The Enemy Always Wants to Pull Me into a Coffin

Chapter 78


Hitomi's proposal seemed to have sown a seed in his mind, and then blossomed into memory. He remembered how the dragon, the last black dragon, fluttered and landed in front of him, announcing the good news of love to him loudly.

At that time, Arecio had just been transformed into a blood clan for hundreds of years. The exclusion of the same clan, the oppression of the blood clan father, and the shattering of his dreams made him sharp and indifferent. But the dragon is still willing to be his friend, although he always complains that he is a troublesome guy who likes to get angry, and when things happen, he always stands out for Arecio.

He was Arecio's first friend on the outside, and the first backer who gave Arecio a firm foothold in the vampire. Whenever the blood clan tries to do something to him, it always needs to be reconsidered, whether it is worth fighting against the three-generation blood clan and the dragon who is embarrassed.

Dragons have long lifespans, so Arecio is pessimistic about dragon romances.

[Human life is limited, she dies and you live forever, it will only be a tragedy.]

It is normal for the immature three-generation blood clan to hide their good intentions in the words of warning.

[I advise you to get out in time, don't come here to drink and cry with me.]

Dragon was not angry.

[I know you are worried about me, but, I have a question.]

[She died, why should I live forever?]

[You will also meet, Aresi, that person will be something in your life that you yearn for, maybe the rain, maybe the stars, no matter what, you will love him more than you longevity.]

Arecio was incomprehensible, no, it should be said, he could not understand at all.

[Are you going to die with her? Don't forget, you are the last dragon!]

[So what?]


[It's not too bad, is it?]

The dragon refuted him, and Arecio angrily put himself in the coffin, but he didn't sleep well, and woke up in just a few months, just in time for the love period of the dragon that suffocated him even more.

[Look! My other half soul! my Lucy!]

The dragon showed him off, and Arecio was expressionless.

On the contrary, the princess smiled shyly. She lifted her skirt and saluted Arecio.

[Hello, Alessi.]

The dragon taught her to call the blood clan's name like this, and the vampire clan would have nothing to do with her.

[I am Lucy.]

She doesn't say she's a princess, she just says she's Lucy.

"... Areci? Aresi!" Someone called his name, and Arecio suddenly came back to his senses, calling him insane. The neurotic looked at him, paying great attention to his recent frequent distractions.

"Because of the game Hitomi mentioned? It brought back some... memories from the past?"

Rutius actually didn't like to mention the past, because there was no him in that past. He noticed that Arecio was looking at him with a very strange look, and after a long time he turned back slowly.

"Dragon didn't teach you either..." he complained in a low voice, "it's nothing to do with you."

"It should be that I have nothing to do with you." Ruzius corrected, "I want to make a solemn protest. Recently, your frequent distractions have seriously affected my quality of life. I hope you can make some adjustments."

"Huh? What quality of life? Did I affect you?"

"Look whose quiche you're eating right now."

Arecio lowered his head and looked at the mentally ill empty plate, and then looked at a piece of omelet on his plate. He remembered that he had eaten an omelet before, and now the guilt is conclusive.

Lucius sighed, "If you really care about that game, I'll go and apply to Hitomi."

"… apply for what?"

"I'll be a dragon, and I'll find you."

This proposal made Arecio stunned for a moment, and soon, he smiled.

"Okay, you're a dragon." He spoke as if a child was playing a house. "I'll be a princess, and I'll wait for you in the castle."

Hitomi's action is very strong, and after informing the relevant departments, the production began in full swing. In the middle of it, he released a promotional video, which added fire to the carnival topic that was slowly heating up. In the promotional video, the castle is embraced by a sea of flowers, hanging alone outside the city, and it is beautiful.

Following Hitomi's lens, the audience descends from the terrace at the top of the castle, walks around the spiral staircase, passes through the solemn judgment hall, passes through the splendid rooms of the king and queen, and then descends to the area for rest and play, the door of the house of the maids. Closed, the first floor is a grand dance floor, and when you come out of the castle, flowers are in full bloom in the garden surrounded by bees and butterflies.

However, even the dungeon is extremely beautiful. The faint golden lights illuminate the surroundings, and the princess is trapped in the deepest cell.

[Blow up the picture! As expected of Hitomi's father!]

