The Enemy Always Wants to Pull Me into a Coffin

Chapter 3


Arecio only felt absurd at this time, and did not realize the seriousness of the problem. It wasn't until Andre introduced him that these metal objects floating in the air were cameras that he realized that even if there were no people at the scene, there were thousands of people watching the whole process of his awakening through the so-called live broadcast.

"Dark creatures are sensitive and shy, so we didn't deploy too many people on the scene, just made some simple arrangements." Andre said, his silver-white eyes were cautious and sincere, "It's definitely not that we don't pay attention to you, You are our treasure."

Arecio... Arecio felt embarrassed all over.

"This live broadcast was initiated by 'Hitomi'. If you feel offended, we can immediately submit an application for termination." Andre said apologetically.

This sentence made the barrage suddenly burst into tears, and the rational barrage consoled and said that it was reasonable, and more people still wanted to take a look.

[Don't, don't, don't! I still want to watch Xixi for a while woohoohoo!]

[If Xixi feels uncomfortable, you can only...]

[The legal dog who is familiar with the "Dark Creatures Protection Law" said... Xixi has this right, and the right is still very large. If he is not willing, we are forbidden to even discuss him.]

[Ugh, I want to watch Xixi pass the Garland Arch... There are so many arrangements behind... ]

Arecio couldn't see these words, but he noticed that the human named Ellie was suddenly agitated, but was forcibly suppressed and lowered his head. His eyes fell on the arches and banners far away. The dome above his head was obviously built artificially and later, and it was still very new. It blocked most of the sunlight and made him feel very comfortable.

He pursed his lips slightly.

"It doesn't matter."

[Ah, praise Xixi! You can continue watching! ! !]

[Xixi look at the garland! There is also our flower basket in the back! Gifts are officially not accepted, and it is okay for Xixi to touch the banner!]

Andre also opened his eyes slightly, and then smiled deeper. Behind him, Ellie's eyes sparkled with excitement. She really couldn't hide too much of her thoughts, and everything was written on her face.

"Everyone likes you very much." Ellie couldn't help but said, "After 'Tomi' announced the news that you are about to recover, the official opened a channel because the public voice was too loud, and you can specify the type and shape of the flower, which will be organized by us. Weaving flower baskets for you."

"We received a lot of ideas and did our best to include the best of the best, and you can see it when you walk through that arch."

Those splendid scenes were not far away, and Arecio couldn't help but take a step forward. Suddenly he remembered something, turned his head back to the coffin, glanced at the saint in the coffin, and turned the coffin lid back again.

Well, cover it up.

Under the guidance of Andre, with a little surprise and confusion, he wanted to see what was prepared for him in front of him. The blood race is not as loved as those bright races, and he has learned in his long life not to expect the feelings of others, and the person who can interact with him normally is only a neurotic who can barely count from the beginning to the end.

And they met in the early years, and they fought for their lives time and time again.

The garland arches are all stacked with flowers, many of which are already alien to Arecio and seem to be new species. He walked through an arch, and there was another arch in front of him. The arches stretched to the end of the red carpet. There seemed to be vehicles parked there, as well as some other people waiting.

Arecio was stunned, he didn't expect so many.

The flower baskets that Ellie mentioned were placed on both sides of the road, extending all the way to the sunlight outside the dome, splendid almost woven into a sea of flowers. Each flower basket is different, but without exception, they are all decorated with roses, as if agreed, this kind of flower makes Arecio feel a little kind.

"There are some residual records that affirm the connection between roses and the blood clan, so most of the flower baskets have roses, or flowers of the genus Rosa." Aili has now become the main speaker, and she is very familiar with these support. .

"Do you still like it?" She finally asked cautiously.

Arecio was looking at a lovely flower basket composed of multi-colored roses. Hearing that, he was about to nod his head, but he changed his words.

"Before, I had a manor and planted a lot of roses."

Allie smiled happily.

"It's great if you like it!"

Arecio turned his face sideways, his eyes panning. But no matter which direction he looked in, these overly gorgeous flower baskets would appear in his eyes. Occasionally he could catch a glimpse of some words on the blessing card, the simplified font woven with exaggerated praise after sentence, and some Looks cute pattern.

He crossed the sea of flower baskets, and when he was about to board the strange vehicle, he glanced back at the location of the coffin.

Andre was very considerate, and immediately said:

"Don't worry, whatever is in the coffin will accompany you to the nursery in your car."

