The Enemy Always Wants to Pull Me into a Coffin

Chapter 67


No one responded to him, I gave up control of Feng Xue, his expression was heavy, he sensed the aura of a strong enemy, and began to shrink the domain inward. Although like Arecio, my domain has excellent endurance, but at this moment, he decided to save his strength to the maximum extent to deal with the sudden attack of the hunter in front of him.

The hunter noticed his movement, but did not stop it, just smiled coldly.

"Don't you say it?" He raised his sword. The sword was extremely bright, as if condensed with sunlight. He himself was more like the messenger of the gods who descended from the brilliance. No matter the color of hair or eyes, he was the most respected by the temple. Brilliant.

However, this dazzling brilliance was much bleak compared to Ruzius.

Andrei noticed this, so he smiled and motioned for the soldiers who were protecting him to back away, allowing himself to be exposed to the hunter's sight. The edge of the unicorn on his head is slightly translucent, which means that he can open his guard at any time. The unicorn's guard has always been very strong, and he has the confidence to protect himself.

"It's not that I don't want to say it, but I really don't know." Andre said calmly, "His Royal Highness Arecio has absolute freedom, and none of us have the right to interfere."

While he was speaking, Crawvinson behind was distributing the Eternal Darkness among several dark creatures. He also put a piece beside the sleepy Helgodon. If the battle goes bad, they must first evacuate with Helgodon. Lucy has made the corresponding preparations. She now has quite a lot of bones in storage, but she lacks strong bones.

She touched the lizard skeleton in her pocket. It was given to her by Arecio. There was a very special and familiar power on this skeleton, which made it especially handy for her to manipulate. In addition, this lizard had special skills before its death, and its power was very impressive. After a moment of hesitation, Lucy called Clawson and whispered a few words to him.

"Would it be too risky?"

"There is no better way." Lucy lowered her eyelashes. "Marshal Olsen said that it will take at least an hour for the reinforcements to arrive, and the snowstorm is too heavy."

"Have you made up your mind?"


Kravenson no longer discouraged him, but sighed deeply and patted the lich's head.

"Let's go out, talk to the others, we'll create opportunities for you."

Lucy nodded. She was about to go out with Kravenson when suddenly the tips of her ears moved slightly, and she turned back and looked in the direction of Helgodon.


The lich girl shook her head, returned to Helgodon, picked up the Eternal Darkness Stone, and carefully observed the condition of the stone. Helgodon was completely isolated from the outside world some time ago and could not even absorb energy, but now it seems to have absorbed some of the energy in the eternal dark stone. Lucy confirmed it again, suddenly looking up at Crawvinson.

"Mr. Clausenson, do you believe... me?"

She was still not good at talking to people, and her eyes were dodged at first, but soon, she gradually became firmer and looked up at the fallen angel.

"Believe me, this is by no means the will of a child."

She held out her hand to Clausenson—

"Mr. Crawvinson, please give me all the Darkstones, I want to charge Helgodon."

At this time, outside, the two sides had stopped fighting and faced off in the fierce snowstorm. Andre couldn't hold the opponent any longer, and the hunter had a blank face and raised his sword to him.

"Have you been procrastinating, waiting for reinforcements?"

"… "

"I won't give you that chance, one hour is enough." The hunter said coldly, "Alessio is not nearby, only those weak dark creatures can't compete with the Silver Crusade, you are just It's just a bluff."

Although his tone was steady, Yamon's heart sank slightly. According to the plan, Aresio should be staying in the camp at this time. The temple knows that he is friendly with many dark creatures, and it is impossible not to leave protection. However, now, there is a discrepancy between the plan and the reality, and the vampire actually gave up the weak dark creatures in the camp and went after Ruzius.

I am afraid it will be very dangerous for Dalewei. He needs to solve this place as soon as possible and return to help immediately. In the second half of the night, Mr. Theo will also come to the mine to recover the results with residual temperature.

"Your Excellency, aren't you afraid of Mr. Ruzius' sudden return?" Since he couldn't hold back, Andre and Olsen looked at each other and decided to anger each other directly, "There are three, six, nine, and nine levels among the hunters, and Ruzius Mr. Si is undoubtedly the best kind, I didn't know you were... "

Yamon's pupils shrank, and he naturally knew that the resurrected saint who was ten thousand years ago was compared but made his soul sting. He didn't know why he had such an almost angry feeling, as if he had been compared a thousand times. He deeply suppressed this inexplicable emotion and stared at the unicorn in front of him.

"Are you asking Lucius?" The hunter sneered, not stingy in giving despair to these people, "He won't come."

Yamon no longer intends to delay any longer. This time, he not only brought half the main army of the Silver Crusade, but also has the power to launch a rout. He just raised his hand, and several soldiers in white cloaks came forward, the light began to gather, and the bodies of these soldiers gradually twisted in the strong light, turning into all kinds of aliens.