[Really good-looking, this country seems to be suspended in a sea of flowers, it's super awesome!]

[I understand, that is, the princess fled all the way to the top of the castle. After the clearance conditions are met, the dragon will come, and then HE!]

[Do you fight monsters in the middle? Looking at this setting and environment, it should be mainly to avoid.]

[Papa Hitomi seems to have posted something again... FUCK!]

[Fuck! Xixi is coming to do the live customs clearance of this game!]

[The previous point is wrong! Shouldn't the point be—]

[Is Xixi going to be a princess! ! See Princess Sisi! ! !]

Arecio also thought of this problem with hindsight. He had a very bad hunch, and then this hunch came true when he entered the game. After the dark before his eyes, he officially entered the game, his hands were bound on the top of his head, he felt long hair falling on his shoulders, and at the same time there was a touch of skirt on his legs, which seemed to be an extremely gorgeous long skirt.

Arecio: "… "

He immediately turned off the translucent Live Assistant screen. From now on, he doesn't need to watch the barrage. With his eyes closed, he knows what the barrage is screaming! Fortunately, the neurotic entered the game with him. If the neurotic was still watching outside, it would be a shame to play.

In the childcare center, I was taking screenshots frantically, and I didn't forget to have fun with my friends. He poked Lucy next to him, but he didn't get a response for a while. He turned around a little strangely and found that Lucy was staring at the screen.

"Lucy, are you worried about Aresi?" I comforted, "It's okay, Aresi is very powerful, and he will be able to pass the customs smoothly!"

Only then did the lich slowly turn to him. She actually didn't know what she was thinking, but she felt a heavy heart inexplicably. Obviously she doesn't have Helgodon's "empathy" ability, obviously it's just a game made, but she feels...

very sad.

The princess who is locked in the dungeon is very sad.

She looked back at Arecio on the light screen. After the initial confusion, Arecio quickly responded, groping on the chain and finding the keyhole. Lucy grabbed the corner of her clothes unconsciously, she was nervous for the princess.

However, it is Aresi who is playing the game now.

Brave and omnipotent, Aresi.

The lights in the dungeon came on, and the game officially started. The narration was a gentle and ethereal female voice. In the narration, the black-haired and red-eyed princess opened her eyes.

[The princess woke up and found herself in the deepest part of the dungeon.]

[Hurry up, hurry up to the top of the castle, step on the morning light!]

[When she gets there, the dragon will protect her.]

Arecio has seen the previous materials, although it is not very clear, but he himself estimates that this is a half-deciphering and half-parkour game. To get to the top of the castle, the princess needs to avoid the moving monsters on the way, and some places will use the traps. Once besieged in the middle, she will go back to the dungeon, or the princess will die and the game will end.

He looked at the cell. The environment of the cell was actually very good, clean and free of snakes and insects. It could be seen that the people in the castle did not want to kill the princess, but just hoped that the princess would compromise. Alessio moved his hands just now, the chain couldn't break free, he needed a key, the game couldn't be deadlocked forever, and the prompt would be sent to him soon.

At this time, the barrage was full of sorrow.

[It's over! It's over! When Xixi adjusted the settings to turn off the barrage assistant, did you also turn off the game prompts? !]

[Go back and take a look, yes sister! correct! Only the narration remains!]

[How do you fix it? At the beginning of this kind of holographic game, the novice guidance and the hints at the level are too important!]

Arecio didn't know that he had just turned off the prompt, but after waiting for a while, he didn't wait for the prompt, and felt a little strange. But soon, he found a paper jailer walking towards him slowly, the key on his waist jingling. In this game, except for princesses and dragons, almost all of them can be called monsters. Monsters move in the form of paper people, wearing matching costumes and exclusive props. Players need to decide what actions to take.

Arecio squinted slightly, he felt that the jailer should be a key role, maybe he could consider tricking the other party to death and get the key.

[Jailor, Dangerous! ! ! ! !]

[Not such Xixi! You listen to the prompts! The prompt said that a medical officer who sympathized with the princess would come in ten minutes! The doctor will help you!]

[Xixi can't hear the prompt Liao...]

[The tragedy is scheduled.]

