The Enemy Always Wants to Pull Me into a Coffin

Chapter 96


After he scolded the insane, he was so hasty that he almost swallowed the silver cross in his mouth. In fact, it can be spit out, but Arecio glanced at the neuropathy vigilantly, and found that the other party's eyes implied anticipation.

Arecio: "… "

He didn't know if it was worse if he accidentally swallowed the silver cross, or if it was worse if the tip of his tongue was entangled in the wet stick. The former he had to go to the hospital, the latter he had a strong ominous premonition, he looked around, the place that the neuropathy was looking for was very secluded, the float parade was also in the second lap, and most people's attention was focused on Above that.

So Arecio closed his mouth tightly, choosing not to open his mouth from now on.

Of course, he wanted to grab the neuropathy and question him about everything, but compared to the vague sense of crisis, he planned to put the questioning back, because the neuropathy couldn't escape anyway.

He didn't spit it out, and the saint's eyes were a little disappointed.

"Aren't you going to spit it out?" He seemed concerned, and Arecio shook his head slowly. He felt that the process of spitting it out was too irritating, and at the moment of neurosis, it is very likely that there would be unpleasant consequences.

His eyes fell on the pocket of the neurotic, and he gestured. I have candy in my pocket, and if I have a neuropathy, I will eat a few, at least it will be normal.

Sure enough, after learning that he had recovered all his memories, Arecio became very vigilant. Ruzius had some regrets. He originally wanted to wait for the two to completely confirm their relationship, and then inform Arecio of the news of the memory recovery, but now it can be done, at least they have stayed together for so long after ten thousand years. The confrontation has gradually disappeared in the long-running mutual (dog) during this period, enough to usher in a stable relationship.

Arecio has shown him monopoly and it's a very, very good start. In addition, there is no external interference at all now, these factors are the source of stability in Ruzius' heart.

"Do you still want to see the float?" He asked naturally, as if nothing had happened. Arecio shook his head slightly vigilantly, he just wanted to find a safe place to spit out the silver cross... spit... spit...

Alessio paused for a while, then licked the silver cross with the tip of his tongue, but the silver cross remained motionless.

He had a… not so wonderful hunch.

After licking it again, Arecio was completely unaware that the tip of his tongue bulged slightly on his cheek, which had exposed the small movements he was doing at this time. Ruzius watched the tiny little bulge appear and disappear on Arecio's face, appearing and disappearing, while keeping his expression low, he ate a few candies.

Arecio repeatedly confirmed, and finally realized a fact in horror—

its stuck.

To be precise, it was stuck in his fangs.

The pattern of the silver cross is complicated, and there are many hollows. Now one of his fangs is stuck in the hollow, and no matter how much the tip of the tongue moves, the two cannot be separated.

Arecio: "… "

This is good, he no longer has to worry about swallowing the silver cross!

The float took three full laps before leaving the stage. During this period, Arecio tried countless methods to push the silver cross down. However, both his cheeks were sore, and the silver cross stubbornly stayed on his fangs, so angry that he wanted to reach out and take it off.

He secretly glanced at the neurotic, and the other party turned around immediately, obviously paying close attention to his movements.

The neuropathy that completely restores memory is really difficult to deal with, he has to think of a way!

"…want ice cream?"

Looking at the direction Arecio pointed, Ruzius guessed that the other party wanted to let him go, but he didn't say anything, and went to buy ice cream very obediently. Arecio was overjoyed, seized the opportunity immediately, was about to open his mouth, and took off the silver cross with his hand...

"What flavor do you want to eat?" Alessio hurriedly shut his mouth and gestured casually.

"Same as before? Good."

The neurosis is gone again, Arecio refreshed, and again, he...

"Want to decorate? Chocolate or fruit?"

"… "

"By the way, you don't seem to be able to eat right now, do you really need to spit it out?"

"… "

But give him a chance to spit it out! Just go crazy! Turn around for more than thirty seconds! He must! immediately! Clean this silver cross from his fangs!

Arecio is autistic.

He completely gave up the idea of taking off the silver cross and spitting it out, silently watching the float show, silently watching the neurotic eating ice cream, silently pulling his balloon. The gorgeous fireworks dyed the night sky extremely colorful. Arecio raised his head to look at the fireworks, and he heard a slight sigh from the neurotic holding an ice cream next to him.

"I won't tease you," he said slowly, "you bite."

Um? ?

Arecio looked at him hesitantly, wanting to confirm whether he understood what he meant, the neuropathy nodded affirmatively to him, and Arecio was a little confused for a while. The tip of his tongue touched the silver cross, which felt exactly like a real silver cross, so he never dared to touch it vigorously, for fear of damaging the gift.

