The Enemy Always Wants to Pull Me into a Coffin

Chapter 105


His expression was too determined, but it was not arrogant pride, but a reasonable judgment made after carefully weighing the strengths of the two sides. Such an expression undoubtedly convinces Brendan more than a sworn assurance. He was even a little guilty, he didn't know much about things and couldn't help much.

"There is something you need to do." The blood race's voice sounded again, and Brendan raised his head quickly, and he was even happy for what he could do.

"what can I do?"

"Be quiet, be kind, like... a nightmare growing up in a childcare center," Arecio said, and Brendan blinked twice, then twice, and when he turned his head sharply, Arecio Precisely grabbed his horns.

"It's too hard! I can't do it!" Nightmare wanted to shake her head and refuse, "Want me to be kind to those humans and creatures of light? Huh? Just kidding!"

Arecio held his horns firmly and spoke with precision.

"Don't you want to liberate your compatriots?"

Nightmare's struggle stopped immediately.

"It's not a compromising task, it's a high-risk task to be exact." Arecio told him of the planned plan, "Those people's campaign has not stopped, they need dark creatures in front of the public. Be more violent, more threatening, and that's how you're acting now, so they won't be tempted to replace you."

Brendan seems to understand something, replace...

"Yes, I think the nightmare of the farm should be the same as you, full of hatred for others. Once you become docile, you can no longer create public opinion value for them. Since they can replace the original nightmare, of course they can also replace you. ." Halfway through he said, he smiled slightly, "But don't worry, I'll go with you, so you can naturally find where the farm is."

That is to let the enemy send him into his base camp.

Brendan was no longer struggling, and he was clearly excited about the plan.

"I can try..." he said with a little difficulty, "but I won't pretend to be cute..."

"It's alright, it's nerves that you interact with the most... Ruzius, you'll be set off very cute."

"… "

Arecio glanced at the time, even with the help of Hitomi's clone, he couldn't stay any longer, so he said goodbye to Nightmare.

"You should see the effect in a few days, at most a week, they will be unable to hold back. But you can't just go back like this, it's very dangerous, I will come over at night and tell you how to use your power."

Nightmare has a unique dream shuttle ability, which can help Arecio hide in the dream and enter the farm together. Ten thousand years later, many inheritances were cut off, and the public's default nightmare abilities were Unicorn and Black Flame. Even the original Dalewei didn't have the ability to dream, but Arecio clearly remembered that the nightmares were in the dream ten thousand years ago. Running in the middle.

- It is a fantastic and magnificent different from werewolves. At the end of fire and dreams, there are unilateral monsters galloping with solemn expressions. It is said that people who hear their hooves will be disturbed by nightmares at night. Nightmares devoured their fears, brewing new nightmares before a new night came.

After Arecio ended his meeting with the Nightmare, surveillance in the hallway returned to normal. He quickly returned to the room and opened the door with his pupil, so as not to leave any trace of the visitor. However, he saw that the display next to the door showed that there were only visitors here, and he didn't know who it was.

The door opened, and Arecio hid in the shadows, until he could see the visitor clearly, and then he threw himself on the table with reassurance.

The wings are too small to fly.

It was me who came to visit, and I thought he was here to find Arecio, but Arecio was not there, so he sat silently opposite the saint for a while. Zhen is usually a person who can bring the atmosphere very well, but he really can't hold back in front of the saint. He feels that unless it is necessary, the other party doesn't want to communicate with others at all, so he just waits obediently.

However, the saint took the initiative to speak to him.

"What do you think of the Southeast Branch?"

At that moment, I almost thought that the other party had completely understood his intentions. He really came for the Southeast Branch. He found something terrible. Of course, he found Arecio immediately. However, when Arecio was not there, the other party asked again, so I lowered my eyes and planned to say it.

"In the beginning, I had a high opinion of the Southeast Branch, which is almost all of the people of the East Branch, and I was very confident, because I could get rid of those worms." His voice gradually became rough, "But I... found that A terrible truth. Because it was so terrible, I confirmed it many times, and finally had to admit it in despair."

"I… may not be able to save these people."

He blinked, and there was a talisman in front of him, but the saint still seemed to see through him. In addition to the slight fear, he also felt a little familiar, as if he had been watched like this a long time ago, the owner of this gaze put a heavy decision in front of him, asked him to make a decision, and then turned to leave.

