The Escape Game BOSS is Pregnant with my Child

Chapter 18: he is so cute


The wooden boards that seal the stairway have been corroded over the years, and the wood has begun to become soft. Even ordinary people can easily dismantle the wooden boards with tools at hand. If it weren't for the word "Forbidden" still shining red, it seems to have a restraining effect on the ghosts behind, probably they would have broken out long ago, chasing the players screaming.

But the red light was about to go out.

In the dim red light, the boards that had been sealed were arched bit by bit, and sawdust fluffed up in large quantities. Behind the yellow turbid air covered with sawdust, one can see blue and white faces full of salivation.

It looks like a scary scene.

Qi Yu bit his lip, took a deep breath, and swallowed the exclamation that was almost blurted out into his throat.

The strong smell of blood coming from those ghosts gripped his heart heavily and coldly, making his heart sink unstoppably.

There is no way to run.

There is a distance of at least two hundred meters from here to the rooms where the players are resting. Even if he could rush back to the resting place before these things rushed out, so what

How long can ghosts who can barely survive with props survive in front of these guys

Qi Yu almost didn't need to think too much, and a bloody scene was automatically drawn in his mind.

Did they suddenly play a full-fledged tragic game

But they didn't do anything today, it couldn't be because they didn't come over in time to repair the wooden boards on the second floor, so they will face this kind of tragedy at night, right

Qi Yu felt a little wronged and a little hungry.

After a busy day, I still do this kind of work that is both physical and mental. I am already hungry and my chest is pressed against my back. Thinking of the chocolate bar in his pocket just before he came out, Qi Yu declared that he would be a full-fledged ghost even if he died, and reached out to touch his trouser pocket, but unexpectedly he didn't find his trouser pocket, instead he was held by someone.

It's cold and smooth to the touch.

Qi Yu squeezed subconsciously.

"Is it easy to touch?"

The laughing voice is so easy to recognize the identity of that person in an instant.

"Xie Shao," Qi Yu turned around almost in surprise, before he had time to say anything to him, he was shocked by his attire, "What are you wearing?"

Xie Shao is tall and slender, more than 185 by naked eyes.

The two long legs are thin and long, the shoulders are wide and the waist is narrow, and they are a standard hanger figure.

After Qi Yu's own height climbed a few centimeters in the years of high school, he still failed to break through the 180 mark, and finally got stuck at the death height of 1.79.5 meters.

Because of this, what he loves the most in his life is a tall and well-proportioned clothes hanger like Xie Shao, and he thinks that this height looks good in any clothes.

Now, this cognition is broken.

Xie Shao was dragged here probably just after taking a shower, his hair was wet and he hadn't had time to dry it, and he was wearing a white belted pajamas. If that's all he wears, he's normal, a little risqué at best. But he was stunned to wrap another white coat over his pajamas. The two clothes were put together, and he looked a bit like a big stupid bear...

Qi Yu's shoulders gradually began to shake.

Xie Shao looked at him helplessly, really wanting to give this heartless little thing a brain break. If it wasn't for him, why would he rush over without even having time to change his clothes. When he was going out, he was put on a white coat by the game suit attribute that the game boss must bring, which made him feel uncomfortable even when he walked.

"very funny?"

"No, no." Qi Yu held back his smile and tried to put on a serious expression, but for some reason he wanted to laugh especially when he saw Xie Shao wearing such ill-fitting clothes.

The whole laugh-suppressing activity lasted for a few seconds before it was declared a failure, and Qi Yu became a shaking machine again, even forgetting about the ghosts who were about to break out.

Wait, the ghost that broke out

Qi Yu slammed on the brakes and raised his head, and found that the ghosts who were staring at him just now were all crowded and hanging on the stairs, bowing their legs and bending over, looking as if they would sprint to escape as soon as there was any movement like.

What's this

Is the difference so obvious

Even though he knew it was because of the huge gap between his and Xie Shao's strength values, they were almost in the sky and the other in the ground, Qi Yu couldn't help showing his aggrieved eyes and his desire to become stronger when he saw this scene. ·see.

He first asked Xie Shao: "Do I look so delicious?" He is also a big man with offensive ability, and he can always take away one or two ghosts by using props desperately. Just like looking at a delicious big cake, the halazi is all over the floor.

A little sense of crisis, okay? !

this problem…

Xie Shao looked at Qi Yu's exceptionally fair skin because he didn't go out much and his red lips slightly pursed because of anger, and he nodded honestly.

Yes, very tasty.

Qi Yu: "..."

Forget that he and those opposite are actually the same kind of creature, forget it, don't care about them.

Qi Yu continued to ask: "Then do you know how I can become stronger?" It's best to open some hidden mission, get the cultivation method, or be able to draw amulets to suppress ghosts, and one slap can turn ghosts into spinning tops .

Xie Shao said honestly, "Hold my thigh."

Qi Yu: "..."

