The End Of The World’s Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby

Chapter 75: Exit the third watch


The punch was too strong, the brain of the thing broke directly, and the red and white splashed all over the ground. Of course, this is not the key, the key is that the sneak attack came out again.

This is because it aimed its target at Gu Chuan. Just when it started, Shao Qing spotted it first, and then quickly swung the cane and pulled it to the ground.

Its body hit the floor and made a huge noise. Everyone looked at the thing, and saw it quickly got up, trying to escape, but was restrained by Shao Qing's vines.

That's a person who is certainly not very old depending on his height... The zombie should be a male, but his face has been rotten, and its hands are different from ordinary zombies. The nails are extraordinarily long and look like hands. Overgrown with sharp knives.

It is estimated that this is the'murder weapon' that tore open the throat of the former member of the violent wind power team.

"Fuck it, take revenge for my brother!" The fire-type supernatural power of the violent wind superseder squad can get started without a word. Fortunately, Lin Xiaofeng is more sensible: "Don't be too impulsive, we are crowded, so we won't let it run away. ."

"Yes, don't get into the fire element first, burn the vine and then run away." Shao Qing tightened the vine and said coldly: "If you don't rush with the wood element, please don't let it run away."

Lin Xiaofeng nodded, and Shao Qing also saw Lin Xiaofeng's abilities for the first time. His abilities were also relatively rare. He controlled the metal, and the metal in his hands could be transformed into various shapes arbitrarily and used for battle.

As for Cheng Jiao, she is also a very special ability person. Her hair can grow quickly and become extremely tough, just like Shao Qing's vine, which can be used to restrain others.

The cooperation between Cheng Jiao and Lin Xiaofeng is like Shao Qing and Gu Panpan, they just control the attack one by one, very tacitly.

The zombie was very fast, but couldn't bear seven or eight people coming together. It didn't have time to react at all, so it was buried in the colorful abilities.

When the light dissipated, there was only bones left in it. The people on Lin Xiaofeng's side breathed a sigh of relief, with a feeling of revenge and hatred.

The fire element ability player who could not make a shot ran forward angrily and threw the zombie into ashes.

A group of people cleaned up this weird loss, and went into the room to look for it. This room was full of materials, most likely the data room they were looking for before.

It’s just that there are too many materials in this room, and it’s been damaged a lot by the zombie hidden in the house. Maybe this zombie is the administrator of the management data room. When the end of the world came, he became a zombie or was bitten. So he locked the door specially, and didn't want him to go out to bite others after becoming a zombie.

However, the materials in the house were all damaged by the zombies. Shao Qing and the others searched for a long time, only to find a piece of incomplete information about water purification.

They were all stunned, what should I do if only half of the information is left? And it is very severely mutilated, with large blood stains and shredded fragments, so that ordinary people can't understand what it is.

After a long silence, Cheng Jiao said suddenly: "My brother is a civil servant. He once told me that, as long as there are at least three copies of important information, one copy is stored in the database of the computer and the other is stored in the USB flash drive. Inside, and a paper."

"Shall we go up and take a look?" Lin Xiaofeng asked.

"Even if I went there, I found the computer, found the USB flash drive, and there is no electricity, how to find the information, how to determine which USB flash drive the information is in?" Shao Qing asked calmly.

"There is a research room on the ground floor of the municipal government building. Even if the power supply outside is cut off, it will not be cut off there. We still have a chance." Cheng Jiao gritted his teeth and said, "I have come here. Does it mean a trip for nothing?"

Shao Qing was silent for a while and asked Yan Hanqing and the others: "Should we go to the basement?"

"Go." Gu Panpan exchanged opinions with Gu Chuan, and then said: "If we really want to find information on water purification, and find a way to purify the water, it will be good for us."

Shao Qing looked at Lin Xiaofeng again, Lin Xiaofeng was silent for a while, and said, "I'm sorry, I want to take my brothers out first."

He knows that this is not kind, but really, if you reduce the number of players, the violent wind power team will be greatly injured. Although he keeps saying that he will change his blood when he goes back, he actually hopes that no one player will last forever. Stay here.

These materials can already be returned to the task, and he doesn't want to risk it anymore.

Cheng Jiao's eyes widened, she wanted to say something, for a long while, she didn't say anything, and finally lowered her head.

"Then you go out and wait first, I'll take the team members down and take a look. If there is electricity, it's best, and leave like this without us." Shao Qing didn't complain, just said indifferently.

She didn't want to be a Virgin, but hoped that the environment would really get better and better, at least so that her son could live better in the future.

After all, the beneficiary of this incident is not just herself.