The Escape Game BOSS is Pregnant with my Child

Chapter 62: discuss


The current positions of Qi Yu and Xie Shao are very delicate. I don't know if the supporters behind them, the Lord God System, have made a move quietly, or they are born with shit luck. Anyway, as survivors of a big collapse, their luck is really good .

With a triangular structure bracket, several large stones staggered together to form a solid small space, which just stuck the two of them in it. After clearing the rocks under the buttocks, a fairly small platform was freed. Xie Shao even found a soft pillow in the pile of rubble in the corner.

These are good, leaning on the pillow and hugging the sweet fish, Xie Shao actually felt that this was quite good for a moment.

But it was only for a moment.

He still prefers to live comfortably, at least the kind that can meet the needs of human survival, and then take Qi Yu to live comfortably.

Qi Yu fumbled in his pocket, found a small black square and stuck it on the rock above. After pressing hard, a cold white light lit up, illuminating the narrow area.

This is what he bought from the game before. It's a portable light, and it's a one-off.

The advantage is that it is small in size, the light is brighter, and it can last for more than three hours. The disadvantage is that it is relatively expensive. It looks small, and two of them cost one point.

Qi Yu bought it just in case, stuffed it in his bag for a few copies, and almost forgot about it, but now he accidentally used it.

It can be seen that these things are well prepared and quite good.

Under the light, the bloody scratches on Xie Shao's face were particularly obvious. Qi Yu stretched out his hand to touch it distressedly, and then pinched his cheek flesh ventingly.

"What time are you still talking about these things?"

"What did you want to say by dragging me in?"

Xie Shao was startled, and became more comfortable with Qi Yu in his arms: "Did you guess it?"

"Of course," Qi Yu pinched Xie Shao's cheek and pulled it to the sides, "Even if we used props before, we could rush out before the cave collapsed, but you guy actually touched my magic wand, you Think I'm wood? Feel nothing?"

Xie Shao said "ah", with a look of pity, "I thought I was very careful in my actions."

Qi Yu let go of his hand and snorted.

He didn't tell him that he actually found out at the last moment.

The cave was in danger, the rocks on the top of the head had been shaking for a long time, how could it be possible to not make any preparations. At that time, he was ready to use his magic wand at any time. Once the cave collapsed, he immediately used magic to delay time and took Xie Shao out together.

Magic is not omnipotent, and it cannot withstand thousands of catties of stones, but at the critical moment of escaping, delaying for a second is also very valuable.

He thought that Xie Shao and him should have the same idea, but when he observed him, he found that this guy was secretly looking at the stones in the cave.

At that time, Qi Yu hadn't figured out what this guy wanted to do, but when he didn't touch the wand at the critical moment, but touched a hand and dragged him back, he knew something was wrong.

He was still wondering before, this guy shouldn't be so courageous to mess around with life-threatening matters. But when I heard that this guy was still talking nonsense, I knew he must be causing trouble!

If it weren't for the fact that the space was too small and inconvenient, he really wanted to get up and beat up this guy who messed up at this critical moment.

After noticing the tyrannical aura on Qi Yu's body, Xie Shao blinked his eyes, and leaned against Qi Yu's head obediently and rubbed back and forth.

"Sorry, I was wrong."

"Yuyu, don't be angry with me, okay~"

Qi Yu: "..."

"Straighten your tongue and speak well!"

"Don't act like a baby!"

After killing him, he jumped back to the business channel, looked at the surrounding stones, and asked hesitantly, "Is it safe to talk here?"

Xie Shao chuckled lowly, his magnetic voice sounded very nice.

"Others are not safe, but the two of us are safe."

"I asked the main god system to help block the game. If it is blocked in other places, it will definitely sneak in and listen to what bad things we are discussing. But this place is the main home of the main god system, and it will waste a lot of it. Strength, and we are in a more dangerous situation, it will think that we have borrowed part of the power of the main god system to save our lives."

He paused, then added with a smile.

"That is to say, the two of us can do anything here without worrying about someone peeping."

Qi Yu: "..."

The front is quite serious, how can you say that you can open it when you have a yellow accent.

And there is no evidence of him driving!

Qi Yu glared at him angrily, Xie Shao stopped the hand before it pinched the soft flesh around his waist, and pinched it in his hand.

"I can't do it! I'm a wounded person now!"

The wounded fart!

Qi Yu slandered him from the bottom of his heart, calling himself a wounded soldier even if his face was bruised, it was so hypocritical. But after his hand was pinched, he didn't struggle, he just put his hand in his hand, with an expression that the young master is ready, you hurry up and get down to business.

Xie Shao squeezed his hand with a smile and interlocked his fingers, and then said seriously: "I need your help."

