The Escape Game BOSS is Pregnant with my Child

Chapter 26: See you next copy


The familiar square, the familiar fountain, the children in the pool have not finished feeding the water, and the flow of people around is still lively. Swirling, white light flashed in front of their eyes one after another. They devoted themselves to the dungeon in order to survive, and used their hard-earned points to extend their lives.

This is the daily life of a player.

Standing in the crowd, Qi Yu suddenly felt panicked at this moment.

If I never see Xie Shao again...

Thinking of this possibility, he would feel his heart sink.

He didn't know what kind of emotion this was, and he also felt that it was impossible for him to fall in love with such an unreliable person in a few short meetings, but one thing was certain.

He didn't want anything to happen to Xie Shao.

If he finds him in the next dungeon, maybe he will ask him a question.

"Would you like to be friends?"

As for other than friends, it's better not to think about such coquettish things.

After being so flirtatious, what if the sexual orientation is really flirtatious

Qi Yu suddenly thought that if he really asked Xie Shao that, what would he answer


"You have taken advantage of me a long time ago, do you want to be irresponsible now?"

Xie Shao's face appeared vividly in front of him, even the expression of pretended surprise was vivid. Qi Yu was suddenly amused by his imagination.

"Qi, Qi Yu," Tang Yu approached him carefully, and slowly poked his arm, "Are you okay?"

When this first appeared, I felt that my whole body was gloomy after losing such a virtue, why did I laugh again all of a sudden? Don't say it's too exciting, what happened if you accidentally stimulated it

Everyone is a little worried.

"I'm fine," Qi Yu shook his head, "Why haven't you..."

He forcibly swallowed the word "walk", and his throat ached. I just indulged in my emotions, didn't find anything wrong, and then when I looked up, I saw a little pink dress with hot eyes...


Damn the hot chicken game doesn't even change clothes

Qi Yu lowered his head in horror.

Unsurprisingly, he saw a fluttering lace skirt and his little black leather shoes with a bow.

Qi Yu's eyes darkened.

It's over, I lost my fame here.

From now on, it is impossible for him to have any majestic title among the players. When people mentioned him, they'd just say, oh, that kid in the little lace pink dress.

Perhaps the only consolation is that he is not alone in wearing a skirt, and there are a group of people accompanying him.

Qi Yu looked around. The players in his current issue were all staring at him, desperately grabbing their clothes to cover themselves, their eyes filled with "Have you finished thinking? Can we go together?"

Everyone is similarly hopeless.

There are whispers all around, and many people are watching a good show.

Under the eyes of the onlookers, the player team that should have disbanded after coming out of the dungeon magically formed a pink formation.

They were dejected, covered their faces with clothes as much as possible, and evacuated quickly.

Tang Yu: "Quick, which of you rents the house closest to here. Plan the shortest route and take us to avoid it!"

Anyway, he is also a dignified little red hand!

There is a famous and promising existence among the players, if you don't find out wearing a pink skirt and shaved legs...

Tang Yu couldn't imagine the consequences.

Other players have similar concerns, so everyone runs fast.

He drove his No. 11 sports car, turned on his horsepower, covered his head and face, and successfully evacuated from the battlefield within ten minutes, and came to the temporary base—the room rented by Wang Yicheng.

in the process of evacuation.

Another female player once asked a short-haired girl.

"It's not shameful for the two of us to wear women's clothes, why should we cover our faces together?"

This feeling is a bit silly.

The short-haired girl rolled her eyes.

"You are stupid, we are not all wearing the same series of clothes. If someone takes a picture of everyone, do you think we can pretend that we don't exist?"

"This embarrassment must have been lost together!"


Besides, she didn't actually respond.

Subconsciously, he ran away, and when he realized it, his clothes were all over his head.

Is this the legendary conformity

A group of players who didn't know why, but all ran to Wang Yicheng's house together, looked at me and looked at you, and I didn't know who started laughing first, and couldn't stop it later.

Everyone fell to the ground, laughing loudly. They should have stopped when they had had enough laughing, but they couldn't stop laughing when they saw the shapeless elders smiling in pink skirts with their legs spread apart.

Have the last laugh.

Wang Yicheng reached out to wipe his eyes, his voice choked up.

