The Enemy Always Wants to Pull Me into a Coffin

Chapter 25


The fangs of the vampire are used to eat the blood of the prey, and the blood that contains pleasure is the most delicious, so the process of eating the vampire usually accompanies the pleasure of the prey. This is especially true for high-level vampires. Being pierced by their fangs can even make people feel blissful.

Arecio doesn't have much experience in using fangs. He doesn't like to have close physical contact with other people. It is more convenient to use a cup. In addition, Arecio likes to eat other things, and he also likes human snacks very much, and the fangs seem to be in the way in the process.

Because it is easy to bite the mouth (×).

But Arecio is not ignorant about sucking blood. He has seen a lot of vampires' operations, so it's not difficult. Besides, even if something goes wrong with him, isn't this ready to bite his wrist? It's not the neck, and if the wrist is accidentally bitten off, it won't die.

Ruzius felt that something was wrong, but he had no room to fight now, and watched the blood clan take his hand and put it on his lips. Then the blood clan opened its mouth slightly, revealing small fangs that were slightly shorter than ordinary blood clan—

"Wait... my blood..."

Arecio has already taken a bite!

At that moment, the boundless bliss was like a huge whirlpool surrounding Ruzius, and all the joyful things in life descended in confusion. He almost thought he was going to die, because countless pictures were flashing back in his mind, and then these pictures folded and withered, and the training he had received in the temple took effect, and he saw the world in front of him with more clarity—

Half shy, the blood clan drooped their eyelashes, and a blood line ran down from the contact between the lips and the hand, really unskilled. The blood clan slowly raised their eyes, as if they were drunk, their eyes wandering slightly.

"Your blood..." Arecio also noticed something, but he couldn't help being immersed in this slightly drunkenness. This was a situation that had never happened before drinking anyone's blood, and the taste in his mouth could not only be described as "delicious", he had to admit that even if Ruzius drew his sword at this time, he was unwilling to let go.

There was a stinging pain in the hand holding the long chain of spikes, and the other free hand of the saint also reluctantly lifted up, pinched his face, and forced him to let go.

Arecio was already drunk, and he resisted.

"Alessio... Areci!"

Ruzius tried his best to bring back Arecio's sanity, knowing that his blood was a problem, and this was the Temple's last resort for their highly targeted hunters. Some of the blood clan have fun with their prey. After defeating the hunter, they must also try their blood badly. This is the hunter's last chance!

Medicines that have been taken since childhood, poured out the blood of charm, and then when the vampires were intoxicated—


"Mmmmm..." Arecio resisted the action of pulling him away. He didn't pursue the taste of blood so much that he had never tasted anything good, and he was completely defeated in front of this taste. Vaguely, he seemed to hear a sigh, and then his head was lifted.

He also bit Ruzius's wrist, and the pupils in the dark rose-colored pupils tightened.

In his eyes, Ruzius's movements seemed to slow down. The saint in white stretched out his hand and untied the top button of the shirt, which had always been tightly fastened, exposing his collarbone. exposed before him.

"Pull out what's in my eyes." Afraid of being disturbed, the saint discussed with him softly.

"I'll cooperate with you and give you more."

Arecio's pupils suddenly contracted to the extreme!

Slowly and with difficulty, he overcomes the urge to eat, and at the same time, his sanity is slowly reviving, making him realize how shameful it is to succumb to the instinctive desire of the vampire at this moment. He began to tremble slightly, his fangs moved away from his wrist, he did not dare to lick the residual blood on his lips, and even forcibly pulled up his left hand, letting the pain stimulate his senses.

With his left hand holding the long chain tightly, he gradually returned to the consciousness of the cage, and he felt as if he was holding on to a haze of the past. The thorns ripped his palms to the bone, but he was still stubborn and unyielding staring at the saint.

"You... have a problem with your blood... don't tell me sooner... "

"...I also have a chance to speak."

"Button you up... button it up for me..."

Arecio gritted his teeth and controlled his thirst for blood while exerting strength. He took a deep breath, but brought the scent of blood into his nose, so angry that he directly interrupted the simulated physiological response, and poured all his anger into the long chain in his hand.

whatever it is...

Anyone who witnessed his embarrassing moment would have to die! ! !

At the other end of the long chain, the translucent wedge-shaped object struggled for a while, and finally slowly left the saint's eyes. The last tip left the eyeball, Arecio leaned backwards due to inertia, and almost fell into the coffin, while Ruzius subconsciously closed his left eye, blood was flowing, it looked terrifying, but the damage was not too big.

