The Enemy Always Wants to Pull Me into a Coffin

Chapter 10


Taking revenge for the breakfast, Arecio took comfort in the neuropathy that was especially easy to deal with after a head problem. When he saw the neuropathy staring at the report sheet in his hand, he didn't care, and handed it over directly.

"Want to see?"

The sage's hand moved slightly, but in the end he didn't resist the temptation to [cross out] and go back to make a hand account after reading it. Then he handed the report back to Arecio with a blank face, as if he just glanced at it casually.

It is a pity that the center did not measure some special abilities of the blood clan, otherwise this information would be more complete.

"What happened to you? Did you find out?" Arecio asked.

"... It's a retrospective." The saint's expression is a bit complicated. Obviously, the results of such an inspection prove that he has indeed lost something. "It's not just about memory, my physical state has also been retroactive, and time and space magic is on me. Traces are left."

Arecio doesn't know much about this kind of magic. It is a high-level field developed by humans to fight against foreign races, and blood races don't need those. Especially the high-level blood clan, as long as they can survive the first embrace with extremely high mortality, they can obtain power that is unimaginable for ordinary people.

"Can you recover?"

"Watch again."

Looking at the slightly solemn expression of the saint opposite, Arecio couldn't help but smile. The saint looked up at him and seemed a little confused.

"It's nothing." He stood up from his position. "It's also not much expression. You are much more pleasing to the eye now than before."

The previous neuropathy, logically speaking, had a better relationship with Arecio, but Arecio felt that this saint who did not remember anything and whose memory remained in the temple to receive teaching was more comfortable. He never knew what the previous neuropathy was thinking and what he wanted. He looked at the neuropathy as if he were watching a fire that was changing its shape all the time.

He's gotta admit, he's a little… scared of that lunatic.

"Actually," the saint paused, "you can tell me what happened in the past..."

"I wouldn't do that," interrupted Arecio. "That's different."

He raised the pair of red pupils, the pupils were a very magnificent deep rose color. Such pupils are the representatives of evil among humans, but these pupils are actually very beautiful under the shallow light of the medical department.

"It's one thing if you think about it yourself, it's another thing if I tell you." Arecio passed by the saint slowly, patted his shoulder, and immediately felt the tense body under his hand, and couldn't help but smile. .

"And even if I told you, can you believe it now?"

They haven't built up the trust relationship they had before, and the insane inaction is the result of evaluating the situation. Maybe it has a lot to do with the "Federal Dark Creatures Protection Law" that was read all night. Arecio didn't read it very carefully. But the maximum death penalty is appropriate.

The saint was silent as expected, and Arecio walked past him, preparing to find Zhu Hengjiao's medical report.

Not only did Zhu Heng have himself in his office, but Andre was also there. When the white-haired unicorn saw Arecio, his eyes lit up and he greeted gently, "How did it turn out?"

Arecio shoved the report directly to him, sat down on the soft sofa, and picked up the cup of tea Zhu Heng poured him.

"I don't need to protect people."

Andrei was stunned, and sadly held up another cup of tea.

"They are all healthy." Zhu Heng said after reading the report, "I will contact Ellie to re-plan your diet. I heard that you are also very fond of ordinary food? We will do our best to arrange it for you."

Arecio was so excited that he could finally eat something good!

Zhu Heng smiled at his reaction, "From the report, you have already passed the recovery period, and the demand for blood in the future is not particularly large, so you always have to eat something else... Why don't I make a soup for you tonight? , it's a celebration."

"You still make soup?"

"A little bit."

Arecio has nothing against it, although the eating habits are not the same, but who can refuse the food of the East branch!

"Also, I want to talk to you."

Zhu Heng said, glanced at Andre, and the unicorn nodded slightly.

"What was the hostility between the light camp and the dark camp ten thousand years ago? I heard Andre say that you used the word 'hatred' when arguing with Mr. Ruzius. This is a... very serious words."

Finally asked, Arecio thought this question would come earlier, presumably because these people deliberately set aside a buffer based on the sensitivity and fragility of dark creatures, Arecio does not need this kind of careful treatment, but it does not hinder him Be grateful for that.

However, it has to be said.

He leaned back on the sofa in a relaxed way, holding the glass, sliding his fingers lightly over the edge of the glass.

"'Hate' is indeed a very serious word, but using hatred to modify the relationship between the two camps is too euphemistic."

He seemed to think about it seriously, and then suddenly smiled.

"I prefer to call it—"

"Blood feud."

Andre straightened his back. He felt a heavy feeling coming from the blood clan on the opposite side. Shadows seemed to gather around the blood clan. His red pupils were half-hidden in the heat of the tea, but he couldn't be modified to show any warmth.

Cold and sharp crimson, like blood solidified on the blade of a blade.

