The Enemy Always Wants to Pull Me into a Coffin

Chapter 113


[About ten minutes later, the large army of the Federation will arrive.]

Black Sun reminded Theo in Theo's ear that it really was modeled after Tong, and most of the functions were available, and Theo also added attack capabilities to it. At this time, the Beizhu City ruins have successfully involved two guardians, and they will be unable to escape for a while.

Theo smiled, and now, everything was going according to his plan. It is a pity that the Southeast Branch and the Nightmare Farm were destroyed, but in his other plan, these two sweet lures are enough to lure his children over, which will buy him a certain amount of time. During this precious time, he raised the black sun to interfere with the take-off of Hitomi, and the remaining power of darkness had been poured into special instruments.

He has used everything in his hands to the fullest, ignoring the irreversible consequences of failure.

He was unquestionably—a total lunatic.

"I can't let the guardians of the three pillars gather together." He said slowly, Dalewei and Yamon have died for his great cause, and now standing in front of him is the person in charge of the research institute, after listening to his words, He bowed his head in deep awe.

"Everything is ready, as long as you give an order, the instrument will start."

"Has the effect been final tested?" Theo asked.

"Yes, just now, the final test results have come out. All people who have been irradiated by the rays will have mutations that tend to darken." The person in charge said here, and he, who has always had no conscience, also trembled because of fear, "But Such radiation cannot directly transform the human body, and if we do not receive our technical treatment in time, the irradiated will die from elemental riots."

Theo nodded with satisfaction. What he wanted was this result. Several large cities in the surrounding area would not be able to be evacuated for a while, and those people would become his bargaining chips with the Federation. Theo has considerable confidence in the research done by the temple, and the new human's plan will definitely get some support.

"I want you to stand on the launch pad yourself to make sure nothing goes wrong."


The person in charge led the way, and at the door, he finally couldn't help revealing a look of exhaustion and panic. He is undoubtedly working for a real demon, and once the plan is successful, millions of lives will be in the hands of the temple.

But... all for their research to be acknowledged! just for this!

"Teacher." Waiting at the door was his proud protégé Qiao. This talented and aura student slightly relieved the panic of the person in charge. He calmed down and ordered.

"Joe, you stay here and are responsible for liaising with me and coordinating the other researchers who remain in the temple headquarters."

"Yes, teacher."

The person in charge let out a long sigh of relief, then lowered his voice, almost speaking in a breathy voice.

"You have a spare key on you, and if something goes wrong, activate it for me."

Joe's eyelashes fluttered slightly, and he lowered his head deeply.

"Yes, teacher."

"I know you must have some concerns in your heart. After all, there are so many human lives. However, if you think about our achievements, it is a new human being who is not afraid of light! Isn't it the best for this world that is flooded with light? Rebellion?" The person in charge was persuading, "In addition, don't forget that we all have chips in our hearts, and Mr. Theo can decide our life and death at will."

"Yes, teacher."

Joe's consistent reply made the person in charge relaxed. He straightened his collar and rushed to the launch pad immediately.

After he left, the originally rigid and silent Joe moved. He did not stay at the door, but pretended to go to coordinate the other researchers and left the door in a hurry. The place where the backup key is located is heavily guarded, but with the permission of the person in charge, he is unimpeded here.

It was already very difficult to transmit the message to the outside world. He didn't know whether his message could be reached or not, so he could only send out a message as much as possible with the coordinates of the hidden launch pad on it.

After doing this, he also opened the last door and held the small spare starter in his hand.

The chip at the heart is silent.

Joe, no, Zhu Heng lowered his eyes.

He had already anticipated his end.

* * *

Ruzius is by no means a pig teammate. After receiving the coordinates, he immediately informed Arecio.

"Let the lich go to this coordinate and destroy it in the shortest time possible at any cost!"

Arecio didn't ask much, he immediately contacted the lich flying on the way. The coordinates are determined, and in the passage that only the undead can walk through, the bone dragon roared deafeningly, and the soul fire in the empty eye sockets flourished!

"Dragon, please hurry up." The Lich touched the head of the bone dragon Bai Gu. Some of her black hair fluttered out of the hood. In the pictures on both sides of the split hair, the legions of bones and the brilliant Soul Fire, Soul Butterfly led the way, and finally, there was a ray of light ahead.

The moment the rift broke, the Lich gave an order without hesitation, the bone dragon opened its mouth, and a strong light gathered in his mouth—

This is a dragon's breath that undoubtedly condenses most of the magic power of the Lich!

