city government building, there must be a fierce battle. "

Lin Xiaofeng thanked him, and then distributed all the bandages. Cheng Jiao took the bandage and changed him. The cloth tied to Lin Xiaofeng's arm had been dyed red, and the outside was still dirty.

Cheng Jiao rolled the cloth around the wound, revealing the blackened wound below. The wound was still bleeding with pus and blood, which seemed to have been poisoned.

The recovery ability of the supernatural person is much stronger than that of the average person. If there is no poison, with Lin Xiaofeng's injury, it is estimated that the scar has already begun.

Shao Qing still had a lot of medicine in her hand, but she didn't mean to give Lin Xiaofeng medicine at all, and she didn't mean to help Li Xiaofeng at all. She just watched Cheng Jiao wash Lin Xiaofeng's wound with water, and then asked: "Did you treat the wound? The rotten flesh nearby is shaved off. This appearance is not conducive to healing."

Cheng Jiao shook her head: "It's useless. It was cut off just after being poisoned. The blood and flesh were already exposed at that time, but it didn't take long before it became like this again."

Cheng Jiao washed Lin Xiaofeng's wound many times with water, and then took the dagger out and cut off the carrion. As she said, the blood was exposed and the blood turned red.

Cheng Jiao poured some medicine powder to stop the bleeding on it and bandaged Lin Xiaofeng. After the bandage was over, Cheng Jiao's worries became more and more serious.

Seeing this situation, Shao Qing asked again: "Why don't we take another day off, let's go to the city government building tomorrow?"