The Enemy Always Wants to Pull Me into a Coffin

Chapter 20


[The life of a lich is a parade of torches.]

[So don't grieve for me, Alessi. My phylactery will drift in the river of time and space, waiting for the next child who can pick it up, by then...]

[The new lich and you will definitely meet in a very happy world.]

"Ujfa Lucy..." The blood family read out the name that was locked on the phylactery and passed down from generation to generation by the lich, the initial shock had disappeared from his face, and was replaced by a kind of nostalgic softness.

"You're right, we did meet in a very happy world."

he said in a low voice.

But the new lich seemed... timid.

Ten thousand years ago, the lich was also a very special dark creature. The male name was Ujfalusi, and the female name was Ujfalusi. As the uncrowned monarch of many undead and the master of the highest undead magic, if a lich is in the main battlefield like the Sea of the Dead, even the father of the Arecio blood family has to avoid his edge.

Lichs are theoretically immortal, but if they are not killed, they will spontaneously choose their own day of death. At that time, the lich will release the phylactery from the depths of his soul, causing it to drift into the currents of time and space, waiting for the next person to be eligible for it. The person who gets the phylactery will become a new lich, so each generation of lich often presents different racial characteristics, the only constant is that in order to control the more subtle undead magic, the flesh and blood on the lich's hands will fall off and become Bones.

Thinking of this, Arecio bowed his head slightly, and saw the girl lich looking at him covertly from under his hood. Seeing him look over, he was slightly startled, but he resisted and did not lower his head, and slid out of his nose. Made a small, suspicious monophonic sound.

"… Um?"

Seems to be in response to him calling her by name at first.

"Alessio." The vampire pointed to himself, "It's the vampire, just recovered for a few days."

The wolf cub made an unwilling "whoosh" sound under his feet, and Arecio half squatted down, rubbed the wolf cub's head, halfway through, a bone hand stretched out tremblingly, under his gaze. It was quickly taken back.

"Want to touch too?" Arecio pinched one of the wolf cub's front paw, and the wolf cub, who was forced to stand on three legs, swayed, and the spherical body had a tendency to fall down on the spot.

"Touch it, he won't bite you, I think you should know it too."

The lich was still trembling, holding the egg tart box with one hand, and hesitantly stretched out slowly with the other—

He touched Arecio's head.

Like petting some small animal, the lich stroked the vampire's black hair, being careful not to mess it up. After touching it a few times, she seemed satisfied, she retracted her hands into her wide sleeves, lowered her head, and returned the egg tart in her arms.

"What, are you sorry?"

Under the hood, the lich's face flushed with shame, and he nodded slowly twice, his voice as thin as a gnat.

"I'm sorry..."

"Take... your... stuff..."

She was shivering as she spoke, and the egg tart box she handed out kept shaking, and Arecio could even hear the sound of the egg tarts colliding inside.

"It's nothing, just say it next time, this box is for you."

Arecio finally let go of the wolf cub who was about to be unable to stand, took a few steps back, and made sure that the neuropathy reconnected. The lich who stayed in place retracted the egg tart box in a daze, and slowly realized that she was forgiven, and hugged the box tightly in her arms when she was happy. The crushed egg tarts leaked out of the box, and she was covered in scum. .

Arecio: …

There is a big problem with these dark creatures raised in the nursery center, one or two are stupid.

The lich looked at the twisted egg tart box and the scum all over his body, and was about to cry.

"Ah, Miss Lucy!" Darph, the wolf cub's caregiver, was standing far away. Seeing this situation, he hurried forward to deal with it. Arecio precisely picked up the wolf cub who was trying to lick the scum on the ground, and frowned when he saw the lich shrinking slightly because he was not familiar with Darph.

"Where's her caregiver?"

Darph sighed.

"Miss Lucy's situation is a bit complicated. She is directly connected to the medical department." Seeing that the lich always resisted her approach, Darph sighed sadly and sent a message directly to the relevant doctors in the medical department.

"Miss Lucy is very sensitive to the outside world and has some fears. She has arranged several caregivers before, which will only aggravate Miss Lucy's tension. She can only rely on Dr. Zhu Heng for psychological counseling for a long time."

"Accordingly, I wouldn't go out easily. This time I might sneak out."

As Darph said, he raised his hands to signal that he would not come closer, the Lich breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly ran behind Arecio with the box of crushed egg tarts, carefully grabbed his clothes, and secretly observed Darph. Will it get close.

Arecio felt that it was not normal. Although the lich avoided the world, he was not autistic. The current situation of Ujfa Lucy was obviously abnormal.

