The Escape Game BOSS is Pregnant with my Child

Chapter 54: fire dragon


When Qi Yu took Tang Yu to find Xie Shao, he was crouching in his study and performing his responsibilities as a duke in a rare manner, such as...

As a human-shaped stamping machine.

In a way, the game experience of NPCs is more realistic than that of players. At least players will not be forced to do things with this character after being assigned to it, but NPCs do.

The vampire duke's energy at night and the small influence of the daytime sluggishness will not be mentioned. Xie Shao comforted himself that he should follow the trend and join the team of cultivating immortals together. But why does he, the fake duke, still want to approve documents? Why do those people even write a note to him in a serious way for the chickens that have been raised in the castle recently

This girl

Person in charge

Xie Shao didn't take this matter seriously at first, because it didn't matter if he left it before, until they got a loudspeaker... The game notified him:

Dear, you are going to fulfill your responsibilities.

Xie Shao entered the study with a dazed expression on his face, and seeing the piles of documents on his desk, he felt that he could reasonably suspect that the game was deliberately messing with him.

Qi Yu had heard Xie Shao complain about this a long time ago, but when he really saw him buried in the pile of documents, looking unloved, he still couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Xie Shao turned his head back with backbone. He still remembered the heartache when he was flatly rejected when he invited Qi Yu to experience the one-day tour of approving official documents with him in the morning.

He is still angry now!

Qi Yu looked at him like I'm very angry, you come and coax me, his eyes secretly turned to look at him, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up. He didn't really want to see through his poor disguise, but this guy's acting was really... bad.

He stepped forward with a suppressed smile, just about to tease him, when he lowered his head, he saw the documents on the top, all of which were farewell letters from a group of nobles with familiar names before they left.

Yes, the aristocrats here are just that boring.

Even if you live in the same place, you can see them within two steps, and you still have to send a farewell letter very solemnly.

Qi Yu's first reaction was to laugh, and the next second was surprise.

"They're gone already?"

This they refer to the group of CP fans who ran into the book.

If they were still around, there would be no way they would be doing this boring farewell letter, they would just hug their thighs and say they want chicken feet.

Thinking of Alita who was said to be captured by the dragon, Qi Yu became a little anxious.

If the CP fan Alita is still there, she must have something to protect her life, at least not so easily. But if it's that weak noble lady Alita...

May I ask when they arrive, can she still hold her breath

Xie Shao:

"what's up?"

Qi Yu simply relayed what Tang Yu said before, and asked him: "Is the dragon in this dungeon powerful?"

"Dragon," Xie Shao thought for a while, and replied very slowly: "What kind of dragon do you want to see? Do you have a picture?"

Qi Yu: "???"

Tang Yu: "???"

What's the matter? Do you still have a bunch of varieties of dragons

Didn't tell us before coming here that it's still a dinosaur world!

Xie Shao looked at the puzzled faces of the two of them, and picked out a book from the nearby bookshelf. The title of the book was "Encyclopedia of Dragon Species". The thick tome looks particularly rich in knowledge.

"There are a lot of dragons in this world, but real dragons are relatively rare. The ones you see are more of those who are also dragons and have been reproduced from generation to generation. Some are so powerful that they punch a mecha, and some are so weak. No, we chopped up chicken feet a few days ago."

"Wait," Qi Yu asked, "Which one are you talking about that was chopped up by us?"

Xie Shao: "It's the pheasant that has been pecked bald, you think it's a bit ugly."

Qi Yu: "???"

Qi Yu was shocked: "But when we saw it, wasn't it being chased and beaten by a group of pheasants?"

Xie Shao was very calm: "Normal, just a little bit of dragon blood, and it has been passed down for hundreds of generations. The one we saw was probably unlucky. It didn't inherit its fighting power, but it inherited its beautiful butt hair."

"Then it was pecked bald by jealous pheasants."

Qi Yu: "..."

it really is...

I want to write a miserable word on that chicken's head.

At that moment, Qi Yu suddenly had deep doubts about the dragons in this world. Fortunately, the book "Encyclopedia of Dragon Species" is much more reliable than Xie Shao, and the most powerful dragon monsters recorded in it are also relatively powerful. , there won't be any beautiful dragons and pheasants or something.

Tang Yu took the photos taken by other players and successfully found the corresponding dragon after flipping through dozens of pages.

Alita's girl was quite unlucky. Xie Shao said that people here hadn't seen a serious dragon for decades, and one happened to appear here, and she was arrested. up.

Xie Shao: "A good news, a bad news, which one do you want to hear?"

Qi Yu: "If you talk so much nonsense, I'll beat you."

Xie Shao: "QWQ"

According to the specific report of the invisible Tang Bulb who was eating melon at the scene, the bad news is that Alita was captured by a fire dragon, the one with the most violent temper and the most likely to hurt people.

The good news is that the dragon doesn't look very old, and it's most likely a juvenile dragon.

At the same time, another piece of good news came from the off-site search and tracking of Comrade Ye: they found the dragon's lair!

