The Escape Game BOSS is Pregnant with my Child

Chapter 23: laboratory


Carrying the pink lace chubby froze for three seconds, Qi Yu was in a hurry, and quickly stuffed it back like a hot potato.

Do you think he would bear the humiliation and put on this kind of clothes because he couldn't find a nurse's uniform


Even if Qi Yu froze to death, was chased by ghosts, and had nowhere to escape, he would not wear such clothes that lost his dignity.

Absolutely not!

Qi Yu aggressively opened the door of the stairwell, opening his mouth to shout angrily. As a result, as soon as his head got out of the crack of the door, he saw Xie Shao sitting on a chair with his back facing everyone, explaining the dungeon knowledge to a group of pink players.

"As you can see."

"The hospital is divided into three floors. The first floor is the consultation room, which is home to some hospital staff who have not been controlled by the fog. The second floor is the ward, which is for the patients who were affected but not completely controlled."

"And the third floor is the office where the dean and some doctors with higher positions usually stay."

"Or, you could call it—"


"Laboratory?" Someone couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Yes," Xie Shao nodded, without the prestige of a dungeon boss at all, and continued to explain very peacefully, "I know you are very interested in what happened in the hospital, after reading the information in the archives and in the newspaper , I’m probably more curious about me, or more defensive.”

"But I can tell you."

"Those things at the beginning have nothing to do with me. If you really want to talk about it, it's better to say that we people are just some poor people who don't know anything. We have fought against demons for many years, but we have never been able to defeat them."

"Are they referring to those who participated in the human experiment?" Tang Yu asked.

"Yes," Xie Shao nodded, "The original Bain Mental Hospital actually had enough medical staff and recruited all kinds of elite medical talents every year, but the hospital itself didn't need so many people."

"When the dean recruited me, he revealed that their hospital has a very important medical research being tackled. As long as you work hard in the hospital and get excellent results, you will be eligible to participate in the research. However, because of my inadvertent performance out of a distaste for research on humans, so they have not been able to be recruited into research.”

"That study..."

"That research is what caused the hospital to collapse like this," Xie Shao acted like a human answering machine asking and answering, and also automatically and consciously pulled out more important information and added.

"After rumors spread that the hospital was conducting human experiments, the dean and the others have been communicating with the higher authorities. At the same time, they were very cooperative in releasing many patients from the hospital. They also explained in detail when facing the hospital staff. It seems very reliable. But in fact, he secretly took away all the patients who were discharged from the hospital, expanded the scope of the experiment, and during this period of frantic experiments, he planned to come up with an experiment result as soon as possible to save their lives."

"The experiments that were too hasty not only failed to get the results they wanted, but also caused mutations because the experiments were too hasty. Everyone in the hospital died at that time."

"I don't know what happened in that experiment, because the laboratory is located on the third floor, and the dean and his ghosts sealed the laboratory in a special way. None of us ghosts who used to belong to the hospital can open or even approach the laboratory. If you If you want to know the truth at the beginning, you need to open the door of the laboratory with your own hands."

Such a basketful of words come down.

Veteran players including Wang Yicheng immediately nodded to indicate that they understood.

That is to say, there is a laboratory on the third floor, but the game sets that those dead ghosts cannot touch it. If they want to complete the task, they must go up and break through the checkpoints and the ghosts hanging behind to kill.

Generally speaking, this information will only be revealed after they complete the important tasks related to the dungeon.

Thanks to Qi Yu, they were able to get the news so readily after going through the back door. The players kept a record in their minds. If they were allowed to rush by themselves, it would be really difficult, and they would have to give him more points for their contributions when they went back.

I don't know if this provocative strategy can be recognized by the game.

Points are calculated using the contribution rate at the time of settlement.

The players enjoying the joy of the back door have already swelled to the point of thinking about how to spend the points they get after the dungeon ends. But there are still players who have not been dazzled by the back door.

Tang Yu asked a question: "You seem to have mentioned before that the second floor is not your territory. Judging from the distribution of the game, it is impossible for the first floor to become the territory of the game boss. So, do you usually stay on the third floor?"

Tang Yu seemed to hear the sound of his little head spinning wildly.

Judging from the information leaked in the newspaper, Xie Shao is a very powerful doctor who specializes in psychiatry and is well-known in the industry. With this standard configuration of the proud son of heaven, he would definitely not check the patient's skull on the first floor every day. There is an 80% possibility that his office is on the third floor.

That is to say—

Xie Shao hangs out with a bunch of people doing human experiments every day.

He could very well be one of them.

It's not like there haven't been such game bosses who jumped out to deceive the players and tried to take all the players away in one wave. Tang Yu looked at Xie Shao warily, and felt that he was simply unmoved by beauty, the smart, witty and cute Tang Dada!