[You are the son of the emperor, and the country depends on you.]

[In any case, my plan will not change.]

There was pain in his heart, and the decision once placed in front of him must have been cruel, and the pain even spread to the present. I raised my head slightly, and looked at the sage's eyes that seemed to be rosy but emotionless, and there was nothing in them.

Suddenly, a small black shadow was reflected in the eyes of the saint.

After the sound of the door opening and closing automatically, Arecio landed on the table with precision. I don't know if it was because the body was too round or the fluff was too slippery. He rolled uncontrollably on the table, almost finished rolling the table, knocked down the glass used by the saint, and plunged his head into the glass.

"… "

After a silence, it became clear—


Arecio, whose hair felt a little wet, turned into a human form angrily, burst the cup, and stared at the two of them. I quickly shook my head, indicating that I was not laughing.

"I laughed." The saint spoke calmly.

How dare you admit it

Arecio almost got into a fight with him on the spot, but there was still one in the room, so he just glared at the apparently gloating lunatic, pulled up a chair and sat down.

"Anything?" He was very accustomed to the role of a confidant teacher, and these children liked to discuss or ask for advice on anything.

"... um." I lowered my head, and after seeing Arecio, he felt sore in his eyes and almost burst into tears, "I may not be able to save the people here."

He was holding back tears as he spoke.

"Everyone here has only one breath of life."

One person has one life breath, which should be a normal situation, but Arecio's expression gradually became solemn. He remembered those people who invaded the headquarters before. Everyone had insects on their bodies, showing the appearance of two life breaths. They were perfectly restrained by me. Lucy's soul butterfly can also cause huge damage to these insects, and now...

I'm afraid that so-called "a breath of life" belongs to insects, that's why I feel so sad.

So, are the people walking in the distribution a man or a worm

"Arecio, I can't save the people who have been completely swallowed." I grabbed Arecio's sleeve and prayed, "Is there any way Areci?"

Because the Southeast Branch is close to several settlements of the Eastern Branch, most of the members are from the Eastern Branch. For me, the current situation is that his people are suffering, and he has no ability to save them.

Arecio was silent for a while, then shook his head slowly, his ability was mostly used for offense. He subconsciously looked at the neuropathy, the light magic of the neuropathy was good at healing and repairing, but the neuropathy also shook his head at him, so I am afraid that these people are really hopeless.

I finally couldn't hold it any longer, I hugged Arecio and burst into tears.

He hated the cruelty of the enemy, and also hated his own powerlessness. He cried so much that the talisman paper was soaked. He fell into Arecio's arms and did not want to raise his head. Finally, the saint lifted him up.

"We are still in the enemy camp, he can't stay too long, and the people in the branch will become suspicious."

Arecio stood up subconsciously, "Then I'll accompany him..."

"Arecio." The saint called his name, and Arecio suddenly stopped. He looked into the eyes of the saint, the sky-colored eyes were clear and clear, but there seemed to be many things deposited inside.

"I'll send him back and talk to him."

"Be back soon."

He took me, who had barely stopped crying, away, leaving Arecio in the room. He turned on the device, and Tong's avatar floated up, with a gentle gaze in the bright light.

"Tomi, Luzius said that I was a resuscitator. Do you know what happened to him ten thousand years ago?"

Hitomi flickered, as if nodding.

"Can you tell me? What happened to me, what happened to Beizhu City back then? Neurosis... What did he do inside?"

This time, Hitomi turned left and right slightly.

"Won't you tell me now?"

The pupils turned up and down.

Arecio slumped on the table in frustration, yawned, ignoring Hitomi and not waiting for her neuropathy, and fell asleep after a while.

The housework robot in the corner suddenly activated, swiped over to clean the broken glass at his feet, and brought a blanket to cover him. After doing all this, Hitomi quietly watched the sleeping Arecio, shaking slightly, as if sighing.

The mysterious scene began to unfold, and the suspended pupil projected a white-feathered bird. The bird has three feathers and three long phoenix-like tail feathers, which are now gently resting on Arecio's shoulders. Arecio sank in the dream and did not perceive it. Shiratori snuggled up to him for a while, and then began to fade away.

Shiratori raised his head and looked in a certain direction. There was his guardian in that direction, and he was undergoing a painful transformation at the moment.

He can't intervene, and neither can Arecio.

That is my battle.