The Enemy Always Wants to Pull Me into a Coffin

Chapter 62


Separated by a wall, Ruzius held the special communicator used to communicate with Theo, and listened to the human breath imitated by the vampire next door, and his heart was very peaceful. No matter how much the shadows roared in his ears, just listening to the sound of breathing would ensure the emptiness of his consciousness.

What's more, he has gradually recalled more memories related to Arecio recently. Those memories poured into his mind like flowing water, glowing like a group of little elves of light. As he recalled, he also smiled in his heart. He thought, this is probably the only thing that he could grasp in the past, so he did not change a word of the notes involving these memories when he was mad.

He looked back at the notes repeatedly, then compared them with the images in his memory. Outside the dilapidated church, pigeons were flying in groups in the sun, and their shadows fell on the vampire sitting on the pulpit.

[Both he and I were injured and confronted in the abandoned chapel, knowing each other and fighting again, no one would benefit from it.]

[I intend to run away, but he is staring at me... Looking for an opportunity? Want to kill me?]

[For a quarter of an hour, he stared at me for a quarter of an hour, blood race, what do you want to do?]

[He laughs at my somewhat messy hair.]


[He took out two bottles of... drinks? Why do the three generations of blood race carry this with them? Even with these bottles, can he be evenly matched with me? I am too weak.]

[He asks me if I want to drink.]

[… no way.]

[He drank two bottles himself!]


[I'm still angry when I think about it now, and this is the end of today's diary.]

[… angry!]

In the past, he and the blood clan gradually approached each other, guarding each other, but sometimes they could share some words. In his diary, he wrote down the myth "Flower of the Sky" that was circulated among the dark creatures, which was told to him by the blood race. He was amazed that in the story of the dark creatures, the two goddesses were able to reconcile with each other, and then tell the long story of three thousand days and nights.

So what about them? They are now also sitting together and telling stories, can they…

The communication rang, pulling Ruzius out of his memories of the past. He closed the note and looked at the communicator. He undoubtedly won the first place in the long-standing "Beyond Who Can't Hold It Down" competition. He felt that Theo's combat effectiveness was much worse than that of Aresi. At least Alessi was so angry sometimes that he could not speak to him for three days.

[Theo: Your answer?]

[Ruzius: After you used the domain on me, you dare to ask me?]

[Theo: That's just a... harmless little joke, didn't you break free too?]

Ruzius's fingers tapped the communicator lightly or heavy. It was impossible for Theo not to perceive the remaining shadows, which was numbing him. After a pause, he continued to reply.

[Ruzius: So, you, now, think, cooperate with me, something.]

Although Theo is no longer Theo he used to be, there is still a little fear of commas in his subconscious. He knew that the hunter on the opposite side was venting his dissatisfaction, and he needed to give some sweetness in time.

[Theo: What do you need?]

He spit out rhetoric.

[Theo: On the northern front, my energy is much larger than you think.]

[Ruzius: Oh? how to prove?]

[Theo: There will be three collapses tomorrow.]

He terminated the communication with the saint, and clicked. Theo thought that when the light of tomorrow rushes towards the camp, the saint will have a deeper sense of his power in the north. He can also take this opportunity to warn the Federation that is constantly increasing its troops to the northern front.

Theo really can control the northern light collapse. Ruzius stared at the communicator, thoughtfully, when suddenly, he heard a dull sound coming from the next door. He could tell almost immediately that the bed was too small. When Arecio, who was used to sleeping in a big bed, rolled over, he accidentally fell to the ground.

cat cat fall.jpg

In the dark, he smiled.

With Arecio on this front, Theo can threaten no one.

Arecio fell once in the middle of the night last night, but it didn't affect his energy the next day. According to common sense, after the dark creatures arrive on the northern front, they should cultivate quietly for three days, and then cooperate with the military to carry out some defensive activities, but in Arecio, this period of time can be completely omitted.

The three children have already undergone cold-resistant training in the center, and with the enhancement of their own dark power, they are not afraid of the slightly harsh environment on the northern front. Especially Helgodon, he came here as comfortable as home, and at this time he had turned into the appearance of a big silver wolf, and I don't know how many times he rolled in the snow.