"It's a bit difficult to explain the relationship between the two factions. It's not like a piece of history. In the days when I was sleeping, it seemed that some human kingdom was established. When I woke up, it had passed to the fourth generation, that generation. The queen's name is Dalewei, a devout follower of the Temple of Light."

"I remember her because her kingdom overlaps with mine, and because of her beliefs, she has carried out a thorough cleansing campaign across the country. She can't tolerate the appearance of dark creatures in the country, and a bounty is offered, the chubby scorpion in the center. Like lions, their scorpion tails are cut off enough to build a tower—and she did."

Arecio saw the two bright creatures on the opposite side with shocked expressions, and felt that the history he said seemed to be a little exciting.

More exciting is yet to come.

"Not only that, but if the citizens are reported to be contaminated with dark creatures, they will be slaughtered by the whole family. I don't think I need to say more about the level of conflict between the two camps that reject the darkness to the point of raising a butcher knife to their own kind. "

"She also got a title, Queen of Bloodthorns, because the totem of the temple is a bird's nest woven by thorns."

"And after that?" Andre asked in a deep voice, with a hint of anger on his snow-like eyelashes, "This kind of rule, this kind of slaughter, this queen's kingdom is destined not to last long, and even to die in this generation. "

Arecio nodded, indicating that he was right, and shook his head slowly.

"Humans have a very strong tolerance, especially for those who believe in the temple. In the eyes of many people, this purge is a manifestation of the queen's and kingdom's beliefs. They are completing the trial of God and proving their purity. Those who die will ascend to the kingdom of heaven.”

Andre's breathing became slightly heavier. This history was too crazy for them to hear ten thousand years later. Light and darkness are not at fault, they can coexist in harmony and contribute to the balance of the world, and they have always lived this way.

"And I ended this crazy purge." Arecio said slowly.

Naturally, he would not go out in person, but dispatched a little guy of four generations. It's just the queen of human beings. The dispatch of the four generations of blood races is already a compliment, indicating that he wants to end the farce sooner.

He drank his last sip of tea, and history came to an end.

"The vampire killed the queen and the kingdom fell apart. Four generations of vampires were killed by the hunters of the temple. As a prince, I couldn't let it go, so I broke the silver cross on the main church of the temple and stepped on the dignity of the temple. Here, the Temple immediately activated carefully trained hunters who were only for me."

"It was the 3164th year of the Blood Moon Calendar, the first time I met Ner... Rutius."

This history made people unable to speak for a long time. Zhu Heng returned to his senses sooner. He gave Arecio a new cup of tea and couldn't help sighing.

"Retribution for grievances..."

"That's right, but no one can stop, so I once said to Ruzius that if we want to end it completely... unless there is a big fire and rain." Arecio touched the new tea, which was a little hot, so he tasted a snack first. , "As a result, the fire and rain really came, everything was cleared, and we started from scratch."

But why does he feel that there is something wrong with this restart? The squeamish dark creatures dote on the light creatures and human beings who are like old mothers. Isn't this way of starting over a bit wrong

Pamper, protect and say come.

"Let's be here today," Andre said, and lovingly pushed the dessert tray in the direction of Arecio, "Don't be sad, it's all over, eat more."

Arecio: …

Afraid that he would be traumatized by his memories of the tragic past, Zhu Heng asked a few more questions before packing up some snacks for him to carry. He promised again and again that he would cook the best soup for him in the evening, and called Ellie. Asking her to pick him up is like a kindergarten teacher sending children off school.

This did not achieve Arecio's goal at all! His original intention was to prove that he was terrible and the opposition was terrible. He was not cute at all!

"I'm also very scary, ooh." Zhu Heng perfunctory him with a smile, "Ai Li is waiting for you at the entrance of the previous physical examination, remember to ask the doctor at the physical examination department to get a candy, a good child will have it after finishing all the projects."

"… "

Arecio was forced to return to the medical examination, and received another compliment and a urge to start the live broadcast. He didn't want candy at all, so he walked straight to the entrance and saw Ellie's figure in the distance. Beside her was... a lunatic

By the way, the power will be cut off if the neuropathy leaves him a kilometer away. The reason for this has not been found out, so there is no way to go back by himself.

The saint sensed him from a long distance, pursed his lips and turned around, calling out to Arecio reluctantly.


The saint motioned to Arecio to stretch out his hand, and he took it out of his pocket, clenched it into a fist at first, and loosened it slightly in Arecio's palm—

One, two, golden wrapping candies fell and fell into Arecio's hands.

"Your candy, the doctors asked me to bring it to you."

"Two candies?"

"It's too childish, I don't eat it."

The saint is concise.

Arecio was holding two candies, and his mood, which had previously been slightly down because of recalling that history, suddenly became light. He stuffed the candy into his pocket, thought about it without revealing it, but just hummed inwardly.

Pretend what, obviously like to eat sweet.