The Escape Game BOSS is Pregnant with my Child

Chapter 50: Holographic virtual


After the last dungeon was almost a move that broke the relationship between the two parties, Qi Yu imagined that he and Xie Shao would meet many times, some pretending to be strangers to each other, and some Xie Shao pretending to make him responsible, but he did not expect it at all. will become what it is now.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the two of them got together. Xie Shao hugged him and kissed wildly and passionately.

A group of people, including the player and all the npcs, were stunned by the two of them, wishing they could slap their ears to show that they were not dreaming.

Ye Jing looked at them in a daze for a few seconds: "Dad, you pinch me quickly, I suspect that we have entered an illusion, and someone is trying to make trouble in the dark, so that I am distracted and then attack us!"

Tang Yu didn't speak. He knew Qi Yu and the others much better than the others. On the premise that he had long suspected that the two of them had an affair, he only pinched his thigh to regain his thinking ability.

He grinned, very bitterly.

"I don't think this is some kind of fantasy, it should be a large-scale event for Jisar dog food, are you full?"

Ye Jing: "..."

I have eaten it, but this dog food is a bit rough and I can't swallow it.

Even players who have a good ability to withstand various emergencies are stunned, let alone npcs who have never seen the big world.

Qi Yu leaned in Xie Shao's arms, feeling dizzy from being kissed, and didn't know where he was for a while, but felt his mind was blank and couldn't remember anything.

He actually knew very well that it was very irrational to act like this in front of everyone at the beginning of the dungeon when the player and the npc boss got together.

Not only is it easy to be targeted by both camps, but it is also easier to attract the game's attention to both of them.

If it's the same as the task, and they have a stick to beat the mandarin ducks, then the two of them may be a little cold.

But he still didn't reject Xie Shao. As for the reason... just think that he was dazzled by beauty.

Qi Yu sighed, feeling that he had great potential to be King Zhou, and he couldn't stand the temptation of Xie Shao, a little goblin. However, he still had to struggle a bit, because Xie's hands were really a little unruly.

He opened his eyes and wanted to reach out to push him away, but he stopped involuntarily when he touched his eyes. The light that stayed in the eyes of that person was tender and tender, full of longing and sadness.


Qi Yu froze for a moment.

Why is he sad

Vague thoughts with doubts flashed through his mind quickly, Qi Yu subconsciously wanted to find the answer, but when he looked over again, Xie Shao covered up all the sadness that shouldn't have appeared.

All that was left was an undisguised possessive desire and intense jealousy.

"Qi Yu," Xie Shao pecked and kissed the corner of Qi Yu's lips, his voice hoarse.


"I miss you."

"I..." Qi Yu gritted his teeth, ignoring the scorching sensation pouring out of his head, closing his eyes and thinking that he was speaking loudly, but in fact, his voice was soft enough to express his thoughts.

"I miss you too."

I've wanted to see you since I got back.

Therefore, he agreed to Tang Yu's invitation without much hesitation. Even though it would be dangerous to enter the dungeon, and even though he knew that he should rest for a while and sort out his gains, he still came.


The two of them have talked to each other, but they haven't decided yet!

When Qi Yu went back and thought about it, he felt that something was wrong, and he felt like a silly child who was tricked into taking advantage of him. Xie Shao's nonsense doesn't count, he didn't even confess his love to him!

This will not work!

Name is very important!

Based on this, Qi Yu managed to regain his mind that had been corrupted by sweet love words. He was about to grab Xie Shao's neck and ask him when he would make a serious confession, but Tang Yu interrupted them.

"That... Although I shouldn't speak, I still want to take the liberty to interject a word." Tang Yu's expression was very tragic, as if she was about to carry a bag of explosives to block the opening of the wooden warehouse at any time.

"You should still remember what the current situation is like?"

The opinions of our players are not important, but you must always consider the little hearts of NPCs, right? When I saw the two of you kissing each other, some NPCs really cried on the spot! ! !

If you blow up the field at the beginning and destroy all the normal plot development, it will be very difficult to pass the level! ! !

The players were very nervous, always paying attention to the psychological state of the NPC, for fear that they would not be able to accept this shocking kiss, and then they would turn so black that they rushed forward with a knife in their hands to kill Qi Yu and the others.

Although it is very likely that they cannot be killed, a group of blackened NPCs are really terrifying!

Under their nervous gaze, the women who opened their mouths to cry, as if they were too excited and choked all of a sudden, the women who hadn't howled for a long time finally cried out.

"Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oh my god!""

"The Duke and Mr. Omiya are actually a couple? The rumors are actually true!"

"This is incredible!"