Now the neuropathy tells him to bite and bite

"It's coated with a special edible material, doesn't it look like the real thing?" The neuropathy also showed off to him, "Whether it's temperature or taste, it's exactly the same as the real thing, isn't it?"

"I also made this silver cross exactly the same as the one I want to give you, no matter the pattern or shape, all..."

He heard a "click", and it was Arecio who shattered the silver cross. After no longer worrying about whether or not the gift would be damaged, with a little force, the silver cross was completely shattered, and Arecio tasted the sweetness of the hard candy inside.

The sour cheeks and the slightly tired tongue seemed to be laughing at his fool just now.

"It's so fierce." The neurotic still had a smile in his eyes, "Isn't it sweet?"

Sweet head!

Arecio grabbed the balloon on the side as a weapon, and looked at the neurotic dangerously. At this moment, he has almost forgotten that this is a neuropathy that restores all his memories, and the other party's dog is no different from usual!

However, for Ruzius, who had recovered all his memories, it was easier to guess Arecio's mind, and he could even predict each other's starting point. So before the scene turned into a fight, he took a step forward, handing him the ice cream he had bought for Arecio in one hand, and taking out tonight's gift from his pocket in the other.

"As ever, a carnival gift."

Arecio subconsciously took the ice cream first, then looked at the neurotic hand. Under the scattered and blooming fireworks, the saint's well-knotted fingers held a silver chain, and the small flickering silver cross was attached to the bottom, gently swaying back and forth. The silver cross is the standard of the temple, with thorns entangled, but slightly different from the one ten thousand years ago, at this moment, the thorns are dotted with some flowers.

It's a rose.

The saint handed him the silver cross.

"But I'm still a little curious, where did the former one go?"

This question really touched the bottom of Arecio's heart, he closed his eyes gently, just for a moment, he remembered the tragic battle in the past. As the second-generation blood family, Theo has far more power than Arecio, so he was able to tear off Arecio's wings for the first time. Arecio is not a fool. Since he can't defeat Theo, he will just surrender. He doesn't really care if he holds the highest power.


Once again, there was a quarrel over whether to use ordinary humans as experimental subjects, and the second-generation vampire, his father, sneered and said angry words.

[Did you kill your little friend, you will be more obedient?]

The second battle ended in Arecio's death.

Near death is a painful experience, and the physique of the vampire will prolong this pain indefinitely. But Arecio didn't want to die, at least for the past few hundred years, he never wanted to die, so he woke up, dragged his unhealed body, and went to a carnival date. At the carnival where they met again, the uncontrollable saint embraced him.

[You are still alive... You are still alive...]

The blood clan was still holding a doll made of his appearance in his hand, his red pupils slowly widened, he felt the body temperature of the human being hugging him at this time, and made up his mind.

Gotta... gotta kill Theo!

The third time, he rushed into the blood moon castle, which had already regarded him as his mortal enemy, watched the father of the vampire who had been waiting for him so much, and drew his scythe. His growth rate is not unpleasant, from Theo's slightly gloomy face, he can see this, but it is not enough! They hit the top of the castle all the way, and before sunrise, he was hit hard by Theo.

[Make me so embarrassed, if you give me more time...]

Without an entire arm, half of his face was torn apart... The second-generation blood family, who had never been in a hurry, sank.

[My child, you must die here!]

The moment when death comes is like slow play, this time he should not have the good luck he once had. The sun only showed a little bit of light in the sky, and the second-generation blood clan pointed to a blade, about to pierce his heart.

- Something blocked the hand that only took his life.

The unsullied barrier of the temple opened, the sun jumped out of the horizon, Arecio tried his best to pull up a corner of the field, and his shadow rose blocked Theo's actions. The second-generation blood race struggled hysterically, and the sunlight ironed deep bone-deep wounds on his body. He screamed and watched his child raise the sickle.

- It's like the black scythe of the god of death.

He began to cry, begging that if Arecio was a little soft-hearted, he would be able to seize the opportunity to come back!

However, Arecio's heart is like stone.

Before the scythe fell, he smiled faintly at Theo, he stated.

[That is my destiny.]

[You shouldn't want to kill him.]

The silver cross on his chest burned out all his strength and gradually turned into ashes. The blood race's eyes chased the scattered ashes. It was this gift from the person who gave him courage, which brought him a chance for victory. It's a pity It was damaged, and he felt a little regret in his heart.

Today, this regret has been made up.

Arecio stretched out his hand, held the silver cross, and looked up at the saint. The saint lowered his eyelashes and carefully wrapped the silver chain around his hand to prevent the silver cross from falling off.

"The original one..." Arecio said softly, "used up."

"Really, I added stronger magic to this."

Arecio looked at the silver cross in his hands, and he felt as if he had the courage given by the saint.

He was no longer afraid of Theo.