Before he could finish his words, he suddenly found that the blood race seemed to be a little frightened by being guessed, and his fangs were a little pointed, but he quickly retracted it.

Arecio said slowly, "I'm just worried about... my coffin."

"Then... the coffin will be driven to the nursery in the car."

Arecio was silent.

The aircraft passed by at a high altitude, and Arecio felt a little emotional while sitting on this novel vehicle. Although there were also magic-powered tools in his era, it was far less perfect than the one he rides now. The world in ten thousand years is obviously inclined to the side of technology, at least since his recovery, except in Andre and Augustus. He did not notice any magical aura from such bright creatures.

… So do they also rely on technology to fight

Arecio, who often single-handedly fought against the Templar Silver Crusaders, was lost in thought.

Andre's action woke up Arecio, who was in deep thought. He watched the other party press some button, and a platform came down in front of him. Then Andre took out a white metal box and opened it. A little bit of cold air.

"We have prepared all kinds of blood, including animals, humans, light creatures, and even dark creatures." Andre introduced to him while arranging bags of blood on a plane.

"In the information we got, there are cases of blood clans who eat cryopreserved blood. I don't know if you like it? If you like something warmer, you can wait until you arrive at the center. The volunteers are ready."

Low-temperature storage is indeed a very popular method for higher blood races. It is usually poured into a goblet to drink. After all, some blood races do not like to directly contact blood servants. This is also the way Arecio is very used to. He expressed no opinion. In front of the blood feast that covered the table, he wanted to sigh for the first time.

too weird.

He chose a bag of whole human blood, and his sharp fangs pierced the blood bag directly, and asked Augustus, who was handing him a straw, to silently withdraw his hand, but Alessio still saw it.

Very good, the blood clan eats, and the sky clan delivers the straw... What kind of crazy world is this!

The luscious blood slid into the mouth, with some anti-coagulant ingredients, but it was not a big problem. No one could manipulate the blood under the keen sense of taste of the vampire. Arecio lowered his eyes and sucked the blood. Out of the corner of the eye, he glanced at the people around him, and found that everyone looked relieved.

"Eat if you can." Andre was probably saying the common voice of the others, "Eat more, you're sleeping so... Your face?!"

Arecio took his last mouthful and slowly raised his eyes. The black tattoo grows meanderingly around his right eye, and the coiled pattern outlines the rose vine and the long sword. This bizarre tattoo fills up half of his face and complements the deep rose-colored eyes. The tattoo rose seems to be alive.

"Don't make a fuss, it's already there." Arecio picked up the second bag of blood and bit through it again. With this bag of blood, he will almost be able to return to 60-70% of his previous strength. The tattoo on his face is a sign of his gradual recovery of strength.

This is also-

A symbol of the divine.

Arecio didn't mention much about the tattoos on his face. He didn't intend to expose his godly family now, and he didn't like the sun very much anyway, so it's better to reserve this identity for the time being. Not long after he finished eating, the aircraft made a pleasant reminder that it was about to reach the destination.

Arecio looked down through the car window, and at the lower back was an aircraft with a slightly different shape, which should be the coffin and the neurosis in the coffin. Further down, he saw a tranquil emerald sea.

"This is the 'Emerald Inland Sea', and the conservation center is located by the sea. The full name is 'Dark Creature Conservation and Nurturing Center'." Andre said beside him, smiling, "Although it's a bit tacky, I still have to say something to you. talk-"

The aircraft slowly landed, and the appearance of the entire building complex gradually became clear as the altitude decreased. The color scheme here is not as silver gray or pure white as Arecio thought. The slightly warm milky white and light emerald green blocks make these buildings that should be very solemn and full of warmth. reflect each other.

The black-feathered bird builds a nest in the building, and refuses to stretch the tip of its wing out of the shadow; the lion with a scorpion-tail jumps two steps, leaning on the wall and staring at the descending aircraft; on the sea in the distance, some white Birds were flying, and ray-like creatures leaped out of the sea, with sharp bony beaks that looked like dark creatures; suddenly the calm sea was broken, and thousands of waterlines flowed down the scales of the huge creature, snakes. The gigantic creature in the shape of a giant spewed out a cluster of bright flames into the sky!

Arecio couldn't take his eyes off the ground, the aircraft trembled slightly when it landed, and Andre's voice followed at this moment.

"Welcome to—the paradise of dark creatures."