Qi Yu asked, "Help what?"

"Help me kill the game."

Qi Yu: "..."

Qi Yu opened his eyes wide, looking in shock at the guy who dropped a huge bomb all of a sudden.

"You..." He subconsciously swallowed, "Have you ever weighed the two of us?"

Isn't this to die

The two of them are playing heads-up, even with the main god system as a helper...

Wait a moment!

Qi Yu: "Do you want me to help you, or help you with the main god system?"

"All of them," Xie Shao raised his eyebrows appreciatively, "over the years, as the game has attracted more and more players, it has conquered more and more dungeons, and the main god system is almost overwhelmed."

"Before, all the copy NPCs were simulated by the game, or they were obtained from the main god system. But there are fewer and fewer brave guys like me, and it has begun to lack NPCs."

"According to common sense, when he gets rid of the main god system, it is the time to draw those who dare to be tough with him from the players and become NPCs. Moreover, his running program is getting bigger and bigger, and he wants to swallow the main god system. Digestion also requires energy, maybe in the near future, he will start the plundering mode."

Qi Yu asked: "What is the predatory mode?"

"It is to find a place like this dungeon, where it needs energy. There is no limit on the number of people and dangers. Throw all of you in and let you find a way to get the energy."

"When necessary, it will open the item exchange mode in the system mall, and it is very likely that it will also open the exchange, allowing those players to exchange for some bloodlines or abilities that can increase power."

Qi Yu: "...Why does this sound a bit like the ability of the main god system?"

"This is its own." Xie Shao shrugged, "The game has not opened this, not because it picks, but because it thinks it can't do it."

"It was originally just a game system, and it was more about entertainment. It is said that it used to be a guest star in the fast-travel system, the scumbag system, etc. Later, it developed and grabbed a few copies of the game that can be recycled. It gradually became stronger. .Later, it got lucky and picked up a seriously injured main god system, and then it became what you saw."

Qi Yu's expression suddenly became very complicated: "... Is their system circle so bloody?"

Xie Shao sighed: "It is said that the disciplined Zhenger Bajing system will not do this, but this game system is obviously the bold and fierce one in the system. If it is really about identity... it should be a subject. A wanted murderer."

Qi Yu: "..."

Why are they so miserable...

Actually fell in love with this murderer.

"Then..." Qi Yu continued to ask with some doubts, "Then why can he still drag people in without any scruples? If he is wanted, their system circle should also monitor this kind of dragging people in and out, right? Just like the one in our world, customs import and export?"

Xie Shao: "..."

He looked at Qi Yu with the expression on his face that you are so smart.

"The game's way of pulling people is being monitored. He has no way to pull people from his own normal channels, unless he wants to be arrested, please go sing tears behind bars."

Qi Yu: "...then why?"

Xie Shao: "Because it uses the pull permit of the main god system."

Qi Yu: "..."

The main god system is really a miserable system.

It doesn't matter that they are going to be eaten soon, the people in their hands have been dragged to do coolies, and the certificates they got now are also taken away for use. It feels like driving with someone else's car and driver's license. The car that crashes in the end belongs to someone else, and the points deducted are also someone else's...

Once again, the main god system is really miserable.

So, with such a miserable main god system, what should I do if I want his help

Qi Yu told Xie Shao honestly that in terms of combat effectiveness, he could only abuse a few ordinary people who hadn't been trained. He had no money or props, so it was hard to really help.

"It can help," Xie Shao lowered his head and rubbed against Qi Yu, looking at the red cotton thread hanging around his neck, which was very obvious, he repeated his words again.


"In this world, the only person who can help me is you."

Qi Yu was lying in Xie Shao's arms, hearing what he said, he felt very upset that he didn't come. But if I really wanted to think about where this discomfort came from, and couldn't think of a reason, I had to give up temporarily, and said like Ye Jing: "You say that, I have to wonder if there is something special about me that I don't know. capable."

"Could it be that I'm that unique kind of heaven's favored one, the savior who is destined to save the world?"

"Yes, yes, you are amazing."

Xie Shao nodded earnestly in agreement, but his expression was very unserious, and it looked like he was talking nonsense, so Qi Yu couldn't help but hit him with his hands.

No one knows, he added a sentence in his heart.

"You are not the savior of the world, you are my salvation."

After a while of silence, Xie Shao briefly told Qi Yu about the plan from the main god system. Rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry, let alone the existence of the main god system, who once climbed to the top of the system circle, even if it dissipates, it will not let the game swallow him so thoroughly, so...

Fight to the death, it's about to start.

The main god system will show its power over the years and fight the game well. This is a battle between big bosses and big bosses. Qi Yu and the others can't intervene, but they can still run logistics.

