The Enemy Always Wants to Pull Me into a Coffin

Chapter 115


The River Styx, one of the world bases flowing in the dark underground.

If it wasn't for the ancient goddess Freyna falling voluntarily, there would never be the slightest bit of vitality here. The fallen goddess and Styx gave birth to a dark god system. When the gods fought, the three sons went to the earth, and only the youngest son stayed between the goddess skirts.

This is not to love the younger son, but compared to the older brothers, the little red fish is more like his father. There is no godhead, neither life nor death, and no superfluous feelings. The skirt of the goddess is his entire world, and everything on earth is very far away from him.

Even destruction has nothing to do with Him.

Little Red Fish is always dreaming, and all his dreams are prophecies. Having done this kind of dream thousands of times, when he found that all the dreams pointed to this result, the little red fish opened his eyes and saw his mother.

[The world will be destroyed.]

He spewed out prophecies of destruction.

[Mother, recall the brothers, the ground is no longer safe.]

However, the goddess only smiled sadly, and then slowly shook her head, her eyes were distant, and she was deeply invested in the earth.

[I have recalled them.]The goddess said, [However, they do not want to come back.]

The children of the goddess love the creatures on earth and choose to live and die with those creatures.

[I don't know.]Little Red Fish confused, [Those creatures, what is there to be fond of?]

He really was like his father, operating in utter indifference as the world's safety device.

The goddess moved the skirt, and in the undulating water waves, she held her youngest child in the palm of her hand.


He showed the little red fish those souls wandering in the wasteland, some of them were fresh, with a faint light on them, which made them look extremely holy. The little red fish stared at the lights in a daze. This was the first time he saw it, and he almost never looked up at the surface of the water.

[Those souls are the souls of heroes.]

[Those rays of light are the crown of heroes.]

[Among thousands of living beings, there will always be such luminous ones born. Just staring at them, even the gods couldn't help but feel joy in their hearts.]

The little red fish lowered his head and glanced at the glowing elves around him. The goddess's laughter fell from above his head.

[No, my child, that light is not emitted by elves, their souls are naturally shining. Your brothers, they are also accompanied by elves, but even if the elves are gone, they can still shine because the crown of heroes is on their heads.]

The little red fish shook his empty head, he had no crown, and this discovery made him frustrated.

He raised his head, broke free from his mother's hand, and fell into the Styx, with a gauze-like fish tail around him, and he swam to a certain bank without looking back. On the shore sat a glowing soul, with his head bowed, wondering what he was thinking.

[Can you give me your crown?]The little red fish emerged from the river Styx and looked at the soul. That soul has light-toned platinum-blond hair, and his sky-like eyes always have a haze in them. He looked down at the little red fish in the water, his eyelashes moved.


The little red fish threw up in anger in the water.

"My crown, my light, is because I made the prophecy of the destruction of the world, and I only got it after struggling for the world with the prophecy alone." The soul spoke slowly, but the little red fish was inexplicably angry.

[Are you showing off to me?]

"You misunderstood, I express my heartfelt contempt for you."


The little red fish was going to die of anger, and he had to take the crown of this soul.

[I exchange with you, human.]The water of the Stygian River surrounds him, allowing the little red fish to find a bit of confidence to be at the home court, [What do you want? I can even bring you back from the dead if you give me the crown.]

[You may still have a little bit of disposition and obsession from your lifetime, and after a while, you won't remember anything.]

"… come back from the dead?"

[right!]Little Red Fish wagged his tail proudly, [It's okay to keep the memory, don't you regret it? I can bring you back to life with a prophecy of destruction, and you still have a lifetime to work on it, at the cost of a mere hero's crown.]

"Sounds like you don't care about the destruction of the world?"

The little red fish showed an expression that really belonged to God, no, maybe a little more indifferent than God, that was an expression that belonged to a "device".

[Whether the world is destroyed or not is not within my jurisdiction. My mission is only to reverse the flow of the Styx when this world is about to collapse, and then everything will start over, a new world will rise from the Styx, and everything in the world will be reborn.]

