The Enemy Always Wants to Pull Me into a Coffin

Chapter 70


He looked at the blood clan who was stunned by his question, half-opened his mouth, revealing two pointed fangs.

Arecio is completely dumbfounded now. He doesn't know how the neuropathy can guess his careful thoughts. He thought he was covering up well. He thought he could hide himself, but he forgot who was in front of him now. Take the study of his destiny as his life's work.

He has nowhere to hide at all, all his bright or despicable thoughts, in the clear eyes of the sky, there is nowhere to hide.

"Isn't it, Areci?"

The saint asked a question, and he immediately wanted to shake his head subconsciously, but the saint stared straight at him and affirmed.

"I think it is."

"I think you want to give me [First Embrace]."

What he said was so certain that Arecio could not deny it at all. Arecio felt the world in front of him flickering, only to discover later that it was his eyelashes that were trembling with extreme unease.

His despicable mind was finally exposed, and he had nowhere to hide.

The saint spoke slowly again, calling his name.

"Alessi, about this..."

The fangs pierced his lips, and Arecio raised his head sharply and spoke first.

"I didn't mean to insult you!"

"I think it can be considered."

They spoke at the same time, but at the same time they heard each other's words clearly. For the first time, Ruzius was a little confused about Arecio. He thought for a while, but did not understand why Arecio characterized this matter as an "insult".

"… insult?"

"Consider? Do you mean to consider?" The dejected vampire suddenly regained his energy, "Would you like to be [first embraced] by me? Would you like me... to be your father?"

"… When Dad's question is discussed later, I'm very concerned about why you take this as an insult to me."

Ruzius found that after this question, Arecio's invisible ears drooped again.

"Because giving you [First Embrace] seems to be denying you as a human being." Arecio said softly, "I don't want that. I respect human beings very much, and I respect you who are human but keep chasing me. , I don't think it's any good to be a vampire, at least when I was transformed into a vampire, I only felt pain."

He raised his head and looked at the glowing Eternal Stones in the darkness, which gradually climbed to the top of the pothole, and then stopped.

"After becoming a blood clan, if you don't spend your time simulating, there will be no human temperature and heartbeat at all. You need to grab blood forever and live in darkness forever."

"The 'alive' this time will be so long that we have to go to sleep to dispel boredom."

"To the end, there will be no one left."

He smiled lightly.

"And, do you believe it? I used to want to be like you, righteous, bright... Of course, the insanity doesn't count. I want to meet a lot of friends, take risks in the sun, and appear in every bard's in the strings."

"However, as I became a blood clan, all this has completely become a fantasy."

"I don't want to change the trajectory of your life, you're good like this, there's nothing better."

As he was talking, Arecio felt a heavy weight on his head, and the saint touched the top of his hair expressionlessly, his eyes revealing that it was some kind of... heavy pain.

"Alessi, let me ask you, after becoming a vampire, I will still live with you, right?"

Arecio thought for a moment and nodded.

"Of course you can if you don't want to move away, and the coffin can also be divided into half for you."

"Then, I'm still going to work at the Institute of Ancient History."

Ruzius asked again, and Arecio looked at him with an inexplicable expression.

"It's even more boring if you don't work, do you want to grow hair at home?"

The saint took a deep breath, the foreshadowing had been completed, and he entered the last and most critical question.

"Speaking of family, don't I have to do housework after I become a blood clan?"

Arecio's eyes slowly let go, he seemed to understand something.

"Look, even if I become a blood clan, has the trajectory of my life changed in the slightest?"

No, not at all, the neuropathy is still the same neuropathy that lives with him, goes to work in the research institute on weekdays, and does almost all the housework. Arecio felt a little guilty, and with the last bit of conscience, he asked.

"How about I help you with some housework?"

"Father love?"


Ruzius took a deep breath and told himself that the atmosphere was right now, don't worry about Arecio taking advantage of him.

"If you still have concerns and think that [First Embrace] is destroying me as a human being, then I have a better proposal here." Ruzius said slowly, "You can, before I die, Transform me into a bloodline."

"In this way, you don't destroy me, you save me."

He didn't tell Arecio that the hunters of the temple couldn't [first embrace] this.

The life of the blood race is like a long river that never flows, and the short hundred years of mortals are just a foam on this long river... He once thought so, and he was gloomy and unwilling. Sometimes staring at Arecio, staring at the face that is favored by eternal life, he can count the despicableness in his heart one by one.

Want to get, can't get; want to possess, can't possess... He didn't know what he experienced in the past to become the neurosis in Arecio's mouth, but this emotion is undoubtedly the best accelerant. There are too many things, fighting to death may be the best ending.

However, Alessi jumped down towards him and fell into his arms. From that moment on, nothing really mattered to him.

Responded to his, his destiny...