The whole hall was boiling, and a group of aristocratic women couldn't care less about being reserved, holding their small handkerchiefs and hugging familiar or unfamiliar people, crying very emotionally.

There was a feeling of "Damn, it's real!", "God, I didn't expect that the CP I knocked on would come true one day", "Such a beautiful love, I can!!!" …

Such a cheerful and eager atmosphere.

In a trance, Tang Yu felt as if he had entered some kind of CP powder and candy camp. A group of people were so happy that they almost went to the sky to set off some fireworks.

It doesn't mean to be black at all...

What's going on.

The players are full of question marks. If the question marks can be materialized, then there are probably fan-shaped question marks piled up on their heads, and there may be separate black question marks, cat question marks and the like.

Anyway, everyone is very confused.

Probably because the confusion on his face was too obvious, a lady who finally woke up from the confusion sent him a book titled "The Love of the Vampire Duke and the Son of the Holy See".

the name...

Tang Yu had a bad premonition, swallowed, and opened the book under the curious eyes of a group of players... opened... flipped...


this book

Why can't it be opened

"Ah, I'm sorry, sorry," the blond girl who handed the book to them patted her head and smiled apologetically, "This holographic virtual reality is too realistic, I can't read it if I forget to hand it directly Alright, wait, I'll send the book directly."

"No, I think I..." should not be received.

Tang Yu subconsciously wanted to refuse, but just as he said his refusal, he heard a ding-dong, and the mechanical sound of the game pretended to be a reminder of Taobao's arrival, telling him indifferently.

Dear, you have received a package.

received a package…

Tang Yu was in a daze when he still received the package from the NPC in the dungeon. He took out the package while thinking about whether the beautiful girl opposite could be a player.

A book that was exactly the same as the one handed by the girl appeared in his hand, with the same cover and name, but this book could be opened, and... it had attributes that could be clicked on.

[This is a not-so-realistic plot book, you can use it to understand the basic plot of this dungeon.]

[A gift from Alita, people who read this book can get twenty points for free.]

[Current owner: Tang Yu.]

The crisp sound of coins entering the account sounded. This is the special effect sound that Tang Yu changed when earning points from his points account. The crisp sound makes people feel very comfortable.

Of course, that's not the point, the point is...

"Are you Alita?" Tang Yu blurted out.

"Yes," Alita responded subconsciously, looking at Tang Yu's expression curiously, "How did you know my name? Do you know me?"

Tang Yu and Ye Jing, who had not said anything behind him, fell silent together.

Looking at the girl's beautiful and exquisite face, with her tear-stained face for the beautiful love in the corner of her eyes, and then thinking about the content of their customs clearance mission, I suddenly felt... so simple.

It is so simple that it feels like there is a big pit waiting for them.

The girl in front of her is obviously a CP fan of the Duke and Son's love, and she is also the kind of fan who is very sincere and devoted to her feelings.

So the question is, under what circumstances will she give up her fan status and want to marry the Duke instead? And the game also specifically emphasized not to hurt her and the Duke, why

The question marks on the heads of the players are almost piled up.

Alita asked a question and saw that they didn't reply, so she didn't worry about it all the time. Instead, she used a certain shooting tool on her bracelet to keep taking pictures of Qi Yu and Xie Shao frantically, taking a picture to praise once.

"My God! What touching acting skills and good looks! Holographic virtual projection is simply the most amazing invention of this century. Even watching dramas is not as wonderful as the characters in online reading books!"

"It's a pity that everyone can only come in once, so we must take enough pictures now!"

"Go out and retouch the pictures, I want them to be dazzled by this beautiful picture and cry hahahaha!"

The invisible flash effect continued to pass by, and Tang Yu realized that among the gorgeously dressed figures on the field, many of them were raising their hands and taking pictures.

this scene...

It made him feel like dreaming back to the real world, chasing stars with his sister...

That's true, there are short shots everywhere, there is a lot of clicks, and even he is not let go, asking to go up and bring back an extra autograph...

"They are..." Qi Yu, who became the subject of the photo, was also very confused. God knows how he felt when he turned around and found a group of people looking at them with idiot eyes and taking pictures frantically.


Another subject laughed "puchi". He hung on Qi Yu's shoulders as if he had no bones, and occasionally blinked his eyes to match their shooting.

"How does it feel to suddenly become a big star in the spotlight?"

"It's not good," Qi Yu shook him off his shoulders, his face full of indifference, "I want to sue them for infringement of portrait rights, and if you dare to kiss me when you know you will be photographed, what will you do?" It's dead."

Xie Shao: "..."

Sudden Silence.jpg

Qi Yu: "I can be more magnanimous and not let you be responsible for me. We are all adults, so please be more open :)"

Xie Shao: "... I was wrong."