The Enemy Always Wants to Pull Me into a Coffin

Chapter 1


He woke up.

The ice crystal on the tongue began to melt, and the blood of the saint frozen in it flowed out. The blood gave him strength, so Arecio woke up, after a long slumber.

Surrounded by silence that was not found in the deepest night, he gradually found his body, and a soft, slightly moist touch came from his fingertips. The first restored sense of touch activated other senses, and he gradually smelled the delicate fragrance of flowers, and heard a certain heartbeat that was close at hand.

Of course, this heartbeat was not his. He had been lying in the coffin for so many years, and the physiological functions of the simulated human being supported by his own will have declared a strike, leaving only the empty and dead body that belongs to his essence.

No body temperature, no heartbeat, immortality, like a curse.

He is - blood.

This distant racial name made his eyes tremble. In the silence, Arecio opened his eyes. His eyes were the deep rose color praised by the blood clan. The short hair was scattered on the side of his head, and it was as dark as midnight.

And under him, the moist and fresh star-moon roses were scattered as if they had just been picked.

He stared into the darkness in front of him, as if in deep thought, and suddenly, he blinked his eyelashes, then blinked again, and then...

He sneezed.

Who the fuck has a coffin full of flowers!

Arecio wasn't allergic to roses, but the blood race's overly sensitive sense of smell made it hard for him to endure the scent of flowers in a small space. He tried to open the coffin to escape, fumbling around and finally finding the switch, and before he could feel joy, a question appeared before him.

This coffin, is it a flip top or a sliding one

"… "

Because he hates using coffins as bedding, Arecio has not slept in coffins for many years, and now he can't remember how to open it for granted. Now most of his actions are still in accordance with the instinct when he just woke up, and after another sneeze, his memory gradually began to come back into the cage.

— about why he was sleeping in this coffin.

Arecio's hand touched the side, and he touched a slightly warm body. His fingertips could feel the coolness of the temple's special fabric, as well as the magnificent patterns woven by expensive enchanted silk threads, and then he touched the sleeping man's cheek and quickly retracted his hand.


He retreated too quickly, and his head knocked on the inner wall of the coffin.

Covering the place where he knocked on his head, in the darkness, Arecio's expression was very complicated. He hesitated, but finally reached out his hand again and touched the saint's cheek.

Warm, can feel the breath, heard the heartbeat before, this neuropathy is still alive.

He still remembered how this madman used the domain to control him, pressed him into this coffin, and told him the blood oozing from the seven holes after the prophecy of the destruction of the world. This neuropathy, when the conflict with him was the most intense, also maintained a stern face, and finally showed a smile when he was about to die.

[Sleep, I am destined to live for it.]

[Everything will be wiped out in the rain of fire, and you and I will ride on the ark and sail to a new era of gold.]

Arecio sneezed again, he couldn't remember anymore and had to get out.

He pulled the switch hard, thinking whether it was a slide cover or a flip cover, try it in either direction!

Pull down, no movement.

Push up, stay still.

Arecio is simply incredible, what kind of coffin is this? Or did he stay awake for too long and the coffin was outdated in the vampire? Are your coffins so advanced? Did you do a voice control

He slammed to the left in a hurry, the coffin made a sound, and a dim skylight shone in.

Arecio used his arm to cover his eyes to adapt to the light, and when he could see clearly, he first went to see how this magical coffin was opened—

What the hell is a coffin with a screw cap? !

Looking at the coffin board that was spun out at right angles to the main body, Arecio fell into a long silence.

This design...

Don't you think it takes up a lot of space

Inwardly gave the design of this coffin a cross, and Arecio felt some sight. It was indeed some sight. He had a strange, highly anticipated feeling. The last time he had this feeling was at a grand and lavish dinner party of the blood clan, or when the Silver Crusaders were deployed in the temple to besiege him.

He raised his head, expecting to see people, but only saw a large number of metal aircraft suspended in the air. The front end of the translucent crystal reflects real-time images. These metal objects have streamlined flying wings for hovering. Among them, a curious child slowly approached him—


The metal tool was torn apart in the air, and after just relying on his sight to guide his mental power to achieve this effect, Arecio looked at the wreckage that fell to the ground. He doesn't know much about alchemy, but he can see that this artifact does not have any attack device loaded, and the overall structure is a bit weird, at least Arecio didn't find the shiny magic that usually serves as an energy source. crystal.

His eyes slowly moved to the other metal objects in the air, and beyond them, Arecio suddenly caught his attention by the scene behind him.

"… what?"

Banners draped in red and gold flutter in the wind, below which is a huge and splendid garland arch, and even a red carpet, which extends all the way to the coffin, these objects come together to create a particularly joyous and even joyous joy. Celebrating atmosphere.