He Gai Yong wears the crown of immortality.

Arecio thinks this idea is really good, the neuropathy does not resist the matter of becoming a blood race, so he finally puts down a big stone in his heart. He even supported the proposal of transforming the other party before he died, because he hoped that the neurosis would finish his life as a human smoothly. Of course, the time is too long, and the idea of neuropathy may change. No matter what the other party chooses, Arecio will accept it.

He also suddenly had a sense of responsibility in his heart. It is true that the neuropathy understands the blood clan, but there are still many things that the parent blood clan should teach his offspring, and he has to teach it to the neuropathy. Thinking like this, Arecio suddenly moved in his heart, and he felt that the field above the pothole had been constructed—

Wang Cheng opened the door, the shadow rose spread wantonly, and a grand full moon hung high in the sky covered by the wind and snow instead of the day.

"It's finally over, and none of the people in the temple will survive." Arecio looked over the pothole, the lightsaber had begun to weaken, showing that the people above were in big trouble, he sneered.

"It's useless, no matter where they flee, the bats will catch up with them."

"Let them die in the fear of endless escape."

Above the pothole, Dalewei noticed that the light of the Eternal Darkness Stone stayed no more than thirty centimeters away from the top. She was stunned for a while, and then she was ecstatic!

stopped! This terrifying monster like a black hole finally has no power!

She heard her communicator rang, and the lightsabers around her gradually became sparse, so she ordered the Silver Crusade to increase output while picking up the communication, facing Amon. Dalewei saw that there was a tear on Yamon's shoulder. Although it was treated, there were still strands of blood seeping out.

"Did you fail?" Delway raised her voice slightly, "You have betrayed Mr. Theo's trust! My side is about to succeed, you must turn immediately, and you must not let the pursuers know the location of the mine."

She was not on good terms with Yamon. During this trip to the northern front, Yamon still did not follow his plans everywhere, and Dalewei had already accumulated a lot of anger in her heart.

Across the screen, the hunter just looked at her quietly.

"It wasn't me who failed, it was you, Delvi."

The wind and snow blew the hunter's cloak, and he pressed the wound on his shoulder, which was about to open again, and raised his head. He was already standing in front of the mine, amidst the wind and snow, the bloody full moon was looming. The mine had long since changed into a different look. The fortified city walls stood tall, shadow roses flourished, and countless bats opened their blood-thirsty eyes, chasing and killing everyone in the mine who belonged to the temple.

A silver crusader fell dead at the entrance of the mine, and beside the mine was marked [Number 1]. A bat crouched over the corpse of the Silver Crusade, caught Amon's line of sight, and bared its sharp teeth threateningly. In the shadows behind it, more bats swarmed, and the bats occupied the mine cave and removed all the arrangements of the temple.

Yamon didn't come forward, it was meaningless. Each of these bats possessed high-level darkness and blood magic. After swallowing all the layout and personnel of the temple here, they have completely turned into terrifying monsters.

[Red Moon King City, Full Moon] is a feast for bats under the moon.

The bats have completely occupied the mine, and there are blood supplies. Arecio believes that as long as he can go up from here, he and the neuropathy are absolutely safe.

"... So, how do we get up?" The saint asked, Arecio stiffened, and then he felt the other's hand gently brushing the upper part of his back, where the wings grew.

"I really don't have much magic left, so..." The saint deliberately lengthened his tone and smiled lightly, "Where are your wings, Aresi?"

Arecio opened his mouth, and after confirming the idea of neuropathy, he is not going to use long wings as a guise now, he wants to change his mouth. Who would have thought that the saint completely understood his intentions and blocked it precisely.

"I will also provide help within my ability, you need blood, right?" Like that time in their shared house, in the darkness, the saint loosened his collar and exposed his neck. But this time he undoubtedly did a better job. His fingertips drew a blood line on his wrist and on the side of his neck. He and Arecio were very close to each other. The rich scent of blood instantly filled Arecio's senses. Arecio's pupils began to slowly shrink.

The saint pondered for a while and thought of a more appropriate rhetoric.

"Maybe you can also use this as a preview of... [First Embrace]?"

Arecio covered his mouth to prevent his fangs from being exposed, and he was using his utmost willpower to endure.

"You're too bold... I'm not afraid that I'll bite you into blood!"

"It's okay, I'll teach you."


It's a magical reality, and the hunter teaches the vampire how to bite.

Arecio was about to respond, but the scent of blood made his reaction less sensitive. The consequence of a delay of half a beat was that the saint started directly and pinched his cheek. The saint exerted a little force, and the tips of the pair of small fangs were looming on the lips.

Arecio struggled suddenly, he tried to use one hand to cover his mouth, but his two hands were directly fixed to the cave wall by the other's domain.

"Crazy! You… what do you want to do?"