"Damn it, I thought I wouldn't be able to come back this time. What kind of bullshit game made the dungeon so difficult. I'll know when I find those ghost fogs outside."

"This time I was so angry that I accidentally bumped into the legendary death dungeon. If it wasn't for Qi Yu's ability, we probably would have all died there, not even a single bone."

"No, we will be worse than that." Tang Yu rubbed her face to make herself look more energetic.

"I actually discovered some things, but I just didn't tell you. When I was upstairs, I found that the monsters in the mist were not just doctors and patients in costumes, but also some of them were very similar to us, carrying the latest monsters produced by the game. A cheap and sturdy black bag with some equipment on it.”

Everyone understands what he means.

This dungeon is very dangerous. Many players have already smashed their halberds here, and even the corpses were left in it after the dungeon, turning into a part of the mist.

Tang Yu thought that everyone would be surprised, but after he said this, most people were silent, their eyes were scared, but they were not surprised.

Wang Yicheng chuckled, "I guess what you discovered, many people have discovered it, but no one dared to say it."

In that case, telling the clues would only demoralize everyone. Anyway, everyone went upstairs with their thighs in their arms, and there was no need to confront the fog downstairs, so it would be better to hold back and not talk.

"It may be because the difficulty of the death copy is too high. Your... that friend reduced the difficulty too much for us, so the game discovered it."

Wang Yicheng patted Qi Yu's shoulder and tried his best to say something comforting, but in the end he just said a dry sentence.

"However, he is an NPC, and he seems to have relatively high authority, so there shouldn't be any major problems."

The final game tips, including cheating penalties, they all followed along. Everyone survived by cheating, and they are not conscientious people. They also want to do something, but they don’t know how to do it for a while, so when they were in the square before, they would rather be stared at by a bunch of people , and left without leaving Qi Yu.

Seeing their faces full of "Brother, you said we can do something to make you happy and repay your life-saving grace", Qi Yu twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled.

"It's okay, he asked me to find him in the next copy."

As long as you find him, you will definitely know his current situation.

Qi Yu believed that Xie Shao was not the kind of person who, in order to help him, would even extend it to help a group of people, so that he hurt himself instead. He must have his reasons for doing so.

"Brother Wang, I'll go to your room to change clothes first. I always wear this, and I'm almost getting used to the chilly feeling. Also," Qi Yu pinched his skirt, "After you come out, you Tell me what happened downstairs?"

He was not the only one who was in a trance when he first came out of the dungeon, and didn't realize it all at once. It's just that their abnormal time was much shorter than his, but after Qi Yu realized it later, he could still catch a trace of unusualness from their expression language.

Only then did a group of people realize that they were still flirting in small skirts!

People who just sat on the ground with their legs spread apart and didn't care if their underpants were exposed rushed into the bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, and balcony of Wang Yicheng's house. Oh, forget it.

Anyway, I went to all the places where I could stop changing clothes quietly.

Even though Wang Yicheng is a relatively senior player, he is not the kind of rich and wealthy people. The room he rents is similar to Qi Yu's, and they are all simple rooms with one point for a month.

There are only a few places where you can change clothes quietly, and everyone is rushing to change, and for a while, a chaotic scene was created.

Wang Yicheng shouted at the top of his voice: "You bastards, leave me a place to change clothes! Damn, this is a labor-management house, make room for me in the toilet!"

The three of Qi Yu and Tang Yu acted quickly and occupied favorable terrain in time. Using the way the three of them exchanged, they successfully resisted the state of other people's attempt to occupy the territory, and changed their clothes first.

They also ordered a takeaway meal.

I stayed in the dungeon for two days, chewing on the bread and water provided by the game is the basic operation, and bringing delicious food with me is just in case. It is considered a small luxury for everyone to secretly add a marinated egg to each meal, so how can you really let it go.

Smelling the familiar aroma of food, everyone let go and ate their fill, even the two female players. While eating, Qi Yu asked again what happened to them downstairs, but Wang Yicheng kept it secret and handed him a memory card instead, asking him to go back and turn on his computer.

Qi Yu was not in a hurry, so he agreed.

Finally, after eating and drinking enough, I returned home with a full belly, connected to the card reader, opened the video inside, and a familiar face jumped out.

Song Qing coughed twice and smiled.

"Qi Yu, we will meet again in the next dungeon."