The Enemy Always Wants to Pull Me into a Coffin

Chapter 88


Four days until Carnival and three days until Resurrection Day.

Hitomi released a promotional video for the first carnival.

The filming location of the promotional film is the newly built Carnival Square. This simple and rude naming is from Arecio. The childcare center spent a night rehearsing the lights and filming a promotional video.

Many dark creatures are involved, all of them are from the headquarter of the conservation center. This is a special treatment. After all, the headquarter of the conservation center is the one who paid for this event. These dark creatures are almost all educated by Arecio. In other words, they are different from the dark creatures after the rain of fire. Although they still have good intentions, they have gradually regained their past in terms of strength and psychology. a little shadow.

The promotional film is like a complete short story. The human girl played by Lucy goes to participate in the grand parade of the carnival. She wears a beautiful dress and has a demure smile on her face, obviously enjoying the joyous festival.

The girl passed by a stall selling masks. The stall owner removed the white wolf mask on her face with her hands wrapped in animal tooth accessories. The ears on the top of her head moved away from the mask of the animal ears and flexibly shook; she bought a cup at another stall. Sweet and sour juice, the secret snake sticks its head out of the shadows under the booth, watching her leaving back; the devil and the elves are performing a legendary drama of adventure together, with dolls selling monsters, the girl picks up the doll and suddenly hears There was a commotion, the bat-wing float slowly opened, and the people dressed in blood on the float showed sharp fangs, and a meaningful smile lingered on the lips...

All eyes are full of lights, masks, and swaying figures. Happy girls stopped in front of one stall after another, talked and danced with passers-by, everything was too noisy, everything was too dreamy, everything was contained in fire-like enthusiasm, bursting out with this happy festival!

The music turned soft and beautiful, and the actor who played the fallen angel with black wings on his back reached out to the girl and invited her to dance with her. Just as the girl was about to respond, she suddenly stretched out another hand next to her. The blond-haired youth was panic-stricken and took the girl away from the fallen angel as a friend. In the corner, the young man gasped and explained to the girl with a terrified expression that a monster had entered the carnival.

Then he saw the girl looking at him with a quiet smile.

The shapely and slender hands fell off, the girl lich stretched out her hand, and the bone hand held up the face of this overly cute human being.

[Welcome to, Carnival.]

The comment section under this video exploded as expected.

[Ah, I want to go to the scene, I want to go to the scene, wow wow wow wow!]

[Do you think I don't want to? ! I also want Lucy to hold my face woohoo woohoo!]

[I feel the charm of dark creatures woohoo! That eerie and gorgeous feeling stabbed me to death!]

[Sixi kill me! Sisi's little fangs kill me!]

The comment area was littered with corpses. After reading the status of the comment area, Arecio was very satisfied with this promotional video. It not only promoted the carnival, but also re-established the image of the dark creature. After the live broadcast of the carnival, the image The intensity of transformation is even greater.

Theo, who clearly said that he wanted to create negative public opinion, has not been doing anything recently. Arecio guessed that he was cowardly again and wanted to avoid the cusp of the carnival, but... After the carnival, even if Theo broke out those remarks, they There is also a large wave of public opinion about the new transformation to suppress the other side.

Thinking of this, Arecio was refreshed, and even worked overtime with a lot of energy.

Theo, who was thought of by him, did choose to stay away from the edge under the carnival craze.

Theo also has the memory of ten thousand years ago. Theo knows what kind of festival it is. Even if he doesn't like it himself, those weak creatures like it very much. In the world 10,000 years later, weak creatures have become the main body of this world, expressing their voices through social networks, Theo is not stupid enough to confront such a huge group head-on.

After he aimed at the carnival, because the Southeast Division was in his hands, the smack of the dark creatures was easy to manufacture. He can't match the momentum of Arecio's side now, it doesn't matter, it's okay to raise it first and then suppress it, let his child be proud of it for a while.