When he opened his mouth to curse, his fangs couldn't hide at all. Ruzius took the opportunity to observe his fangs. If there was no accident, this pair of fangs would appear in his wallet tonight. Arecio realized this and quickly shut his mouth, not opening it no matter what.

"Why are you so uncooperative?" The saint looked very opinionated, "Don't you want to go back to the camp earlier?"

Arecio gritted his teeth.

"I'll bite directly! You can't die even if you bleed!"

"But if I bleed heavily, do you think you're still awake?"

"… "



Maybe it's angry, maybe it's shy, and his destiny, who is bound by him here, is already shaking. The slight trembling that dared not raise his head, in Luzius' perception, was as lovable as a chick born in spring. He didn't want to bless the nest, but he wanted to catch the chick out of the nest, completely close it in the palm of your hand.

"Open." He knew Arecio too well, and after knowing this, the blood clan would not resist him anymore.

The pair of small fangs reappeared in his sight. The saint's expression was calm, he reached out and raised Arecio's lower jaw, and carefully estimated the length of the fangs. He seemed to think it was inaccurate. He didn't hesitate. With his hands, he rubbed his left fangs with his fingertips, and he knew the approximate length in his heart. .


Arecio immediately gave him a sip, and immediately regretted it. A drop of blood oozes from the finger of the saint, and the sweet smell floats everywhere. Arecio felt that the tip of his tongue was about to move, and he wanted to lick the blood bead. He resisted it, and when he was about to let go, the saint naturally smeared the blood bead on his tongue.

"Can't wait?" He laughed softly, seeing Arecio desperately trying to back up, he lightly pressed the back of his neck, like grabbing a cat trying to escape, and raised his wrist.

"Your fangs are indeed shorter, it may be a little inconvenient to suck blood, but I will teach you."

He really taught the essentials of how to suck blood, how to bite, how hard to use, as if he was a blood race. Arecio stared at the saint's wrist, and in the scent of blood that continued to spread, he had no reason to eat blood for almost a day and a night.

His sanity was completely shattered by the Saint's invitation.

"Come on, bite here."

He bit the opponent's wrist in one bite, and Ruzius took a short breath of cold air, and pressed the other hand on the back of his neck, groping the back of his neck and the broken hair in the back of his head in a soothing manner. The place where the fangs fell was just right, and there was not a large amount of blood gushing out like the previous few times, but it was enough for Arecio to swallow, except that he adjusted his position by pinching his cheeks at first, he had no reluctance.

Arecio felt that he was indulging in a drunken dream. In the dream, there were many rose vines, and the rose vines were decorated with crimson flowers. These flowers suddenly turned into aged wine and sprinkled, falling on Arecio. , also fell into a neuropathy. Arecio turned his head and found that the lunatic was standing with him under these rose vines, and the cloak was dyed with the scent of wine.

The rose vine, the sunlight that has cut the leaves, the deep red wine... The neuropathy stood in the middle of it all and smiled at him.

[When everything is over, I will also plant roses in the yard.]

His cheek was squeezed a little harder again, someone's finger wiped some blood from his lips, and then the finger was dyed with the fragrance of flowers and wine in Arecio's perception. He sniffed and followed his fingers, and the saint led him all the way to the side of his neck.

"Bite here, you have to use a little force, your fangs are relatively short."

The pale blue blood vessels pulsated slightly in his sight, and Arecio licked the residual blood on his lips, his completely drunk brain couldn't think of anything else. He was about to bite down instinctively, when the crimson flowers and the image of the saint under the flower revolved in his mind again, he paused abruptly, turned his head, and rubbed the saint's cheek.

"I'll be careful."

"It doesn't hurt."

He learned to appease the prey without a teacher, and he also learned the position of the mouth without a teacher. He only felt that after listening to what he just said, the hand of the neuropathy pressing on the back of his neck suddenly increased its strength, and the blood vessels on the side of the neck suddenly increased. He also bulged slightly, as if he was enduring something. He didn't think much about it, the tip of his tongue swiped, and he bit down.

In the silence, the sage pressed against Arecio's hand with blue veins bursting, but his strength was gentle. He really didn't feel the slightest pain this time, only bliss, bliss, bliss, boundless bliss. The magnified bliss was tearing at his sanity. He glanced at the time on his mind.

It's a pity that the military should be looking for it, otherwise...

Stretching his free hand into his pocket, Ruzius touched a piece of candy and threw it into his mouth to grind it, his hand still resting firmly on Aresio's head.

Alessio, who would also pity him before he sucked blood, made him feel pity and love, and he couldn't do anything to despise him here.

For this is his destiny, the eternal, the dazzling, the wreath-wearing one.

There was a slight tearing sound of fabric, and Ruzius's expression moved slightly, and he remembered what he had briefly forgotten due to bliss.

—Alessi's wings.