The End Of The World’s Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby

Chapter 81: Return trip two more


Shao Qing did not speak, and silently carried Cheng Jiao back. Cheng Jiao was already asleep when she returned. Lin Xiaofeng held on until she saw Shao Qing carry Cheng Jiao back, and then closed her eyes to rest.

In fact, he has reached the limit, he has been holding on.

When Lin Xiaofeng woke up, he found that he was in his car, shaking. When he tilted his head, he could see Cheng Jiao’s pale face and gauze wrapped belly. There were no major wounds elsewhere. He relaxed all at once, and the wounds all over his body began to aches.

Shao Qing sat in front of them and turned her head when she heard the voice: "Don't worry, she is too badly injured, and she is also exhausted. I gave her some sleeping pills to let her sleep a little longer."

"Thank you." Lin Xiaofeng said sincerely, and Shao Qing slightly curled his lips, and said evilly: "You love her very much."

"She and I grew up with her childhood sweethearts. Many people say that the two children who grew up with childhood sweethearts cannot fall in love with each other because they are too familiar with each other. But I am not the same as Cheng Jiao. I love her very much, and she is very much too. Loving me, after this feeling settled, it turned into an emotion like family love." Lin Xiaofeng smiled to himself: "I feel painful when I treat her as my lover and my sister at the same time. There is no way to protect her."

"Do you know what happened to her before?" Shao Qing glanced at Lin Xiaofeng up and down, and said with a smile. After hearing that Lin Xiaofeng's face became paler, but soon he became firm: "No matter what happened to her, It's all in the past, I will comfort her and heal her inner wounds."

Shao Qing didn't speak any more, and turned around lazily, turning her back to Lin Xiaofeng: "Just don't forget your previous promise."

"Don't worry." Lin Xiaofeng moved his body and circled Cheng Jiao into his arms. The relationship between the two people was already very complicated. There were elements of love, family affection, and dependence on each other.

The more this kind of emotion, the more sincere and solid.

Cheng Jiao also woke up during dinner. Because of her injury, she drank soup all the time, and then soaked some steamed buns and minced meat in.

Throughout the dinner time, Cheng Jiao was very calm. When she entered the tent, she and Lin Xiaofeng had a tent. Shao Qing knew that she would have a showdown with Lin Xiaofeng.

Then Shao Qing also entered the tent. As soon as she entered the tent, Shao Qing found that Er Dai was sitting in the tent with his pants down to his knees, and then lowered his head and looked seriously between his legs.

However, zombies really don't have that kind of ability, except for the special mutant zombies today.

Shao Qing watched Erdai's round white ass exposed in the air, and couldn't help kicking: "What are you doing? Fortunately, Xiaotong is not here."

Er Duan gave a grieved cry, and took Shao Qing's hand to touch it, and then Shao Qing slapped her hand away. Er Duan was very aggrieved, staring at him as if asking why that tall zombie could do it. Can't do it.

Er Dai vaguely knew that what he saw before was the most intimate thing between a man and a woman, and he subconsciously wanted to do this with Shao Qing, but the hardware was not powerful.

Shao Qing squeezed the inner thigh for the second time, and said coldly, "Honestly give me sleep, or pinch it off for you."

Er Dai immediately clamped his thighs and got up very honestly. Shao Qing lifted his pants for him, and then sighed: "It's all right in your own home. Don't just take off your pants outside to let people watch." How bad is the impact."

Erdai nodded ignorantly, and coordinated with Shao Qing to lift the pants. Shao Qing sometimes felt that Erdai was the kind of bear kid who was very possessive, but the force value was still very high.

"Don't sleep tonight, absorb it, and see if you can break through." Shao Qingsai gave Erdai a few more advanced zombie crystal nuclei, but didn't find it at all. They were mixed with the crystal nucleus of the zombie that was just killed today.

Erdai was also obedient, and put all the spars away, put them in the small purse that Shao Qing gave him a long time ago, and then took them out one by one to absorb them.

When Shao Tong got in with the little bun, the family of four grabbed a spar and started to absorb it.

The more you level up, the more energy you need. Take Shao Qing for example. She is now at level three, and it is almost useless to absorb those level one zombie nuclei, and level two is not very useful to her. Big, only those levels three to four are the most suitable for her to absorb right now.

The low-level ones are useless, the high-level ones cannot be used, and they are easy to explode. On the contrary, the three- and four-level ones are more suitable.

But level three or four zombie crystal nuclei are really hard to find. She has a level four zombie crystal nucleus in her hand. There are still a few pieces of the third level zombie crystal nucleus. She is going to wait for the fourth level to return to the base. Reabsorb.

Just absorb some second and third grades first.

The next morning, when he got ready to go on his way, Shao Qing looked at Lin Xiaofeng's expression specially, but didn't see anything unusual.

Not all men can accept that their lover is insulted, and even some men will put the blame on women.

Even some people in the world are like this. If they are fucked, it must be the woman's usual coquettish behavior, or contact with some gangsters, or going in and out of places that shouldn't be in and out, in short, it is the woman's fault.

Shao Qing saw such things too much, but felt that such a peaceful Lin Xiaofeng was still a man.

You can blackmail him less when you go back.

Thinking of his teammate's death, his wife insulted the zombies, and he was seriously injured. It was still very pitiful. Of course, he owed her nothing less.

The speed of going back is much faster than when I came back. There is naturally a reason for wanting to relax. After all, in this huge apocalypse, the base is safe. In the base, you don’t have to worry about waking up in the middle of the night. After being gnawed by a zombie, you can rest and relax.

When they returned to the base, they happened to run into high-level officials from other bases who came to their base. Shao Qing led the people to hand in the mission. When the mission was handed in, the girl in the mission hall was stunned.

A first-level team of superpowers with a particularly scary name has completed a difficult task without losing even one member.

However, for the third-level superpower team that went with it, the captain and deputy captain were left dead. Isn't this a miracle

"All the rewards belong to them." Lin Xiaofeng helped Cheng Jiao, and couldn't help but breathe a little while speaking: "The task has been handed in, Captain Shao, I will take Jiaojiao back first, and I will invite you to dinner another day. "

Shao Qing watched Lin Xiaofeng leave, and then there was only a dark heart in her heart. After all, after so busy for so long, and wandering on the edge of life and death several times, it was finally time to divide the spoils.

Just the reward points are enough for their superpower squad to upgrade to one level, right