The beam of light annihilated the entire launch pad, everything was burning, and everything was dying equally. Lucy closed her eyes and sensed the breath of life at the launch pad. It was probably because the dragon breath was too strong and concentrated. All life had been vaporized in an instant. Even the launch pad itself didn't know its end, leaving only a huge pothole on the ground. . The soil was gone, and some bright metallic colors were exposed. Lucy glanced at it, and her relaxed expression became solemn again.

"Arrecy! There's a strange device in the ground!"

"Destroy it!" Arecio ordered immediately.

"I'm doing it! But this is a special metal, and even the breath of a dragon can't be melted easily!" Lucy said, with the huge roar of the bone dragon's breath all over her ears. Her undead legion had scattered down, strangling the temple personnel hidden near the launch pad. After the stormy attack, more and more metal was exposed, and it seemed to be a huge launcher.

Never let that thing launch successfully! After Arecio heard Lucy's report, he gritted his teeth hard. They have now broken through the golden gate. This is a very solid barrier that guards the temple inside. The temple there was exposed before their eyes.

At this time, Theo, who was in the temple, also learned that the launch pad was leveled, and immediately contacted Joe.

"Your teacher has devoted his life to the new world. Now, mobilize the remaining researchers and continue to launch matters."

The researchers who stayed in the main temple headquarters were the backup systems for the launch. Under their operation, a huge launcher hidden underground began to activate. Under Lucy's gaze, the metal tube lifted up like a muzzle mocking the world. The power of darkness gathered at the muzzle. It was the dark energy that the temple had accumulated for hundreds of years. In Xi's eyes, it was the souls of countless dark creatures that were crying.

She held her chest, tears streaming down her face.

Lucy didn't know what would happen once it was launched, but she had already truly accepted the cruelty of the temple, from Zhu Qing who attacked the nursery center, from the nightmare's breeding farm, and from the sad cries of the soul here.

Although she is in charge of death, she no longer wants victims.

"dragon… "

She heard her own trembling voice.

"Let's lean over."

If she and the dragon cross the launch port, maybe, maybe they can stop...

"Lucy!" Arecio held the communicator, their first wave of attacks had reached the outer wall of the temple, Arecio even wanted to rush in with the black sickle, but he knew it was useless.

Theo is cruel and cunning, and it will be impossible to find him for a while.

Theo smiled silently, he cherished life very much, and now he has been transferred to the underground facility. When the launch is successful, he will hold millions of hostages. Even if the Federation has made preparations, it will not be able to remove so many people in the short term. He seemed to hear the sound of every city opening its defenses, but what he fired was not anything offensive in itself.

Rather, it is a floating and permeating gospel of transformation.

At that time, he will be able to stand up and negotiate face-to-face with his children. At that time, will his children show the same desperate and fearful eyes

Theo is looking forward to it.


"Sir! Joe is nowhere to be seen!"

Theo's heart sank suddenly, Joe is the one who holds the spare key, and what he wants to launch is too important, so he directly makes the person the key to the launch. The person in charge is the person in charge, and so does Joe. The people in the temple were all brainwashed by his spiritual power, and he also used insect eggs as insurance. If it wasn't for the wisdom of these researchers, he would have made these people into puppets long ago. Even under such tight control, how could someone still betray him

While assigning people to search extensively, he urged the eggs. The worm desperately wanted to return to the mother worm, but the host's resistance made it grow into an adult quickly. Almost instantly, Zhu Heng saw the body of a worm emerging from his chest. He began to cough up blood, but his eyes were very bright, and he had come to the top floor of the temple.

[Joe!]Theo's mental power whistled in his mind, Zhu Heng was pushing open the skylight, his right hand almost immediately disobeyed, but he was calm, drew the knife in his left hand, and nailed his right hand directly to the window. !

After a long mental tug of war, he raised his eyes with difficulty. His mind seemed to have been disturbed, he couldn't even remember his name for a while, but there were still obsessions left, about not being able to stop, about not letting the living or dead self fall into the hands of the temple, these obsessions supported him to pull out. He took out the knife in his right hand and continued to climb up.

He's going to fly.

The wind on the top of the temple blew his forehead, Zhu Heng was in a trance and saw the sun suspended above his head.

It's strange that he could still remember such a story when he was almost mentally broken down.

Legend has it that there is a snow-white phantom bird named Shen Plover, who has a compassionate heart and always falls on the patient's bed. If it can be saved, then look directly at the patient and transfer the patient's sacred pain to himself.

Then the plover took off and flew to the sun, where it burned up all calamity and sickness.

Can the plover finally fly back? Zhu Heng can't remember.

He felt that he was spreading his wings and turned into a luminous bird, and the chip at his heart was beeping more and more rapidly as the distance gradually opened. He did it, and at the last minute he played to his full value, giving Theo and the Temple the fatal blow.

With calamity, the plover flew to the sun.

He seems to have become the sun too.