The Escape Game BOSS is Pregnant with my Child

Chapter 32: Ready to change clothes


Xie Shao missed the roasted bear paw in the end. It wasn't that he couldn't beat the bear, but that the bear was scared to pee.

Tangtang protects animals, is cruel Kong Wu, and has the majestic nickname of Xiong Xiazi, but he was scared to pee by a human who looks not particularly strong in women's clothing.

Although this was also due to Xie Shao's terrific aura when he did it, Xiong himself should bear part of the responsibility.

This courage is really too small!

Qi Yu felt that when he first met Xie Shao, he was not as cowardly as he was.

So he stopped Xie Shao, who was extraordinarily bold and unrestrained when he started, completely ignoring his little skirt, and dragged him to pick some fruits and come back.

Two people who don't know how to write about shame brazenly occupied the bear's den and set it on fire with all kinds of messy dead branches and leaves that it collected so hard.

The forest is rich in products, and you can get a lot of edible things by just walking around. Raspberries, blueberries, mangoes and dragon fruits are obviously not things that will grow in a season, but they are found in this forest. It looks juicy and looks delicious.

Qi Yu took a few big leaves and picked a lot to take away, but within two steps, he found a certain person named Xie Shao coming over with a bunch of dark, hairy creatures.

What's this? A derivative of taro

When I got closer, I realized that they were still swearing.

"You shameless bastard!"

"If you didn't attack us insidiously, you would never be an opponent of the powerful dwarves!"

"When we break free from this rope, we must crush your head!"

Qi Yu: "..."

He counted the bunch of black ones in the same posture as Xie Shao was carrying rice dumplings. One, two, three, four... Exactly seven, so could this be the seven dwarfs in the legend

This kid is really short, a little too much, right

And this appearance, when he saw Snow White, he didn't realize that the seven dwarfs were still of the long-haired family. The hair and beard have already grown to cover the body. From a distance, it looks like a big taro, but from a close look, it looks like a Teddy with too much hair.

Seeing how they were jumping and yelling hard even though they were tied up, Qi Yu added another sentence in his heart. It's still the kind of Teddy who has an explosive temper and is particularly fierce.

"Fish," Xie Shao carried them over with a smile on his face, "Dad is going to catch prey for you. How can you grow strong if you don't eat meat. Let's skewer them and roast them, sprinkle with salt and pepper and Bread crumbs, baked until the outside is crispy and the inside is tender, the taste must be good."

Qi Yu: "..."

May I ask this idiot Xie Daddy, where did you find out that they are edible varieties

Maybe it was because his idiot-looking eyes were too obvious. After holding back for two seconds, Xie Shao sneaked up to him and told him, "Don't look at Dad like that, I know they don't taste good. This is lying to them. In this forest, there must be a house and food storage, and when the time comes, go to them to get some serious food, and I can’t let my good fish eat fruits all the time.”

Qi Yu: "..."

Are you afraid you are not a fool

How much do you think you are threatening? Will these dwarfs bow their heads and hand over their houses and food obediently? Didn't you see how furious they are, wishing to jump up and blow your dog's head off

I think you might as well directly □□ and you will achieve your goal sooner. After all, in the original plot, the dwarves are obsessed with Snow White's beauty, so they keep saving her.

Qi Yu was ready for the dwarfs to continue cursing, and then he heard the dwarf in the lead shout suddenly: "Wait a minute!"

Plop plop.

The big taro knelt down on the ground.

"Hero, speak up if you have something to say."

"We really don't eat well! If you want to eat, go directly to our house, eat, drink and sleep comfortably. It's better than eating us directly!"

"Yes, yes, we bought some delicious bacon the day before yesterday. If you eat us, it will only spoil your stomach."

Yes, I actually believe it.

After Qi Yu was silent, he suddenly realized that this was also an opportunity.

One, a good time for them to take their women's clothes off.

This time, due to the unreasonable playing of cards in the game, he became Little Red Riding Hood and became an NPC in the eyes of players. Of course, he can go and tell them that I am actually a player, and I belong to your group, but then what

Now that the dungeon information has not been found out, it is a stupid way to expose yourself without authorization, put yourself in full view, and let everyone discuss in surprise.

Qi Yu felt that he could try to pretend to be an innocent and pitiful little player who didn't know anything, and take Xie Shao away along the way. As long as the game doesn't take the initiative to expose them, they should be able to love for a long time.

After making up his mind, he decided to deal with Xie Shao and the seven dwarfs first.

By the way, take away the fruits they picked.

"Lead the way quickly, we can't be found by other people, keep quiet!" Xie Shao was very fierce to the dwarves, but turned to Qi Yu with a smile on his face, "Yuyu, why are we going to change clothes?" ah?"

Qi Yu helplessly grabbed the hem of her skirt and showed him: "Don't you think wearing this kind of clothes will hinder your movement?" .

