The Escape Game BOSS is Pregnant with my Child

Chapter 27: video


Song Qing's memory card actually contained a video.

After being startled by the beginning, the follow-up is relatively normal.

Since he was admitted to the hospital.

He was sent for a diagnosis, medicated and treated from an initial loathing to an acceptance of the place. If you don't count the dean and those doctors who have gone astray, Bain Mental Hospital is actually a very good place.

Song Qing has been bored in the orphanage for many years. Even though he is talented in pharmaceutical research, his personality is still distorted a lot. After the hospital diagnosed his current state, he was given conservative and slow treatment.

Every day, the little nurse pushed him out to bask in the sun and told him various interesting things. The other patients in the hospital were just as funny as children.

The vivid daily life slowly unfolds in the video bit by bit.

It was as if his heart was gradually being melted.

Qi Yu can see that Song Qing's expression in the video is gradually softening, even though he still refuses to forgive others, in fact he has long been hard-spoken and soft-hearted.

The little nurse in charge of him said that scars on a boy's face are not good-looking, so he specially bought a scar-removing ointment that he thought was very useful, and applied it to him every day. He said that it's not good for a man to smack ointment, but at the same time obediently let her torment him.

Song Qing's video does not know how he got it.

When editing, there are always moths.

When he was lying on the bed and couldn't move around because of the ointment, he also gave himself a voice-over.

"It's so hypocritical!"

Seeing that Xie Shao also appeared in the hospital, he didn't dare to resist while speaking.

Just say: "Counsel me! Nothing to do!"

In the end, when the human experiment in the hospital was exposed, he found that the number of people around him gradually decreased. He went to Xie Shao and wanted to have a fight together, but Xie Shao refused.

"Do you know what he said to me when I went to find him?" Song Qing's face appeared on the screen, he was still wearing the patient gown, and occasionally there were a few figures in pink skirts faintly behind him .

They were cleaning with brooms and rags.

Sweeping the floor with little skirts sticking out is a little tiring, but they are quite happy.

Because those who don’t clean have to chase the patients with candy to coax them, push them out to bask in the sun, and play the game of eagle catching chickens with them, etc.

The male players who turned into nurses are probably about to growl in their hearts, but they still have to squeeze out a gentle smile to chat with the patient.

Always maintain the personality of the nurse lady.

Even if the patient is clamoring to draw a map on the hospital bed, it must help...

help the ass!

Watching the group of players grabbing the patient in a hurry to prevent him from taking off his pants.

Song Qing laughed so hard that his whole body was shaking.

"Right, that is it."

"The hospital just needs to be lively."

"I have always thought that I am not a normal person. After all, normal people are not like me. They will be very happy and excited when they find a drug method they like. After you sent me to the hospital, the doctor said that I have, have that or something Come on, oh, paranoia."

"They said that I might be bullish, thinking that I could make medicine, or that I was too eager to be a scientist, so I thought I was crazy. I thought they were farting at the time, and I was obviously a genius!"

Song Qing blew himself up without blushing or panting.

"Geniuses are always not understood by the ignorant people in the world. Their treatments are quite interesting, and it is also very interesting to cooperate with sitting and studying. But after a long time, I will get used to it."

He turned around and looked at the laughing and chaotic scene on the screen, and said softly, "Do you think it's strange? I'm actually used to being a mental patient..."

He once directly poisoned the entire orphanage without mercy, and he was merciless in experimenting with human life, but after the hospital found out that someone was experimenting with patients, he did something impulsively.

He went to find Xie Shao.

"I asked him what was going on in the hospital, and if he could get those messy people out." Song Qing smiled, as if he thought it was funny that he would say such a thing.

"Then he asked me, what are you paying attention to?"

"He told me that this is a doomed cycle, and we can't stop them even if we intervene. The only choice is whether we live or die."

"I pissed him off on the spot," Song Qing couldn't hold back as he touched his abdomen, sighing, "I yelled loudly at the time, saying who labor and capital were. This kind of rubbish experiment was under my pressure. No farts, I'm sure I can get this thing over with and let him go the coward. And then I'll get spanked by him...”

"Almost vomited."

"That bastard has always been ruthless."

"Before I met you, I always thought that Xie Shao was a ruthless monster. He didn't bother to care about anything, and didn't bother to meddle in anything. Even those ghosts who should have a good relationship with him, but who were in the same camp, he didn't bother to care. I just stayed in my attic every day."

"In the hospital, I just acted as my own Dr. Xie, and didn't care about other shit. He obviously had the strength to stop it at the time, but he just didn't do anything wrong."

