The Escape Game BOSS is Pregnant with my Child

Chapter 16: a thing of the past


Bain Mental Hospital

Qi Yu clicked on the photo album on his mobile phone and took the last photo of the last dungeon. The entrance of the hospital, which is a bit remote but much better than the current barrenness, has a black iron door plate with paint that is almost falling off. Count the grid, and then increase the number of words, just right.

Is this the name of this hospital

There is a reasonable explanation for the high wall built outside the hospital, the extremely strict inspection procedures when entering the door, and the restraint belts around the beds seen in those open rooms.

This is a hospital for mental illness.

And it is a very good and famous mental hospital.

In the booklet that Qi Yu took away at the first sight, it noted in detail the various awards that the hospital had won. Moreover, the hospital will regularly recruit various top doctors in mental illness. They will strictly monitor and control the health status of the patients, and strive to let them be discharged from the hospital as soon as possible and recover.

The thin booklet was quickly turned to the bottom, skipping the content that introduced the floor area of the hospital. There were not many useful content that could be filtered out, but the words Bain Mental Hospital were actually worth enough. What's more, he has other cheating materials that Xie Shao stuffed into him.

He casually opened the file bag that was so big that it was about to expand, and a thick stack of photos rushed out of it impatiently, and fell to the ground, splashing a layer of gray smoke and dust.

The person in the photo is wearing a white coat, standing at the door of the hospital, showing a bright smile. That wasn't too handsome, but his brows and eyes were spirited, and his high-spirited face was vaguely familiar.

If his face were a little more rounded, his expression a little more ferocious, his skin painted purple, and his tongue longer, he would be exactly the same as the doctor ghost who just shot and killed a person in front of them.

"Huh," Tang Yu leaned over and took a look, "I didn't expect him to be good-looking before, but I didn't expect him to become this virtuous after death. From this we can see that even if you die, you still have to choose a good-looking one." How to die."

"We don't know if there is such a thing as reincarnation. Being a ghost is the second reincarnation in life, and we need to be careful. My parents worked hard to give me such a good-looking face. It is not easy. If the second reincarnation is If it is ruined, they will definitely chase me with a shoehorn."

Qi Yu didn't speak, he turned around a little bit, and found the female ghost who had handed him roses before in a photo of a group of nurses wearing white nurse uniforms and smiling brightly from the camera.

Tang Yu: "Wow! Young lady looks so pretty!"

The pixels of the cameras at that time were not high, and the colors of the color imaging were a little full, but this did not stop the youthful beauty of those young ladies. Tang Yu stared at the photo and praised her. After a while, this young lady had a round face and big eyes, she was so beautiful like a certain star, and then she said that the young lady had a lucky face with two small dimples when she smiled...

Qi Yu listened to his mumbling expressionlessly, and felt that Xie Shao should come and see this guy. !

I really hope that Tang Yu will find a girlfriend soon, and then he will forward all the words he said about his fancy compliments to Miss Sister, and enjoy the miserable scene of him being dragged by his ears and taught a lesson.

Tang Yu inexplicably felt a chill on his back. He turned around but couldn't find the reason. Instead, he saw players around them secretly looking at them, with eyes filled with "Let's exchange information together".

Tang Yu: "..."

He was a little uncomfortable being seen, and wanted to tug on Qi Yu's sleeve to discuss with him, but he stretched out his hand crookedly, and accidentally pulled the yellow hair who was quietly waiting by the side.

Qi Wenyu glanced around and told him in a low voice: "Brother Tang, there are so many people, I can't beat them."

Tang Yu: "..."

Who started the fight with you? !

Going to the dungeon to fight in groups, is this plausible? If you want to beat them, you have to be the team with the numerical advantage, okay


Qi Yu couldn't help laughing.

Under Tang Yu's stare, he still couldn't stop the shaking of his shoulders. It wasn't until Wang Yicheng came over to discuss with them as a representative of other players that he managed to hold back his smile.

"Three little brothers," Wang Yicheng smiled, his face looked very kind, "We are ready to exchange information here, do you want to join together?"

He asked this question very skillfully, not asking if they would like to share information with the players, but asking if they would like to join in and do the questions together, as if they had formed a study group.

This questioning tone will not make people feel uncomfortable, and exchanging information with everyone can also piece together the secrets hidden under the ruins of this deserted hospital more quickly.

Qi Yu readily agreed to him.

Then he found that the information he added with Tang Yu and the others was almost as thick as the information obtained by other players...

This made the others a little embarrassed, Tang Yu was a little elated, and Qi Wenyu directly put the joy of hugging his thigh all over his face.

Qi Yu also wants to be as happy as them, but he can't be happy when he thinks about what he bought this happiness for.

This is the benefit fee for selling one's body!

So, when everyone gathered around a dilapidated table, holding yellowed notebooks, with sacred and dignified faces. Qi Yu's expression was extraordinarily serious and indifferent, which made the short-haired girl who handed him the information tremble with shame.

