The End Of The World’s Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby

Chapter 97: Forced tasks are first ordered for support (9)


Is it because Meng Shen lay there and wrote a love letter all night? Is it too late for him to write now!

Seeing Yan Ping's desolate appearance, Shao Qing felt a little unbearable, so she whispered, "How about I give you this bowl?"

Yan Ping couldn't take up a girl's lunch no matter what, he swallowed blood and tears, and whispered: "No, I'm actually full..."

No, I want to eat, I want to eat, I don't want to eat that pot of dog food! QAQ

"Oh." Shao Qing gave an expression that I knew, and then handed the bowl to Meng Shen: "If he doesn't eat, you can eat it. I'm full anyway."

Meng Shen quickly buckled the rice in the bowl into his own bowl, and then smiled at Shao Qing: "Thank you."

Yan Ping knelt at that time, and Shao Qing was definitely targeting him! absolute!

Yan Ping's grievances were particularly aggrieved, especially in comparison with Meng Shen. He sat back in his position and looked at the gurgling'dog food' in the pot, and then looked at the happy Meng who almost buried his face in the bowl. Shen, he is even more unbalanced.

"Brother Yan." The little fat man who cooks served Yan Ping a bowl of rice with a small green pickled cucumber, his eyes pitying: "Let's eat first."

If there is no comparison, there is no harm. After all, they usually eat this kind of dry food when they come out. But the comparison is right in front of them. Yan really can't eat it in his life. He eats a bite and there are more tears in his heart. Compared with Meng Shen who likes to speak badly of him, Shao Qing is really more ruthless.

As he ate, he thought viciously, Meng Shen and Shao Qing are indeed a natural match!

After eating and resting for a while, they will move on. Before dark, they have to cross the empty town in front. There are no people in these towns, all of them are zombies. If they are still in the town before dark , It is very possible to encounter a night attack at night, which is very troublesome.

Going forward after passing the town, there is no gathering place for zombies within a short distance, so it is relatively safe.

These experiences are all slowly accumulated by people after the end of the world. How much blood and many lives have been paid, and every experience can save lives.

"The road ahead is blocked." As he was walking, the front blazing power team sent a message that the team could only stop in place. Shao Qing asked her friends to look after the car, and then brought a sticky note. Ren's Erdai and Xiao Baozi walked over.

Yan Pingsheng, they have been waiting there. I didn’t know why. There were big cracks in the ground, probably because of the earthquake. Each crack was five or six meters wide and the narrow one was more than one meter. The vehicle will definitely not pass.

Yan Pingsheng's faces couldn't help but look hard, because the road here was pretty good when they came, but they didn't expect it to be like this when they went back.

More importantly, this is the safest way. No matter which side you go from, you will inevitably pass through a lot of places where zombies are dense, and the loss of personnel is certain.

"What to do?" Yan Ruru also tightened her brows: "Do you want to make a detour?" She looked at the length of these cracks, and it was impossible to pass from the edge.

"No detour." Yan Pingsheng gritted his teeth: "If you go around from the left, it happens to be a highway. There are a lot of abandoned vehicles on the highway. Even if you ignore the zombies, it will be troublesome to go forward, and you get off the highway. It is a city. The danger of passing through the city is too great. If you go around it from the right, it is a wetland. It is very likely that there are swamps and a large number of mutant plants. There is no way to drive."

Yan Ruru couldn't help saying: "But we can't get there at all. If we don't make a detour, how can the car pass through this huge crack? Let alone the car, even if the car is dropped, it will be difficult for people to pass."

Meng Shen squatted on the ground to look at it. The crack was so deep that he couldn't see it. He took a stone and threw it down. There was a sound of the stone hitting both sides, but there was no sound of the stone falling to the ground.

It is impossible to fill this gap, so you can only think of other ways.

"Perhaps... you can let the earth type supernatural powers create a way out." Meng Shen studied for a long time, and then said.

"How to make it?" Yan Pingsheng's eyes lighted up, and then, Meng Shen said solemnly: "This section of the road can be up to 100 meters long, and there is solid ground in the middle. We only need to pave above the cracks. A road, like a bridge, can support vehicles."

Yan Pingsheng and Yan Ruru also felt that this method was feasible, so they each called two earth-type supernatural powers over. They all called the highest-level soil-type superpowers in their respective teams, a third-level and a second-level peak. .

Yan Pingsheng recounted Meng Shen's idea, and then said: "Can you build a'bridge' out? It's about two meters wide, it doesn't need to be too thick, as long as our vehicles can pass."

"You can try." One of the earth-type abilities squatted down, with his palm resting on the ground, and activated his own abilities. Soon, the tumbling soil seemed to be controlled by an invisible hand, forming a shape. A two-meter wide'bridge' traverses the crack.

Yan Ping was very surprised, and quickly said: "Call a car over to try it out. The wind-powered person is ready. If the bridge collapses, please support the car with all your strength, and then the force-powered person will be responsible for dragging the car up. ."

After Yan Pingsheng gave orders, the people on both sides immediately became busy. After everyone was ready, the high-expected off-road vehicle slowly drove onto the'bridge'.

Under everyone's nervous gaze, the car crossed the bridge and then backed up again. The earthen bridge did not collapse.

Everyone couldn't help cheering, but Yan Pingsheng saw Shao Qing who hadn't said a word from beginning to end next to her. She curled her brows and looked solemn.

Yan Ping couldn't help but irritate her: "Captain Shao, do you think there is any problem?"

Shao Qing pointed to the cracks in front, and asked the two earth-type supernatural abilities: "Pave the bridge all the way and maintain it until all a dozen off-road vehicles drive past. Can you two do it?"

The scene suddenly went cold, including Yan Ping's heart was a little bit awkward, they seemed to forget that the power of the superpower is also limited, and when it is used up, it is used up.