The Escape Game BOSS is Pregnant with my Child

Chapter 10: second copy


Qi Yu spends one point to rent a small apartment, one point to rent for a month, and another point to add another point. In this month, no matter what you want to eat, just write a list and someone will deliver it to your door, whether it is raw or cooked .

The delivery speed is fast and the quality is good, which can throw off a big stride in the original world.

"No matter how good the service is," Pei Hu was carrying a bottle of beer and drank half of it down. He wiped the beer froth from the corner of his mouth and said with a sneer, "One point can live for a month. It's good and cheap. The service is good, but people don’t have such a long life, so what’s the use?”

"Qi Yu, I think you have potential. It doesn't look like you will die early, so I will chat with you a few more times. Food and housing are enough. Don't be fooled by those fancy things. We are all earning our lives with our lives. Here, the most important thing is to live long."

"I know."

Qi Yu went to the refrigerator and brought out two more bottles of wine, and the table was filled with an assortment of beautiful dishes, all of which were good dishes with good color, fragrance and taste.

Some of these dishes were ordered by himself, and many of them were ordered after Pei Hu came here. According to common sense, Pei Hu just accepted a task to lead the newcomers, after the end, there is no need to come to drink and eat with him and talk to him about these beneficial news for the newcomers.

Qi Yu knew that Pei Hu ignored the young man with yellow hair and the others afterwards, and he also knew why he came.

There are also small groups among the players, not a formal group, but a small group formed by a few veterans who can help each other. The weapons unloaded from the hands of the few above them are things that can save their lives at critical moments.

If the people in the group can get some good items, but not very effective for themselves, they can also exchange points with them, which is more cost-effective than going to the game to buy them.

Pei Hu is a member of the player group, Qi Yu is not surprised, after all, he is also a veteran who has experienced three games. It's not particularly outstanding, but being cautious and able to listen to what is said is considered a good quality to survive.

He was surprised that they would invite him.

He, Qi Yu, is still a poor and white newcomer.

"Brother Hu, I know what you're here for," Qi Yu filled up the wine glass for Pei Hu, "I'm not ignorant of your kind intentions, but I also want to know, who are the people in your group who are attracted to you?" What happened to me?"

Qi Yu is very self-aware of himself.

The successful completion of the last dungeon must be attributed to him. But actually, he didn't do anything.

It's good to be able to come up with some ideas and have a flexible mind, but who can survive and pass the level, who is really stupid

They have no shortage of such talents.

At least there will be no shortage of newcomers who come directly to recruit no good.

Then what advantages does he have

Good-looking, can hug thighs

"By the way, this is it." Pei Hu sighed while holding his wine glass: "The game we play is completely different from those popular games outside, but there is one thing that is still the same."

"Everyone likes luck."

"The kind of little red hands who go in and pick up a stone can be turned into a prop, that is the child of destiny who can be offered up. Following this kind of person into a dungeon, I can earn points for three dungeons when I come out, it is simply the god of wealth Grandpa hangs on his head, and money is thrown on him."

Qi Yu: "...but the problem is that I'm not this kind of person."

If he had such luck, how could he go out and get hit by a car

"You are not so high-profile, but you also have other advantages." Pei Hu chuckled, "I told our boss, they all think you are the kind of person who is naturally full of NPC favorability. Follow you in the dungeon, although You may not earn so many points, but the probability of saving your life is high."

Pei Hu laughed so hard that his mouth almost reached his nose.

He is Dele, so if a talent is discovered by him, he can also be rewarded with points. If he can pull Qi Yu into the group, then his reward will be even more.

These are all worthless points!

And there is no need to fight for your life in the dungeon, it will be fun for everyone.

Qi Yu: "..."

"I think you are wrong, I am really not this kind of person."

He reluctantly threw aside all the benefits that he could get from hugging his thighs, and explained seriously:

"Brother Hu, the last dungeon was just a coincidence. When I was in school, I had zero human contact all year round. Basically, except for the people in our dormitory, no one knew who I was."

I also know because of his face, if we talk about taking the initiative to communicate, there is really nothing.

He is just an ordinary technical geek, apart from computer data and money, there is nothing else that can impress him. The roommates who know his character well have already prepared a special plaid shirt suit for him. He has already found a job that matches him, so he is waiting to finish his thesis and continue his internship. Who knows...

Qi Yu was heartbroken for a second for his lost high-paying job, and continued: "If you don't believe in evil, you can try again, but if something happens, I don't care."

Pei Hu really didn't believe it until he saw the information about the next dungeon that Qi Yu shared with him.

Pei Hu: "..."

What the hell is this!

In vain, he still felt that Qi Yu had earned a lot of points in that dungeon. Looking at it now, why is it so shabby

The red bow hairpin can also be said to be a special prop, and what is the four-piece pink floral set? Is it possible to bring your own bedding to enter the dungeon

And that Song Qing's resentment...

I've never heard of people taking revenge because of mission goals, so players are directly dragged into the next dungeon to bind.


What about bad luck

Qi Yu :)

Yes, he is that unlucky.

How about it

It's nothing, at most, the opportunity to join the group and hug the thigh is temporarily gone.

Pei Hu had an expression of "I don't understand why this happened like this" on his face, and walked away with small staggering steps.

Qi Yu went back to the house alone, where he should eat and drink, and ten days passed in the blink of an eye.

He took a shower in the morning, and just as he put on the backpack he had prepared, he felt his eyes blur and his body start to float.

In the next second, he felt his footsteps slip.