Before the battle started, when the enemy was out in the dark, the two of them had to help go to another dungeon to collect a share of energy that was hidden by the main god system.

With that wave of energy, the main god system is like a shrew holding a butcher's knife, ready to kill the game at any time. But if not, it is very likely to be beaten up by the game carrying a stick, although it does not mean that it cannot be counter-killed, it is just... the price paid is relatively high and the risk is relatively high.

Therefore, their next dungeon goal is to pick up equipment for the main god system.

Be a diligent support staff.

Qi Yu tried to raise his hand: "I have one last question."

Xie Shao: "What?"

"It, can you trust it?" Qi Yu narrowed his eyes solemnly, with a sad expression on his face, "Although I know it can hear it, I still want to ask here, how can such a thing be cooked by a cunning rabbit and a dog? happened?"

"Xie Shao, you must have been drawn in by it at the beginning, right?"

"You don't have to worry about that," Xie Shao rubbed Qi Yu's head with a smile, and threw his hair like a chicken coop, "Although the main god system was a bastard at the beginning, it is still much better than the game, and it is a law-abiding one .The things it promises, or the rules it sets, will be stubbornly run, and there will be no backlash.”

"I have already negotiated with it. If we win, we will release all the players and have a big clearance."

"And..." Xie Shao approached Qi Yu, and whispered in his ear with a seemingly low voice, but it was not concealed, and the voice could be heard by the main god system, saying: "I still have the handle of the main god system in my hand." , with that handle, it can't attack me at all!"

Main God System: "..."

If it's not impossible, it really wants to beat Xie Shao up!

Qi Yu was amused by Xie Shao, and the two of them decided to cheat the game just like that. From the beginning to the end, Xie Shao never worried that Qi Yu would not agree to him, and Qi Yu didn't feel that Xie Shao was lying to him, and the two of them didn't even worry about how to get out of here.

As a normal person, Qi Yu was actually worried at the beginning, but...he forgot to ask while chatting.

The stone that had stopped shaking began to shake again, and the stone powder fell down like no money. Qi Yu's mouth was covered with paste, his eyes narrowed, and he quickly turned on the game light screen to send a message to Tang Yu.

"Tang Yu!!!"

"You tell the construction team above to be gentle! If the earthquake collapses, it will really be cold!"

Tang Yu, the contractor holding a shovel and struggling on the front line of digging stones, saw the light screen jump out, subconsciously stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyes, and was accidentally rubbed in by the dust on his hand. After screaming, he looked around for water. .

After finally finding the water, he scrunched his eyes a little, and immediately half-closed his eyes to send Qi Yu a message.

"Fish! Are you still alive? Damn, I thought you guys were going to die, and tears flowed a lot. How are you doing down there? Are you not injured? Can you hold on? Then Hold on for a while, we will soon be able to dig through here!"

"Alive, with sound limbs. Don't let those bastards send me any thank you words, I'm not cold yet!"

Tang Yu:? ?

Thank you

Um? What the hell

"You bastards are actually lazy!"

Tang Yu's roar was heard far away.

Ye Jing scratched his head, wanting to tell this guy who was obsessed with planing rocks that the collapsed area over there is not big enough, two dragons planing back and forth is enough momentum, they found out after trying to help for a while...

There was a danger of being trampled to death, so many people went back to help carry food. If you ask the dragon to help with the work, you must get someone something to eat, right

Originally, I planned to go and return quickly, so I just brought the raw meat over. Now that Qi Yu and the others are safe, they can move some barbecue grills or something!

He wanted to eat it before!

Can the fire dragon barbecue continue its glory? !

The two dragons who were digging the stone had no time to care what the humans below were doing. They were arguing quietly while working. One said that you, a pedophile, don't want to take a step closer to my son, and the other said that he will be an adult soon, why is he a pedophile, and he can wait until he is an adult before pursuing him.

Yanyue was furious: "Don't even think about it, my son won't be with you, a black charcoal dragon!"

Hei Ming: "There are no absolutes in the world. What are you so sure about? As long as I pursue it patiently, I may be able to impress him. You feudal old lady dragon doesn't understand our young dragon!"

Granny Dragon

Yanyue wanted to pick up the stone in her hand and throw it out on the spot, but seeing her good son, she decided to put up with it, in case the two buried below were killed, her good son might really cry .

If you can’t fight, how can you vent your anger on yourself

With an idea, Yanyue suddenly turned her head and shouted: "Huohuo, lift up your skirt and show him, and tell him that you are a real male dragon!"

The misunderstanding of seeing your gender and expressing wrong feelings will be exposed for you!

Let's see how you keep chasing!

Charmander: "..."