He thought about how to comfort his friend before.

Arecio was holding a wolf cub with a lich behind him, and when he walked into the cafeteria, he was in the spotlight. He ordered a roast chicken at the order window, then found a random seat and patiently shaved the outer skin of the whole chicken. The wolf cub was overwhelmed by the smell of roast chicken, and circled around him. Considering his size, Arecio only gave him a little leg meat.

A complete chicken rack was formed under Arecio's hands, leaving a strong aroma.

"Let's play with it," Arecio said.

Giving a lich bone and a corpse is a gift that can never go wrong, but Lucy at this stage may not be able to stand such an exciting thing, so Arecio retreated and asked for a chicken skeleton first.

Darph: …

She felt that His Royal Highness Arecio must be joking.

What surprised her even more was that after the initial hesitation, the lich's eyes lit up little by little. She originally had elegant black hair like seaweed, but she was not noticed because she shrank in a dark corner all the year round. At this moment, her pupils were bright, and even the soul fire in her eyes was unusually active, naturally glowing with the unique characteristics of dark creatures. The kind of obscure and extraordinarily beautiful beauty.

She turned her head and glanced at Arecio, as if after confirming and getting a positive answer, she accepted this strange gift with unconcealed joy. Arecio asked for two packing boxes, one for the bones and one for the meat. The egg tarts were reshaped by skilled canteen staff and returned to the lich.

"Dalph." Arecio requested, "Can I trouble you to take care of her and heat it up when she wants to eat? Helgodon is tired from playing today, and should go to bed early at night."

Other people are more unfamiliar with the lich, and more prone to discomfort. Dalf has been in contact with him, and as for the medical department...

Arecio felt that no one would like to see a doctor regularly.

Of course Darph agreed, and sent Lucy back in person. Humanoid dark creatures have their own rooms in the conservation center, but the lich is often emotionally unstable, and there are more medical places, but her residence also has some items carefully prepared by the center:

Pink lace curtains, animal-shaped fabric sofas, piles of dolls and throw pillows, cute dolls... The childcare center has racked their brains to prepare what they think girls this age will like, but the Lich seems uninterested.

At least Darph felt that the lich was not as interested in these things as she was in the box at this time. The lich divided the three boxes into two distinct groups, one was for eating, and she gave it to Darph to heat, while she held the one containing the chicken skeleton and sat there staring intently.

The chicken and tarts were hot, and Darph put them on the table. The lich was still staring at the skeleton, but his hand reached out to the food, picking up a piece of chicken and biting slowly.

It's time to eat!

Darph was so excited that he didn't dare to say a word from the side, for fear of disturbing the lich's feeding. The medical staff who got the report were also very excited, crowded in front of the screen and watched the lich eat through Dalph.

[Really eat it! Eat a lot! There has never been so much!]

[Ah, Lucy, eat more, it will be good to eat like this every day from now on!]

The lich stared intently at the skeleton in the cardboard box, the soul fire swaying steadily in his eyes. Suddenly, she seemed to understand something, a strange light appeared in her eyes, she stood up, raised the hand that was not holding the chicken, as if giving orders—

Get moving! Dead life!

The chicken skeleton began to tremble violently, and the scattered bones were assembled, as if a hand was manipulating it in the void. The process was not fast. The Lich sat next to Aresio while he was dismantling the chicken. She could clearly see how the pretty fingers of the vampire had separated the bones and put them back together, which was not for her. How difficult.

After the skeleton was assembled, the lich gave another order, and the chicken bone began to run. First jumped off the table and landed on the patterned carpet. There were some trees and streams on the carpet, so the chicken bone seemed to be flying in the forest. At first, he will trip over the cascading roots, or lean in the creek, but soon, the lich's manipulation becomes more and more flexible. Glide and land high!

When the oily skeleton landed, it skipped the delicate faces of the dolls on the shelf, hooked the lace curtains to draw a greasy stain, and then stepped on the piled pillows with a pair of feet, jumping from red to green, stepping on The big dog's head drifted past the cat's tail... Finally, the chicken bone that had circled the room flew towards its manipulator, and the lich smiled and opened his arms to welcome it back from the adventure.

—or she ventured back.

Under the astonished gazes of Darph and others across the screen, Chicken Bone jumped onto the dining table again, standing within the Lich's eyes, with his feet crossed, his right wing bones folded in front of his chest, and he walked in an elegant manner. Closing ceremony.

like a knight.

the lich thought.

She also lifted the hem of her clothes and returned the salute to the knight with a smile.