Suddenly he turned his head to the side, dodging a snowball that I threw, "Ouch", and rushed towards me and Lu Xi.

Arecio let them play in the snow, the game is the nature of the cubs, such a game of mutual offense and defense is not harmful. He left half of his energy to focus on a few small ones, while looking out to the front of the camp.

"Does the dark element only fill the camp's location?" he asked.

"Yes, Your Highness." Crawvinson replied respectfully, "Because there are four dark creatures coming this time, the military's expectation is to advance the front line for about 30 kilometers."

Thirty kilometers...too short.

Probably seeing him frown slightly, Kravenson immediately continued.

"It is true that the existing dark element filling instruments are not so effective. The eternal dark stone has the property of storing darkness, but it is uncontrollable and dare not be used by dark creatures."

Arecio thought about it and understood. I, these relatively lively and healthy dark creatures, also had the problem of light and dark imbalance in the body at the beginning, and he adjusted it a little bit later. The process of absorbing energy by the Eternal Dark Stone is uncontrollable. If it absorbs too much energy too quickly, it will be very deadly to dark creatures.

But... At this time, the dark creatures who followed him to the front were gradually restored to their former strength and glory!

Arecio's ear tip moved, he felt some aura before the wind and rain, and it seemed that something was about to erupt in silence, which was just right. He called three, and one sent an Eternal Darkness stone that was already full of his energy.

"Use it later when you are in danger," he said, then straightened up, stared at the distant mountains, and said to Kravenson:

"Now, go sound the alarm, the light is coming."

Crawvinson was shocked. Based on the concentration of the surrounding light elements, the military calculated that there would be no light collapse in the past three days. It had erupted once before, and it would not appear continuously in the short term. But he absolutely believed in Arecio, and immediately spread the black wings of the fallen angel and flew towards the camp where Marshal Olsen was.

Around the camp, Arecio's senses were filled with the silence before the storm. He didn't rush to show the black sickle, but turned around and said to the three of Helgodon:

"There is a suspicious gathering of light elements in the depths, and it may breed a very huge light variant. I will deal with it. As for the light collapse..."

"It is expected that there will be more than two waves, and you need to unite to guard the camp."

Hearing this, Lucy clenched the corner of her clothes nervously. She had only resisted the aftermath of the light collapse under the protection of Arecio before, and she had accumulated some experience, so she naturally knew how difficult it was to resist the tide of light that erupted.

Arecio noticed the movement of her hand, and although she was more serious, she finally sighed helplessly.

"The area this time is not as big as last time, so focus on what you can deal with."

The lich's eyes lit up, and she watched Arecio lift his cloak, and the bat wings of shadows spread behind him. The blood race quickly lifted off into the sky, flying towards the surging tide of white light.

After he left, Helgodon suddenly roared a few times in a low voice, and Lucy and I then came close to him and listened to him for a while, and looked at each other.

"Sounds good?"

"Alessi will be shocked!"

"Then... do?"


Arecio didn't know that the three little ones hit it off behind their backs, and there were mental illnesses who stayed at the camp, so he wasn't worried about the safety of the little ones. He was flying extremely fast, teleporting frequently, and his figure could hardly be seen in the air, only the surging light roared under his wings.

Arecio's expression was cold and solemn. He felt the light element in front of him suddenly intensified, and he immediately blocked his body with bat wings, blocking the strong light that could almost blind him. After a short dazzling flash, he opened the bat wings and suspended in the air, seeing the new behemoth exposed in front of his eyes.

Different from Zhu Qing's form of changing from a human to a light variant, the huge light variant in front of you was born in the center of the light collapse and appeared purely due to the light collapse. Arecio has seen some research materials. In addition to being more powerful, the light aliens born in this form will also capture some pieces of information in this world, and shape their appearance into a strange mix of various biological characteristics.

The bright alien species that appeared in front of Arecio at this time looked like a combination of a butterfly and a spider. Its eight legs were flexible and changeable, and the tip was even more radiant with a sharp metallic color. A butterfly-like light wing grows behind it, and moves slowly with breathing and squirming, and dozens of pairs of golden eyes spread all over the wing, turning non-stop.

With a huge body, fast movements, and wide field of vision... Arecio made a judgment in an instant, but it seemed that the other party was heavy and could not fly, which was much easier to handle.

