The Enemy Always Wants to Pull Me into a Coffin

Chapter 31


The priority now is to catch the chicken.

Of course, it was very easy for Arecio, but it made no sense for him to catch it. So after the initial depression, Arecio quickly adjusted his state and touched the lich's head.

"Lucy, you're a lich, and you should try to control the bones, not the other way around."

With tears in her eyes, the lich raised her hand again and tried hard to control the movements of the chicken skeleton, but the result was that the chicken skeleton was still hanging upside down on the curtains, making crazy ghost and animal shaking.

The tears of the lich brushed down.

"...Don't cry anymore." Arecio only knew about undead magic. He personally didn't know this kind of magic, and he couldn't help but have a headache.

"Imagine that there is a line between you and the skeleton." He tried to recall the words of the silver-haired lich once, hoping to give Lucy some hints, "Then you use your other hand to put this Wire cut?"

The lich wiped his tears, and obediently first raised one hand, and the chicken skeleton twitched wildly; then the other hand also raised, with the phalanges close together, pretending to chop on the line of nothingness.

Arecio thinks it will definitely happen this time! He heard the sound of bones falling! he…

How scary! This scene is so terrifying! ! !

I saw that there were indeed some bones falling on the ground, and it could be seen that the connection had been cut off. However, the lich was unskilled and only cut off half of the connection. The chicken skeleton was horribly divided into two parts from the middle. Do a circle dance.

The Lich cried again in frustration.

The chicken skeleton was restored again, and he was scurrying around the room as if he was eager to go outside to see the world. The wolf cub was frightened at first, but gradually poked his head out from behind Arecio's legs and sniffed in the direction of the chicken skeleton.

Wolf Cub: … a little fragrant.

Arecio didn't look at it, when he heard Darph let out a short exclamation. He looked up and saw the wolf cub guarding the place where the chicken skeleton was going to pass. When it ran over, it swooped over to bite, and the chicken skeleton jumped up nimbly, and the wolf cub slammed to the ground.


The wolf cub got up from the ground whimpering, feeling ashamed of himself, and Arecio would definitely not touch the cute him.

Unexpectedly, Arecio leaned over and rubbed his head and praised:

"Well done, good judgment."

The wolf cub suddenly raised its head, the two silver-white ears with black stripes on the inside stood up "swish", the tail almost wagged into a flower, and arched happily under Arecio's hands.

Arecio, who feels that the wolf cub has awakened his wild instinct: …

Helgodon has the ability that every time he thinks it is a wolf, Helgodon will change into a dog in a second.

The classmates were praised, but they didn't, and the Lich couldn't help crying even more sadly.

"In this way, let's not rush to solve this problem." Arecio changed his mind and planned to let these two exercise first, "Hergodon tried to grab it, not with his mouth, only with his claws. . Lucy, forget about the skeleton, let's try the smaller bone parts first."

Zhu Heng raised his hand like a pupil.

"Mr. Xixi, we didn't buy teaching props online in advance."

They have no extra bones.

Arecio thought for a moment, then hesitated: "Um... go to the cafeteria to buy a grilled wing?"

Everyone: "… "

good idea!

Zhu Heng treats guests, bought a lot of grilled wings from the cafeteria that is currently open, and came back with some coke, some fries, and some hamburgers, and some hot sauce and honey mustard. Sauce. The two careful nurturers picked out the meat little by little, leaving the bones and eating the meat. Alessio drank the extra roasted wings and called out the wolf cub, who just made an "Ow" and was still staring at the galloping chicken skeleton.

Of course, there is no regularity in the movement of the chicken skeleton, but I don't know if it is because of the Lich's undead magic, this chicken skeleton reflects some tendencies during his lifetime. The wolf cub stared at it, and a hidden talent was activated, which made him seem to be able to imagine some scenes-a large group of colorful and healthy chickens pecking at grasshoppers and grass in the vast grazing pasture.

At the head was only the rooster, the strongest and most beautiful, with a loud chirping, and its feathers reflecting colorful light in the sunlight. The little hens looked at it longingly and were amazed at its heroic appearance.

At this time, someone's voice sounded, with a faint smile.

[Oh, this chicken is so beautiful, it is the pride of our ranch.]

[Let's kill it, deal with it, and send it to the conservation center for cute dark creatures to eat.]

Chicken: … Slowly typed a question mark.

Helgodon's imagination ended, and his eyes filled with emotional tears. From birth to coronation to being eaten, he seemed to have accompanied the chicken for a lifetime, and truly admired the chicken, so he would never humiliate the other party!

He has figured out the other party's behavior habits!

Alessio's group of people nibbled on the roasted wings, watching the chubby wolf cub's fighting spirit rise for unknown reasons. He even moved his short legs to move from place to place, running back and forth without feeling tired. The chicken skeleton is faster than him, so the wolf cub can only intercept the chicken skeleton by pre-judgment, which is usually an opportunity that comes after a long wait.

The wolf cub was crawling on the ground, only the tail was shaking slightly, and a pair of ice blue eyes stared at the chicken skeleton. Suddenly, he moved! He jumped up vigorously, waved his fat claws, and his silver-white fur shone under the light—

The chicken skeleton, which had nowhere to focus in the air, smiled coldly. It also respected this young enemy. After all, it was someone who understood its life. However, it also wouldn't sit still!

