The Escape Game BOSS is Pregnant with my Child

Chapter 30: giant wolf


The next few days passed quickly between playing games and the gym.

In the player rest area, if you want to do business, the best place to get rich is definitely the gym. Or change the name to the exercise area. In order to increase the running speed in the dungeon, everyone is very keen on exercise.

After all, sometimes a second can mean a life.

From another point of view, anyone caught here is a fitness expert.

Abdominal muscles or something, just find a difficult area, and you can see a group of people have it.

It's quite eye-catching.

Qi Yu's magic wand was done in the gym.

As soon as he got off the treadmill that day, he was asked by the seller to touch the stick. The little stick happily twisted OK on the ground, and the seller quickly took the money and ran away with tears in his eyes.

Looking at that posture, those who don't know may think that there are dogs chasing him behind.

It was only later that Qi Yu found out why this very useful and reasonably priced prop had been hanging there and couldn't be sold. As a wand, it is very fussy and color-controlled.

Since the original owner got it, he couldn't even touch it, and he had to wait for Mr. Stick to bask in the sun and take a bath every day. If it doesn't meet its requirements, it will immediately jump up and turn into a ruthless little stick at the head.

It makes you bark.

Qi Yu, who was good-looking enough, held a small wooden stick and watched the seller go away blankly, and then passed the day when the dungeon was opened smoothly. These days, apart from slipping to the bed to sleep, Uncle Stick has no other requirements.

It was so peaceful that the original owner wanted to cry.

Put on the backpack and hold the bow hairpin in your hand.

After the world was spinning, the third dungeon officially started.

Qi Yu opened his eyes and found himself standing in front of a green forest.

The vegetation in front is lush and green, and the continuous tree shadows are strung together, and the border is almost invisible. Moreover, these trees look very old, and the thickest trees may not be able to hug them with both hands.

A rough path, obviously stepped on by humans, winds its way into the depths of the forest.

Qi Yu looked down at the chiffon tutu skirt printed with little strawberries that had been replaced at some point, and sneered.

He knew it would be like this.

Dog games, I want to see men wearing women's clothing all day long.


At this moment, he suddenly felt that what the landlord who advertised the magic advertisement might actually be telling the truth. Judging from the bad taste of the game, if some players deliberately match their preferences, maybe there will be better tasks or props to give away. Then if that player has tasted the sweetness, the next players...

All into the camp of women's bigwigs

Thinking that in the future, there will be a group of big men holding small skirts and wearing long wigs, Qi Yu couldn't help shaking. It's scary, the feeling is daunting.

The game not only put him in a small skirt, but also thoughtfully matched it with the same accessories. For example, he has leather shoes with small strawberries on his feet, a fluffy little red hat on his head, and a basket with a faint scent of jam in his hand.

And his own backpack...

It was also thoughtfully replaced with a pink one:)

If this costume has a name, it should probably be called, Little Red Riding Hood suit

Qi Yu sneered, threw the backpack on himself, and walked forward with his head held high.

It doesn't work if you don't move forward, the garbage game has completely blurred the road behind, and it looks like a white mist anyway. To be clear means that you can only go forward, not backward.

As a human being who grew up in a very normal environment, Qi Yu is very familiar with the most famous fairy tales by Andersen. Before he came in, he went to see Little Red Riding Hood and Snow White several times, and even took notes.

This opening, together with the cake and wine in his basket, is clearly the opening of Little Red Riding Hood. He is now going into the forest as the protagonist to visit his sick "grandmother", and on the way he will meet a big bad wolf.

I met the BOSS at the beginning, and I felt very exciting when I heard it.

Fortunately, the wolf wouldn't eat him at first, and would leave after having a childish conversation with him, and turn around to eat his grandmother. Then try to pretend to be his grandmother, lure him in and eat him.

Qi Yu doesn't know how to praise Comrade Wolf for coming up with such a wonderful idea, but if the plot develops according to the plot, his life will not be safe for the time being. The way to kill the wolf is also very simple, just find the hunter.

But will the copy really be that simple

Qi Yu felt bald when he thought of what the dog game said, the world fusion of Snow White and Little Red Riding Hood. Not to mention that the customs clearance requirement is for him to win the prince's heart...

Do you think all NPCs are as gay as Xie Shao

Walk carefully from the path into the forest.

Not long after, he met the legendary "Mr. Wolf."

It was a giant black wolf with smooth fur.

He has green eyes and a bloody mouth that looks fierce.

Qi Yu stood there, watching the wolf look down at him, and after a few glances, he laughed disdainfully.

"Your Little Red Riding Hood this year is no good!"


Qi Yu looked at him seriously, and almost blurted out a rebuttal.

what doesn't work? He is very good!

Men, you can't say you can't do it!

"Angry?" The giant wolf smacked his lips, lay down lazily on the ground, and asked perfunctorily, "Little Red Riding Hood, may I ask where are you going?"

Qi Yu: "I don't know."

Giant Wolf:? ?

"I don't know? I don't know what you're doing here? Don't you know you're going to see your grandmother? The old woman whose house is under three big oak trees, with a walnut hedge at the bottom!"

Qi Yu waved boldly with the hand that was not holding the basket.

"Comrade Wolf, do you know about the nine-year compulsory education?"

Giant Wolf:? ?

Why are you suddenly talking about education

what? Isn't it okay that the wolf family has never been to school

Staring at those eyes that are a little more gorgeous than emeralds, Qi Yu said sincerely: "Comrade Wolf, I am a college student, and I am only a college student studying accounting. I have never been so close to nature except for spring outings when I was young. Do you think I know any tree that is an oak?"