The sickle appeared in his hand, and Arecio was indifferent to the fact that he could only use the power of darkness in his body due to the excessive concentration of light elements in the outside world. As soon as the bat wing tilted, he teleported to the front of the light alien without a second pause, and the sickle was about to cut off the head of the light alien!

The bright aliens sensed the danger, and the dozens of eyes on the fleshy wings suddenly turned wildly, pouring out interlaced rays of light in the direction of Arecio! However, the blood clan did not evade, the beam fell on him, and his body instantly scattered into countless shadow bats, avoiding the beam and then gathering again without even pausing. !

The head fell to the ground and collapsed into a light element, but Arecio did not relax his vigilance, and his prediction was very correct. The fleshy wings of the bright alien species fell off, and the eyes were raised, floating on the upper body to become extremely colorful tentacles, which meant that its beams could be emitted more flexibly in all directions. At the same time, its body swelled a second time, crawling on the ground, and roaring at the vampires in the air.

Arecio looked down at it expressionlessly, watching a black line gradually extend on the back of the light alien, along with the tearing of its body. The difference in strength is too great, and he only takes the blink of an eye to deal with the opponent. Unwilling to continue watching, Arecio raised the black sickle, ready to deal with it quickly and go back to the camp as soon as possible. He still didn't know how the children were dealing with it.

Suddenly, he felt that kind of intimacy again, and he turned his eyes to the mountains not far away. This time, he went a little deeper, and he could gradually hear the seemingly non-existent voice, although the words were still vague.

[I... in... deep...]

[Strength... replenish... restore...]

Arecio narrowed his red pupils, and now he is really interested. With his mobility, within this week, he will come and see with the neuropathy.

With a move in his heart, the light alien species that had fallen on the ground used its last strength to lift a tentacle and send a strong beam to him. However, before Arecio could resist with the sickle, several bone shields had already appeared in front of him, layer upon layer, completely canceling the power of the beam! The bright alien species on the ground let out a mournful wailing, and the silver giant wolf completely tore it in half, and I, who was riding on the back of the giant wolf, slowly retracted the mental power used to control it.

"Aresi!" I waved to him happily, "Are you startled?"

How did these three... solve the three waves of light collapse so quickly? Arecio was a little surprised, but he quickly softened his eyes, the bat wings stretched, and slowly landed on the ground.

"Well, I was shocked."

"Because we cooperated!" I smiled, "This idea was proposed by Helgodon, and Lucy is in charge of the overall plan... Lucy?"

The lich has been very vigilant and opened the shady scene around him. Hearing this, he lowered his head a little shyly.

"I just think that if we get together, maybe we can do it." Under the encouraging gaze of everyone, she boldly continued, "Hergodon is very good at charging, with him in front, I am in The rear can calmly offset the light collapse, and for this reason, the energy in an eternal dark stone is also used."

She bowed her head apologetically, "My ability can control some of the light alien species, which is very useful. When we united, we rushed over in one breath, and used the energy in the eternal dark stone to replenish the surrounding area along the way."

This is really... pushing the front line forward for more than a hundred kilometers in one breath!

Arecio patted the heads of several children with admiration. He asked me a few extra questions about the control of the light mutants. It seems that the bright mutants have also been judged as beings by my [All Things Psychic] and can be controlled. After that, they will undoubtedly make a difference on the battlefield.

While speaking, the faint voice still echoed in Arecio's ears. He asked me and Lucy, and both said that he heard nothing special.

"Did Areci hear anything?" I asked.

"It's nothing, it's just that the wind is a bit strong, and it might snow in the next two days." Arecio didn't intend to take too many risks for the immature child, so he didn't say much. He glanced past Helgodon, and suddenly found that Helgodon's wolf ears were standing.

The pair of ears with the royal black lines on the inside stood, shaking slightly from time to time, as if they were catching some vague movement.


The giant wolf turned his head, his ears turned back to a slightly tilted state, and made two coquettish "woohoos" at Arecio.

Arecio wasn't sure if he heard the voice, so he decided to ask in private. He glanced at the communication from Crawvinson on his head, and confirmed that the camp was safe, so he returned with his three children.

Helgodon walked briskly, only his ears twitched from time to time.