The chicken skeleton performed an up, down, half, body, separation and separation in the air.

"Ouch!" The wolf cub was stunned by this scene. What ambition, what mutual understanding, all evaporated in an instant. He rolled and crawled back to Arecio. Arecio was chewing fries slowly when he suddenly felt a bump in his calf. When he lowered his head, the wolf cub stuck his head in the middle of his calf, leaving his butt out. , Chuanzhuan was still shaking.

Arecio paused for a moment as he chewed the fries, and then continued, he had long looked down on everything.

He turned his head sideways, and with a "whoosh" of the wind, the chicken wing bones manipulated by the lich flew past his ears like a boomerang. The Lich was not discouraged, this one flew and there was another one, so she ignored the previous one and started a new chicken wing bone again.

"Anyone want honey mustard?" Arecio asked flatly. "No one wants me to eat it all."

"Can you leave me a little bit, I want to dip it into chicken nuggets to eat QVQ!" Ellie under the table spoke tremblingly, and even did not forget to ask Zhu Heng, who was also squatting beside him, "Doctor Zhu, you want to order more! what?"

"Please give me a Coke, I'm a little choked."

"Where's Darph? What else does Darph want?"

"No, I'm full, thank you."

Arecio, who was the only one who could normally sit beside the table, listened to all the conversations. In the sky of boomerangs, he silently picked up a box of chicken nuggets and a glass of Coke, added some sauce, and sent them to the bottom of the table. Then, he sincerely pressed the lich's hand.

"Lucy, don't be busy, let's have something to eat."

When he said this sincerely, he was surrounded by chicken wing bone boomerangs flying around.

The wolf cub let out a weak "Ouch", indicating that he also wanted to eat something. Before Arecio asked him, a chicken wing bone had already hit the wolf cub's buttocks precisely! The wolf cub jumped up in pain, turned his head in a direction, and saw the stunned chicken skeleton that had been pieced together again.


The wolf cub was really frightened. He burst out with astonishing power, grabbed Arecio's pants and climbed up, huddled in his arms and cowardly, even his ears were tightly glued to the back of his head. Arecio reluctantly smoothed his hair and looked up at the chicken skeleton standing upright.

The chicken skeleton gave him a bleak smile. It thought that it had ushered in a confidant and a destined opponent, but it did not expect the opponent to escape.

Arecio: …

Did he have a broken head too? How did he see the chicken skeleton "smile at him bleakly"

The chicken skeleton thought of the boundless pastures, the little hens, the kind breeders, and the lich who gave it a second life. It wants to croak again, but as a roast chicken it has no head, and in infinite regret, it just thinks—

If only it weren't so pretty.

Without will support, the chicken skeleton disintegrated in situ. The lich moved his fingers subconsciously, and Arecio quickly pressed her down.

Please! stop! Although this chicken's experience is very tragic, wouldn't it be better to let this nightmare end!

The lich obediently stopped moving, but she tilted her head suddenly, as if she had understood something. She looked around, and the chicken wings were flying around uncontrollably, but she seemed to be able to feel some of the emotions of these skeletons, and she even thought that each skeleton had its own personality because of its owner.

After realizing this, she lowered her head and stared at her hands in a daze.

This sudden appearance of the ability to move skeletons seems to be much deeper than she thought. The bones in her hands are the second life that inherited the previous character. If she could read and understand the emotions and past of these bones, would she be able to... manipulate them smoothly

She tugged at Arecio's sleeve, and when he looked over, she pursed her lips into a smile.

She also achieved good grades and wanted to be praised.

Arecio blocked a flying chicken wing bone, sincerely praised the lich, and suggested to change the room first, and then talk about his mental journey. The lich got up briskly, even if the bones were out of control, it wouldn't hurt her, so she easily went to the door, turned back a little confused, and found that Arecio was holding the fried chicken paper before distributing it under the table. bucket.

"Put it on your head," she heard Arecio say. "I'll run on the count of one, two, three, you know?"

"No matter who falls, don't save the rest, I'll save them!"

Lucy: ...

After a fierce escape, Arecio, who was in charge of the break, closed the door of the room instantly and left the Boomerang Hell inside. The few people who escaped were relieved, and Zhu Heng took the lead in applauding, saying that this was an applause for everyone present to celebrate the successful escape.

Arecio felt so tired, he really really didn't want to do it.

The thought had not been finished in his mind, the wolf cub had already jumped on top of his head, and a huge shadow was rapidly approaching at the corner, and Arecio heard a familiar shout—


The manticore swiftly jumped up in front of Arecio, apparently swelled again in the daily bragging, and proudly stretched out its tail.

touch you

Arecio was about to say no, when another staff member hurried in the other direction. They met Arecio and Zhu Heng and they were like a treasure.

"His Royal Highness Arecio, Dr. Zhu Heng! It's not good! Night Bird is on hunger strike again!"

It was not the first time that the night bird went on a hunger strike, and Zhu Heng also felt a headache, so he looked at Arecio subconsciously.

Arecio was expressionless, with a cowardly wolf cub on his head.

He felt he could write a book.

"Work: From Startup to Resignation".