The body is leaning against a cold object, and the tip of the nose can smell a strong smell of rust.

Qi Yu shook his head, then raised his head to find seven or eight people standing or lying around him. Most of the people looked calm, carrying a black backpack of the same type bought from the game mall on their backs, they were old people.

The remaining two or three sporadic newcomers were shocked and dazed, and a middle-aged man with a round figure in a suit roared and questioned loudly:

"Where is this? Why am I here? What do you want to do? What kind of event planning is this? Call me your person in charge!"

"If you don't come out again, I will call the police!"

No one paid him any attention, and no one answered his questions.

All the old people were looking around, trying to determine where they were, at least to make sure that there was no danger nearby.

Qi Yu glanced at the middle-aged man with pity, but also did not answer his words.

Although he didn't go out much in the past few days, he had already found out the news that should be inquired clearly. In the game, besides the rookie group they had at the beginning, there were also middle-aged men and the like, who were unlucky to enter with the old people.

In fact, it is not particularly unlucky, because this kind of task with the elderly will give more points. If it is a group of newcomers plus an old man, the points will be less, the kind that can barely make ends meet.

It can only be said that the greater the risk, the greater the reward.

The rest is up to their individual luck.

The newcomers are still howling, and the old people have begun to introduce themselves calmly.

A man in a black jacket with two daggers pinned to his waist came out first.

"Hello, my name is Wang Yicheng, and I have experienced four games."

"The game has notified me just now. I am the temporary captain of this dungeon. I know that everyone is not familiar with me, and they are quite defensive, but I will try my best to be the captain and lead everyone..."

He talked endlessly, the main topic was that everyone had to work hard together, unite together to earn more points in the dungeon, live longer and so on.

Obviously he is completely different from Pei Hu who was too lazy to be a babysitter in the last scene. He wants to gather everyone together and temporarily form a group. Although everyone is sure to avoid intrigue or something, but at the beginning of this kind of dungeon where you don't know anything, it can indeed increase the survival rate.

However, this survival rate is not very tempting for the elderly.

Because when things happen in dungeons, the first ones to die are usually rookies.

Qi Yu heard him say a few words at first, but he didn't know where Wang Yicheng learned this stinky and long speech, which was more powerful than hypnotics.

After hearing a few words, he began to doze off, yawning one after another.

In order to prevent himself from falling asleep, he took out a mint candy from his pocket and stuffed it into his mouth. Then he turned his head and looked around.

The dungeon has not been opened yet, and a thick gray fog surrounds the players, making them unable to see any buildings beside them. Only the rusty door that Qi Yu was leaning against when he first appeared could be clearly seen.

They should be at the entrance of the hospital now, but the hospital looks more dilapidated than before.

Several man-made sunken openings appeared on the iron gate, and the muddy ground under the feet was covered with weeds. It looked like no one had entered or exited for a long time.

No wonder it is called an abandoned hospital.

Qi Yu rubbed his chin and was about to check to see if the small door where he could look in was still there when a hand suddenly stretched out from the side and patted him on the shoulder.

"Hey, brother, do you also think that person's mother-in-law's talk is very annoying?"

Qi Yu turned his head.

A young man in his twenties with dyed blond hair showed a bright smile at him.

The yellow-haired young man stood behind him, and waved his hands in a small arc to say hello to Qi Yu.

"Brother Qi, what a coincidence."

"Hey, do you still know each other?" The blond young man's eyes lit up, "Since it's such a coincidence, why don't the three of us form a team? The three of us can act safely and efficiently, and we're guaranteed to earn more than the idiot following that talk."

Qi Yu: "No."

These two are either gold or yellow, and the tone is too conspicuous.

Can't go with them, he wants to be a low-key black-haired man.

The kind that will definitely not attract the attention of the boss.

"Don't be so anxious to reject me," the blond young man looked around and found that everyone was self-serving and didn't look at them before continuing to discuss with confidence, "I really don't mean anything malicious, friend, follow me and promise not Suffer."

"Do you know what my name is?"

"My surname is Tang, and my name is Tang Yu."

After saying this, he immediately raised his head with a little pride, staring at Qi Yu, ready to see his amazed eyes.


Qi Yu was indifferent.

Because he really doesn't know who this person is.

Seeing his confused eyes, Tang Yu became anxious immediately.

"You really don't know who I am? I'm super famous! Anyone who has stayed in the player's rest area should know me!"

Qi Yu: "..."

"Ah, are you...!" he exclaimed.

"Yes, yes, it's me!" Tang Yu nodded like a rattle.

Qi Yu: "The legendary blond, blue-eyed, captivating superstar who fascinated thousands of people and swept the entire game?"

Tang Yu:? ? ?

What a mess!

A few of them chattered quietly here, but no one noticed that the small piece of iron on the iron door that could be pulled away to peep outside had been lifted.

A pair of eyes watched them silently.

I don't know how long I watched it.

The author has something to say: Xie Shao: Don't draw my attention? What are you dreaming, little elf

Edited a little at the end

Today I went out for a spring outing to eat barbecue, I was so happy, but it was a bit miserable to be locked out when I came back...

Fortunately, I still entered the door hehehe, thank you little angels for voting for me as the overlord~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Line Mine]: Why are you confused. 1 piece

Thanks to the little angels for irrigating me with nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 30 bottles of Chaoqin Muchu, 20 bottles of Pinellia, 6 bottles of Moises, why are you confused. 5 bottles, 3 bottles of Sunny Doll, 1 bottle of Mang Mang, 1 bottle of Cat, 1 bottle of Baizhu

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ^_^