[Even if you agree to the transaction, I will delete this memory for you, this is not what humans should know.]

The soul looked at the little red fish in the Styx with a strange look.

"Sounds... you're really... magical."

He spoke softly and repeated it again.

"It's really... magical... "

"I have changed my mind. I am willing to trade with you and give you the crown of heroes."

[Really? Then I will revive you immediately!]

"No, what I want to trade is something else." The soul smiled at the little red fish, "You are so powerful that I admire you, can I... touch you religiously?"

It's much easier than coming back from the dead, and although it's a little risky to leave the Styx,... Little Red Fish really wants that crown. Although this person is a bit annoying, it is not that bad. After accepting the touch, he will be reborn with extra grace. This is his magnanimity as the son of the goddess.

[Yes, you can touch it, not the tail, nor the head, you can touch my fins… ]

The little red fish floated up from the river Styx, stretched out a fin like a charity, and the soul reached out to him, and then—

I grabbed him in one hand!

[! ! !]

Without even a second of hesitation, the soul began to run towards the glowing gate where souls kept pouring in. He clearly knew that he was blaspheming God, and in the end, even his soul might be crushed, but this was probably the last hope for a world that was about to be destroyed.

[Are you crazy? Do you want even your soul to be shattered? !]The little red fish struggled to emerge from his hand, almost screaming, and his fish tail also broke free, patting the back of the madman's hand.

[let go! I can't leave Styx!]

"The crown cannot be obtained by transaction. Even if I give you the crown, you will only have the crown for nothing."

"Far from being a hero."

Xiao Hongyu's body trembled with anger. At this moment, he completely forgot that he was a "device" and that he had completely forgotten his mission. As long as the world was destroyed, he only knew that this human with the crown of heroes was really there. Despise Him!

[What do you know? ! you…]

"At least I have fought for this world, it is better than you only know that you are huddled in the Styx."

The Styx guard in black armor came up to stop the human soul who stole the goddess' young son, but was swept aside by the two tails of the little red fish. Leaving the Styx greatly weakened the goddess' young son's power, but never like this moment, He It seemed to burn completely.

[I will prove it to you! I can get the crown too!]

The Styx River was surging, but the goddess' skirt was intercepted in the middle, and the little red fish glanced in the direction of his father and mother, and immediately turned back.

[You also resurrected me and saw with my own eyes how I got that crown!]

He swept the nasty human soul into the door with one tail, and then shouted in the direction of the goddess.

[Mother, I will bring my brothers back! Bring back the crown too!]

Then, He also rushed into the door, the soul had already risen very high, but He quickly caught up. Seeing the dead roots of destiny gathered in the ground, He did not regret it. This is the gray earth destined to be destroyed. Even He cannot reverse the picture seen in the dream.

Then - cut!

The vertical axis of gold appears in front of him. He is the actual controller of the Styx, and can mobilize the power of time and space flowing in the river. So he gritted his teeth and used the tip of his tail to move the timeline that marked the rain of fire to the front, and many fateful events were suddenly crowded and stacked in one place. However, such a move has left a gap of ten thousand years after the fire rain. The gap is the last breath, and it will not be the world that will be destroyed, but only an era.

After doing this, the little red fish let out a long sigh of relief. He was really tired, but he still remembered to save the life of that hateful witness. He swam forward, and the human soul was surrounded by a gauze-like fish tail, fluctuating like a flame, as if it were burning. He stared at it for a while, and he has always been as turbulent as the River Styx, and it turned out that there were times when it was burning.

Sensing that he was reaching the limit, he closed his eyes.

His fire ignited the gray earth.

* * *

In the nursery center, Hitomi's whole body burst into an unprecedented splendor! Countless light belts are entwined and surrounded, he is experiencing violent expansion and contraction, the instruments have all collapsed, and his values can no longer be recorded. Finally, the black and white pupils were covered with a layer of ash, and the outer shell began to harden. With a crisp cracking sound, the top of the pupil was pecked open from the inside by the sharp beak, and the white bird broke out of the shell and sent a long, long-lasting sound to the sky. tweets.

