The Enemy Always Wants to Pull Me into a Coffin

Chapter 77


On this day, U re-identified his position.

It was silently lying on the bottom layer of the cat climbing frame, eating the canned food rewarded by the big brother, and the flame of trying to ascend to the top was burning inside.

Big brother will lick it! As long as it's cute enough!

After U finished eating, he licked his mouth and took big strides to carry out his great cause. It raised its tail and looked for traces of Arecio everywhere, and finally found its dear brother in the vegetable field.

Big brother seems to be doing something sneaky, why is big brother sneaking? It must be wrong!

U walked towards Arecio with light cat steps. Arecio was digging out the newly grown radish seedlings. When he sensed the arrival of U, he was stunned for a moment, then turned pale in shock. He raised his index finger and tried to confront U. Make a gesture of silence—


Good morning bro!

U greeted the eldest brother with a loud cry, and the eldest brother looked at it with a moved face. U is very excited, it seems that the eldest brother still has it in his heart, and he blames the white-haired cat for slandering the eldest brother every day!

Arecio looked desperate. He just wanted to steal some radish seedlings and go back to planting potted plants. He had never been caught before. U's voice was like ringing the death knell for him, and the neuropathy came out, leaning against the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at him expressionlessly.

The sage looked at the radish seedlings scattered in the small flower pots, and the loot was taken.

"What else do you say?"

"… Gone."

"Grow it back, I'll supervise you."

Arecio resentfully planted all the radish seedlings back in the ground and wrote "I won't steal radishes again" a hundred times. He sat on the cat climbing frame and wondered, since U came, he didn't seem to have done anything, could it be...

U treats neuropathy as a big brother

Probably! There are also classes in the cat world. U is likely to regard the neuropathy as a powerful cat, treat him as a younger brother, and is now helping the neuropathy follow him!

As expected of a neuropathy! The cat can also easily attack, he is getting more and more difficult in this house!

Poor U didn't know that it was getting farther and farther away from the big brother. It is still cautious, trying to figure out what the big brother likes, while squeezing out the living space of the hateful white-haired cat, and not forgetting to try hard to eat canned food, it is very difficult for a cat to break three petals.

U found another good opportunity two days later, the elder brother was sitting and thinking on the sofa, holding two bags of crimson liquid in his hand. U quietly leaned over and heard the big brother sighing.

Arecio hadn't eaten blood for almost a week, and there was a big gap compared to two bags a day at the beginning and one bag two days later. At this time, Arecio stared at the blood bag in his hand. It was obviously the high-quality blood he liked before, but now he can't eat it.

Arecio sighed deeply.

From luxury to thrift is difficult.

Why don't you eat it today.

The fact that the blood bag was not consumed has already made Ellie bald. She knocked on the side and asked Arecio several times, and they all said to eat immediately, and then there was no text. She was worried about replacing the freshest blood, and she also consulted Noah from the medical department. Method.

In the end, the news came to Ruzius after several twists and turns.

He looked at his wrist. Although Arecio had already learned the technique of sucking blood, he still always forgot to lick the wound. Now the bite marks on his wrist have faded, and it has been a week since he was bitten last time. During this period, Arecio should not have eaten any blood food.

Just thinking about it for a while, he thought of the reason.

From luxury to frugality, after tasting the sweeter blood, the prince, who had never been picky before, also began to pay attention to the taste of food. Those who can be imported are either of the same level or of a higher level, but from the current situation, it is difficult for Arecio to find blood that can be imported.

Because his blood is top quality.

Ruzius stood on the stairs and quietly watched Arecio sitting on the sofa from the gap in the corner of the stairs for a while. Seeing that the other party hadn't moved the blood bag, and the scheming cat was still beside him, he stopped waiting, rolled up his sleeves, and walked down.

"Ellie told me that you haven't eaten for several days." He stated slowly, "Why, did you not digest what you ate before?"

Of course not. Arecio's consumption on the northern front is not small. Basically, he consumes as much as he eats. He has been starving recently. He glanced at the blood bag in his hand and did a lot of psychological construction, but in the end he couldn't get down, and he glared at the neurotic who was obviously watching the excitement.

"You deliberately!"

"Huh? What on purpose?" The saint pretended to be stupid. "I'm just concerned about your body. If you don't eat for too long, you will fall asleep."

Arecio felt his anger rise steadily.

"You seem to have something to say to me? Just say it."

"… "

"Don't tell me? Then I went back to the room?"

Arecio's sanity snapped again. He teleported to behind the saint, but the other party seemed to have been prepared, and immediately turned around to distance himself from him. Arecio couldn't give up on this. At this time, he was already aroused by the desire to hunt. He stared at the naked neck and wrist of the saint. He could do it anywhere. In the face of the bliss that comes, he will not yield!

Teleportation and space magic give Arecio an advantage in close combat. But at the moment he is facing off against the hunter he has cultivated. With a lot of memory recovered, the opponent is familiar with most of his abilities and offensive habits, and of course there are ways to dismantle them. To be fair, Ruzius did not open that convenient area. Only in this contest with Arecio could he more clearly figure out how his current strength had recovered.