[Son of God and Wolf... 'Hergodon' of this generation...]

[I will give you... my last strength...]

Something was making a noise in his blood, and Helgodon stopped, squinting his eyes, only to feel that the world in front of him gradually became more and more ghostly. He began to feel the emotions of some more distant creatures, including but not limited to the beasts on the ground, the birds in the sky, and even, he felt the breath and pulse of the entire snowy land, as well as the emotions buried in it.

The drums were louder, and the old werewolf song reverberated lightly in his mind.

He felt his limbs start to heat up, his soul was hot, and he only had time to make a low "woo", and the world in front of him was completely dark, only the voice of Arecio calling him.

- The sound seemed to be hazy across a layer of water.

"...Hergodon? Helgodon!"

When Arecio returned to the camp, his expression was heavy, and he held Helgodon, who had turned into a wolf cub, in his arms. He hurriedly went to Noah, hoping to use his advanced instruments to see what was wrong with Helgodon. Noah's movements were fast, and various examinations were completed in a short time. Finally, he said that Helgodon was in good health except for the high body temperature.

"Did you meet anything outside?" Noah asked, "If it's the magic side, I'm afraid I'm here..."

"It's not the power of the magic side." Arecio shook his head and said, if that was the case, he would have seen it long ago. Just in case, he also called the neuropathy to come and take a look, and the neuropathy also said that it was not a curse.

"Then why did Helgodon fall into a coma? How long will it take to wake up?" Arecio gritted his teeth, he wanted to stand up impatiently, but was pressed down with one hand by the neurotic.

"Don't get excited, calm down, and tell me everything you encounter on the road."

Arecio took a deep breath and pulled himself out of his restless emotions. Suddenly, he realized that his left hand seemed to be temporarily unable to move.

He glared at the neurotic.

"There's no way, every time I try to stop you, my emotions will fluctuate greatly." Ruzius was expressionless, "I don't want to. What's the benefit of you sitting obediently? No."

Arecio felt the strength with which he touched his wings, and laughed angrily. Isn't this very exciting? !

He tried to let himself ignore the neurotic's actions, and told the neurotic everything that happened along the way, including the dialogue, the environment, and even some of his own mental activities. The saint thought for a moment and made a point.

"You said you heard a voice, and you think Helgodon heard a voice too."

"Is it possible that he did hear the sound, and that sound catalyzed his coma?"

Arecio thought about it, this is indeed the most likely explanation, but he didn't fully understand what the voice conveyed, and he couldn't ask anything from the unconscious Helgodon, and he was in a deadlock again.

"I don't think you need to worry too much." The saint said, "Since you feel that the voice brings you a sense of intimacy, then it should not be someone with ulterior motives, and the coma may also be preparing to grow."

"You mean..."

"Hergodon has not been able to transform into a human form until now."

Arecio's eyes widened immediately. Werewolves in this era generally have no human form, and it is even believed that the "human" in werewolves only refers to human intelligence. He has tried many times to change Helgodon into a human form, but he doesn't know whether it is a matter of timing or age. Helgodon still maintains the form of a wolf, which is completely different from the wolf cubs that Arecio once raised. .

"Just like the Eternal Darkness Stone, this world where the world is too bright is also having an impact on dark creatures."

"Right now, it's just a harbinger of change."

This new idea made Arecio feel a lot more relaxed. He stayed with Helgodon for a while, and sent Lucy and I, who came to visit, to go to bed, and then returned to his temporary residence, yawning, what a hard day. .

The neuropathy's work and rest has always been regular, and it is estimated that he is asleep now, and Arecio can hear the even breathing from the next door.

… and many more.

The sound of breathing was different from what he usually heard!

He is so familiar with the breathing sound of neuropathy that he can even judge what his breathing rate should be during sleep from the experience of neuropathy one day. The sound of breathing now, though even, was always a little odd.

Arecio knocked on the door next door, but nothing happened.

It was late at night, except for the soldiers who were still on the night watch, the whole camp was silent and there was no sound.

Arecio's heart sank, and he pushed the door directly in and saw the playback device placed on the tidy bed.

Neuropathy disappeared.

Arecio's heart sank. For some reason, he intuitively went crazy and went to the birthplace of Guangxu, the mountains where snow falls all year round.