He has been acknowledged by Tinder, and the three pillars are about to return.

Zhen, who was at the Beizhu City ruins, seemed to feel something. He pressed his chest and looked at the floating black sun.

"It's just a clumsy replica after all." He said softly, a slight smile appeared from the tip of his eyes, he took a deep breath, and knelt respectfully on one knee in a certain direction.

"My god perch."

Helgodon also bowed his head deeply, expressing his respect for the gods. Then they raised their heads together to see the white birds that came from the sky pecking at the black sun. Black Sun resisted stubbornly for a while, and then completely collapsed, and the perching branches swallowed a large amount of the power of darkness, and shouted again.

The various arrangements of the temple finally made a wedding dress for the take-off of the perches.

In the center of the temple, the god of slander who used Theo's body changed his face, and he looked at Arecio in surprise.

"you… "

"It was you who pulled the gods off first." Arecio said softly, "Of course, I won't drop the price like you, and I need to do it myself."

He raised his deep rose-colored eyes and looked at the saint. Coincidentally, the other party was also looking at him. With a dignified and holy appearance, he would never have imagined the dog inside. Arecio then laughed, and he opened his arms to the other, and the saint immediately embraced him.

"Alessi." Ruzius lowered his eyelashes. He didn't have the joy of victory at the moment. He knew that Aresio had a special status, but he never thought that the other party would be the youngest son of the goddess. The god is bound by the covenant of the goddess, and the fate of the god of slander caused Arecio to follow him, and he instinctively felt ominous.

The divine might above his head was still heavily suppressed, but the face of the slanderer was extremely pale.

In a god-to-god situation, a god like him who is only good at playing tricks behind his back has no chance of winning, not to mention, this is Styx!

The perching branch suddenly lifted into the sky, the Styx River surged in, and in the center of all the vortices, Arecio, who had given the saint's favor, closed his right eye, and the sword embracing rose tattoo suddenly appeared completely. This is the divine favor his mother gave him. Of course, God cannot give another god favor, so his mother must have another deep meaning.

For example—this sword surrounded by roses!

The tattooed sword fell off and zoomed in in the air, and only a few roses remained around Arecio's eyes. The cold light pierced the eyes of the slanderer, and he looked at the young son of the goddess and motioned for the saint to hold the sword.

It was undoubtedly a sword capable of slaying God!

He knew that the situation was over, but he was unwilling to be captured. He roared at the ground, and the purple slander was wrapped in noisy whispers, and the saint just raised his sword slightly, and in an instant, a sharp sword light reflected on the ground. In the sight of the god of slander.

He was hit and fell down, and at this moment, he heard the voice of the youngest son of the goddess.

"From me into the city of sorrow, from me into the misery of eternal life, from me into the crowd that will never end..."

This is a sentence that Arecio recited when he liberated the Red Moon King City. Even if all of them are liberated, it will only end in this sentence. These three sentences themselves are a portrait of Arecio's life who was transformed into a blood clan. But this time, he continued to read, and the realm after that was undoubtedly a sublime that did not belong to the world.

"Justice propels the sublime creator, divine power, supreme wisdom, primordial love..."

This is talking about the ancient goddess Frena, who scattered the flowers of the sky into the world, so that all things are alive and prosperous since then.

"created me, before me there were creatures..."

Red Fish used to be a three-pillar, and like a goddess, she loves the creatures on the earth. When it comes to Little Red Fish, it is closer to the River Styx.

Arecio raised his eyes, the water lingered and stirred beside him, he turned his eyes and glanced at the saint. No one knows better than he what will happen next, and his brothers are already calling for him to leave the world and return to the gods.


He spit out the last words, and the Styx drowned everyone in an instant.

"Except for the perpetual..."

"And I shall live forever."