The Escape Game BOSS is Pregnant with my Child

Chapter 68: Has the game started yet?


Since they were all tied up on the same boat, they were considered their own. After Xie Shao warned everyone not to run around and fight at will, he took Qi Yu to his room.

The captain's room is much taller than other rooms, at least there are quilts and books, it looks like a normal person's room, and there is a small window from the side of the ship, which can see half of the sea.

The place they were in was still about two hours away from the center of the Misty Sea, which meant that they had quite a while to discuss the program of the audition and even conduct rough rehearsals.

But Xie Shao and Qi Yu had no intention of rehearsing at all. On the surface, they were using food to suppress the shock and have fun while suffering, but they were actually communicating with bees and enjoying the food by the way.

[Qi Yu: Does the change in this dungeon have something to do with the main god system?]

It is a waste of energy to change the main line of the entire dungeon and change the dungeon to a completely different state from its original state. And it also needs to be connected to other dungeons for a live broadcast. If there is no reason for such a big deal, the stingy player in the game will never agree.

You can see that the command was deleted in the last dungeon for the sake of ordering spirit stones. This time, it was suddenly so rich, and when you think about the fact that the main god system said that the two of them have been robbing each other for energy PK in private, then this time the rectification is 100% Ninety has something to do with the fight between the two of them.

And it is true.

[Xie Shao: This is probably the last battle between the two of them. The main god system has drawn all its energy, preparing for the final battle with the game. Because of the rules between the systems, they can only compete with various created rules and controlled roles. Originally, it seemed that they were going to play a battle royale or something, but in the end, for some reason, they coordinated it into a talent competition.]

Xie Shao was also very helpless about this unknown talent competition. It was the finals, and he was ready to contact other NPCs to fight the game together.

Who knew they suddenly came up with a 101 talent competition.

Is it really good that your finals are so unreliable

[Xie Shao: Dividing into odd and even groups seems a bit redundant, but it actually separates their power. Once the Lord God system is switched on, the game is switched on, and there may be some private battles at that time. Have you bought all the props?]

[Qi Yu: I bought five pieces, and I can basically buy all the functions I want, but I really can't find them. Items with that kind of function, even if some players got them, would never sell them.]

Substitute death refers to props that can replace players and resist death attacks.

This kind of prop that is almost a life is of course very precious. Xie Shao only mentioned it at the time, and didn't expect Qi Yu to buy it, so he just nodded calmly after hearing what he said.

[Xie Shao: It's okay, I got one from the main god system, and I'll put it on for you later.]

The two of them had already discussed it in the last dungeon, and asked Qi Yu to exchange points for props as much as possible after they came out, not low-level ones, but special props with magical effects.

This kind of props are often expensive, and it is difficult for a single player to afford them, but Qi Yu has earned a lot of points by playing with Xie Shao. If this game had a wealth leaderboard, he would already be at the top of the list, so he almost bought all the high-priced goods in the market by himself, causing players to say that there is a group of big bosses who are going to open a nightmare dungeon, so we are Crazy buying props.

Qi Yu squatted in the forum and watched them make a bunch of messy guesses. He happily forgot about his empty wallet and felt that these guys should really write.

Among other things, the brain hole must be top-notch!

He cheerfully told Xie Shao about those things as excitement, but he realized something was wrong halfway through the talk, reopened the chat box and looked, and couldn't help blurting out a shit.

Xie Shao looked over suspiciously, holding a gnawed fried chicken leg in his hand.

"What's wrong?"

"It's okay," Qi Yu squeezed out a smile, "I just remembered that I seem to have forgotten to take the fruit I packed before I came out."

What fruit is not fruit? He just reacted suddenly. Because chatting in the chat box, it feels strange for you to sit face to face and not speak, so the two of them have been chatting with two minds, talking about buying props by themselves, and things in the forum are not secrets, so Qi Yu opened his mouth naturally Chatted.

I didn't react at this moment, and I was shocked if I didn't look at it again.

What Xie Shao meant was that this was a team of two different camps, odd and even. When did the main god system have so many people? Hasn't it always been a polished commander

Qi Yu expressed his doubts to Xie Shao, Xie Shao held back his smile and explained to him.

[The main god system is not a fool, how could it not recruit players to help. The rules of the game are cruel, many players will die due to insufficient points, the game wants them to die, and the main god system will follow behind.]