Tang Yu likes young ladies, he patted Qi Yu on the shoulder to tell him not to be so serious, and to smile more healthily. Then Qi Yu showed him the changed notebook in his hand.

Inside the title page, a few large black letters of Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales came into view.

Tang Yu: "..."

Forget it, he couldn't laugh at this either.

What kind of luck is this young lady? Were you possessed by Mercury retrograde before you came here

Many other players also got some messy and useless books. Under the circumstances of ghosts stalking, few people can clearly select a useful book from layers of information.

Fortunately, the number of people is here, and there are still people who have obtained good information.

It was a set of hospital records.

Most of the books are filled up, recording in detail when a certain patient in a certain bed was admitted, and who is the attending doctor and supervising nurse in charge.

There seems to be no problem, but upon closer inspection, something is wrong.

The person who got this set of forms was Wang Yicheng. After he got it, he went through it several times carefully. It is necessary to find out almost every bit of anomalous information that exists on it. It is so careful to say that it is very calm and confident.

"This set of forms is recorded by date. Day after day, more people come in and less people go out in the front, which is in line with the changes in mental hospitals. But the more people are discharged from the hospital, almost every other day. One or two patients were discharged, and the records were getting more and more sloppy, not even the doctor in charge, just a scribbled signature."

"I don't know if you know anything about the hospital. This small special hospital will not accommodate a lot of patients. It will not exceed two hundred people at most. On this hospitalization record, it is roughly estimated that there are at least one hundred patients who have been discharged from the hospital." .”

"That is to say, at that time, the hospital was almost empty."

"What is the reason that those patients are discharged from the hospital one after another, and they are not even willing to stay for a while?"

"I have related news." Tang Yu raised her hand to answer.

The information bag he was holding was an unusually delicate pink floral notebook with a lock on the side. After opening it violently, it contained the private diary of a certain nurse.

Although it is a diary, it contains important information recorded by the parties involved.

Tang Yu was just about to startle, when she turned her head and saw that his dear companion's face didn't look very good, she couldn't help asking softly, "What's wrong with you, you don't feel well?"

Qi Yu: "No, I'm a little allergic to this color."

Tang Yu:? ?

He had heard of pollen allergies and dust allergies, but he didn't expect to have color allergies!

Your allergies are so foreign.

It's as if it's made up in a foreign style.

Qi Yu didn't speak.

He couldn't say that as soon as he saw this color, he thought of the four-piece pink floral set that was still lying in his reward space and he didn't want to take it out.

It was a nightmare night.

On that night when he didn't remember anything, he touched someone he shouldn't have touched.

So much so that he made a big mistake!

Qi Yu resisted the tears welling up, and poked his head over to look through the nurse's diary.

They all skipped over the previous ones about personal privacy and mood, without prying too much, and skipped half of the book, until they reached a page with particularly flustered handwriting.

"is that true?"

"Is what the newspaper says true?"

"Did our hospital really do those things?"

The handwriting penetrated deep into the back of the paper, leaving less obvious scratches on subsequent pages.

In the next few days, the young lady probably wasn't in the mood to take notes, so she simply wrote about going to work, night shift and so on.

After turning over a few more pages, we will see the bottom.

The last page is unusually long.

"A lot of people are getting ready to leave the hospital."

"I don't want to stay here any longer. I will go to them tomorrow to submit my resignation letter. I hope all this is just a maliciously fabricated rumor. Dr. Xie and the others are good people, and they won't do that."

Behind the diary is a yellowed blank paper.

I don't know if the nurse who said she was going to resign successfully left here.

Everyone pondered, focusing on the things that happened in the hospital, one guess after another skipping their minds.

These few pieces of information can piece together a message.

Before the hospital was smashed, some things did happen in the hospital, and these things also led to the discharge of patients in the hospital, the resignation of employees, and the condemnation of newspapers.

So what can cause this situation

Patient abuse? Using counterfeit drugs? Or use the patient as an experimental product in private

Qi Yu's eyes fell on the last sentence, Dr. Xie and the others are good people, they would not do this.

What were they rumored to have done

Does this have anything to do with them being killed here

At this time when everyone is brainstorming and trying to straighten out all the information.

Qi Yu suddenly felt his backpack vibrate slightly.

His eyes lit up, and the light screen reluctantly appeared in front of him.

[The murderous doctor is positioning his wife through roses.]

[He sent a message to the player Qi Yu through the system.]

Qi Yu:? ?

Is the game system broken

The author has something to say: Game system: how is the code written? ?

At the end of the skin, I was happy.

Come, let my cat give you a wild kiss!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Mine]: 1 small pineapple eating durian

Thanks to the little angels for irrigating me with nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 3 bottles of 28239345, 1 bottle of Sunny Doll, and 1 bottle of May the world be gentle with you

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ^_^