On the banner, it was written in common language, which was simplified a lot in Arecio's view—

[Warm congratulations to His Royal Highness Prince Arecio for his recovery! Long live the great blood race!]

Arecio: ? ?

Could it be that the blood race ruled the world during the unknown number of years he slept

Today is the day that "Hitomi" is scheduled to broadcast live.

As the object of common admiration of the people of the alliance, "Hitomi", who will win the first place in each selection of the characters of the century, is not alone. He hovers in the central area of the Dark Creature Conservation Center, and at the beginning of the new era, he has accompanied various races to grow together, and its importance can almost be called "the sun on the ground".

At the beginning of a new era, He provided knowledge and skills to the various races that were gradually intermingling, enabling them to develop. In the current era of comprehensive development of the network, it is responsible for a huge amount of information throughput by itself, and communication with the outside world is becoming increasingly rare. In recent years, it has not responded to technicians at all.

Three days ago, "Hitomi" registered his own account on the social platform for the first time and updated the first message.

[I see that you are about to wake up.]

So the whole league was boiling, why did "Hitomi" suddenly register an account? Why are you suddenly willing to communicate with the outside world? Who is the person mentioned by "Hitomi"

All kinds of questions are disturbing, and there are various speculations and opinions, but "Tomi" did not respond to any of them, but after a brief silence, he threw out the first video.

The content of the video is an extremely messy clip, with many intricate scenes and characters presented like a revolving light. Sometimes it's a mountain, sometimes it's a tree, sometimes it's a parent bird brooding, or someone pulling a bowstring.

After this seemingly chaotic video, "Hitomi" posted four words with a flame effect.

[Before the rain of fire.]

Now, the whole league is shocked! Their era began after the fire rain. The fire rain destroyed the achievements of most civilizations, and only a few remained. The video released by "Tomi" is actually about the last era before the fire rain, which was extremely far away. .

The two messages are concatenated, so "Hitomi" means... Is someone from the previous era about to wake up? !

What explosive news!

The alliance is boiling, and whether it is official or private, they are eager to use a microscope to dig out the previous video. The hint of "Hitomi" was very obvious, and soon some people felt that a certain scene gave people a slightly different feeling, and then a technical nerd pointed out the reason first.

This technical house called "Isolation of the Wall" pointed out that although there are many elements in the video released by "Hitomi", these elements are basically played at a frame rate of 72 frames per second, and the picture of a single character Different, his frame rate reached 144 frames per second, which is undoubtedly a hint of "Hitomi"!

"My Plasma Wall Separation" also carefully cut out this video. In the video clip, a pale and gloomy young man with flaxen hair sat quietly on a chair. The surrounding light was very dim. He took a sip of black tea, and only That's all.

The people of the Alliance wielding microscopes began to dig deeply again. They recognized the fangs exposed when the youth opened his mouth, and combined with the excessively pale complexion, they deduced that their race should be the now extinct blood race. This race is only recorded in the surviving documents, but it is unexpectedly very popular. Before the incident of "Hitomi", there were a lot of fan works.

Living in this world with an excessively high light index, who doesn't like a blood-fed vampire who has small fangs, hates the sun, and eats blood

They also hate those harsh lights!

So after going through a whole process of ripping off the cocoon, the enthusiasm of the federal people became more and more high, and they wholeheartedly looked forward to the upcoming little cutie. "Hitomi" was also very considerate, and readily announced the identity of the other party.

[Prince, Arecio.]

Ow, got it! We will put up a banner for the little cutie!

The dark flaxen hair is really good-looking, and the blue eyes are also very impressive. Although this combination is not so amazing, the people of the Federation said that they are satisfied to see the living blood clan.

Everyone wants to see this recovering little cutie as soon as possible, so when the official announcement has been carried out according to the information provided by "Tomi", and the whole process of recovery will be broadcast live by "Tomi", even if it does not start broadcasting, "Tonomi" "The live broadcast room was also lively and crowded with people.

With high enthusiasm, the melon eaters exchanged information happily, counted down happily, and prepared to comment on the official arrangement. Finally, the day of the live broadcast has arrived.

All the audience held their breath as the coffin lid was unscrewed.

The vampire with black hair and red eyes sat up, and some moonlight rose petals fell from him. He looked a little dazed, but it didn't hinder his vigilance. The camera that was trying to get close was blasted on the spot, and the audience who should have scolded the camera for being ignorant was strangely silent.

The rooster crows always after silence—

[Ah, ah, I'm so good, so good! With black hair and red eyes, I died on the spot! ! !]

[Not the flaxen-haired brother in the video! But why am I so excited!]

[Please! Press me against the wall—]

[Bite me ah ah ah! ! !]

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