[Observe some more potential ones, calculate the points for him is not enough, can't get out of the dungeon, it will be cold on the spot, send an invitation to enter the pit, even if you have successfully stolen the younger brother.]

Qi Yu: "..."

I thought you were the main god who was cold and disdainful of others, but I didn't expect you to do this kind of thing with a wicked look. This is really... so witty!

Suddenly changing from a two-person battle to a team battle, Qi Yu was very happy to reward himself with a big chicken leg, with golden crispy skin, and it clicked when bitten down, it was amazing!

A smell of fried food radiated out along the air, making the few players outside who were scratching their heads wondering if playing cards counted as a talent show almost couldn't hold back their saliva.

Why would someone bring fried chicken into the dungeon!

Aren't you afraid of any dangerous existence that the fragrance will attract


The Misty Sea lives up to its name, it is just foggy. Fortunately, the ghost ship drives automatically after Xie Shao enters the location, so there is no need to worry about getting lost.

Qi Yu and Xie Shao wiped out the food that didn't have a long shelf life, and drank some good wine hidden by the skeletons. The taste is actually not bad, like a very full-bodied wine, but the color is magically golden yellow.

In order to express his gratitude, Qi Yu generously gave the two bottles of fat house water he had prepared to the skeletons. They looked very happy and said that they would definitely taste it.

Qi Yu was actually very curious about how they tasted, but he didn't have time to observe, because—they had already reached the center of the misty sea.

There is no fog in the central area, as if a large bowl came down from the sky, dividing this place into a super large circular fog-free field.

Standing on the deck, looking out, you can see a bunch of broken ghost ships floating on the blue sea. There are also a bunch of skeletons and humans crowded on the ship, looking at other people curiously.

"Welcome to the venue of the Ghost Ship Talent 101 competition. Please follow the instructions to stop the boat and wait for the competition to start."

Plastic speakers floated up in the air, with a green tag hanging behind their buttocks, wandering around happily. In addition to instructing to stop the boat, various voices will be played:

"Please obey the order, don't fight, don't practice dancing, don't sing."

"Don't litter anywhere."

"If you have any props needed to show your talents, you can scan the QR code to follow and place an order with one click."

"The shopping mall supports point purchases, and you can get a mysterious little gift when you spend 100, come and buy it quickly."

Qi Yu was dumbfounded.

If it wasn't for the crowd of skeletons crowded beside it, he would almost have thought it was some kind of large gathering.

Is this too commercial

He subconsciously looked at Xie Shao, and found that this guy had already grabbed a speaker and started scanning codes.

"There are quite a lot of things in this shopping mall," Xie Shao was a little surprised, "Yuyu, shall we cook snail noodles tonight?"

Qi Yu: "???"

What kind of weird things are sold in this mall

He went up to take a look, and found out that this is not a shopping mall, it is simply a Taobao. The game guy... among other things, is an absolute genius when it comes to business and stinginess.

There are still some points left. Although it is not enough to buy props, it is definitely enough to buy some snacks. Qi Yu had an idea, bowed his head and said a few words to Xie Shao, and then they started buying, buying and buying in a particularly bold manner. Soon, a mixed smell of food was emitted from the ghost ship.

At twelve o'clock, a screen suddenly appeared above the heads of all the ships.

With a burst of impassioned music, a colorful artistic word, "Ghost Ship Talent 101", slowly emerged at the bottom of the screen in a PPT production method that gradually slowed down and added a little jump.

Also bring a small fireworks.

The fireworks looked like they came out of a winning Spider Solitaire game, very rudimentary.

Immediately afterwards, a round gold ingot rolled in from the edge, and the sound of the game sounded.

"Hi everyone, I am the host of this talent competition."

"Welcome everyone to watch Ghost Ship Talent 101, sponsored by 365 dungeons such as Little Attic of Horror, Second Mental Hospital, Little Red Riding Hood and Snow White, and Duke of Vampire, etc."

"All the contestants are ready to continue, and we will determine the order of performances by drawing lots. I believe that everyone is already looking forward to the next wonderful performance, so without further ado, let's watch... a period of nearly half an hour Hours of commercials!"

Everyone: ""

What the hell is a half-hour commercial! ! ! !