It seems to be close to the state of prosperity, and only the experience that has been accumulated is lacking. Those experiences were lurking in the rest of his memory that he did not recover, and they were all recovered, which was his complete prosperity.

It was just a moment of distraction. In the flash of lightning, the blood clan had already pushed him to the ground and bit him on the wrist with a little smugness. Suddenly, the blood race's expression froze, and a layer of sleeves blocked his fangs. It was no problem to bite through it directly, but his fangs...

a bit short.

"… "


cat is furious.jpg

Do not eat! He doesn't eat! He went to eat with Shadow Rose! Without a sense of taste, the blood can be drunk no matter how bad it is, he can!

Ruzius used extremely strong concentration to ensure that he did not laugh. If he laughed again, Arecio would probably split with him on the spot. He held back his smile and consciously rolled up his sleeves.


cat purr.jpg

The blood flow on the wrist was slow, and Arecio felt dissatisfied after biting for a while. Considering that the neuropathy will take two bites, his conscience is a little bit difficult, so he swiped the tip of his tongue to let the bite marks just heal completely before changing the location and biting the side of the neuropathy neck.

The familiar sweet taste, mixed with the aroma of crimson wine, struck again. Arecio closed his eyes, except for swallowing, he would not think of anything else at the moment. In the dimness, he seemed to feel that the side of the saint's face was gently touching the top of his hair, and the hand that was on the back of his head also rubbed a few times.

"I'll feed you from now on, how about that?"

Knowing that the vampire, who was now focusing on eating, would not give him an answer, Ruzius still asked. After waiting for a while, the vampire just licked and swallowed, and he took it as the other party's acquiescence, in a calm mood, lovingly stroking the vampire's broken hair.

U, who was squatting next to him, saw this scene of loving each other and licking their hair, and cried out with a "meow".

I can't beat him, but my eldest brother's former younger brother is too scheming, and he even shows off to him that he can be licked by his eldest brother. It is estimated that he will be Liao with the lowest status in the family in the future!

When Arecio calmed down after eating, and sat at the dining table to eat dinner made of other food, he found that U was unexpectedly well-behaved. Not only will he come over with a bowl of rice and wait for the meal, but he will no longer stare at the neuropathy, hang his cat's ears cowardly, and eat whatever he wants. He was picking out canned food and cat food a few days ago.

U: I am the younger brother of the younger brothers, and both of them are my eldest brothers.

Ruzius put down the last dish, glanced at the very acquainted little black cat, and said:

"If you don't know what you usually broadcast live, you can play games with your cat." After a pause, he added, "I believe he won't always walk around in front of your screen with his tail up, you can also instruct him. Do some work."

He pointed to the living room, where bottled water was sitting on the low table. U glanced at it, then turned back to look at Luzius's expression, and after getting a positive expression, it didn't say a word, dragged a bottle of water over, and handed it over to the big brother diligently.

Brother drink water!

Arecio was so surprised that he took the water and touched U's head.

"Did you train it?"

"No, just let it recognize its status."


Arecio was a bit baffled. After he watched U eat and drink, he obediently ran to the hole on the bottom layer of the cat climbing frame, happily biting the cloth mouse for a while, and then crawling in various bottom tunnels. Also happy.

"No... why doesn't it get on the cat climbing frame?"

Isn't it a waste of him to buy such a big cat climbing frame

"It may be that he feels that his status is relatively low. Think about it. When U woke up for the first time that day, he happened to see you sitting on the top floor. Of course he thought that was your position."

Arecio continued to "???", there should be no problem with the middle level, why not go to the middle level

"It probably thought that was my position."

Arecio immediately smiled rudely, U is treating a neuropathy as a cat hahaha!

Ruzius, who understood why he laughed: "..."

Really, you have no right to laugh, big brother.

Arecio held back his laughter, took a video for U and uploaded it. After a hot search, he switched back to the group chat interface of the Dark Creatures Alliance. Crawvinson left a message here, saying that there will be a meeting tomorrow, and I hope everyone will be there on time. The content of the meeting is how to assist the nursery center in promoting the carnival.

Arecio thought they could just forward it, so there is still a show? It's nothing, he agreed. The private messages were still ringing, and Hitomi seemed to have sent him several new messages.

[Hitomi: Are you there?]

[Hitomi: Cat Cat Shooting...]

[Alessio: Cat Cat Killed You.jpg]

[Hitomi: Well, I admit, you are stronger.]

[Alessio: …]

[Hitomi: Actually, I made a game, which I want to use as a warm-up for the carnival. Are you interested in watching it live?]

Arecio was about to refuse when suddenly Hitomi sent a large message.

[Hitomi: In the game, you will play a princess and escape from the dungeon. Before dawn the next day, you must reach the top of the castle, where the dragon will come in the morning wind and take you from the castle to the valley of the dragon.]

Arecio's hand of refusal stopped, he looked at the long description sent by Hitomi, and fell silent.

[Hitomi: It was just a good dream, and the princess and the dragon finally got a good dream of happiness.]

[Alessio: … Good.]

After sending the message, he let out a soft sigh of relief.

Yes, a good dream.