The Escape Game BOSS is Pregnant with my Child

Chapter 19: can not go out


The player's emergency repair team is very mobile. Under the threat of life, even a girl who has never touched these things will turn into a decoration expert and swing the hammer like a tiger.

Tang Yu contributed his inventory, a card with a sealing effect.

A group of people were afraid that the ghosts inside would rush out, so they sealed the stairs tightly, and a pile of dismantled table wreckage with only iron brackets left was thrown there, piled up into a hill.

Round defensive ability, can directly hit the previous brittle board.

But everyone's faces are still not good-looking, and everyone gathers together and looks at each other.

Wang Yicheng stared at the stairs, frowning tightly: "We will guard here in batches tonight, with the support of sealing props, it should be fine, but what about tomorrow?"

"I can only take one step at a time." Someone sighed, "I can't leave the upper two floors without searching."

That's what worries them.

Seal the stairs tonight, so that everyone can sleep well without being chased by ghosts all over the hospital. But tomorrow, they still have to find a way to go to the second floor.

In other words, most of the seals that were put on by themselves had to be removed by themselves.

Otherwise, the task will not be completed, everyone will have no points, and it will still be cold.

The old people have points and can live for a while, but if they fail to clear the dungeon, the points will be deducted. Years of savings have been deducted, and if the next dungeon does not go well, there is also a death sentence.

No one will give up the task easily.

So, they had to go to the upper two floors.

"I'll count again."

Wang Yicheng wiped his face, his eyes looked heavy and tired.

"Have you found any other clues, whether it's speculation, you can tell what you see that feels strange."

"We need as much information as possible to analyze."

Because everyone's life is at stake, no one is showing off their cleverness at this time. From left to right, in the order of standing, I told about my discoveries today, from the ghosts I saw when I opened the room, to the feeling of chills in the back when I went to the toilet, anyway, I said everything I could say.

After hearing this, Qi Yu felt that they were all talking nonsense.

Reporting that my teammates couldn't all be so stupid and sweet, he turned to look at Tang Yu.

Tang Yu lived up to expectations.

He pulled out a giant electric welder.

"I just found this in the tool room. It's miraculous that it can still be used. Pair it with a bottle of holy water from the temple that I treasure. Let's go in after we turn on the chainsaw tomorrow!"

Everyone: "..."

Qi Yu: "..."

Who is this

Is this his teammate

He should be able to terminate the temporary team relationship with him now, right

"Hey, don't look at me like that. I just thought the atmosphere was too serious, and I was joking with everyone." Tang Yu coughed and handed the chainsaw to Qi Wenyu behind him.

"In my case, there is only one discovery that is not a discovery."

"I want to ask, we all have been looking for newspapers today. Has anyone ever thought that when we came in, we saw such a thick stack of newspapers in the guard room?"

Everyone: "..."

Oh yeah, why the hell didn't they think of this!

Although everyone has already flipped through the stack of newspapers before. But at that time, I was in a hurry, and I didn't read a lot of information carefully. Basically, I just checked to see if there was anything in it.

I have experienced so much here today that I suddenly forgot what happened in the guard room.

If they could find out what happened in the hospital from the stack of newspapers in the guard room, wouldn't it be a big step towards completing the mission

Thinking of this, everyone was excited and wished they could run to the guard's room to find out the stack of newspapers. From beginning to end, study it carefully.

Qi Yu stopped them.

"Although I really hope that there is news we want to know in the guard room, but I have to bring you some bad news."

"I'm afraid we won't be able to go to the guard's room for the time being."

He opens his phone photo album and shows them what he saw when he tried to get to the guard's room earlier.

Outside the hospital, the not-too-long open space from the outpatient hall to the guard room is now shrouded in a layer of gray-black smoke.

The hazy mist enveloped the earth, and at the same time, it also enveloped everyone's hearts.

Cool batch.

When it's over, you can't go up or go back.

I'm going to be forced to die here by this Dogecoin game.

Everyone was silent for a while, and those who didn't believe in evil opened the door and went out to take a look around. At this time, the sky was already dark, and the open space covered by thick fog, which made it impossible to see anything, was more terrifying than the photos taken by Qi Yu.

Those who went out silently closed the door and came back.

Everyone has talked about everything that should be talked at this time, and everyone has nothing to say, and they are really tired after a busy day. I simply went back and lay down to rest. Although it was just a door panel and a broken curtain, it was better than lying on the ground and sleeping directly.

Qi Yu used his backpack as a pillow, and lay on the harsh door panel.

He thought about whether to take out the four-piece suit and wrap it up, but that would be too beautiful, and he would instantly become the most beautiful cub in the crowd.

Taking into account the issue of face.

He decided to make do with the broken curtains.

The lights in the consulting room were basically useless, so I could only light up the candles I found to bring some light into the room. In the dim candlelight, there was a faint sobbing sound.

Only for a while, and soon there was no movement.

Qi Yu closed his eyes, didn't think about other things, and soon fell asleep.

Originally, it was good to get up at three o'clock in the morning and replace them with night duty. But before the other players came to call him, Qi Yu woke up by himself.