"No way," Xie Shao stared at Qi Yu, his eyes shining brightly, "You look so good in this one, Dad likes it very much."

Qi Yu: "..."

He felt that Xie Shao's strange aesthetic might not be able to come back for a while, so why not give it up for now and salvage his player camouflage skills first.

Otherwise, if they met a player or something along the way, they opened their mouths to chat and found that he didn't know anything, and he spoke strangely, even if they didn't have to wait for the game to expose them, they would be cool.

As for being a father or not...

forget it.

He calls as he pleases.

Qi Yu really doesn't want to recall how he tricked Xie Shao to let him go just now. This big brother is obsessed with the old father's script and can't help himself. He firmly believes that he is his daughter who ran away from home, and he is afraid that he will run away as soon as he lets go Gone.

Simply poisonous.

Let the dwarves handle it to Xie Shao, and I don't know how they communicate. The little dwarves, who were still reluctant just now, exploded with amazing motivation and asked to explore the road and investigate, trying not to encounter any enemies.

Qi Yu:? ?

Is your style of painting not quite right

"Report to the boss, the sea, land, and air 100 meters ahead have been checked, and there are no enemy troops!"

"Well, very good." Xie Shao nodded, and the white lace skirt fluttered in the wind. The boss commanded in a full-fledged manner: "You lead the way ahead. If you find the enemy, report it immediately."

"Yes!" X7

Qi Yu holding a large bag of fruit: "..."

Why did he feel that he was out of place and out of place at this time

Is it because he is too immature

Players who have left two houses and are now becoming hardworking fruit farmers in the forest, harvesting fruits.

Wang Yicheng almost scratched his hair bald in the face of a dazzling array of fruits in various formats and with a strong fruity fragrance.

"There are too many red heart fruits, which one is the red heart fruit mentioned in the game?"

You can't bring all the non-poisonous fruits with red hearts, and let Snow White eat them one by one, right

Even if the human princess is willing to eat, there are so many of them, aren't you afraid that the NPC will be stuffed to death

And Pei Hu and his party, who were mainly looking for Little Red Riding Hood and picking fruits by the way, were also extremely entangled.

"Where did Little Red Riding Hood go?"

"You got lost, but you made a noise. Didn't your mother tell you when she came out? Don't run around, go along the road to find your grandma, but now you don't even have a shadow..."

A group of people scolded the child for being ignorant, and they didn't know how to stand obediently and wait for them to come and look for them.

Pei Hu: "Everyone, don't worry. The forest is so big. She is a little girl. It's possible that she ran away in a panic and lost it. Besides, didn't we bump into players from the other camp before, and they didn't find Snow White, everyone. Didn't take advantage."

"Besides, why do you carefully review the game and remind them that picking the red heart fruit can appease the panicked Snow White? It must be because if they can't appease, they will not be able to cooperate with Snow White to complete the task, and even suffer some other things."

"From that perspective, the game is fairly fair."

"Speaking of Snow White..." Someone raised his hand and whispered his thoughts, "Do you think Snow White and Little Red Riding Hood are hiding together now?"

If the two of them were really together, wouldn't it be to catch both of them, and what's more, the key mission NPC of the opposing camp was caught. At this time, it must be able to take advantage of a lot!

Pei Hu thought for a while and said: "It's not impossible, time is the key at this time. I have a proposal, you can listen to it, and then vote on whether to do it or not."

"I got an item in the last dungeon, which can be used to find people. But, the momentum is relatively large, if you want to find players who will definitely alarm the other team, I will post the item information, you have a look."

After the players read it, although they were a little hesitant, they nodded in agreement thinking that they couldn't keep looking for a needle in a haystack like this.

Then, a moment later, a voice resounded through the forest.

"Little Red Riding Hood, are you there? Little Red Riding Hood, are you there? Your grandma can't find you, she is very worried about you, if you hear the broadcast, please go to your grandma's house to find her as soon as possible."

She recited it back and forth several times with a beautiful Mandarin female voice, and countless small animals who had never heard of the radio ran back and forth in shock. The players who were looking for Snow White next door staggered and almost fell.

"...Damn it, is the operation next door so aggressive? Why do we somehow feel like we've lost?" A player murmured, immediately attracting a lot of attention to Wang Yicheng.

"Captain, we can't lose!"

Wang Yicheng: "..."

In fact, we can still lose at this time.

Qi Yu who just entered the dwarf's house: "..."

"Tch," Xie Shao sneered disdainfully, "Your grandma passed away early tomorrow, who are these idiots trying to deceive. Come on, Yuyu, Dad has prepared nice clothes for you, let's change into them. "

Qi Yu looked at the gothic black lace skirt in his hand, took a deep breath, and lifted his skirt.

Don't let you open your eyes, you really don't know how manly your Brother Yu is!

If you call Yuyu again, your skirt will be lifted too!

than the size ah!