The Escape Game BOSS is Pregnant with my Child

Chapter 35: dear


Three plot characters who were not very serious met in this small house. Qi Yu confessed to Meng Ping that he wanted to pretend to be a normal player. If they want to do something stupid, they should first protect themselves and be a good player.

Before that, they need to deal with the angry Xie Shao first.

This difficult task was given to Qi Yu.

There is no way not to hand it over to him. Can anyone else handle Xie Shao besides him


After Qi Yu's explanation, in Meng Ping's heart, Xie Shao has become a role model for the demented father. But he still occupies the identity of Snow White, with the aura of max force value, he can only coax him to let him help them complete the task.

That's right, the two of them wanted to insert the comb into Xie Shao's head before the player arrived, so as to complete the task ahead of time.

There was a precedent before, Xie Shao ate the lipstick heart dragon fruit and made himself unconscious. In this way, the game can put the point of completing the task on Qi Yu, not to mention if it is sincerely doing it yourself.

Qi Yu thinks that Xie Shao is now a sharp weapon in front of them. Other players have never even seen his face. They have already obtained two side missions on him, and the other is to let players Find them who are missing. Although it is said that important plot characters will trigger more tasks, they are not as favored as Xie Shao.

You see, Qi Yu, who is also the main plot mission, hasn't gotten any strange side missions so far.

Qi Yu himself was very happy, but when Meng Ping suddenly mentioned such a sentence, he suddenly became a little worried. Meng Ping said that the game was bullying the old man with dementia, but he knew Xie Shao's old background, so he thought a little more. Don't the game want to do something to Xie Shao through this dungeon, right

He is already in such a miserable situation, the game still doesn't want to let him go

He scolded the game in his heart, Qi Yu couldn't put on a fierce face towards Xie Shao at first, but now that he was stared at by the game and made into a dementia mode, he couldn't say anything Other words come.

Meng Ping was still outside wondering how he was going to coax Snow White, but as soon as he entered the door, he saw Xie Shao leaning on the chair with an aggrieved face.

The dwarfs' houses were not too big, and there were only two large rooms besides the kitchen. One is where they were just now, and there are seven small beds, which is the bedroom. Next door is the utility room, which is used to pile up ore or food animal skins brought back by the dwarves. They don't know how to tidy up, they piled up a lot in a mess, and there seems to be no place to lay their feet.

Xie Shao moved two stools over, wiped them clean, and squatted on them, hugging his knees with his hands, curled up into a ball. The side of the room by the window was actually quite empty, but he chose a corner to stay there. When he saw Qi Yu coming in, he didn't say a word, but turned around with a snort. He didn't say a word, but his body was written all over. In three large characters:

Come! coax! I!

Qi Yu squeezed a few plums and handed them to him, perhaps with the word "fairy tale" in them. The fruits in the forest are all big fleshy red, round and smooth with a refreshing fruity fragrance, all of them are in the hearts of children. The most delicious look.

Plums are a kind of fruit that can automatically recall the sour taste in your mouth when you mention it, but Qi Yu tasted the whole package of fruits, and felt that this plum was the most amazing and delicious, so he touched a few and handed it over.

Xie Shao stretched out his hand to take it, but still secretly glanced at him, making a shy look.

"Yuyu, what are we going to do next?"

Qi Yu: "..."

What else

This big brother, can you stop throwing blame at him every time he shows up? ! If things go on like this, let alone those players who mention him in the future, they may say, oh who is so romantic, every copy hooks up with NPC Qi Yu.

This can't work!

How could his innocent reputation be ruined like this

Qi Yu took a deep breath, took two chairs and sat down in front of Xie Shao, and asked him with a serious expression: "Xie Shao, how much do you still remember?"

No matter how bad the game is, it's impossible for him to mess up and forget everything, right

Looking at what Xie Shao said to him at the end of the last dungeon, one knew that he had a good idea of what might happen to him at that time. In this case, he will definitely leave behind for himself, at least he will not let the game continue to be pitted.

But what is this backhand

Qi Yu is very bald, even if he knows that Xie Shao must have some taboos, he can't say it clearly, but this kind of state of just saying a little and not mentioning anything else is too exhausting for people to guess.

I just said that I must let him find him, and I have to find the year of the monkey!

When Xie Shao was asked such a question, he blinked his eyes, covered his face and twisted in a fake way.

"What else can I remember?"

"When I woke up, you'd already put me on the bed. You've been interested in me for a long time. If you encounter such a good opportunity, you will definitely not let it go. I... I... Oh, shy~"

Qi Yu: "..."

Excuse me, can he strangle this person to death

Being stunned by Xie Shao's shyness gave goosebumps all over his body, Qi Yu trembled, but he didn't dare to make a real move, so he could only gnash his teeth and kick him.

"Who asked you this, I asked you about the last dungeon, how much do you remember?"

"You told me to find you, what next?"

"After that?" Xie Shao thought about it seriously, and then his eyes fell on Qi Yu again, "I don't really remember what you said before, the game is very tight against me, and my head is empty. Almost nothing was left for me. Except for the plot it forced on me, I only remember you."

"If the previous me is really like you said, I have a backup."

"Then I must want you to kiss me after you find me!"

When a word came out unexpectedly, Qi Yu froze for a moment.