Princess Xixi had already planned the death of the jailer, and lowered her head calmly, as if in a coma. The jailer moved to his cell and snorted mockingly at first. His duty was actually to introduce the player to the bad situation of the princess.

"Princess, have you changed your mind?" he said impatiently, "Your Majesty has been waiting for a long time. As long as you are willing to marry a hero, you can come out of this place and be a noble princess."

The princess bowed her head, motionless.

The jailer glanced at the time. The medical officer had not arrived yet. He shouted twice, but the princess in the cell remained motionless. He started to get a little worried, hesitated, or opened the prison door, wanting to check the princess' situation.

Between the electric light and flint, the princess with her head bowed flickered in her eyes, and with unimaginable agility, he pulled the chains that bound his hands and leaped up, his legs twisted around the neck of the jailer, and he threw the piece of paper alive. The man's neck is broken. The key ring fell to the ground, his toes hooked, the key ring fell into his hand, and he unlocked it with his backhand.

[awesome! But why do I feel strange...]

[I also…]

[Is it really like this? I feel like I have to flash when I lift my legs...]

[Xixi has a good waist! ! !]

After they saw the "weak" princess take the sword from the dead jailer and start the sneak-assassination-re-sneak repeat, the audience filled the screen with "???".

[No, there is absolutely something wrong!]

[The jailer runs away! The massacre is coming!]

[Hardcore princess, tear paper online! Xixi, as expected of you!]

Arecio took a while to clear most of the dungeon, during which he got a lot of stamina candies, which should be red medicine, and some torn pages. The handwriting on it was familiar to Arecio. It was the handwriting of the former lich, and it was also the handwriting of the princess.

[Don't come to me, please, they will kill you!]

[I will not marry him, as long as there is a chance, I will kill myself.]

[I will always remember the love you gave me, let me know that the one you love is not a princess, just Lucy.]

"… "

Arecio put these pieces of paper close to his body. He has come to the entrance of the dungeon, and there are many guards patrolling. This time, instead of frightening the snake, he seized the gap between the guards' rotation and slipped out, hiding his figure with the help of the cascading vegetation in the garden.

The country where the princess once lived was known as the "Land of Flowers", and the dragon mentioned it to him, and the princess who later became a lich also taught him some knowledge of plants. So hiding behind those large-leafed magic plants, whose strong and refreshing aroma helped him dodge a group of patrolling hounds, Arecio, carrying a troublesome skirt, aimed at the kitchen half a garden away.

There will be a lot of tools in the kitchen that might be available.

The result was undoubtedly satisfactory to Arecio. After knocking down all the cooks with knives, Arecio nibbled the stamina candy and got his artifact—

A short sickle.

He combined the short sickle with the wooden stick he found, and finally, it was a weapon he was familiar with!

[Oh, Xixi got the sickle, the game is over.]

[I can imagine the scene of cutting the wheat... Swish swish!]

[Is this game really like this? Kill them all. This is Xixi's game!]

[I don't think dragons are needed. The princess will destroy the country with a sickle and become the queen herself, and then the dragon will come to the door.]

[The previous one can speak and write a book! I'm happy, lady!]

The princess who was reaping the monsters with a scythe was about to leave the kitchen when suddenly, he found a few pages of paper in the firewood that had been burnt to a corner.

[I suspect that my mother is suspicious. I thought about talking to her, but she still thinks that the princess should be born to marry a hero.]

[No, I'm not just a princess, I'm still Lucy!]

[Maybe I should consider running away...]

The notes are interrupted again here. This part obviously happened before the part of the dungeon. According to the trajectory of the player's travel, it should be a flashback. Arecio put away the papers again, and as he walked through the garden, the guards were chatting and laughing loudly between shifts, talking about how dissolute the princess was, and maybe it was easy to get started.

The black-haired and red-eyed princess listened to them quietly, picked up the sickle and harvested their lives.

The princess was close to the castle. In the huge ballroom on the first floor, countless paper people danced around. They spoke elegant words, but their meanings were more vicious than the guards in the garden. "Instead of an elegant rhetoric, they flew all over the hall with hideous faces. The nobles laughed and enjoyed the joy of humiliating the noble people who fell from the clouds.

The princess told them to shut up one by one, and finally, a sickle smashed the magic gramophone that kept making music, and a few pieces of paper fell out.