He actually tried.

Before coming here, he had found many pictures of oak trees to familiarize himself with the special appearance of this tree species. But when he really stepped into this lush forest, he discovered—

These trees look alike.

Dakardu is very green, and there are many that are stuck together or entangled by vines.

I don't recognize it, I really don't recognize it.

Giant Wolf: "..."

Why is Little Red Riding Hood so magical this year

What's the matter? He is now not only in charge of talking idiots, but also helping guide the way? It didn't say that he had to pay extra workload. If he gave directions, it would be counted as overtime work. Will he be paid for overtime work

One person and one wolf looked at each other silently.

Just when the giant wolf was about to try to see if it was possible to get overtime pay, he suddenly heard a sharp female scream.

In the other direction of the forest, voices could be faintly heard from the side of the path.

Qi Yu glanced at the astonished giant wolf, and asked cautiously: "Do you have any other crew here today to rent the venue?"

... Ghost's other theater Oh!

Are you getting your position right? Classmate Little Red Riding Hood!

The giant wolf was very helpless by the new Little Red Riding Hood, and wished he could just go ahead and swallow it. But it's not yet time to swallow him, and there are other little bastards coming to his territory

What's the matter, do you want to fight? !

After contemplating for a moment, the giant wolf suddenly lowered its head and grabbed Qi Yu's backpack, picked him up a few jumps, and ran over to the side where someone was talking. When the huge giant wolf shuttled through the forest, not only did it not make a lot of noise, but it was also light and nimble. It arrived at the place with a few strokes, and one person and one wolf huddled in the greenery and watched quietly.

It was a man dressed as a hunter, and he was holding up a wooden warehouse and speaking excitedly to the man lying on the ground.

"Your Highness, I don't want to hurt you either. But the queen ordered me to kill you, take your heart and give her back to her life..." Barabara, I will die if I don't kill you, so I'm sorry, Your Highness Alright, go to hell.

Her Royal Highness lying on the ground.

He lay on the ground like a salted fish, looking a little sleepy.

When it was his turn to speak, he turned his face and exposed himself to the sky. The game's mechanical voice sounded humiliating, and began to read Snow White's dialogue for him.

"Oh dear hunter, please don't kill me! Let me..."

blah blah.

Giant Wolf: "..."

Is there something wrong with the people he met today

He wanted to ask Little Red Riding Hood next to him, if that one over there is your friend, the feeling of your choking NPC is very similar. But when he turned his head and saw Qi Hongmao's face full of "ah, so it can be like this", he suddenly didn't want to talk.

It is already insulting to the wolf to talk about the mentally retarded every time. If he still acts like this, why does he still talk? Shouldn't all the dialogue be handed over to the narrator

Huh, if that's the case, it seems pretty good

The giant wolf was shamefully moved.

Qi Hongmao looked at the person who had no image on the stall over there, and saw the person whose skirt was turned up to his thighs, and felt that he looked a little familiar. You said, is it possible for him to meet Snow White not long after he came in, and Snow White is still his concubine

This might sound exciting.

He is observing secretly, the plot over there has changed, I have no way to kill you, but you are so pitiful, forget it, why don't I kill this little deer by the side of the road, and then you will wander far away, How about not coming back

Passing deer: ? ?

Princess Xianyu jumped up: "Finally finished?"

Hunter: "The line is finished, but if you want, I can't say a few more words. After all, you are so good-looking. Although you have a flat chest, but..."


There was a loud thunder.

The giant wolf trembled in fright, almost exposing the location of the melon eaters.

Xie Baixue glanced sideways at the trembling bushes here, holding the still smoking gun with a cold face, bit by bit... twisting it into twists.

Everyone: "..."

Wow, this princess is a bit scary.

The hunter stared at his little baby Mu Cang, his eyes gradually dimmed, and after three seconds, he cried out loudly.

"Woooooooh my baby!"

"You spent three gold coins from me! How could you just go there!"

"I don't believe it, don't go, I'll send someone to rescue you right away, just hold on!"

The hunter ran away in a hurry.

The deer took a walk.

Only the tough princess, the giant wolf, and the innocent Little Red Riding Hood were left at the scene. Xie Baixue turned around and patted the crumbs on his hands, and went straight to their little bush.

Qi Yu thought that what should come will always come, isn't it just because he might be called husband. It's okay, he can bear it, and now he can even reward him with a small cake after he finishes calling.

It still tastes like chestnuts.

The Little Red Riding Hood set comes with its own products.

Unexpectedly, after seeing Xie Baixue for a few days, not only is she more delicate and cute, but she still doesn't follow the usual path.

He looked at the giant wolf with two eyes and nodded with satisfaction.

"Very well, my mount is to be so majestic and handsome."

"Come, sign a magic contract with me!"

Giant Wolf:? ?

Qi Yu:? ?

What's wrong? Amnesia

Qi Yu couldn't help frowning. He knew that Xie Shao would definitely be punished, but he didn't expect that the punishment would be such a bloody memory loss. What should I do

How did he trick him in the first place

Before Qi Yu recalled the non-existent One Hundred Tricks to Defraud Xie, Xie Baixue stroked the soft fur of the giant wolf, turned his head and rubbed his little hat again.

After looking at it for a moment, he said to him expectantly:

"Are you Qi Yu?"

"I've finally waited for you. Come on, come into Dad's arms and let me hug you!"

Qi Yu: "..."