The End Of The World’s Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby

Chapter 98: There are always people who love to die (1)


Look at me and see you, the two supernatural beings are silent, they can't do it, let alone the two of them, even if all the earth-type supernatural beings on the scene are pulled out, they can't do it.

"Could it be that you have to take one by one? We sent one car with all our strength, and then you rest for a day and a half, and then send the second one over?" Shao Qing said lightly.

Yan Ping was silent for a long time, and then asked Shao Qing: "Then do you have any other way?"

Shao Qing shook his head: "Except for detours, bridge laying is the only way."

"Isn't this still nonsense? Paving the bridge is the only way, and they can't support all the vehicles passing by, it's still a dead end." Yan Pingsheng said a little annoyed.

Shao Qing didn't say a word, looked at the long crack, and suddenly asked, "How much will the loss be if you make a detour?"

Meng Shen said sincerely: "About one-third of the people will be left behind and will not be able to reach the Jiangbei Survivor Base. This is only a rough estimate and not an accident."

Shao Qing hesitated for a while, then called to Gu Chuan to come over: "Pave an ice bridge. It doesn't need to be too thick. It just needs to be able to cross the cracks. The width is about two meters and the thickness can support a fully loaded car."

Gu Chuan stretched out his hand in silence, the moisture in the air was quickly pulled away, and an ice bridge appeared above the crack. Shao Qing tested the thickness, and then said: "Try again."

Yan Ping called the car to come, and tried again, and the car got on the bridge, and back and forth, there was no sign of cracking in the ice bridge below.

Yan Pingsheng's eyes lit up immediately, and after the two earth-type supernatural powers created the excavated bridge, their faces became much paler, but Gu Chuan's expression was very indifferent, and the gap between the two parties was clearly visible.

"Can you hold on to cover all the cracks?" Yan Ping couldn't help asking, but Gu Chuan shook his head. If he was a Level 4 Ice Element, he would definitely be able to do it, but he Only three levels, or just promoted.

Yan Ping was a little disappointed in his life, but Shao Qing ignored him and just asked Gu Chuan, "Can it be done to the two-thirds position?"

Gu Chuan nodded, and when he reached that spot, he could still manage to do it, but he would be more exhausted.

"That's good." Shao Qing nodded and said in the same way: "Leave the bridge construction to Gu Chuan and me. You are going to cross the bridge."

"But..." Yan Ping couldn't help but want to ask, isn't Gu Chuan unable to hold on? Then he saw that Gu Chuan had already paved ice bridges. When Gu Chuan was paved the bridge, the other two earth-type supernatural powers were not idle. Shao Qing asked them to lay a thin layer of bridge body first. , And then Gu Chuan used ice to freeze this layer of earthen bridge body, and then thickened and reinforced it, which saved him a lot of abilities.

Seeing Gu Chuan and they had already started to do it, Yan Pingsheng also commanded everyone to get into the car and began to drive one by one in an orderly manner.

Shao Qing and Gu Chuan were at the forefront. Every time a layer of ice bridge was laid, Shao Qing first tried it, and then continued to shop down.

After spreading out for about fifty meters, several soil-type supernatural powers had been rotated, and their supernatural powers had been exhausted, so Gu Chuan had to do it himself, laying the bridge entirely with ice.

At this time, you can see the power of the third-level ability, except that his face is a little white, and he can't see the serious consumption of the ability.

"Can you still hold it?" Shao Qing tried, and now the ice bridge is obviously thinner than the previous one. This is not because Gu Chuan is lazy, but his abilities are slowly being exhausted. There is more than enough energy but not enough energy.

"It's barely enough to reach the position you mentioned." Gu Chuan was very calm, but there was already fine cold sweat on his forehead.