[When I saw him for the first time, he pretended to be a human nobleman. He asked me to dance a dance, and his hands were very warm.]

[On the terrace, he spread his black wings as if he wanted to scare me.]

[I thought he was the god of death, and I said it stupidly, but he smiled at me.]

[No, I am not a god of death, I am a dragon.]

[He told me so, our souls resonate.]

There was silence on the dance floor, and the black-haired, red-eyed princess fluffed her long hair and walked up to the second floor with a sickle on her back. The barrage has gradually quieted down, and the stories of the princesses recorded on the shredded pieces of paper made many people feel uncomfortable.

[I got Xixi cat in my eyes, combined with the initial location of the dungeon at the beginning, I smelled the breath of the knife.]

[Princess Xixi rushes duck! Defeat them and go with the dragon!]

[Chong, Chong, Chong! ! !]

The maid's room on the second floor is the place where the most gossip is heard, and it is also the place where the ability to move and sneak is extremely tested, at least that's what Arecio thinks. The pieces of paper recording the story are scattered in various rooms, which increases the workload of the players. Thanks to Arecio's agility and vigilance, he was almost besieged several times. He felt that the difficulty of this game was too high. , I didn't think at all that it may be that my strategy is not right.

[When I was young, the gentle head maid always told me various stories. How the dragon plundered the kingdom, to collect its own treasure, and then the brave man would jump out with the sword and fight the dragon. The head maid said, Rhine is a hero, the holy sword chose him, and I also choose him.]

[I'm a little bit... unimaginable...]

[Sorry, I can't imagine how to live together with Rhine as husband and wife, he is very good, really, it is me who is not good...]

[But I am a princess, and a princess always wants to marry a hero.]

[I am very happy to be married to Rhine... probably...]

Princess Xixi touched a mechanism on the bookshelf, and he felt that there was something here, because the characters that appeared in the princess's narrative usually appeared as monsters, and now the head maid has been turned into a piece of paper by him There is also a hidden boss.

That story, the story that arbitrarily concluded the princess' life.

The secret door opened, and a book was suspended in the hidden space. When it came into contact with the light, it suddenly emitted a magic beam. Princess Xixi ripped it apart angrily, left the hard book cover to fan herself, walked up to the third floor with a cardboard and a sickle in one hand, and continued to mow the grass.

The rest game area on the third floor hides the childhood that the princess once shared with the brave Rhine. From those words, it can be seen that not only the princess, but perhaps the hero Rhine's feelings for the princess are more of a deep friendship rather than love. But those legends stipulated this, and the brave man gradually no longer doubted, and he also took it for granted that he should marry the princess.

[He doesn't love the princess at all, or, in other words, he just loves the "princess".]

[Agree with the front, arranged marriages kill people.]

[Combining with the records on the bottom floor, the brave man may think that he has been betrayed in the end. I guess he is a low-level boss.]

[However, who can beat Princess Xixi?]

[Yes, it is!]

At this time, Arecio didn't know that his too hardcore way of clearing the game had made this live broadcast go viral. More and more people poured in, and more and more people began to discuss the story of the princess and the dragon. Most people regarded this game as an adventure game for Princess Xixi. No matter how difficult the monsters were, they would escape. But Princess Sixi has a sickle.

[Cat carrying a sickle.jpg]

[I will see who disagrees with Princess Benxixi! Cut off your head!]

[I really like the appearance of Xixi, not like a princess, but like a revenge witch! handsome!]

This barrage swept across the lich's black eyes that were quietly burning with soul fire. She stared at the light screen without any superfluous expressions on her face. Zhen has been observing her for a while, and he feels that Lucy's emotions are not right. Alessi's actions and barrage comments are so interesting, but the lich doesn't smile at all.

"Lucy, are you in a bad mood today?"

The Lich shook his head slightly.

"It's not bad, I just found something."


"It's so funny, but Alessi never once laughed."

"This… "

"When he used to play games, he was always happy."

"… "

The black-haired and red-eyed princess walked alone in the huge empty castle with a sickle. The structure of this castle is actually very peculiar. The center is penetrated by a huge spiral staircase. Players need to get the key after exploring the first floor before they can climb the stairs of the next floor. At present, Arecio has been pushed to the fourth floor. This floor is the room of the king and queen. As soon as they saw the princess, the two paper figurines in luxurious clothes scolded them with disappointment and disgust.

