The Enemy Always Wants to Pull Me into a Coffin

Chapter 39


Willing to accept the bet, Ruzius started to detect magic and began to work. Since the recovery, let alone Arecio, even he has not been able to stretch his muscles and bones well. Ten thousand years ago and ten thousand years later are really different. As the leaders of the faction who grew up in the war, he and Arecio possessed power beyond imagination.

The long chain was pulled tight, and the vampire roamed around him. Ruzius quickly found some traces, and with a tug on the chain, Arecio swayed back.

"What did you find?"

"Well, here."

After clearing the sand on the bottom of the sea, what appeared in front of them was a gate of white bones, which just confirmed Arecio's previous guess.

There is only one question before them now...

"It's your turn to use undead magic." Ruzius said, in exchange for Arecio's stunned expression.

"But I don't use undead magic."

"...Aren't you a dark creature?"

"Aren't all dark creatures able to use undead magic? I have blood, shadow, space and spirit in my hands, and I'm already considered a gifted talent!" Arecio said in disbelief.

Ruzius silently took notes in his heart, he had seen Aresio's shadow magic, and the button is still embedded in his notes; the power of blood is the talent of the blood clan, there are many branches, I don't know Aresio Which category does Western Europe belong to? As for space and spirit, it should be mastered by Arecio, and it is indeed a weapon that can be far and near.

The last is the so-called [domain]. Judging from the previous wording, the domain of Arecio is only large or small, and it remains to be seen.

Arecio didn't know that the other party was estimating his combat power, and he had an idea.

"Aren't you going to try using undead magic?"

Lucius looked at him blankly. Arecio's idea is really amazing, how did he think of letting the saint of the temple use undead magic

"How could I have the aptitude for undead magic."

"How did you learn the lesson of element affinity?" Arecio despised this statement, "Everyone has the suitability for any attribute magic, but some are prominent, and some are so weak that they cannot be revealed... No! You must know! You just don't want to use it!"

Rutius' eyes drifted slightly.

"Quick, I remember the spell, you can use it." Arecio threatened, "Crossing this psychological barrier, maybe you are the hidden all-attribute mage!"

At Arecio's insistence, Ruzius could only try. The blood clan gently recited a spell, which should have been learned from the old friend the lich. Luzius wrote down that his fingertips touched the gate of white bones, and he was ready to fail in casting spells all the time.

Arecio is right, but element affinity is related to the success rate of magic. The children selected by the temple have always been full of bright attributes, and the low-level undead magic suitability is really not worth mentioning.

Maybe after failing a few times, Arecio would naturally give up... Thinking of this, Ruzius chanted the incantation silently.

The wandering water wave stagnated slightly, and then, the gate of the bones roared, and it succeeded in one go! Ruzius was stunned, but Arecio, who was beside him, happily entered the door, and vaguely heard his voice.

"You're not very..."

His voice suddenly stopped, and Ruzius sunk into the door instantly, and the sight in front of him made him understand the silence of the blood clan.

Sure enough, it is the Sea of the Dead. If you want to add a supplement, it should be "Remains".

A large group of soul butterflies fluttered in the water, and the beautiful blue wings were built like bones. Water did not affect them. They were still ghost-like creatures between the virtual and the real in essence. Soul butterflies swarmed in groups, circling among the remaining huge bones, and the dark bottom of the water was illuminated by their cold light, and there was almost no need to continue to use night vision magic.

Arecio didn't speak, he descended, and the soul butterfly flew up and surrounded him. Ruzius also descended to the same height, and the soul butterflies flew away as if pinching their noses.

Rutius: … This is discrimination.

Arecio unceremoniously laughed at the despised saint. In the end, he stretched out his hand like a saint and asked for his cloak.

"Put me on for a while, and those butterflies won't hate you anymore."

Putting on the cloak of a saint, Arecio glides lightly down in the water. He looks around and sees a few gaps at the edge.

"The crown may have come out of here." He said, while filling the gap, and continued to say to the saint who had not recovered the memory related to the Sea of the Undead.

"This is not a complete sea of the dead, and only about one-tenth of the area is left."

Rutius could imagine how magnificent the sea of the dead was in its former glory.

"You don't plan to expose the existence here?"

"Of course not. I want to give the right to choose to Lucy. She is the heir here. All I care about is the role this place can play in the shelter and conservation center."

Especially when Lucy is completely awakened, this one-tenth of the remains of the Sea of the Dead is enough to become the strongest fortress of the conservation center.

Arecio bowed his head and looked for what he wanted in the piles of broken bones under the huge skeleton. The skeletons here have been nourished by the power of darkness. They are powerful and easy to manipulate. Unfortunately, many of them are incomplete. Lucy currently does not integrate non-identical Skeleton ability. He searched for a long time before he found a lizard skeleton that was missing one front claw. It was full of sharp teeth and seemed to be fierce before death.

This is good, he remembered this lizard, it looked like a big slap, but in fact, it could bite off half of a person's head when it opened its mouth.