It turns out that the collapse of the northern front was not only because of the flood of light elements, but also because of artificial triggering factors? ! Olson clenched his fists, he straightened his back, and gave everyone the only command.

"Hold on! Live!"

In the temporary shelter, piece after piece of Eternal Darkness lost energy and shattered. Lucy tried her best not to tremble. She didn't know whether her judgment was correct or not. Once she was wrong, it would mean a huge waste of money. resource. But her soul told her that she should do this, that she should instill as much energy as possible into Helgodon at this time.

"Frena... Frena... my god Frena..."

She prayed quietly.

"Benevolent goddess, please bless Helgodon."

In the sound of prayers, the silver wolf lying on his side moved his ears indistinctly.

Helgodon knew that he was in a dream.

He also felt tired in the dream, and the energy in his body was constantly depleted, but he could not be replenished from the outside world. He wanted to whimper in pain, but in the dream, he couldn't make any sound. He was suffering, reaching the limit of fatigue again and again, breaking through this limit again and again, like a long run, and at this moment, he finally reached the end.

The energy trickled in from the outside world, and Helgodon spread his limbs comfortably, as if he were in spring. He gradually heard some speaking voices, he opened his eyes, and an extremely grand full moon appeared in his eyes.

Under the full moon is a thousand-mile frozen snowfield.

The voice of the voice became clear, and he saw someone standing on the observation deck made of boulders, with silver-grey fur coats and wolf ears standing up.

[Look, this is my tribe.]

[My tribe will continue from generation to generation, never ending, just like this eternal snow.]

The Werewolf King said that he was constantly changing his appearance and the way he tied his hair, showing that this was a different Werewolf King. What remained the same was the Wolf King crown on his head and his sharp ice-blue eyes.

[The tribe of werewolves will last as long as the moon!]

Then the pictures dissipated, turning into a snow-covered wasteland, and on this wasteland stood white bones, and when Helgodon approached, they found that these were the bones of wolves.

This is the burial place.

Strangely, he didn't feel scared, but continued to walk forward, stepping lightly on the snow with his four claws. Suddenly there was a gust of wind blowing from behind him, and he began to run on the wind. The wind is getting stronger and stronger, he is running faster and faster, many glowing elves are shouting beside him, and the bones of those wolf kings are whimpering in the wind and snow, as if telling him the story of each generation of werewolf kings. .

[After the king died, he turned into a snowstorm and turned into an elves.]

[The elf rides the wind and snow and flies to the very depths of the snow field.]

[There is our god, the first god of werewolves, beloved by the moon god.]

[There is-]

[The Behemoth of the Earth!]

Helgodon suddenly woke up from his dream, he opened his ice-blue beast pupils, and only heard the crackling of his bones. He hunched up on the soft bed and let out a low growl. He felt a faint bloody taste in his mouth, as if it was someone's blood, but it contained an extremely large dark power, which helped him through the most difficult stage.

Lucy couldn't help covering her eyes with her hand. When she moved her hand away, the giant silver wolf in front of her was gone, replaced by a boy with first-born wolf ears and silver-gray fur on his clothes. The boy opened his ice-blue beast pupils, opened his mouth tentatively, and closed it again.

He's not quite used to speaking human language yet.

Lucy blinked, blinked again, and let out a small exclamation.

"The werewolf really has a human form!"

Helgodon: …

"Of course, yes." His articulation was not very clear, he could only speak words, but now was not the time for him to practice speaking. He felt that the light outside had begun to expand rapidly, which was a precursor to the collapse of light.

When Helgodon woke up this time, he had awakened the werewolf's memory inheritance, and he knew that he should be the one who charged ahead.

"Outside, bad?"

"Well! There is a hunter who looks a lot like Mr. Ruzius..." Lucy explained the current situation to him softly. Just after the explanation, Helgodon nodded slightly, and the pair of wolf ears dexterously turned twice, standing upright. stand up.

"Fight." He said neatly, "I'll come, charge."

"Can… "

Helgodon has already rushed to the front line. He feels that he has never run so fast before, and the distance of several hundred meters is but an instant. He suddenly appeared beside Crawvinson and frightened the Fallen Angel to flutter his wings. Crowvinson calmed down and looked at the strange wolf-eared boy.

"Hell... Godon?" He was uncertain, only to see the wolf-eared boy nodded slightly, then passed him without hesitation, and continued to walk forward.

"Wait, Helgodon! You've just recovered..."

The wolf-eared boy was already standing opposite the hunter. The hunter looked at him and frowned slightly.

"What kind of creature are you...?"

Werewolves have no human form. It has been passed down by word of mouth for thousands of years, and it has become common sense. Even the well-informed Amon has never seen such a creature with wolf ears.

Helgodon took a deep breath and was about to pronounce his name when he suddenly stopped.

He found that he couldn't pronounce his own name.

"… "

Helgodon thought for a while, and when the hunter asked again, he grinned, revealing pointed tiger teeth.

"Yes... your father!"