"But then I found out."

"These are just my thoughts."

"We are not less restricted than you. Before, I only knew that you were a batch of idiots sent to die, but after experiencing these two serial missions, I slowly felt something."

"For example, as you said, the world we live in is a dungeon."

Qi Yu: "..."

Although his expression didn't change much, at this moment, there was already an uproar in his heart. What Song Qing said was information about NPCs that he couldn't get from the players.

Almost all players' camps think that NPCs and games are in the same camp. NPCs are subordinate to the game, employed by the game, or in other words, according to the interpretation of the normal game, they are part of the game, a set of vivid data.

On them, there are certain data, that is, the plot that players can dig out.

After the plot was discovered, they either lost their function and were thrown aside, or simply mutated into a game boss to fight with the players, and after a fight, they were gone.

But from the perspective of Song Qing.

NPCs also have feelings, and they can gradually realize more things under some kind of coincidence. If he continues like this, what can he become

Xie Shao, what has he experienced to laugh at himself as a poor wretch


What are those NPCs in essence

If they are also human beings pulled in by the game, then...

Qi Yu was chilled by his guess. If this is the case, then it is equivalent to that the game randomly divides people into two groups, one group plays the role of players, and the other group plays NPCs.

Two groups of people, fighting each other.

This is simply playing with life!

An unstoppable anger burst out from his heart in an instant, Qi Yu took a deep breath and continued to read. Fortunately, Song Qing's next sentence softened the guess a bit.

"After I realized this, I tried other people. For example, the old man who wears diapers in the bed next to me and dreams of revolution every day, the next room feels that he is a bird every day, and he flaps his arms everywhere. Imagine being a goldfish... ”

"In the end, I found out that I am still me, a unique genius."

"Besides me and Xie Shao, if you mention the word "duplicate" to other people, they will all be deaf automatically, as if they can't hear what I'm talking about. If you talk too much, they will say that I'm sick again."

"Well, I slowly determined this, but in the process. I still couldn't help doing something stupid."

Song Qing shook his head, saying that his head might have been damaged by the medicine they gave him.

Because he was very handsome back then, and rushed to the laboratory alone.

Then he got cold.

From human to ghost.

If Xie Shao didn't give him a hand, he would probably be the same as those things in the mist.

However, it is also beneficial to become a ghost in advance.

He accumulated some strength, and after the experiment mutated, the dungeons suddenly exploded, and the hospital was gradually abandoned, the two of them successfully snatched the key to the laboratory.

"Maybe it was because we were so handsome at the time, so it caused the jealousy of that game?" Song Qing guessed wildly, "Anyway, the dungeon was a few times, and it mutated. When we both woke up, we were locked down by the building management Titles, one person manages one layer."

"I'm better, at least I left some people to talk with me. Xie Shao was locked up on the third floor by himself, and he wouldn't come down even if I called him."

"But he's so boring, maybe he doesn't need to talk together?"

Qi Yu: "..."

"Wait, are you following up with the progress of the dungeon?" Isn't it like Xie Shao said, inserting it at the beginning, and then automatically resting in the middle

He blurted out these words, and only realized when he saw Song Qing on the screen remained motionless. This is just a video, it's not true that Song Qing can answer his questions in front of him.

Fortunately, Song Qing is still talking nonsense.

He looked rather smug.

"I guess Xie Shao's boring show must have kept a lot of things from you."

"So, I just want to expose him. He has done a lot of things without telling you."

"He was punished this time because of his own calculation."

"If he tells you to go to him in the next dungeon, you can go to him earlier, or delay a little bit. Maybe, you will see a very different Xie Shao."

After saying this, Song Qing complained to himself.


"If you want to maintain a handsome image in front of your people, don't even think about it! I want to see you embarrass yourself!"

Qi Yu: "..."

This video ended here. He took out the memory card and looked at it. There was also a countdown display bar inside. When the time was cleared, it would self-destruct and burn.

Sitting on the seat, Qi Yu covered his face and sighed, his head was a bit headache from the rush of information. He was going to take it easy, find a notebook, and write down all Song Qing's words.

Then carefully study how much that guy Xie Shao said is true and how much is false.

These two people!

They don't talk straight!

When waiting for the next dungeon, he must get an item that can fight NPCs!

At this time, Xie Shao, who didn't know that he had been tricked, was sitting on a soft red velvet stool, listening to the old female voice behind praise him with a strange aria.

"Oh, my princess, your beauty is a gift from God."