It's completely different from a certain lewd fish!

A certain fish: "...

He carried his bag and quietly shrank a little behind the wall.

In fact, he is not the kind of person who is obsessed with beauty, he is just...

When the beauty came to the door, she just passively accepted a little cowardly.


Just a little bit!

He really didn't think about holding hands and sleeping with him.

Really do not have!

Inexplicably, Qi Yu suddenly introspected and stretched out his hand to pinch his thigh, telling himself to be more vigilant when facing Xie Shao next time. You can't just keep lowering your boundaries slowly just because he doesn't seem to have any malicious intentions.

If it is too lenient, it will be arrested and sold.

"That's what I want to say," Xie Shao chuckled, his slightly deep voice seemed to have been processed naturally, it was pleasant and ear-catching, it sounded like a small hook in Qi Yu's ears, gently Rubbed on his heart.

The heart beats a little faster uncontrollably.

Qi Yu stretched his hand towards his thigh.

Xie Shao: "I haven't officially introduced myself to everyone, so I'm here to add my identity to everyone."

"My name is Xie, Xie Shao."

"He was a doctor during his lifetime, and he was temporarily on the third floor of the hospital after his death."

"Be a janitor."

Qi Yu withdrew his hands from his legs expressionlessly.

Stop pinching.

You can't change it even if you pinch it purple.

This voice is really nice, I love it!

The little goblin with a charming voice, Xie Shao, has no idea that he has released such a great charm without a sound. He has also corrected his identity as the BOSS, and is quietly watching the shocked expressions of the players.

The witty Tang Dada was a little confused: "What does the gatekeeper mean?"

"It means that he is a janitor, what else can there be?" A cold snort with strong contempt sounded, and Song Qing, who had finally recovered from the heavy injury, appeared in front of them.

He stood there, followed by a group of expressionless ghosts.

It seems that the BOSS is full of aura.

"Xie Shao, you led this group of people to grind at the gate of my site for a long time. I thought you couldn't coax people to come because you threw away your clothes. I didn't expect you to grab my work at this wall. Why? , holding back for too long finally turned you into a chatterbox?"

"Didn't I just see that you were seriously injured and couldn't move?" Xie Shao glanced past Song Qing's abdomen covered by the large hospital gown, with a compassionate expression, "Is the feeling of a big belly uncomfortable?"

Players: "..."


Are your NPCs that powerful

Song Qing was easily irritated by Xie Shao again, and he glared at him.

"none of your business!"

Turning his head, he said to all the players:

"Let me tell you, don't think that you can pass me by getting key information from him. Looking at your outfits, do you think you can pass by wearing a nurse's uniform?"


"To become our beautiful nurse sister, at least you must have no leg hair!"

"Wait, come get a razor from me, and shave off all your beard and leg hair, and you can live with not a single hair left!"

Many male players: "..."

Watching their faces collapse, you want us to shave our legs, why not just kill us. The female players patted their shoulders sympathetically, and whispered:

"It's okay, it's just leg hair."

"It can grow again after scraping, and it will be more lush."

"If you think about it, leg hair is better than other parts, right?"

Male players: "..."


Makes sense.

Otherwise, just shave it

Qi Yu shrank behind the door, and quietly lifted his trousers to have a look.

Fortunately, not very lush.

He is born with relatively little body hair, so it should be just a small project, so it doesn't matter. Anyway, he didn't have much hair on his legs, and it wouldn't be much if he shaved it off.

Song Qing, who had already dropped a cannonball, was not finished yet.

As if wanting to snatch back his dignity as an NPC commentator, he snatched away Xie Shao's remaining words in a very talkative manner.

"After passing by me safely, there are even more difficult things waiting for you."

"In addition to prohibiting us ghosts from entering the laboratory on the third floor, all non-hospital high-level people are also prohibited from entering."

"That is, unless you can find a way to bring this guy back from the dead."

"Otherwise, it is impossible for you to enter the laboratory and complete your tasks."

As soon as his words fell, the long-lost game light screen jumped out.

[Tips to remind.]

[In order to let everyone who is struggling in the laboratory, the doctors who forget to eat and sleep pay attention to their bodies. The hospital once issued a special instruction that doctors who work on the third floor can have the right to send meals to their families.]

[That is to say, besides the doctor himself, the doctor's family members can also enter the third floor.]

This hint is simply too clear.

Knowing that everyone subconsciously looked directly at Qi Yu, who showed half of his head at the stairs.

Qi Yu: "..."

He closed the door silently, his hand holding the bag trembling slightly.

Just now, he also received another system message from the rose prop.

[Tip: The owner of the prop wears the clothes presented by the murder doctor, and after wearing the rose, he can automatically wear the title of the murder doctor's wife.]