He looked at the table, and in the transparent container, the soft-bodied female worm stretched out its tentacles and was about to move.

Theo smiled.

The premise of everything in front is that the carnival is held smoothly, if even the carnival does not go well...

That's a one-sided situation.


Two days before the carnival, before the Resurrection Day.

Lucy awoke from her meditation, scepter in hand, and walked down the steps of the bones. Above her head is the deep sea, and her little kingdom of the dead is sleeping under the deep sea. Now, it has gradually dyed her color.

It was a wonderful feeling, as if the whole sea of the dead had become a part of her soul, she could control it and respect it, the concept of life and death was completely blurred here, there was only eternal silence, she could not even Know if you are dead or alive.

Leviathan is floating above her head. He has grown very large. His whiskers cover the sea softly. Some colorful shimmers like water waves are constantly flowing on his body. He looks light and romantic, and he is getting more and more The more godlike. The pillar of the sea floated upside down and looked at the lich sitting on the steps with a scepter.

[What are you thinking, my guardian?]

He wielded two long whiskers, almost knotted.

[Have fun, little cutie.]

Lucy smiled. She thought this god was also very cute. In the short and half a month of getting along, they had become friends. But her smile was fleeting, and the black eyes burning with soul fire were still very gentle, but also mixed with some lonely look.

[Well, before I leave, I will give you a gift. ] Leviathan said, [On the one hand, thank you for resuscitating me, on the other hand, Bechymos sent Frost Wings to his guardian, so I should not be left behind.]

"… Gift?"

[right!]Seeing her reaction, Leviathan is happy, [Just like I want to fulfill the wish of the lich ten thousand years ago, I will also fulfill your wish. Even, because I didn't have time to fulfill her request in the end, so I will give you two gifts together.]

[You can make a somewhat willful wish.]

"Is it really possible? God can easily fulfill other people's wishes, will it be... illegal?"

Leviathan waved his whiskers indifferent to this concern.

[No, because it is very difficult for gods to interfere in the affairs of the world, we even make deals with people and let them maintain the balance of the world. After all... The bargaining chips that God can come up with are very valuable to people in this world. attractive.]

Only then did Lucy relax, but Lucy didn't know what kind of wish she should make. She had everything, and she didn't have too many desires. This sudden wish was even a bit redundant. But Leviathan said so, and she thought about it carefully.

[No hurry, just tell me before I go.]

Leviathan must stay and watch the carnival. At the end of the night, he will completely restore the appearance of God and become one of the three pillars of darkness guarding the world. That kind of life is actually very lonely, so when he meets interesting and lovely people, he does not hesitate to express his kindness.

Speaking of interesting people…

[Didn't you say that you want to take me to meet your friend?] When he asked this question, he suddenly found that the lich girl was frozen.

Lucy glanced calmly at the time on her mind.

It's already more than ten o'clock, unless Arresi works overtime for more than four consecutive hours after work, or there is no chance. However, she didn't want to give up, so she got up immediately and went to the sea.

In the childcare center, Arecio announced that he was off work, and he took a look at the neuropathy who was still drawing.

"Are you going to stay all night tonight?" he asked, if the madness stays up all night, his gift-giving plan may be in vain, "Tonight is the Resurrection Day after twelve o'clock, this festival is not much publicized, but it still has to pass Yes."

Rutius knew, of course, that the Day of Resurrection was not much hyped because Carnival was clearly more contemporary. In their time, there were many sayings about the soul, and it was more awe-inspiring, so on the day of the resurrection, people would stay at home quietly, or think about lost relatives and friends, or simply stay with their family, Grateful that you are still alive.

Arecio has already asked for a good leave, including his own. The center respects their customs. He and Areci can stay at home tomorrow.

It's just... Now that there is something wrong with the propaganda picture, it is estimated that I need to stay up late to work.