Half awake and half asleep, he suddenly felt someone watching him.

It's still the kind of malicious, very uncomfortable sight.

Qi Yu thought it was a dream, so he covered his eyes and rubbed.

Then I found a familiar person standing in front of me.

"Song Qing?!"

In the last dungeon, Song Qing, who was tied up and sent to this hospital by them, was standing in front of him. He has changed a lot. He is wearing a blue and white striped patient uniform. It may be that he has been locked up in the hospital for a long time, and his complexion has turned paler by more than one shade.

Leaving aside the scar that still snaked across his face.

He is actually a little better looking than before.

And the food in the hospital seems to be pretty good. Before, he locked himself in the orphanage and didn't know what to eat every day. Anyway, he had a strong attack power, but he was skinny.

Now I actually have a small belly.

Qi Yu's eyes wandered around his round belly.

Secretly sighed, it turns out that ghosts can also eat fat.

Song Qing lowered his gaze, subconsciously retracted his stomach, and then suddenly became angry.

"What to look at, what is there to see."

Qi Yu looked away: "Long time no see, it seems that you are doing well here."

It's not a bad time.

They've all gained weight.

Thinking of the humiliating history of being trapped in the hospital and not being able to go anywhere, Song Qing gritted his teeth angrily, wanting to take the player in front of him into the laboratory and torture him even more.

But thinking of this kid's concubine, he still hesitated.

"Hey," after thinking for a while, he said to Qi Yu, "Pick your nose and show me."

Qi Yu:? ?

what are you saying

Qi Yu, who was already ready to fight him desperately, looked confused


He, Song Qing, spent so much effort to stun all the other players, and stood in front of him just to watch him pick his nose

Isn't he still dreaming

Qi Yu pinched his thigh and found it painful, so he told Song Qing seriously: "Don't you know? Little fairies like me don't know how to pick boogers."

Song Qing's expression became indescribable in an instant.

If you have to say it, it should be distortion

He took out a syringe and pointed at Qi Yu: "I tell you to pick it up, if you don't talk nonsense, I will let you try the latest potion I have developed!"

"Okay, okay," Qi Yu opened the curtain and sat up, stretching out his hand perfunctorily and picking his nose.

"I'm done digging."

"It turns out my nose was clean and there was nothing to pick."

"Is there anything else you need?"

Song Qing ignored Qi Yu's question and frowned, looking pensive.

"Where is it cute?"

"Isn't it just like an ordinary person?"

"That guy Xie Shao, his brain must have been knocked out by something!"

"...Wait," Qi Yu rubbed his forehead, "Let me stroke it."

"What's cute or not?"

"Xie Shao, what did he say to you?"

"Can you believe his bullshit?!"

There was another sentence that Qi Yu didn't say.

"Why on earth did you come here and force Xie Shao to pick his nose because of what Xie Shao said? Don't you think your behavior is weird and slightly gay?"

Song Qing didn't think so.

He also plausibly said: "Xie Shao is the biggest enemy in my life. If I want to defeat him, of course I must carefully study his behavior and rest."

"Although he's been like a coin lately, I still won't give up!"

Qi Yu looked pitifully: "I think you like him."

Song Qing was furious: "You fart!"

Qi Yu: "You like him."

Song Qing: "You are courting death!"

Just when the scene was about to turn to the lifeless human to provoke the little ghost boss and fight the opponent, there was a sudden knock on the door.

The two turned their heads.

It was discovered that the central character of their topic was standing at the door carrying a quilt.

Xie Shao smiled and waved to Qi Yu.

Then he turned his head and looked at Song Qing who looked at him vigilantly and took two steps back subconsciously.

He sighed.

"Old Song, I didn't know you had such thoughts about me."

"But it's impossible for the two of us."

"You're ugly, and I'm already a family man. Isn't it, husband?"

Xie Shao skillfully winked at Qi Yu.

Qi Yu: "..."

Let's not mention the winking thing first, he always felt that Song Qing was about to be blown up.

It's really the one that exploded.

Didn't you notice that his stomach was starting to swell very fast

The author has something to say: Song Qing: "Labor and capital will die with you!"

Really sorry for the late update.

The aunt had a low-grade fever, and there was no limit to the text, and more than 2,000 words were wasted. It was only at the end of the writing that I found out that there was a BUG. I forgot that there was a newspaper in the guard room at the beginning.

Discussed with the editor, it should be on the 29th V, which is Friday.

There will be a fat chapter tomorrow, because it is very, very important to have a revenue list when you first join V, please support it if you can.

Support the poor author so that she can buy a can for Fat Cat.

There is no food at home QWQ Thank you little angels for voting for me as the overlord~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Mine]: Lonely Planet 1

Thanks to the little angels for irrigating me with nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 88 bottles of rot, 5 bottles of cats, 5 bottles of yyhasg, 5 bottles of ah I like you, 1 bottle of Jiang Jiang, 1 bottle of Yiqu Ke, 1 bottle of Sunny Doll

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ^_^