The Escape Game BOSS is Pregnant with my Child

Chapter 13: Doctor Ghost


It was a man in a white coat, he was hanging stiffly in mid-air, his forehead seemed to have been hit by something, and the blood on his head and face was winding down his neck. The skin of the face covered in blood turned blue-black, and the eyes stared forward with bulging eyes.

His face was distorted and angry, his hands were tied behind his back, and there were even a few clear footprints on the white coat. He didn't hang himself, but after being beaten up, he tied his hands and feet and hanged himself.

He is not a player.

He was a doctor who died in the hospital many years ago.

In other words, he is a ghost, and there is a 90% probability that he is still a violent and dangerous ghost who can slap a small player. And the other man, who should be the player, was lying down not far from the doctor ghost, motionless, not knowing whether he was alive or dead. The bright red liquid flowed out from his body and spread slowly on the ground.

The atmosphere became tense, and there was a hint of rust in the dull air.



Should they run now, or should they run

The answer is: not running for now.

"Everyone, don't panic. The condition for the ghost inside to trigger the killing should be to enter the consulting room. If he can kill directly, we must be screaming and running around by now, so don't panic. Observe first. If the ghost inside doesn't If it's Liang, see if you can find a way to pull him out." Wang Yicheng comforted him in a low voice.

Everyone nodded, no one was noisy, even the short-haired girl who had just played the screaming chicken and attracted everyone over was pulled behind and calmed down.

This is the advantage of having many old people. Everyone knows the rules and the taboos in the game. They will not hold each other back, and they can help others when they can.

"What just happened?" Someone was asking the short-haired girl.

"I don't know, just, just now we were looking for clues in the hall, and we heard the sound of the door closing here. We were curious, so we came here to have a look. We just wanted to walk around the door, but we didn't expect that door, It turned on automatically, and as soon as he walked in..."

The short-haired girl pointed at the ghost doctor tremblingly.

"He suddenly appeared, and Brother Liu was strangled by him... and killed."

She sobbed softly twice, obviously wanting to cry, but she forced herself to hold back.

The short-haired woman's words proved Wang Yicheng's deduction. The killing point of this doctor ghost was triggered by entering the consulting room where he was. This kind of point is very dangerous, because they need to collect as much information as possible, and they will definitely enter the room to search. At that time, just like the dead player, he was killed as soon as the door was opened.

Death is too miserable.

But this kind of point is also good, that is, it is easy to find out. As long as there is one victim, the others should be alert, and death will not be triggered if they do not enter the room.

In other words, generally speaking, the one inside can only be eaten once when it opens.

Now that they have all come here, there is no need to discuss the matter of exploring in two teams. From the present point of view, the level of danger in this dungeon is still very high, so please don't disperse, and explore this place first.

The long and narrow corridors stretched deep into the distance. This hospital wasn't particularly big, but it wasn't too small either. Counting roughly, there are about five or six consulting rooms on this side of the corridor, and the consulting room where the doctor ghost is just the second one to come in.

Qi Yu originally wanted to follow him to the corridor inside to see if he could find anything, but Tang Yu secretly grabbed his hand and didn't let him go.

"What's wrong?" Qi Yu followed Tang Yu's eyes and saw the man lying on the ground, "Do you want to see if you can get him out? I think he should have... gone."

Qi Yu was thinking about his words, and the ghost doctor inside was still glaring at them. He had a lot of experience, so he probably wouldn't leave the player inside to wait until they came to rescue him.

If they really wanted to get him out, they might not be able to save him, but they would also anger the doctor ghost, resulting in some uncontrollable consequences. In colder terms, he wasn't worth the risk they took.

Qi Yu touched his chest and felt that he had changed, becoming like a cruel adult.

But I didn't expect that Tang Yu, who had obviously experienced more than one dungeon, would still have this kind of kindness. Qi Yu looked at him with a slightly changed look. For a moment, he didn't know whether it was himself who changed too fast, or Tang Yu's great father.

"Holy Father" little cute Tang Yu rolled his eyes: "Who wants to save him? I'm only going to save a dead person when I'm idle. Just look at the amount of bleeding on the ground and you'll know that he must be going cold. I let you stay here because I want you to look into his pockets, and take a closer look at what's inside?"

Qi Yu looked up, and saw the man lying in a pool of blood lying there, his face facing the room, his hands spread out unnaturally by his side. Perhaps because of the previous struggle, his clothes were ripped apart, and the things that were originally hidden in the depths of the pockets rolled out and hung on the edge of the pockets.

It was a small golden badge.

After taking a photo with the mobile phone, after zooming in and checking, you can vaguely distinguish the words "excellent employee" on it.

It seems that he triggered the death point, and the reason for being killed was not just entering the room. It is very likely that after he entered the room, he saw the badge and secretly hid it to attract the doctor ghost.

That is, he took the bait, so he became a dead fish.

His fate was miserable, but the bait was still tempting.

What convenience can I get if I get the excellent employee badge belonging to the doctor ghost in this instance of the hospital

Qi Yu couldn't figure it out, but it didn't matter, anyway, it was definitely better than the ghostly rose he bound. I just don't know how to get that badge, the doctor ghost staring inside is really a bit difficult to deal with.

He was thinking about it when he suddenly heard Tang Yu exclaim a little.

"Qi Yu, why are the photos you took different from mine?"

"Where?" Qi Yu lowered his head in a daze, "What else could be different in the photos? They weren't all taken at the same time, at most the angles were slightly different. They don't move inside, how could it be..."

The rest of the words were swallowed by him, and he was not ashamed to say them.

Because what the hell...

In the photo he took, the doctor ghost is actually smiling? ! !

It seemed that he was still a little shy, the corners of his mouth were raised a little, and when he looked closely, his eyes widened secretly.

Qi Yu: "..."

What the hell is this? ?

What do you think this is filming

Qi Yu couldn't describe his current mood for a while, just with this smile, his sense of awe for the dungeon was directly cut off by more than half.

In the front, a female ghost handed him rose props, and in the back, a doctor ghost gave him a charming smile.

Can you ghosts be serious

Qi Yu glanced over there, he was still a serious poss doctor ghost, he had a headache, and didn't know how to explain it to Tang Yu and the others.

He looked at Tang Yu and the others, expecting to see two confused faces with doubts, but he didn't expect to see Tang Yu and Qi Wenyu meeting each other and whispering together.

"I'll add rabbit ears to him. Rabbit ears are cute. You can try adding cat ears to him, preferably the one with shy little circles on his face. I saw my sister used it before. It's very interesting. Oh, that's right, that's right."

Qi Yu probed over.

It was dark.

In the dungeon, at this tense and dangerous time...

These two people are actually in the P picture!

And it still gives the doctor ghost P rabbit ears special effects!

Simply poisonous!

The author has something to say: Qi Yu: Damn it! None of them are serious!

small theater:

Qi Yu: I became an adult, a cruel adult.

Xie Shao: Yes, I did it.

Doctor Ghost: Whoops, I'm so shy.

You all know hahaha there is no one to comfort the little cute author, hmph.

Put cat ears on you angrily

Today, I am a little boy who has no emotions in order to catch up with the rankings. Thanks to the little angels who voted for me~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Line Mine]: Why are you confused. 1 piece

Thanks to the little angels for irrigating me with nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: why are you confused. 10 bottles, Hongchen Past 6 bottles, 28868870 5 bottles, Sunny Doll 5 bottles, Tarot 2 bottles, Qingse 1 bottle, yyhasg 1 bottle, ° 1 bottle

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ^_^