"You shame us!"

"Why can't you think more about the whole kingdom?"

[Sorry, sorry, but...]

The scattered pieces of paper were filled with the princess's sad voice.

[But I have woken up, and after meeting him, I can no longer go back to the life that was arranged as a princess.]

[Father, mother, let's sit down and talk, shall we?]

However, the enraged king and queen no longer listened to any words from the princess. They did not hesitate to raise their weapons against their daughter who once loved them so much. Arecio felt a slight weight on his body, and the negative effect called "Princess's Guilt" took effect, reducing his abilities in all aspects by about 20%. He was calm, even expressionless, the one who attacked first was the queen!

The ability to increase blood is too troublesome.

In fact, according to the normal strategy trajectory, the entire game originally had no boss battles, and all levels could be passed through various skills. Here, the king and queen, as long as they put on the wedding dress that represents compromise in the maid's room, and then get the princess' childhood necklace in the lounge. These two things represent the temporary compromise of the princess. The king and queen will let the princess pass and go to the next place. The courtroom on the first floor.

But Arecio, never compromise.

He didn't laugh the whole time, because for him who knew everything, it was more than just a game. At this moment, he seemed to be running for his old friend. He watched everything silently, and understood the princess's past feelings. Although he always complained that the dragon showed his love in front of him, he sincerely hoped that his friend would be happy, even if...

This is just an illusory game, an illusory good dream.

So he chose to pick up the scythe and rebel instead of his old friends. He is strong enough, he is strong enough, he is going to break all the cages, and he will never compromise to let his old friends usher in a good ending.

It was the only thing he could do.

The black-haired, red-eyed princess with a scythe in the flying skirt cut off the king's legs and the queen's arms.

Arecio threw a candy in his mouth to restore his health, he did not kill the king and queen, because he knew that the former princess would not do that either. Stepping over the two paper figures crawling on the ground, he looked indifferent and walked up the spiral staircase to the next floor.

- Judgment Hall.

This place is resplendent, and all the objects are shining with the light of justice and sacredness. Under the sacred judgment seat, one of the paper figures was wearing the robe of a priest, and the other was wearing the robe of the presiding judge. The two paper figures were conversing in a low voice. Recio sneaked over cautiously.

"I really want to put to death the shame of that kingdom. I can't bear it for a second!" The chief judge said, "I feel dirty when I think that she has been in contact with a dragon, even if I stay in a space with her."

"Please bear with me for a while, it won't be too late until we complete the feat of slaughtering the dragon." The cleric paper figurine seemed to be smiling, "Although our temple is only a new organization, this time we have dispatched all With the power of your kingdom, and the brave warriors with holy swords in your kingdom, we can take the princess as a hostage and contain the dragon."

"The relevant arrangements have been put in place. The sea of flowers that your kingdom is proud of will become the burial ground of dragons."

The presiding judge's paper figurine's eyebrows gradually stretched out.

"According to what we said earlier, our kingdom needs a share of keel and dragon blood. After the temple has made dragon scale armor, it should give us more than three pieces. After all, if you don't have the princess as a hostage, you can work a few hundred more. Years, you can't slay a dragon."

"Of course there is no problem. All the temple wants is to share the reputation of slaughtering dragons equally with the heroes of your kingdom."

The barrage was so angry that it burst.

[Fuck! What a face! Despicable things!]

[Longlong is okay! Could it be that the princess climbed to the top floor and finally watched the dragon being slaughtered in the sea of flowers! That's too newspaper!]

[The sisters in front go to see, there is a live view of the dragon next door... My mother!]

[history book! The history book took the role of Dragon Dragon! OMG! He's so flashy... er I mean his scales.]

The silver dragon leaped over the earth, and he had gradually seen the sea of flowers in front of him and the castle above the sea of flowers. Luzius's depressed mood finally calmed down. He didn't expect the dragon to be a tool dragon, and the whole process was a flight. It is estimated that he flew to Arecio and cleared the customs. So what's the point of him participating in this live? But on the way, Rutius noticed some rumors.

There seemed to be an undercurrent of trying to slay the dragon, so he raised his vigilance and glanced at the energy storage bar next to him.

