The End Of The World’s Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby

Chapter 74: Search two more


The corpse's neck was torn open violently, and the broken throat bone could be seen directly. The blood spurted out. When it fell on the ground, there was still heat, but the person was already out of breath, and only the limbs were still twitching slightly.

Everyone's heart was cold, and they didn't even notice what the murderer looked like, when he killed someone, and when he left.

This is simply a mockery, making the members of the self-respecting violent wind squad feel that they have been severely slapped in the face.

More grief, because it was their team members who died.

For a while, no one spoke. After a long time, a member of the violent wind power team stepped forward and lifted the corpse: "This is our brother, we have to take him home."

Shao Qing is very calm: "The smell of blood will attract more zombies."

"Death is not yours, you don't feel the feelings!" One of the members of the violent wind power team roared with red eyes: "This is my brother!"

"So you let your other brothers die because of him?" Shao Qing said lightly: "I don't think this is a good choice."

"You know what a shit!" Another member of the mad concubine superpower squad rushed up and started to do it: "I also want to ask how you opened the way! Did you do it on purpose? Seems we are not pleasing to the eye, so The zombies were brought here? I think you are a snake-hearted woman!"

He hadn't done it yet, Yan Hanqing had already stepped out and kicked the man flying with one foot. The man flew out fiercely, stacked with the corpse, and his face was covered with blood.

As soon as Yan Hanqing started, the few remaining members couldn't hold back in an instant. They rushed over, but Lin Xiaofeng didn't shout angrily.

However, these people still have a little sense of measure. Although they did it, they didn't use their abilities. Shao Qing handed the little bun to Yan Hanqing and calmly said: "You all back off, I'll be enough."

Yan Hanqing and the others were full of confidence in Shao's love. Qi Qi stepped back, and Shao Tong took out the spiced peanuts to eat.

It took only a minute for Shao Qing to cook the three people, and then they couldn't get up on the ground. The three big men let a woman hit the ground empty-handed and screamed. It's really not a glorious thing.

Not to mention the onlookers, they all feel ashamed.

Finally, Lin Xiaofeng came over: "Calm down now? Sober?" The three people, including the one who just got up from the corpse, lowered their heads.

They all understood the reason, but they got hot for a while and were beaten by Shao Qing, but they woke them up. Lin Xiaofeng quickly apologized to Shao Qing: "I'm really sorry, I'm causing you trouble."

Shao Qing shook her head: "Hurry up and dispose of the corpse. We can't fight anymore. After all, there is still a'killer' hidden in the secret."

Only then did they wake up. It was indeed not the time for infighting. Several members reluctantly burned the corpse, put the ashes in a bag, and took it away.

This is when they are on the road again, their vigilance is heightened. After all, there is already a precedent, and no matter how stupid they are, they will not be as slack as before.

Probably the'killer' in secret also knew that they had become vigilant, until they reached the fifth floor, that thing didn't make any further action.

After reaching the sixth floor, their vigilance became even higher, "I thought everyone would spread out to find it, it would be faster, but now there is a monster who doesn’t know what it looks like, and it’s speed. Soon, the lethality is very high, so we can't disperse it and let it break one by one." Lin Xiaofeng thought for a while, and then said: "It's better to search together, although it is slower, but at least safe."

Shao Qing nodded: "Or it can be divided into two teams, it will be faster in that way."

"It's better to be together, safety is paramount." Lin Xiaofeng said in a bit of pain, "I never want to sacrifice any brother."

Shao Qing nodded: "Then we will start from this end and look for the other side along the corridor. We only look for the room on one side. When we reach the end, we will return to the other side."

Lin Xiaofeng said: "This is the safest way, I agree."

"One more thing, are there any abilities of the earth element? The moment we open the door, we have to prevent something from thrown out, so if a person with a strong earth element opens the door, it will be safer." Shao Qing first said: "We don't have one on our side."

"I am." The little man kicked by Yan Hanqing raised his hand and said, "I am an earth-type second-level ability, with earth armor and earth shield, let me open the door!"

"Then Xiao Liu, you." Lin Xiaofeng also nodded, "Be careful."

Xiao Liu attached the soil armor to his body, and condensed a soil shield in his hand to top it, and then went to open the first door on the left hand side.

Fortunately, after the first door opened, nothing came out, but they didn’t take it lightly. Xiaoliu quickly advanced the door, followed by Yan Hanqing of Thunder, and a fire ability of the squad. By.

Both of their abilities are of the assault system, if you encounter danger, you can quickly take action to help Xiao Liu.

The remaining talents came in one after another, leaving three people guarding the door to prevent being flanked back and forth.

But there was nothing in the room. They searched for a circle, neither found the information nor encountered the zombies.

They opened the second door in the same way, and the room was messy, and there was a mess of blood, but there was no information or zombies.

At the very end, Xiaoliu tried to open the door, but the door was locked. They had encountered two rooms with locked doors before, but there was nothing. Xiaoliu stepped a little open and then gave Gu Panpan a wrap. Soil shield.

Gu Panpan took a deep breath and instantly transformed into King Kong Barbie, kicking the door away with one kick, yes, it disappeared directly.

At the moment when the door was broken, a dark figure rushed out. At this moment, Gu Panpan's ability to react was seen. She was calm, stepped on the ground firmly and steadily. The fist hit the head of that thing.