"Sorry, I can only promise as soon as possible." He was apologetic, and then urged Arecio to go back first, "You don't need to accompany me, you go back first and light candles to tell the dead, I also bought the food in advance, you can put it out. "

Arecio thought it was a bit tricky, as a blood race he wouldn't be able to do these rituals, as a human neurosis seems to do it every year. But he was a little hesitant to let the neuropathy work overtime here alone. As a result, he just opened his mouth, and the neuropathy has persuaded him with a reason that he couldn't refuse.

"As if it was done for me." The saint stopped his brush and smiled a little. He stretched out his hand. As soon as Arecio blinked, something was rubbed on his face.

Arecio with a paint on his face: "..."

Dog me again! Work overtime yourself!

Seeing Arecio leave angrily, Ruzius kept a smile on his face, and after a while, he turned his head and continued his work. He really couldn't bear Alessi to accompany him to work overtime here. The forecast said it would rain tonight. Why don't he let Alessi go back first and stay at home to eat something and play games.

As it approached midnight, the staff said their goodbyes in twos and threes. He washed the paint off his hands in the bathroom. When he was about to leave, he glanced at the time in his head.

It's zero o'clock.

The time kept beating, and Ruzius watched for a while, just as he was about to put away his light brain, he was suddenly reminded that he had a new communication.

It's Alessi.

He paused and picked up the communication. The time on his light brain was still beating, and the Day of Resurrection was approaching.

"Can you hear it?" The voice from the other end of the communication was a little annoyed at first, but soon, Arecio on the opposite side stopped being angry with him.

"I can hear it." Ruzius stopped and leaned against the wall of the corridor, feeling soft in his heart.

"Although you are such a dog, you were angry with me just now. I still call you this communication. After all, there is no way to wait for zero together." Arecio was sitting on the sofa talking on the communication, but when he said this, he sat up straighter. Candles have been lit everywhere in the house, and while the candles are flickering, it seems that the souls of the past are coming to enjoy their annual offerings.

"I prepared a gift for you. I learned from the water demon, a ring that sticks to star shells." Arecio said slowly. It's the first time I want to give someone a gift.

"Do not laugh!"

"I didn't, I'm happy."

The saint replied to him softly, in a really good tone, and Arecio felt a lot less shy, his dark rose-colored pupils stared at the seconds approaching zero.

Time jumped to zero, Arecio took a deep breath and said congratulations on the Day of Resurrection.

"Congratulations, you are still alive."

This is a congratulatory message from the dead vampires to the living humans. Arecio is really happy that the neuropathy is still alive. What he fears most is not waking up in a completely strange world after ten thousand years, but when he wakes up, the neuropathy is still alive. He has been separated from life and death.

That was too bad, but, it's fine now.

It's great now.

"… "


"... I'll be back soon, an hour or so."

The communication hangs up. Arecio is a bit inexplicable. It takes about ten minutes to get home from the center at most. Is it a bit long for a neurosis? and…

Arecio heard a thunderstorm outside, followed by a torrential downpour. The rose in the rain has opened a heavy petal, red and white, and it is light and dazzling with the cool wind in the rain.

Arecio decided to pick up the neuropathy. He took the umbrella device and changed into a waterproof coat by the door, feeling a little helpless.

Really, I want Dad to pick you up.

With the sound of thunder, the saint walked alone on the floor-to-ceiling window corridor. He looked out the window, and in a dim rain curtain, the Emerald Inner Sea was undulating. His expression reflected on the glass seemed to be slightly different from before, and he himself noticed this, and after a little adjustment, he was the same as before.

He kept going all the way and came to the central area where Hitomi was. Reported to the staff, the staff knew that he and Arecio were resuscitators who were treated differently by Tong, and they were released after review.

Finally, he stood under the huge pupil of the planet. As the carnival was approaching, Hitomi seemed very happy, and was putting small virtual fireworks around. He sensed the arrival of the saint, the fireworks stopped, and his pupils turned.

The saint gathered a smile on his face and greeted softly.

"You look very happy."