Very good, ten hair dragon's breath to destroy the country, the safest plan.

It has to be said that in some respects, his brain circuits are strikingly similar to Arecio's.

Arecio's side fell into a hard fight. Although he had destroyed one-third of the cleric's health with the help of the initial raid, the situation was still not good. Don't ask why the person who hit the temple first, ask because he hates, the priest and the judge are a soldier and a support, and the priest has a lot of bonus skills, and he is bald. Gritting his teeth, Arecio retreated a distance, watching the cleric in the temple draw blood again, and he also planned to drink some sugar to return to the blood.

Arecio's hand holding the candy suddenly stopped, he glanced at the blood line that he had bottomed out, and recalled the few attacks that were deliberately weakened just now.

The princess is a hostage...

He changed his mind and killed the clergyman with the residual blood. The presiding judge really felt that his life was threatened, and he no longer kept his hands on him, but without those buffs, Arecio could completely defeat him by drinking sugar.

Finally, the princess with the sickle came to the top floor of the castle, the boundless bright wind embraced him, and Arecio smelled the fragrance of flowers. He couldn't help but turn his head, glanced at the spiral staircase sunk in the darkness behind him, then turned back, and in the infinite light, the silver dragon flew towards him with its wings spread.

The princess did not rush to reach out to the dragon, but backhanded, stabbed the sickle deeply into the chest of the paper man who climbed up the stairs. The paper figurine was wearing a cloak belonging to the brave, and staggered back after being hit from the front. Arecio glanced at his blood bar that was so long that he couldn't see his head, and knew that this was probably not a role that required a positive face.

The reason why he was able to discover that there was another paper figurine was very simple. Everyone in the princess' narrative would turn into a paper figurine monster, which naturally included the dragon slayer. Arecio knew the man, the tragic one chosen by the holy sword, and he pitied him, but hated him even more.

He tilted the scythe, the paper figurine hung on the scythe, a confused and grief-stricken expression appeared on his face without facial features.

"You are bewitched by dragons! You have forgotten your mission and my love for you!"

The sickle tilted more and more, and the black-haired and red-eyed princess looked indifferent.

"That's not love."

"No! No! Please listen to me! It's the dragon who confuses you!"

"I don't want to listen to you." Arecio was about to let go, when suddenly, he remembered something and showed the first faint, ironic smile since he entered this game.

"I almost forgot, this thing should be given to you, and that's all you love anyway."

He reached up to the top of his head and took the princess' silver crown from the black hair. The paper man hero looked at the silver crown and realized what was about to happen, he slowly shook his head.

" keep it over your can' can't!"

Arecio threw the silver crown down the spiral staircase with a flick of his hand. In the darkness, the sound of the collision of silver crowns kept coming, and in the end, all the sounds stopped.

The long black hair of the princess lost her silver crown and was completely scattered. Arecio pressed his long hair with one hand, and simply threw the sickle down. As soon as he turned around, the saint in the appearance of a silver dragon suddenly embraced him. Arecio's cheek rested on the opponent's shoulder, and when he turned his head like this, he saw the opponent's ear fins with dragon characteristics in the game.

He lowered his eyes slowly, didn't break free, just leaned on like this.

On the sea of splendid flowers, the fire spreads, and the temple and the kingdom are burnt to ashes in the breath of the dragon. This is the happy ending of everything. But Arecio knew that, as Hitomi said, it was just a good dream.

He suddenly wanted to tell the neurotic something.

"She actually... never escaped..."

"She died in the dungeon, accepted the Lich's phylactery, and became the new Lich."

"And before she died, in that splendid sea of flowers..."

"The temple and the kingdom are there, dividing the skin and bones of the dragon."

He slowly raised his head, with black hair and red eyes. In the game, he was the princess who destroyed the country. In reality, he was also an avenger with blood and tears.

"I... confronted the temple and the kingdom, grabbed the dragon's corpse, and sent the corpse back to the dragon's tomb in space and time. That's where he should go."

He doesn't need to say anything next, because the neuropathy also knows—

The Sanctuary, which suffered heavy losses, noticed this powerful third-generation prince, and on the list of hunters who needed to be appointed, Alessio's name was at the top.

It is the end of tragic love and the beginning of encounter.