He put the skeleton in his pocket and prepared it as a gift. It happened that the cloak was almost stained with the power of darkness on him. The saint put the cloak back on, and Soul Butterfly really no longer hated him. Although there were two Arecio's breaths that confused them, the pure soul butterflies still opened up. Happy heart revolves around the saint.

Luzius stretched out his hand and poked one over. The soul butterfly that was poked was wronged, and Baba came over.

Alessi is really... nice.

When he bored and bullied the deceived butterflies, Arecio had found a good position and beckoned to him. It was the upturned tail of a giant crocodile, which was permanently fixed in this posture. Arecio sat on the tip of the tail and watched the neuropathy sit down beside him. I don’t know if he was relieved or regretted:

"I didn't find Helgodon... The skeleton of the werewolf king may have been annihilated along with the remaining nine-tenths." Speaking of which, Arecio smiled faintly, "Actually, I'm a little reluctant to dare. Seeing him, if I had..."

Ruzius looked at his drooping eyelashes quietly, and was about to say something when some images suddenly flashed in his mind.

It was a snowy area with snow all year round. He left the checkpoint set up by the temple in the west alone, and wanted to seek a slim chance to meet his fateful enemy. After those two meetings, there was always a fire burning in his heart all the time, and he couldn't wait, even the luck he had been most dismissive was willing to try.

The goddess of luck took pity on him, and he met him.

The wind and snow whistled, and the seriously injured blood clan staggered. With his own strength against the three main armies of the Silver Crusade, even if he is the prince of the third generation, he is close to running out of fuel at this moment. But the blood clan is still walking, not finding a safe place to hide, but taking the huge risk of being discovered, walking all the way from the front line to here.

The blood clan looked up and saw the hunter standing still, the wolf cub in his arms let out a weak whimper from the cold and hunger.

[Are you going to kill me?]The blood clan said quietly, shaking his body unsteadily, [only this time, you can't do it, get out of the way.]

The hunter did not move at all, he saw the cub in the arms of the blood clan. This should be the child of the werewolf king. The temple paid a huge price to besiege the werewolf king Helgodon and the queen Kosinya successively.

Seriously wounded vampire, the new king of werewolves... He may only have one chance in this life.

Seeing him not moving, the blood clan was completely enraged, he covered the wolf cub and rushed towards the hunter!

[Step aside! ! !]

Feng Xue followed with a fierce roar, as if responding to the decisive attack of the blood clan at this moment! The flying snow splashed on Ruzius' eyelashes, and he blinked slowly, but what he missed were the slaughtered villages of the snowy borderers, and the heads of the young wolves that were hung up for public display...

He didn't dodge.

The vampire was seriously injured and refused to use Corsinia's blood for supplementation. This blow did not kill him, but only made him roll out a dozen meters in the snow. His internal organs were convulsed with pain. He slowly inhaled and spit out slowly. He didn't know how long it would take to get up. The first sight was to look in the direction of the blood clan.

The blood clan fell into the snow, and the wolf cub's wailing was the only sound other than the wind.

He coughed up blood and walked over. The blood clan, who had lost consciousness, was very quiet. He leaned over beside the blood clan and pulled out the hunting knife that he carried with him. He held the knife and stood still for a long time.

This is what he wants, this is what he should want.

However, he coughed violently, the hunting knife fell, and a line of blood was wiped on the vampire's cheek. He coughed almost uncontrollably, and in his swaying sight, it was the bat wings of the blood clan that flew towards the silver cross that day.

He finally lowered his head and said in a hoarse voice beside the blood clan's ear:

[Go east.]

Then he stumbled to his feet, there was a slight wind noise, and the cloak that was originally on him had fallen on the blood clan. The heavy snow was still falling, falling on the pure white cloak of the same color, gradually covering up those golden thorns. The wolf cub no longer whimpered, probably feeling warm, whispering a comfortable "wheeze" twice, and buried it in the blood of the blood clan and didn't move.

In the warmth brought by the cloak, the blood clan's eyelashes trembled a few times, and the figure of the hunter with his back turned away from him was completely drowned in the wind and snow.

The memory was over in an instant, and Luzius raised his eyes again, and he said softly while the soul butterfly was flying.

"You don't have to feel ashamed to see him, at least, you saved his child."

Arecio turned to look at him suddenly.

"You remember?"


He remembered everything that had happened in that snowy area. In the end, he was not blamed after returning from serious injuries, but returned to the temple to make a statement after staying in the snowy area for another month or two.

The saint changed into a new cloak, with golden thorns shining, and a hunting knife on his waist. He quietly lowered his eyes to his teacher, and the statement was almost over.

[The chess piece in the werewolf supported by us has been confirmed dead. Helgodon's family returned and became the new king, but he was still young and could not even transform into a human form.]

He raised his eyes again, the sky-colored eyes were quiet, but a fire gradually started to dance in the bottom of his eyes.

[… Arecio, Regent.]