He didn't need to touch his chest to know that his heart must be beating very fast now, and his face was hot again. But this hot feeling is completely different from the previous feeling caused by Xie Shao pressing against the bookshelf, and my heart is sour, as if I knocked over the seasoning jar.

He pursed his lips, pretending to be serious.

"What are you kissing, stop fooling me."

"I know you're afraid of being stared at, but generally speaking, it's like being in a relatively hidden place in the house, and you won't stare too closely if you want to change clothes and play games. Just don't mess with those sand sculptures of Mr. Yuyu You are in a normal state, what do you want to do?"

Xie Shao: "Really?"

Qi Yu was a little impatient: "Tell me, no one is stopping you. You feel that if you tell me all your plans, the two of us can still have a good discussion... ah!..."

His voice suddenly changed because Xie Shao stepped forward suddenly.

The stools made by the dwarves are for their own use. The style is normal, but they are much smaller than the usual chairs. They both took two stools each before sitting down in peace. With such a pounce, Xie Shao directly pushed Qi Yu out, and almost hit the ground directly, hitting his head on the ground.

In such a dangerous state, Qi Yu subconsciously reached out and grabbed Xie Shao's collar, and when he calmed down, he found that he was being hugged around the waist and hung from the air. Seeing him glaring over, the man smiled flatteredly, then stretched out his hand and pulled him back. I don't know where he got so much strength, so he just lifted him onto his lap and sat him down.

Qi Yu's hands were still hanging around his neck, and someone was hugging his waist, so he turned around involuntarily. The posture of the two of them became a very ambiguous sitting facing each other. He sat on Xie Shao's lap, with his legs spread apart and stuck on the low back of the chair.

If it wasn't for his reluctance and not following his movements, I'm afraid his legs would have been curled up on Xie Shao's waist.

"What are you doing here?"

He couldn't hold back his anger and shouted out, but the next second the man was on top of him.

With precise positioning, he lowered his mouth decisively, touched his lips and took a sip.

The scorching breath sprayed on his face, Qi Yu's eyes widened, and his face was so red that he couldn't do anything for a long time. On the contrary, the person who moved his mouth raised his eyebrows and looked at him, neither far away nor intending to continue, with a smug smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I told you, I definitely want to kiss you."

Seeing that Qi Yu was still in a daze and hadn't recovered, he sighed and rubbed Qi Yu's head with his hand.

"I didn't lie to you, I really can't remember anything else. But only you, as soon as I saw you, I wanted to kiss you, and I wanted to hide you and put you where only I could see." He thought to himself In fact, it's a little more extreme than this, but in order not to scare people away, I'm still a little more reserved, so let's not talk about it.

But just what he said was enough to make Qi Yu dizzy.

He hadn't recovered from the one-touch kiss, Xie Shao said these words to him again, which made him not know how to react for a while, and he held back for a few seconds and had two perverted words. Words come.

Xie Shao snorted.

"I didn't want to go too far. Didn't I already call you Yuyu and call me daddy? As long as you call me daddy, I won't be able to touch you again. It's you who came to your door and insisted I ordered it normally, who is to blame for this?"

Qi Yu: "..."

So you are still being polite? !

He was so angry that he almost punched Xie Shao, but before he stretched out his hand, he thought of the difference in force value between the two sides, so he could only retract it aggrievedly. The waist is still in the hand, wait a minute, don't miss the person with a fist, but send out your own hand instead, thanks ah!

Meng Ping waited outside for Qi Yu to go in and coax Xie Shao to comb his hair until the flowers were gone, but still no one came out. He couldn't help but want to take a look at the door, just take a look if he doesn't eavesdrop, and remind him in case he is discovered. As a result, as soon as his head came to the crack of the door, Qi Yu was hanging on Xie Shao in a strange posture. Xie Shao lowered his head, and the two quickly touched each other.

Meng Ping seemed to be stepping on a spring under his feet, and immediately bounced to the back, his eyes wide open.

He suspected that he was wrong, but his eyesight of 1.5 could not accept such insults, so...they are a couple

Oh, so he just wanted to drag Qi Yu to murder his "brother-in-law"

Meng Ping began to worry a little bit about his not-so-intelligent but actually pretty good-looking little brain...

The two of them won't team up to trick him later, will they? It stands to reason that she looks so good-looking, so she shouldn't be so black-hearted, right

Meng Ping hesitated at the door for a while, before he had time to figure it out, the players who finally caught up with a scene rushed over noisily. The dwarves found out early, rushed into the house with the prepared meals before they entered the door, and asked him what to do

what to do

Meng Ping, who pretended to be Huwei and suddenly gained the leadership, rubbed his hands on the spot and thought for a while, then took out another comb from his arms.

"Open the window, let me pass them the comb, and then..." Then tell them that we are all in the same group, have a peaceful meal, and then we can work together to carry out camp tasks, try to achieve a win-win situation for everyone, and Don't suffer.

Before he could say these words, he was interrupted by the light screen that jumped out.

[Release side mission: The comb test from the queen]

[The queen released the entrance test task, please take the comb from her hand and comb your hair. After combing, you can enter the room smoothly and see Snow White and Little Red Riding Hood.]

[Mission Reward: A sumptuous dinner.]