But at this moment he had a strange feeling—

A huge haze moved over their heads.

In another place, Ellie choked again, not knowing how many times to replay the short film. Originally the music was exciting and tragic, Carlotti slashed towards the Styx with his sword, suddenly the music turned soft, and the little red fish floated up from the hem of his mother's skirt.

It dispelled the haze between the goddesses.

Arecio let go of his left hand, and the long chain with spikes hung stubbornly on half of his arm. Still restraining his thirst for blood, he shook it impatiently, the long chain was shameless, he dropped his head to the ground, stepped on it, and pulled it away with force. Under his rough treatment, the long chain died down completely, the spikes disappeared, and it became a warm chain with a wedge at one end, and a little crimson embedded in it.

The blood race's high-speed recovery ability began to work in the next second, and the large torn wounds quickly recovered and returned to their intact appearance.

Ruzius approached, picked up the thing that had been dormant in his eyes for more than ten years from the ground, turned his head slightly, and saw the blood race staring at him, fangs looming on his lips.

"Do you want me to stay away?" he asked out of thanks.

"Go over there!"

Rutius retreated to the other end of the room, he looked down at his wrist, the bite marks were very clear. According to the blood-sucking process of the blood clan, in fact, the wound should be licked at the end. The licking of the blood clan can make the bite mark heal in an instant, but Arecio is obviously not very good at it.

"Have you ever bit someone?" he asked.

Arecio turned his back to him and faced the wall, struggling to restrain the thirst for blood that was still churning, and replied irritably:

"Did I go bankrupt or the blood clan went bankrupt? It's just a blood servant, it's not that I can't use it!"

Ruzius was silent for a while. He only heard that the vampires like beautiful blood servants, because what can happen when they suck blood like that. However, in Arecio's concept, blood servants are obviously equivalent to moving blood bags. Just roll up your sleeves and bleed.

He smiled silently.

This vampire is really... it doesn't have the beauty of vampires at all.

He looked at Arecio who was shrunk in the corner of the wall from a distance, thought for a while, and finally walked over, and even took the initiative to walk around in front of Arecio and squat down. Arecio raised his eyes to look at him, his eyes drifted uncontrollably to his bare neck, and then realized something, and quickly buried half of his face, like chasing flies to get him out of the way, don't tempt him here.

"If you want, I can give it to you," Ruzius said.

"I can't! Stay away!"

Pulling the distance again, Ruzius looked at the "mushroom" squatting in the corner from a distance.

Looks really aggrieved.

He thought about it again, walked over again, and went around the same way as before, squatting halfway in front of Arecio, looking at him with sincerity.

"You helped me with a little blood."

"Ah, go away! Is it annoying?"

Arecio definitely doesn't want to bow his head! Of course he was greedy for the smell of this neurotic blood, what seasoning was added to the temple, it was so delicious! He hated himself deeply. If he had known about it back then, he would not have just folded the oversized silver cross, but would have gone in and forced the old men to hand over the formula!

Under his irritability, the saint moved away again. However, Arecio looked up uneasy this time and took another look, and found that the other party was also looking in his direction, very eager to move.

Arecio: …

Don't come here! ! !

The saint looked away and pretended to look at his wrist intently. Arecio breathed a sigh of relief, he wanted to endure it for a while longer, and he no longer longed for the blood of the other party...

In a flash, Ruzius appeared in front of him again, this time he didn't seem to want to hide it at all, and there was a slightly evil smile in his beautiful sky-colored eyes. He even pressed the collar on one side with the hand that had been bitten by Arecio's wrist. The bloody bite marks against the neck that was exposed in front of Arecio. Arecio could clearly hear his head. The sound of something breaking.

Arecio stood up abruptly, covered his mouth tightly, and looked around. Ruzius was a little puzzled. He thought that Arecio would not be able to bear it and jumped directly, so this time he won. As for some blood, he doesn't care about this loss, just drink a little bit.


Arecio rushed to the side of the coffin, but instead of trying to hide in, he took a fancy to the screw cap. He hugged the screw cap! work hard!

He has long wanted to do this! What the hell is still taking up space! Just to dismantle it and use it in the right place!


The coffin board was broken off.

Ruzius realized what was going to happen, and he visually checked the size of the room to make sure that he couldn't escape the vampire's teleportation.

Miscalculation, I didn't expect the anger value to break the table first.

"Please be gentle." He said his final request calmly, hoping to walk with dignity.

"Or, symmetrically."

Arecio was furious and picked up the coffin board.

"you shut up!!!"