He confirmed once again that he and Xie Shao really have nothing in common, so let's just be good friends holding hands in peace.


Hand in hand

Because of being intimidated by ghosts collectively, Qi Yu, who reacted a few beats later, realized that his hand was still being held like a warm baby. Xie Shao's hands are actually very beautiful, clean and slender, with well-defined joints, and the skin is so white that the pores are almost invisible.

But his palm is too wide.

Qi Yu's hand was delicate and slender among boys, and after being caught and held, it blended into one body very well. The palm that was originally slightly cold was also warmed by him, it was warm and smooth, and it felt excellent.

But no matter how good it is, you can't hold it for that long!

There was still a lot of noise from the ghosts digging the door before, and it had been a while since he came out and never went back. Therefore, the movement of players walking towards this side can already be heard.

Can he let the players see him holding hands with a strange man and watching ghosts here


Qi Yu shook his hands, signaling Xie Shao to let him go.

Xie Shao was unmoved, and even moved his fingers, drawing a slightly itchy arc in Qi Yu's palm.

Qi Yu: "..."

He lowered his voice: "Let go, it's not good for others to see."

"No," Xie Shao felt aggrieved, "Am I ashamed of people? As soon as you see them coming, you will throw me away?"

Qi Yu: "..."

Can he say um

You are a game boss, and he is a player, can you go out to meet people

Xie Shao didn't listen, and dragged him to pester him for a while. When he could already hear the footsteps of other players, he leaned over and told him softly:

"The second floor is Song Qing's territory. The ghosts there are not very normal. You should be careful and try not to get close to them. I will help you suppress them for an hour. You should try your best during this time , Re-seal the stairwell, using props with sealing effect."

"Also, you can't come to accompany me tonight, and you won't let me see anyone."

"I'm very upset and I'm going to punish you."

Xie Shao was already very close to him because of his words, but when he turned his head so suddenly, his whole face was directly reflected in Qi Yu's eyes, occupying almost all the space.

He could smell the scent of shower gel left on the other person's body, and he could also feel the other person's breath gently sprinkled on the side of his face, as well as his handsome face that would make most female comrades scream.

He is getting closer,


He chuckled and disappeared.

"Qi Yu, where are you, Qi Yu? Are you still alive? If you are alive, make a sound?!" Tang Yu's voice lowered his voice and shouted from behind.

Qi Yu: "..."


He almost couldn't help closing his eyes!

Burning from the base of the ear to the face, it must look like a mess now!

Ahhh, Xie Shao, you bastard!

When Tang Yu and the others found Qi Yu, he was squatting on the ground, holding a hammer that he did not know where he found it, and dragging a wooden table from the next room.

He told them about what had just happened to him, blaming his use of a powerful disposable as the reason he survived.

Through the big hole at the top of the stairs, players can vaguely see the ghosts that fell on the other side of the stairs, as well as the scattered wooden boards full of fingernail marks.

The combination of these points made the players sweat profusely on their backs.

If Qi hadn't just bumped into them when he came out to go to the toilet, and they were unprepared to encounter these ghosts in the room, the group would be wiped out.

Looking at the wooden boards with air leaks everywhere, and the ghosts with salivating eyes drifting past from time to time.

The players immediately mobilized and moved all the tables, chairs and things with wooden boards that could be moved back nearby.

Qi Yu held a small rusty hammer and solemnly declared:

"Abandoned hospital player rescue squad, start!"

second floor.

Song Qing yelled at Xie Shao who blocked his door and refused to let him go out:

"Xie Shao, are you sick?! You actually came to block me because of a player. Did you stay upstairs as a ghost for too long and spoil your brain?"

"We are all ghosts, the one below is a human! You should be more sober, shake all the water out of your mind and pour it out, you Shabby!"

Xie Shao moved a chair, sat there, and ate slowly with a chocolate bar.

When Song Qing was tired of scolding, he raised his head and said sincerely: "Although he is a human being, don't you think he is cute?"

Song Qing:? ? ?

Xie Shao: "It's really cute, from head to toe, even the booger-picking movements are cute."

The author has something to say: Song Qing: Vomit. Why are you gay so disgusting.

Xie Shao: My daughter-in-law is the cutest in the world :)

Qi Yu [Touch the pocket vigilantly]: Where the hell is my chocolate? ! Which bastard stole my chocolate!

cough. I really can't think of the last sentence, so I'll just do it for now, and see if I can change it when I wake up. I always feel that it is very difficult to find a word that fits Xie Shao's idiot atmosphere.

But our fish is still a very serious little fairy boy.

Really, he usually doesn’t pick his nose hahahahaha thank you little angels for voting me overlord~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Mine]: 1 small pineapple eating durian

Thanks to the little angels for irrigating me with nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 6 bottles of Su Nisheng, 3 bottles of Changan, 1 bottle of Sunny Doll, 1 bottle of Zhihui

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ^_^