But it looked a little dangerous, they didn't dare to rush in like this, so they needed support, preferably the kind where the Duke led the guards in the entire castle and rushed over with a bunch of weapons.

The last sentence of this request was intercepted by Tang Yu without repeating it, and he chose to reply automatically:


"You think beautifully!"

What are you dreaming about in broad daylight

Can someone on the NPC do it? You don't call it hugging your thighs, you call it riding a shared bicycle and rushing through the back door, rampaging all the way, chasing a game behind you to settle accounts with you.

Ye Jing replied embarrassingly: "It's not like I haven't enjoyed this kind of treatment before, it's a bit swollen all of a sudden."

It was only then that Tang Yu realized that he had also said what he complained about later. The two of them discussed it on behalf of the majority of players, and decided to be modest and honest, and to do their own tasks. At most, they would turn their heads and borrow a few swords from the Duke. Rushed in and snatched Alita back and it was over.

According to Huolong's character and strength, the two of them planned five or six battle plans, and the more they talked, the more vigorous they became, and it was the first time that the two of them had the feeling that a thousand cups of wine was too little for a bosom friend.

If anyone told Tang Yu before that he would chat with this guy Ye Jing and couldn't stop, he wouldn't believe it at all, but now the chat records are stacked with countless 99+.

It's so unpredictable.

Ye Jing over there was also feeling emotional, seeing that if this continued, the two of them could turn their fights into friendships, and successfully change from mortal enemies to friends in one instance.

Until Ye Jing asked a sentence:

"It's all planned, what about the Duke and Qi Yu?"

Tang Yu: "..."

Tang Yu turned her head, and the two people who were arguing beside him just now about whether the cow-like monster of the Dragon genus was delicious or not were gone. He went out in a daze to look for it, and finally got the whereabouts from a passing attendant.

the two of them…

Very violently, he rushed directly to the dragon's lair.

Ye Jing: "What happened? Just now a player said that Qi Yu asked about the location of the Dragon Cave, and then asked us to go out a little. Are they coming?"

"Didn't you say that you can't use a big killer like the Duke?"

Ye Jing took a screenshot of the chat history of Tang Yu spraying him daydreaming above, and sent a series of question marks to ask back.

Tang Yu: "..."

How does he know this!

It is said that heavy weapons cannot be used, but they can't carry heavy weapons and go on the field enthusiastically. What the hell is going on? Didn't you agree to keep a low profile and stop acting on the bottom line of the game

This is your low key

The ordinary player Tang Yu was very confused.

At this time, the two who sneaked out had successfully reached the dragon's lair.

Qi Yu: "This is the dragon's lair? This dragon must have failed in architecture before he left the house, right?"

The pit in front of me is barely a big cave, and the surrounding area is full of pits and pits. Because there was a light rain before, the sticky mud was all over the ground, and it seemed that people didn't want to step down. If you take a closer look at the things together, you can still tell what kind of shovel, hammer, miner's lamp and so on.

This should be an abandoned mine.

Now it is occupied by a dragon, digging mud to paste the wall, it is considered his nest.

Qi Yu poked his head to look, and vaguely saw a lump of black and red objects in the innermost place, motionless but there was still a beam of flames on his head like a fountain, rising and falling together, exhaling and inhaling.

Is this sleeping

Relying on the existence of Xie Shao, who is full of fighting power, Qi Yu boldly took two more steps inside. It just so happened that the dark clouds in the sky cleared up, and the bright sun shone down, allowing him to see the situation in the cave clearly.

This is not only the dragon sleeping, but also the familiar girl lying on its belly.

Isn't the one who was so sleepy that the halazi came out, isn't Alita

Qi Yu: "... I always have a feeling that we shouldn't disturb them."

Did you sleep well

Xie Shao, who had been standing by his side without speaking, smiled lightly. He stretched out his hand to hold Qi Yu's hand and used it as a human-shaped crutch for him. He watched him walk eastward and westward, and opened his mouth slowly after satisfying his curiosity.

"Do you know what it means that the knowledge in the book is only one-sided?"

Qi Yu: "?"

Xie Shao took out a low-quality handmade firecracker, ignited it and threw it at the feet of the sleeping duo, only to hear a bang—they turned their backs on their backs.

That one looked vicious, similar to the evil dragons in western mythology, and the fire dragon with two wings on its back didn't even have time to open its eyes. It screamed in panic and rushed into the hole at a fast speed. .

I found a soft corner where a pile of hay was piled up, buried my head in, raised my buttocks outwards, wrapped my wings around my body, and then kept this posture still.

Qi Yu: "..."

What is this

Are you sure this thing is a dragon and not an ostrich

You use such an imposing name, why do you have no backbone at all

Get up and yell at us!

Qi Yu held his boyish heart full of longing for dragons and was very melancholy. Alita, who was asleep inside and was suddenly pulled upside down and inserted into the haystack, was also struggling desperately.

"Help... help!"

"Come, come... come! I... I'm going to suffocate!"